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This paper explores recent trends in the size of scientific teams and in institutional collaborations. The data derive from 2.4 million scientific papers written in 110 top U.S. research universities over the period 1981-1999. The top 110 account for a large share of published basic research conducted in the U.S. during this time.We measure team size by the number of authors on a scientific paper. Using this measure we find that team size increases by 50% over the 19-year period. We supplement team size with measures of domestic and foreign institutional collaborations, which capture the geographic dispersion of team workers. The time series evidence suggests that the trend towards more geographically dispersed scientific teams accelerates beginning with papers published at the start of the 1990s. This acceleration suggests a sharp decline in the cost of collaboration. Our hypothesis is that the decline is due to the deployment of the National Science Foundation's NSFNET and its connection to networks in Europe and Japan after 1987.Using a panel of top university departments we also find that private universities and departments whose scientists have earned prestigious awards participate in larger teams, as do departments that have larger amounts of federal funding. Placement of former graduate students is a key determinant of institutional collaborations, especially collaborations with firms and with foreign scientific institutions. Finally, the evidence suggests that scientific output and influence increase with team size and that influence rises along with institutional collaborations. Since increasing team size implies an increase in the division of labor, these results suggest that scientific productivity increases with the scientific division of labor.  相似文献   

科研创新网络中知识扩散演化机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从社会资本视角来看,创新网络中知识扩散的实质是一种社会交换,网络中的知识扩散受社会关系网络中个体位势的影响。研究从微观视角切入,探讨科研网络中的知识主体对其知识扩散的动态影响机制。选取度中心度、Bonacich Power中心度、效率结构洞、中介中心度四种SNA算法,从知识的多样性、传递路径的非确定性和平行复制三个属性对比各SNA算法所暗含的知识扩散特征,对科研网络中知识扩散机制提出假设,选取国内知识管理领域发表于1998-2011年的CSSCI数据,利用Cox比例风险模型构建生存分析模型,研究各SNA算法对该领域知识扩散演化机制的解释程度。研究发现占据"结构洞"位置和度数中心度高的权威个体在知识管理领域知识扩散中发挥最为重要的作用;该领域主要通过团队成员间的平行复制和不同团队间的知识多样化融合来实现知识的扩散与创新。  相似文献   

武兰芬  姜军 《科研管理》2006,41(2):142-151
本文以2002-2016年间的学术文献和专利两种数据源为基础,利用社会网络分析法从论文作者所属机构与专利权人、作者与发明人、学科与技术领域等多维视角,对全球云计算基础研究与应用研究的创新合作网络进行数据挖掘和对比分析。研究发现:云计算论文作者及所属机构间的合作更普遍;专利权人合作网络呈现分散的小网络特点,专利发明人合作关系更密切且群体性更强;云计算的基础学科是计算机理论与方法、电气与电子工程和计算机信息系统,而核心技术是数字计算机和电话与数据传输系统。基于研究结果,提出建立基础创新与应用创新的对接和融合,利用合作网络分析发掘重要的创新竞合对象,精准定位领军人才和创新群体,构建学科知识体系等促进中国云计算协同创新与产教融合的启示和建议。  相似文献   

针对目前高校建设科研创新团队存在的问题,从科技创新团队的涵义着手,在区分高校科研创新团队与一般师资队伍差异的基础上,对高校科研创新团队的特性进行了分析,并探讨了高校科研创新团队的有效运行模式,以确保高校科技创新团队的建设能真正为高校科研形成特色和优势作贡献。  相似文献   

合作科研、团队攻关已成为现代社会生产条件下科学技术研究活动的内在要求,不同学科科研产量和科研质量的提高,与合作模式、团队的规模、学科结构等密切相关。研究通过对114位不同学科带头人的科研论文合作规律进行分析,结果显示:一、不同学科的合作模式存在较大的差异,合作方式上,管理学和人文社科类倾向于“个人独著”以及“小规模的团队合作”,理、工、农、医存在较大的相似性,更加倾向于多人合作的方式,且更倾向于“大规模的团队合作”;二,在合作过程中,合作人数的增加并不能显著提高科研产出。研究发现,合作模式是影响科研产出的重要因素,学科特性是决定合作模式的重要影响因素,合作模式和学科特性二者共同作用,影响着不同学科科研合作的差异。  相似文献   

