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师生关系背后隐含着社会的经济、政治、道德、法律等多种关系。它有三个层次的基础:教育教学原本的目的和功能,是师生关系的本质性和根源性基础;教育教学主体的价值取向,是师生关系阶级性和时代性的基础;教育教学客观规律,是师生教育教学活动关系科学性的基础。任何脱离或部分脱离这三个层次基础的师生关系,都是不应当的、不稳固的。我国当代师生关系应当全面构建在这三层次基础之上。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化进程中的公平问题   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
高等教育资源短缺、供给不足是长期以来制约我国高等教育公平的主要瓶颈,推进高等教育大众化是增进高等教育公平的必然选择;与此同时,在大众化进程中要落实科学发展观,把增进高等教育公平作为基本价值取向之一,解决好大众化进程中的快慢节奏问题、区域平衡问题和多元办学问题。  相似文献   

This article considers the value of clarity – of theory, method and purposes – in educational research. It draws upon the work of early critical theorist, Theodor Adorno, and particularly his notion of negative dialectics and his challenge to the traditional dichotomy of theory and practice. Using the notions of virtuous mess and wicked clarity, I argue that we need to accept the messy, contingent nature of the social world we research. I further suggest that it then follows that such research can and should influence and change that world. The researcher is necessarily part of the world she researches and, once one accepts that, it is hard to sustain ethical or political isolation; it is hard to ignore the struggle.  相似文献   

当前,中国教育学研究已经出现了诸如问题取向、实践取向和人文取向等新取向,这是教育学新的发展契机,对高等教育研究也有着同样的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Given concerns for a severely diminished childhood experience of nature, coupled with alarm for a rapidly diminishing global biodiversity, this article considers the potential for childhood nature experience to be an important part of biodiversity understanding. Findings from two studies are integrated and presented as windows into childhood nature experience to illuminate important aspects of sensory rich learning. In one study from Sweden, semi-structured interviews with adults were conducted and analyzed to explore an understanding of the sensory experience of childhood collecting in nature via participant memories. In the second study, direct observations of children’s play and exploration in an outdoor kindergarten in Norway were conducted and analyzed. Bringing these two studies together for shared analysis is useful for investigating biodiversity experience and understanding. Analysis supports the idea that the experience of biodiversity, actual childhood interaction with variation and diversity with living and nonliving items from nature allows children important learning opportunities, inclusive of biodiversity understanding. The results support practical implications for sensory rich environmental education and underscores the practical importance of childhood access to nature.  相似文献   

论教育研究的中国经验与中国知识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国教育研究的本土论的问题,归根到底是教育研究的知识论和方法论的问题。教育研究中的“中国研究”,即强调中国人、中国社会、中国文化及中国教育自主性的教育研究,“中国人及其文化传统”成为中国教育经验与教育知识的可能性的基本前提,也是其存在的根基所在。中国经验与中国知识的存在形态,主要包括文本性存在、生命性存在和过程性存在。提出“教育研究的中国经验与中国知识”的命题,其宗旨和意义,一是追寻以“中国人”为基点的教育研究;二是为人类教育学界作出中国人的贡献。当代中国教育知识界对人类教育学界的贡献,体现在基础理论、基本实践以及理论与实践的双向转化、双向构成等方面。  相似文献   

Existing literature is polarized and primarily conceptual on the topic of student-customer orientation. Research into this phenomenon has failed to realize that higher education as such consists of several different educational experiences and has therefore addressed and studied the issue at too general a level, i.e. at the level of the higher education institution (HEI) as a whole, not at the level of educational experiences that an HEI provides. Based on a validated model of educational experiences, validated student-customer orientation questionnaire [Koris, R., & Nokelainen, P. (in press Koris, R., & Nokelainen, P. (in press). The student-customer orientation questionnaire (SCOQ): Application of customer metaphor to higher education. International Journal of Educational Management. [Google Scholar]). The student-customer orientation questionnaire (SCOQ): Application of customer metaphor to higher education. International Journal of Educational Management] and a survey conducted among business students (N?=?405) in Estonia, the aim of this article is to identify whether in which categories of educational experience and to what extent students expect an HEI to be student-customer oriented. The results of the study show that students expect to be treated as customers in some, but not all categories of educational experience that an HEI offers.  相似文献   

