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As one of the challenging cross-modal tasks, video question answering (VideoQA) aims to fully understand video content and answer relevant questions. The mainstream approach in current work involves extracting appearance and motion features to characterize videos separately, ignoring the interactions between them and with the question. Furthermore, some crucial semantic interaction details between visual objects are overlooked. In this paper, we propose a novel Relation-aware Graph Reasoning (ReGR) framework for video question answering, which first combines appearance–motion and location–semantic multiple interaction relations between visual objects. For the interaction between appearance and motion, we design the Appearance–Motion Block, which is question-guided to capture the interdependence between appearance and motion. For the interaction between location and semantics, we design the Location–Semantic Block, which utilizes the constructed Multi-Relation Graph Attention Network to capture the geometric position and semantic interaction between objects. Finally, the question-driven Multi-Visual Fusion captures more accurate multimodal representations. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets, TGIF-QA, MSVD-QA, and MSRVTT-QA, demonstrate the superiority of our proposed ReGR compared to the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved promising results in session-based recommendation. Existing methods typically construct a local session graph and a global session graph to explore complex item transition patterns. However, studies have seldom investigated the repeat consumption phenomenon in a local graph. In addition, it is challenging to retrieve relevant adjacent nodes from the whole training set owing to computational complexity and space constraints. In this study, we use a GNN to jointly model intra- and inter-session item dependencies for session-based recommendations. We construct a repeat-aware local session graph to encode the intra-item dependencies and generate the session representation with positional awareness. Then, we use sessions from the current mini-batch instead of the whole training set to construct a global graph, which we refer to as the session-level global graph. Next, we aggregate the K-nearest neighbors to generate the final session representation, which enables easy and efficient neighbor searching. Extensive experiments on three real-world recommendation datasets demonstrate that RN-GNN outperforms state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Aspect-based sentiment analysis technologies may be a very practical methodology for securities trading, commodity sales, movie rating websites, etc. Most recent studies adopt the recurrent neural network or attention-based neural network methods to infer aspect sentiment using opinion context terms and sentence dependency trees. However, due to a sentence often having multiple aspects sentiment representation, these models are hard to achieve satisfactory classification results. In this paper, we discuss these problems by encoding sentence syntax tree, words relations and opinion dictionary information in a unified framework. We called this method heterogeneous graph neural networks (Hete_GNNs). Firstly, we adopt the interactive aspect words and contexts to encode the sentence sequence information for parameter sharing. Then, we utilized a novel heterogeneous graph neural network for encoding these sentences’ syntax dependency tree, prior sentiment dictionary, and some part-of-speech tagging information for sentiment prediction. We perform the Hete_GNNs sentiment judgment and report the experiments on five domain datasets, and the results confirm that the heterogeneous context information can be better captured with heterogeneous graph neural networks. The improvement of the proposed method is demonstrated by aspect sentiment classification task comparison.  相似文献   

Knowledge graph representation learning (KGRL) aims to infer the missing links between target entities based on existing triples. Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been introduced recently as one of the latest trendy architectures serves KGRL task using aggregations of neighborhood information. However, current GNN-based methods have fundamental limitations in both modelling the multi-hop distant neighbors and selecting relation-specific neighborhood information from vast neighbors. In this study, we propose a new relation-specific graph transformation network (RGTN) for the KGRL task. Specifically, the proposed RGTN is the first pioneer model that transforms a relation-based graph into a new path-based graph by generating useful paths that connect heterogeneous relations and multi-hop neighbors. Unlike the existing GNN-based methods, our approach is able to adaptively select the most useful paths for each specific relation and to effectively build path-based connections between unconnected distant entities. The transformed new graph structure opens a new way to model the arbitrary lengths of multi-hop neighbors which leads to more effective embedding learning. In order to verify the effectiveness of our proposed model, we conduct extensive experiments on three standard benchmark datasets, e.g., WN18RR, FB15k-237 and YAGO-10-DR. Experimental results show that the proposed RGTN achieves the promising results and even outperforms other state-of-the-art models on the KGRL task (e.g., compared to other state-of-the-art GNN-based methods, our model achieves 2.5% improvement using H@10 on WN18RR, 1.2% improvement using H@10 on FB15k-237 and 6% improvement using H@10 on YAGO3-10-DR).  相似文献   

Deep learning methods have been widely applied for disease diagnosis on resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) data, but they are incapable of investigating global relationships between different brain regions as well as ignoring the interpretability. To address these issues, this paper presents a new graph neural network framework for brain disease diagnosis via jointly learning global relationships and selecting the most discriminative brain regions. Specifically, we first design a self-attention structure learning to capture the global interactions between brain regions for achieving diagnosis effectiveness, and theoretically integrate a feature selection method to reduce the noise influence as well as achieve interpretability. Experiment results on three neurological diseases datasets show the effectiveness of our method, compared to the comparison methods, in terms of diagnostic performance and interpretability.  相似文献   