本文从目前我国高校科研创新团队发展现状及存在的问题入手,分析了创新团队建设所面临的问题,并从注重学科交叉融合和集成发展、加强团队人才队伍建设、建立健全科学、合理的绩效考评体系和激励机制、加强团队内外部制度建设、加强团队文化建设等几个方面提出了加强高校科研创新团队建设及管理对策。  相似文献   

Collaborations in funded teams are essential for understanding funded research and funding policies, although of high interest, are still not fully understood. This study aims to investigate directed collaboration patterns from the perspective of the knowledge flow, which is measured based on the academic age. To this end, we proposed a project-based team identification approach, which gives particular attention to funded teams. The method is applicable to other funding systems. Based on identified scientific teams, we detected recurring and significant subgraph patterns, known as network motifs, and under-represented patterns, known as anti-motifs. We found commonly occurred motifs and anti-motifs are remarkably characterized by different structures matching certain functions in knowledge exchanges. Collaboration patterns represented by motifs favor hierarchical structures, supporting intensive interactions across academic generations. Anti-motifs are more likely to show chain-like structures, hindering potentially various knowledge activities, and are thus seldom found in real collaboration networks. These findings provide new insights into the understanding of funded collaborations and also the funding system. Meanwhile, our findings are helpful for researchers, the public and policymakers to gain knowledge on research(ers) evolution, particularly in terms of primordial collaboration patterns.  相似文献   

海峡两岸科学合作与协同发展,是两岸合作与发展的重要组成部分。以SCI数据库中两岸科学合作论文为数据来源,从贝尔纳关于科学合作的科学学视角,用科学计量学和知识可视化的方法,对海峡两岸科学合作的发展态势和研究前沿进行了探测。展望了深化和拓展两岸科学合作的未来前景,提出把两岸科学合作研究前沿延伸到两岸协同创新,建立以两岸合资企业为主体、以民用产业技术研发为任务、产学研相结合的两岸产业技术研发联盟,并使之成为网络环境下赛博支持的发现—创新体系。  相似文献   

Scientific collaboration contributes to the innovation of science and technology. For individual scholars, it is valuable to find potential and valuable collaborators to improve the quality and quantity of research. Previous research mainly recommends collaborators by exploring one kind of relationship between authors, such as the research topics or co-authorship. Some research tries to utilize more relationships, but they simply integrate the recommendation results of different relationships rather than integrating them. This study proposes a novel Heterogeneous Network Embedding Recommendation (HNERec) model for scientific collaborator recommendation. The HNERec model employs a random walk to develop a heterogeneous network considering four kinds of meta-path illustrating the topic relationship, authorship, citation relationship, and venue relationship. It utilizes the skip-gram model to embed the nodes, and finally generates a recommendation list based on the similarity between the corresponding node vectors. Experiments on a DBLP dataset and an AMiner dataset demonstrate the reliability of the HNERec model. The HNERec model outperforms the mainstream collaborator recommendation baselines in metrics such as F1, MRR, and nDCG. The results can not only be applied to the selection of collaborators by individual scholars but also allow scientific and conference institutions to recommend collaborators.  相似文献   

从知识转移过程与知识吸收角度构建高校科研团队知识增长影响因素模型,采用结构方程模型(SEM)对已构建的模型进行实证分析。结果表明:知识主体、知识特性、知识环境和团队特征4个因素影响高校科研团队的知识增长,其中知识主体与团队特征因素路径系数相对较大,对知识增长产生较为显著的正向影响。认为可以从发挥知识主体的主观能动性,重视知识质性在团队知识增长中的作用,搭建交流平台、完善激励政策,调整组织结构、营造共享氛围等方面采取措施,促进高校科研团队的知识增长。  相似文献   

