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近年来,计算机模型的广泛运用是国际科学教育的一个重要趋势,相关研究十分繁荣。文章阐述了国外科学教育中计算机模型若干研究领域的新进展,主要涉及基于计算机模型的学习研究、教学研究、评价研究以及教师研究等方面,在此基础上提出对我国相关研究的启示。  相似文献   

在上海市二期课改的进行中,增设了拓展型与研究型(探究型)课程等新的课程模式,相应地对教师提出了新的要求.如何帮助教师尽快地理解改革的新理念,适应改革的需要,承担起改革的重任,已成为教师教育的当务之急.本项目研究正是从当前新形势下教师教育面临的新问题出发,试图利用学习科学的研究成果,从共建教师发展的开放学习环境着手,探索一种新的学习型、参与型的教师教育模式.该模式的主要特点是立足真实活动,在教师与学生共同参与的过程中,在与社会的积极交往中,在整合各种形式的资源中,以主题性网络为中介,帮助教师学会学习,在学习中成长,在学习中发展.  相似文献   

库伯的经验学习模式是在杜威、勒温、皮亚杰思想理论的基础上发展起来的。库伯将经验学习模式描述为四个阶段:(1)具体经验;(2)反思与观察;(3)抽象概念化;(4)积极实践。库伯认为学习者应在这四个阶段中往复循环,从而产生不断上升的复杂体的学习螺旋。由于成年学习者的经验更加丰富,因此库伯的经验学习环模式更加适用于成年学习者。在成人经验学习的四个阶段中,教师的工作是引导成年学习者在每个水平上发展、拓展他们的话题。  相似文献   

A significant contention underpinning the commentary around STEM / STEAM is the evidence of discipline hierarchies, and inherent binary perspectives and/or biases that lend themselves to privileging one or more disciplines over another in an interdisciplinary education context. The current focus on increasing engagement with STEM in Australian schools provides opportunities to explore how the creative and liberal arts, and arts‐based approaches to teaching and learning are being adopted to significantly enhance teaching and learning outcomes in and for STEM education. This article examines how design for a STEAM education programme evolves and is adopted in an Australian context. Tasmania represents one of the most vibrant creative communities in Australia. At the same time it has one of the lowest levels of educational attainment. Entrenched teaching habits and disciplinary hierarchies often create significant barriers to the implementation of STEAM despite genuine goodwill and enthusiasm for STEAM among teachers and within schools. This article argues that, despite the contrasting dynamics extant in the Tasmanian educational context, it is here that some of the nation’s most curious and exciting examples of STEAM teaching and learning have emerged. It offers an example of an innovative learning project and proposes the means by which these disciplinary strands have been effectively entwined.  相似文献   

科学教育范式的转变是我国小学科学教育体制改革的重要内容。该文通过对科学教育范式的界定,具体分析了传统科学教育范式与现代科学教育的差异,进而深入探讨了不同科学教育范式对小学科学教育的影响,最后通过结合小学科学教育实际,归纳了范式转型过程中,我国小学科学教育的发展对策。  相似文献   


Facilitating students’ deep-strategy behaviors and positive learning performances of science inquiry is an important and challenging educational issue. In this study, a contextual science inquiry approach is proposed for developing a 3D experiential game to cope with this problem. To evaluate the impacts of the game on students’ science learning approaches, learning achievements and problem-solving awareness as well as the learning behavioral patterns of the students with different learning achievements, a quasi-experiment was conducted in an elementary school geoscience course. The participants were two classes of sixth graders. One class was the experimental group who learned with the 3D experiential game, and the other was the control group who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. The experimental results showed that the students learning with the 3D experiential gaming system showed better learning achievements, problem-solving tendency, deep learning strategies, and deep learning motive than those who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. Moreover, the higher-achievement students showed more behavioral patterns of deep learning strategies than the lower-achievement students. The findings of this study provide a good reference for helping lower-achievement students improve their learning performance.  相似文献   

Experiential learning is often seen as a central component of social education and pastoral programmes such as peer mediation; but the precise nature of experience as an educational, social and pedagogic/cultural process in schools is complex. This paper uses the notion of experiential learning to explore the impact of a peer mediation programme in a transforming integrated school in Northern Ireland. The programme was intended to mainstream the involvement of pupils in the process of creating a more integrated school ethos and was implemented by youth workers working as members of the school staff.
The paper begins with a review of the theoretical basis of experience as educational. This is followed by an interpretative review of the results of a survey of pupils' attitudes to peer mediation and semi-structured interviews with pupils and school and project staff about their perception of the impact of the programme on ideas of social learning. One issue is the extent to which developing pupils' capacity for interactive dialogue can be seen as an experiential process, like learning a foreign language – hence 'peace talk'. Another is the process by which the perception of peer mediation training as 'experiential' constituted an enabling 'pedagogic discourse' which legitimized the programme for teachers and affirmed its beneficial impact on pupils.  相似文献   

针对小学科学概念教学中出现的问题,在对学生前概念调查的基础上,该研究基于思维建模的思想,选取典型的迷失概念作为研究内容,设计相应的建模软件,并进行实证研究,最终探究一种适合小学生的思维建模学习方式。  相似文献   

国外计算机模型建构支持下的学习者为中心的科学学习研究启示中国的科学教育工作者引进与开发模型建构工具;尝试科学课程与模型建构的整合;关注引入模型方法教学的教师培训与支持;引入多种手段来评价学生的学习成果。  相似文献   