教育政策伦理:内涵与基本问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育政策作为教育机会、教育资源分配或调节的规定和规则,直接关系到千家万户的切身利益。如何分配、何种分配是"公正的"或"善的",诸如此类的现实问题都强烈地要求教育政策实践从伦理学的角度予以回应与答复。因此,加强教育政策伦理研究,从伦理学的维度对教育政策中所蕴含的"道德性"或"公正性"予以论证与追问,无论对于提升教育政策实践的决策质量与伦理品性,还是对于拓宽教育政策的理论基础和创新教育政策的研究视角,都将具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This essay explores the historiography of American and European education, considering how educational historians communicate powerful messages about the purposes and promises of schooling through their writing. I divide the historiography of American education into four interpretive traditions: traditionalism, radical revisionism, progressive revisionism, and plural revisionism. Each phase of the historiography, I argue, has supported particular myths about the relationship between public schooling and society. European historians have shared many of the interpretive assumptions contained within traditionalist, radical revisionist, and progressive revisionist scholarship, conveying similar myths to their US counterparts. Contemporary histories of European education, however, are distinct from recent histories of the US. In comparing the divergent trajectories of these two historiographies, I conclude by suggesting the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary scholarship in both fields, an assessment derived from a review of the underlying myths conveyed by each history. Recent US scholarship remains committed to narrative and draws attention to the educational experiences of marginalised groups. Scholarship on European education, in contrast, has explicitly embraced theoretical interpretive frameworks while also giving less attention to schooling on the margins. At the same time, many European histories of education have maintained a critical view of schooling, while some recent scholarship within the US has de-emphasised this connection, echoing older interpretive traditions and tacitly reinforcing faith in the ameliorative potential of public education.  相似文献   

高等职业教育作为高等教育一种新的类型,在高等教育大发展的短短五年里,已经成为我国高等教育的"半壁江山"。高等职业教育的迅猛发展,不仅远远超前于办学条件的发展,而且也使得高等职业教育的理论准备略显滞后,因此在高职教育的性质、定位以及特色建设等方面都存在一些模糊的认识和做法。通过把高职院校置于高等职业教育系统、高等教育系统以及社会系统的三个系统中进行分析,提出了高等职业教育的八个性质、八个定位和八个特色建设的问题,并进一步讨论了它们的内涵及内在联系。  相似文献   

师生关系是社会生活中人际关系在学校中的反映。当前我国学校师生关系中,强调伦理关系过多,而师生关系用法律规范不足,我国现行法律,对学校教师与学生的权利及义务规定的不明确、细致。师生关系走向法治化是社会主义市场经济条件下,教育发展的客观要求,教师应更新观念,依法执教,建立良好的师生关系,促进学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the idea of exemplarity in relation to educational research and teacher education. Exemplarity is introduced as an alternative to the paradigm of evidence and ‘what works’, which seems to be omnipresent in educational research at present. The idea of exemplarity relates to the particularity of educational practice. The claim of this article is that we need to skew the dominance of functionalistic studies of education, which focus on skills and solutions to problems, or on providing quick fixes and methods to be applied in practice. I will argue that this tactic shuts down interpretive spaces and gives the teacher an illusion of simplicity and efficacy that connects poorly with the complexities of pedagogical practice. Exemplarity provides a different way of answering the question of ‘what works’, since it does not claim generalisability, but instead offers a path to reflective engagement with the complexities of educational processes. The idea of exemplarity highlights how educators can be invited to lend an ear to practical experience and pedagogical theorising, and through these develop their tact and reflective abilities through exemplars that display pedagogical principles. This, in turn, offers the possibility of retuning one’s practice, and in the scope of this article, retuning educational research itself.  相似文献   

Environmental education and the issue of nature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much official environmental education policy in the UK and elsewhere makes scant reference to nature as such, and the issue of our underlying attitude towards it is rarely addressed. For the most part such policy is pre‐occupied with the issue of meeting ‘sustainably’ what are taken to be present and future human needs. This paper considers several issues posed by this anthropocentric approach and explores the view that environmental education—indeed any education—worthy of the name needs to bring a range of searching questions concerning nature to the attention of learners, and to encourage them to develop their own on‐going responses to those questions. It is argued that our present environmental predicament not only provides an exciting opportunity to re‐focus education on the issue of human relationship to nature, but also requires the exploration of this issue for its long‐term resolution. Extensive implications for the curriculum and the culture of the school are raised.  相似文献   