Research on collaborative information retrieval (CIR) has shown positive impacts of collaboration on retrieval effectiveness in the case of complex and/or exploratory tasks. The synergic effect of accomplishing something greater than the sum of its individual components is reached through the gathering of collaborators’ complementary skills. However, these approaches often lack the consideration that collaborators might refine their skills and actions throughout the search session, and that a flexible system mediation guided by collaborators’ behaviors should dynamically adapt to this situation in order to optimize search effectiveness. In this article, we propose a new unsupervised collaborative ranking algorithm which leverages collaborators’ actions for (1) mining their latent roles in order to extract their complementary search behaviors; and (2) ranking documents with respect to the latent role of collaborators. Experiments using two user studies with respectively 25 and 10 pairs of collaborators demonstrate the benefit of such an unsupervised method driven by collaborators’ behaviors throughout the search session. Also, a qualitative analysis of the identified latent role is proposed to explain an over-learning noticed in one of the datasets.  相似文献   

张金年  罗艳 《情报科学》2021,39(8):86-93
【目的/意义】学术合作有利于促进科研工作的顺利开展,加速科研成果产出,促进学术交流与知识融合。 【方法/过程】以2017-2019年图书馆学领域7本CSSCI来源期刊论文为研究对象,定义、提取作者关键词现实关系、 作者关键词潜在关系;运用共现分析识别、排除合作者数据,基于耦合分析界定作者间潜在关系并建立矩阵,构建 基于研究内容的作者潜在合作网络;运用聚类分析、结合聚类效果归纳潜在合作团体,并通过文献内容研究析出潜 在合作主题。【结果/结论】研究结果表明:图书馆学领域有72位潜在合作者、8个潜在合作团队,1个整体合作中心和 多个区域合作中心;潜在合作主题按集群分为7大类、按个体分为若干小类。该发现为科研人员的合作提供可借鉴 的参考。【创新/局限】该发现为科研人员的合作提供可借鉴的参考。  相似文献   

林筠  李梦婕 《软科学》2014,(5):53-56,61
以我国企业研发团队为对象,调查研发团队实施共享领导存在状况。重点分析共享领导的成员间期望绩效、团队成员学习和相互协作三个维度在研发团队中存在的情况,获得企业研发团队中共享领导的整体状况。运用双因子变异数方法,进一步分析不同企业性质和不同行业类型的研发团队在共享领导实施状况上的差异性和交互作用。  相似文献   

在经济转型与技术创新改革发展新阶段,构建跨功能团队成为组织获得持续竞争优势的关键路径,开发与培养跨功能团队创造力也因此受到学术界与企业界的广泛关注。通过对西安高新技术开发区软件园内27家中小科技型企业的75个跨功能团队的深入调研,将内隐协调引入个体—组织匹配与跨功能团队创造力关系中,探讨个体—组织匹配对跨功能团队创造力的影响机制,并将内部人身份感知作为调节变量进行实证分析。结果表明:个体—组织匹配度越好、内隐协调水平越高,越容易激发跨功能团队创造力;个体—组织匹配通过内隐协调对跨功能团队创造力的影响效果显著;成员内部人身份感知程度越高,内隐协调在个体—组织匹配与跨功能团队创造力之间的中介作用越强。据此,提出了跨功能团队创造力提升的针对性建议。  相似文献   

谦卑型领导与创造力的关系是当前组织变革情境下的新兴研究主题,但以往研究多局限在单一层面。本研究认为全面理解团队领导者如何有效激发科技创新,亟待区分个体导向和团队导向的谦卑型领导及其对个体和团队层面科学创造力的独特影响。采用来自全国78所高校100个科技创新团队404名理工科大学生的多层次数据,检验了多层次导向谦卑型领导对个体与团队科学创造力的独立与交互影响。研究发现:在个体层面,个体导向谦卑型领导正向影响个体科学创造力,个体观点采择中介了这一积极影响;在团队层面,团队导向谦卑型领导正向影响团队科学创造力,团队观点采择中介了这一积极影响;团队观点采择构成了一个跨层次的情境因素,不仅调节了个体观点采择对个体科学创造力的影响,还调节了个体导向谦卑型领导通过个体观点采择影响个体科学创造力的间接效应,当团队观点采择水平较高时上述效应均更强。最后讨论了研究的理论贡献和实践启示。  相似文献   