Grounded in the theoretical approaches of experiential learning and inquiry‐based learning, adventure learning (AL) is a hybrid distance education approach that seeks to transform the experiences of students by having learners explore real‐world issues and pursue answers to their own questions in an authentic, anchor‐based environment. In this article we present a theoretical overview of AL, provide a brief summary of recently examined AL impacts in the classroom, and use a phenomenological lens to examine the experience of an educator/explorer who traveled by dogsled over 3000 miles across the Arctic to engage students and teachers from around the world in a truly authentic learning context. We conclude by offering recommendations for teachers who wish to embark on their own unique AL experiences with their students (without necessarily having to travel to the Arctic).  相似文献   

科学教育中的探究教学模式发展述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,伴随着强调以“科学探究”为核心的科学教育改革,世界范围内形成并发展了一些有代表性的科学探究教学模式。“学习环”模式和随后对学习环模式的修订以及由此发展出的数学模式,基本体现了强调科学探究的教学思想的发展过程。近年来的一些研究者仍然在探索新的科学探究教学模式。国际科学教育中的探究教学模式及其发展对于我国的科学教育改革具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

笔者通过实地考察发现:英国小学科学课堂教学既有采用"建构式探究"教学模式的,也有采用"接受式探究"教学模式的.此外,近年来英国小学科学教育改革还采取了多项有效的政策性措施,如通过立法确立小学科学课程在国家义务教育课程中的核心地位;教师职前教育中注重培养小学教师的科学教学能力;国家建立"科学学习中心",提高在职教师的专业化水平;在教学过程中普遍采用"学习性评价",使评价与教学合二为一,以此提高探究教学的效率和质量,等等.  相似文献   

EARTHWATCH expeditions provide teachers with opportunities to work side-by-side with leading scientists, engage first-hand in scientific discovery, use innovative technology, and renew their commitment to teaching. Educators join international EARTHWATCH teams, consisting of members of the public and a research staff, to explore the intricacies of tropical and dry forests, to unearth remains from the past, to monitor endangered ecosystems and species, and to understand the cultural heritage of our world's peoples. EARTHWATCH, an international non-profit organization, sponsors more than 150 research projects in over 55 countries each year. At work in the field, EARTHWATCH teams revel in the mysteries of science and delight in the thrill of discovery. Hands-on scientific investigations inspire teachers to return to their classrooms with enlightened teaching ideas and a strong commitment to global conservation. Working closely with their students, teachers develop innovative classroom projects using the latest technology to promote international sharing of EARTHWATCH project information and subsequent lesson ideas via the Internet. Engaging the reader in six case studies, the following chapter highlights the educational potential of EARTHWATCH and the impact of technology as an innovative teaching tool in the field and the classroom.  相似文献   

以设计为基础的手工制作具有交叉架构在艺术和科学两个领域之上的特点,教师选择合适的教学素材和指导策略,给幼儿一定的探索空间,能有效促进幼儿的全面发展。  相似文献   

幼儿科学教育日益受到关注与重视,而教师在组织科学教育活动的过程中则存在着诸多的困惑与问题。本文从教师的实践需求出发,对幼儿科学活动中的“探究”进行了解读,并对幼儿科学教育活动内容的选择、科学教育活动中的“科学性”问题、核心科学概念以及科学探究活动的过程等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

学习兴趣是学生学习动机的重要心理因素.在科学教学中如何激发学生的学习兴趣,充分发挥学生的主观能动作用,以提高教学质量,是值得科学教师探讨的重要课题.本文结合初中科学课程改革的特点及其学生心理发展特征,从创设教学情景、鼓励学生探究、学以致用、师生情感等四个方面探讨了激发学生的学习兴趣的教学策略.  相似文献   

随着国家基础教育课程改革向纵深方向发展,基于探究的科学教学已越来越被广大教师认同,并作为一种教学模式被教师所掌握,但在实际的科学教学中还存在着许多偏差。文章基于教师的角度,试图从传统的科学教学、学生学习科学以及探究性教学等方面来论述基于探究的科学教学的一些特点,并指出了教师应该努力的方向。  相似文献   

Teaching for diversity and social justice is the teaching of complex abstract ideas about privilege and oppression, such as the social construction of social groups and identity. An effective way to teach this material is with experiential learning, but this approach requires much more than exercises and activities. Courses must be consciously structured to emphasize both the elements and cycle of experiential learning, as well as attending to critical thinking and the potential for cognitive dissonance. An example of this process from an undergraduate course is presented to demonstrate course construction, experiential learning strategies, and initial outcomes.  相似文献   

Scratch是麻省理工学院针对儿童设计开发的程序编写语言与环境,目的是让儿童在创作体验中学习编程、表达自己的想法。依据美国学者大卫.库伯的体验学习圈理论,作者提出"模仿制作一观察反思一概括知识点一自主创作"的教学活动模式,并在金华师范附属小学进行教学实践,结果表明,体验学习圈视角下的Scratch程序设计教学在激发学生兴趣,有效学习编程,培养逻辑思维和创造力方面效果显著。  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1995, the University of Western Sydney at Hawkesbury (formerly Hawkesbury Agricultural College) in Richmond, New South Wales, Australia, pioneered an innovative undergraduate degree in Systems Agriculture based on experiential education, systems thinking, and adult learning theory. Today this program is in trouble and has reverted back to a more traditional teacher-directed approach. This article discusses the rise of the innovative education paradigm at Hawkesbury, the unique Systems Agriculture program itself, and its eventual decline. Reasons for both the shift to innovative education and its eventual downfall are explored. Implications for institutions of higher education contemplating innovative educational approaches are suggested.
Thomas F. Patterson Jr.Email:

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