This study investigates the educational thought of Confucius with focus on the educational relationship in the Analects, which is a historical text that defines the foundations of Confucianism. The first part of the investigation examines Confucius’ concept of the educational relationship and how it is characterized with a dialogical spirit, which consists of worldly and secular human-orientedness, co-existentiality as a fundamental principle for educational practice, and dialogue to become an ideal ruler through self-discipline. The second stage of this study further examines the spirit of dialogue in the Analects with consideration of its historical–cultural context. Through this process, the study unravels the historical and cultural limitations of original Confucian educational thought for modern society and proposes a possible way to reengage Confucius’ educational value in today’s modern educational context.  相似文献   

Changing ideas about the role of early education increasingly point toward universal preschool education for all children. This discussion examines issues concerning the long-term effects of preschool experiences and suggests that the value of early education will vary as a function of a matrix of factors including program quality, the vulnerability of individual children, and family needs. The achievements and limitations of evaluation research are described within the context of possible deleterious effects of preschool education. Emphasis is given to the importance of developing ideographic methods of study to achieve more valid assessments of children's response to early education.  相似文献   

The paper positions education and learning in the context of Gilles Deleuze's ethico-political philosophy oriented to becoming-other amidst experiences and events. Deleuze's unorthodox affective epistemology is inseparable from ethics in terms of real-life consequences at the level of practice. The paper presents the critical and clinical analysis of experiential events as texts comprising a mode of the informal pedagogy in terms of creating new concepts, meanings, and values for experience. The logic of sense foregrounds ethical evaluations of experience with regard to multiple directions we might take in novel situations, which disrupt common sense with problems that do not yet yield answers as univocal and unidirectional solutions. The paper conceptualizes a model of the new ethics of integration as a follow-up to the ethics of care in education informed by the relational self-other dynamics and moral interdependence.  相似文献   


This paper presents a systematic structured review of recent research that explicitly adopts intersectionality as a theoretical framework to interrogate how tertiary institutions manage, cater for, include, exclude and are experienced in ways that produce advantage and disadvantage. The analysis addresses the following questions: Within research that uses intersectionality, what aspects of the HE context are the focus? What methodologies are employed and how do these contribute to the production of knowledge? What vectors of identity are included? We find that gender appeared as the primary identity with which other dimensions of difference were combined to produce intersectional positions. Furthermore, case study and auto-ethnographic designs were primary approaches. This systematic literature review of 50 papers demonstrates that, when considering the workings of multiple systems of (dis)advantage, academic participation is intertwined with social and personal aspects of the HE experience. While intersectionality challenges the dominant instrumental view of HE, our review concludes that there is considerable work to be done to actively address the workings of intersecting systems of inequity impacting on participation and outcomes of students and faculty.  相似文献   

Fred Clarke (1880–1952) was a key figure in the internationalisation of educational studies and research in the first half of the twentieth century. Clarke aimed to heighten the ideals and develop the practices of educational studies and research through promoting mutual influences in different countries around the world. He envisaged the Institute of Education at the University of London, England, as having a leading role, and was the director of the Institute from 1936 until 1945. His notion of internationalisation was reciprocal and transnational in nature, with aspirations for partnership within a common tradition. This built on the ideal of a “Commonwealth” that was current in the interwar years, and emphasised the affinities between the dominion nations and in particular Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It also drew on the financial support and cultural influence of the Carnegie Corporation in New York. Two specific projects taken forward by Clarke to put these ideas into practice were his “world tour” of 1935 and his role as the “Adviser to Oversea Students” at the Institute of Education. These initiatives helped to convert strategic visions and policies into social practices, and to shape the subject of Education in higher education as a multi-disciplinary field in the generation after the Second World War.  相似文献   

教育技术学是一门综合性的学科,它包括教育科学领域和技术学科领域,并且二者之间相互交叉,“你中有我,我中有你”,导致教育技术学的研究对象———教育技术比较复杂。本文对教育技术理论研究现状进行总结,对教育技术学专业未来的出路进行一些思考,提出基于科学的教育技术、基于技术的教育技术以及基于实践的教育技术三种教育技术学本科生培养取向。  相似文献   

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