高彩娇  李秀霞 《情报科学》2021,39(7):124-130
【目的/意义】为更加公正地评价科研团队的影响力,针对当前科研团队评价中对引文分布偏态问题的忽 视,本文提出一种新的科研团队影响力评价指标——科研团队被引均衡性指标(Cited Balance,简称Cb指标)。【方 法/过程】首先,利用社会化网络分析方法(Social Network Analysis,简称SNA)获取10个科研团队及其成员;然后, 在中国引文数据库中分别下载科研团队发表文章的被引信息;最后,利用修正的泰尔指数衡量科研团队文献被引 分布的均衡性,计算科研团队的Cb值。【结果/结论】实证研究发现,新指标Cb能够综合考虑团队的发文量、被引频 次和文献被引的均衡性,对科研团队影响力评价更加全面、公正。【创新/局限】被引均衡性Cb指标为科研团队影响 力评价提供了一种新方法,但未来仍需对该指标做进一步的检验。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1633-1646
Drawing on data from an original survey of UK and US publicly traded knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) firms, we investigate what types of KIBS firms collaborate with universities and consider the collaboration important for their innovation. First, we find that science-based KIBS firms (those engaged in a science, technology, and innovation [STI] mode of organizational learning), like science-based manufacturing firms, are active collaborators with universities for innovation. This relationship is further enhanced if these firms also provide highly customized services. Second, in contrast to the existing literature suggesting that firms engaged in a doing, using, and interacting (DUI) mode of organizational learning do not regard collaboration with universities as important for their innovation, we find that KIBS firms engaged in a DUI mode of organizational learning and offering highly customized services are active collaborators with universities for innovation, despite the fact that they may not possess highly formalized scientific knowledge. These findings suggest that KIBS firms co-create knowledge with universities differently than manufacturing firms. Moreover, the findings highlight the wide variety of roles that KIBS firms play in innovation networks with universities.  相似文献   

科研团队领导力在很大程度上决定了团队领导的有效性和团队创新绩效。本文在对科研团队领导力模式理论分析的基础上,根据对41位科技创新人员的访谈结果,提出了科研团队领导者应具备的9项领导能力,之后对中国科学院10个院所的102个科研团队进行了问卷调查。因子分析结果表明科研团队领导力由科技感召力、科技洞察力、科技激发力、科技助推力和科技引领力五大要素构成,判别分析结果表明科研团队可分为机变型、关系型和品牌型三种领导力模式。本文最后针对每种领导力模式提出了相应的提升策略。  相似文献   

不同于以往研究,从团队层面对科研团队稳定性进行测度,同时聚焦学科多样性在其中的调节作用。以2009年和2010年的69个美国国家科学院生物学领域院士科研团队为研究对象,在通过作者共现网络和聚类分析方法识别主要成员和团队的基础上,以团队生产力和团队影响力衡量团队绩效,运用负二项回归模型对团队稳定性与团队绩效的关系以及学科多样性的调节作用进行分析。研究发现:团队稳定性对团队绩效呈倒“U”型影响,表明团队并非越稳定越好,适当的团队成员流动更有利于团队绩效的提高;团队的学科多样性对团队稳定性和生产力关系有正向调节作用,因为学科多样性可以降低团队成员流动带来的学习成本和磨合时间成本,使成员流动对团队绩效的影响更显著;而学科多样性因容易造成团队的知识冲突以及团队资源分配分散等问题,导致对团队稳定性和影响力关系的调节作用不显著。为提高科研团队绩效,要关注团队成员的流动情况,优化团队进入和退出机制,同时开展更多的跨学科人才合作。  相似文献   

本文主要针对科研人员之间的项目合作关系,研究科研项目合作网络的人员组成特点、学科特点,并挖掘隐藏在网络中的科研团队。首先,基于科研项目数据集,通过计算人员项目之间的余弦相似性构建科研项目合作网络。其次,采用社会网络分析指标对科研项目合作网络进行分析。最后,将合并策略加入到凝聚子群分析算法中,提出了一种基于合并的凝聚子群分析算法(Merge Cohesive Subgroups Algorithm,MCSA),用于挖掘隐藏在科研项目合作网络中的科研团队。实验分析了某市自然科学基金项目合作网络中人员合作的紧密程度与合作模式,核心科研人员的年龄构成,以及各个学科的发展趋势等情况,与典型的社群挖掘算法FN算法和LPA算法进行对比,结果表明本文提出的基于合并的凝聚子群分析算法挖掘到的科研团队更有效。  相似文献   

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