Knowledge graphs are sizeable graph-structured knowledge with both abstract and concrete concepts in the form of entities and relations. Recently, convolutional neural networks have achieved outstanding results for more expressive representations of knowledge graphs. However, existing deep learning-based models exploit semantic information from single-level feature interaction, potentially limiting expressiveness. We propose a knowledge graph embedding model with an attention-based high-low level features interaction convolutional network called ConvHLE to alleviate this issue. This model effectively harvests richer semantic information and generates more expressive representations. Concretely, the multilayer convolutional neural network is utilized to fuse high-low level features. Then, features in fused feature maps interact with other informative neighbors through the criss-cross attention mechanism, which expands the receptive fields and boosts the quality of interactions. Finally, a plausibility score function is proposed for the evaluation of our model. The performance of ConvHLE is experimentally investigated on six benchmark datasets with individual characteristics. Extensive experimental results prove that ConvHLE learns more expressive and discriminative feature representations and has outperformed other state-of-the-art baselines over most metrics when addressing link prediction tasks. Comparing MRR and Hits@1 on FB15K-237, our model outperforms the baseline ConvE by 13.5% and 16.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to determine sentiment polarities toward specific aspect terms within the same sentence or document. Most recent studies adopted attention-based neural network models to implicitly connect aspect terms with context words. However, these studies were limited by insufficient interaction between aspect terms and opinion words, leading to poor performance on robustness test sets. In addition, we have found that robustness test sets create new sentences that interfere with the original information of a sentence, which often makes the text too long and leads to the problem of long-distance dependence. Simultaneously, these new sentences produce more non-target aspect terms, misleading the model because of the lack of relevant knowledge guidance. This study proposes a knowledge guided multi-granularity graph convolutional neural network (KMGCN) to solve these problems. The multi-granularity attention mechanism is designed to enhance the interaction between aspect terms and opinion words. To address the long-distance dependence, KMGCN uses a graph convolutional network that relies on a semantic map based on fine-tuning pre-trained models. In particular, KMGCN uses a mask mechanism guided by conceptual knowledge to encounter more aspect terms (including target and non-target aspect terms). Experiments are conducted on 12 SemEval-2014 variant benchmarking datasets, and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

Session-based recommendation aims to predict items that a user will interact with based on historical behaviors in anonymous sessions. It has long faced two challenges: (1) the dynamic change of user intents which makes user preferences towards items change over time; (2) the uncertainty of user behaviors which adds noise to hinder precise preference learning. They jointly preclude recommender system from capturing real intents of users. Existing methods have not properly solved these problems since they either ignore many useful factors like the temporal information when building item embeddings, or do not explicitly filter out noisy clicks in sessions. To tackle above issues, we propose a novel Dynamic Intent-aware Iterative Denoising Network (DIDN) for session-based recommendation. Specifically, to model the dynamic intents of users, we present a dynamic intent-aware module that incorporates item-aware, user-aware and temporal-aware information to learn dynamic item embeddings. A novel iterative denoising module is then devised to explicitly filter out noisy clicks within a session. In addition, we mine collaborative information to further enrich the session semantics. Extensive experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DIDN. Specifically, DIDN obtains improvements over the best baselines by 1.66%, 1.75%, and 7.76% in terms of P@20 and 1.70%, 2.20%, and 10.48% in terms of MRR@20 on all datasets.  相似文献   

Precise prediction of Multivariate Time Series (MTS) has been playing a pivotal role in numerous kinds of applications. Existing works have made significant efforts to capture temporal tendency and periodical patterns, but they always ignore abrupt variations and heterogeneous/spatial associations of sensory data. In this paper, we develop a dual normalization (dual-norm) based dynamic graph diffusion network (DNGDN) to capture hidden intricate correlations of MTS data for temporal prediction. Specifically, we design time series decomposition and dual-norm mechanism to learn the latent dependencies and alleviate the adverse effect of abnormal MTS data. Furthermore, a dynamic graph diffusion network is adopted for adaptively exploring the spatial correlations among variables. Extensive experiments are performed on 3 real world experimental datasets with 8 representative baselines for temporal prediction. The performances of DNGDN outperforms all baselines with at least 4% lower MAPE over all datasets.  相似文献   

Graph-based multi-view clustering aims to take advantage of multiple view graph information to provide clustering solutions. The consistency constraint of multiple views is the key of multi-view graph clustering. Most existing studies generate fusion graphs and constrain multi-view consistency by clustering loss. We argue that local pair-view consistency can achieve fine-modeling of consensus information in multiple views. Towards this end, we propose a novel Contrastive and Attentive Graph Learning framework for multi-view clustering (CAGL). Specifically, we design a contrastive fine-modeling in multi-view graph learning using maximizing the similarity of pair-view to guarantee the consistency of multiple views. Meanwhile, an Att-weighted refined fusion graph module based on attention networks to capture the capacity difference of different views dynamically and further facilitate the mutual reinforcement of single view and fusion view. Besides, our CAGL can learn a specialized representation for clustering via a self-training clustering module. Finally, we develop a joint optimization objective to balance every module and iteratively optimize the proposed CAGL in the framework of graph encoder–decoder. Experimental results on six benchmarks across different modalities and sizes demonstrate that our CAGL outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.  相似文献   

Dynamic link prediction is a critical task in network research that seeks to predict future network links based on the relative behavior of prior network changes. However, most existing methods overlook mutual interactions between neighbors and long-distance interactions and lack the interpretability of the model’s predictions. To tackle the above issues, in this paper, we propose a temporal group-aware graph diffusion network(TGGDN). First, we construct a group affinity matrix to describe mutual interactions between neighbors, i.e., group interactions. Then, we merge the group affinity matrix into the graph diffusion to form a group-aware graph diffusion, which simultaneously captures group interactions and long-distance interactions in dynamic networks. Additionally, we present a transformer block that models the temporal information of dynamic networks using self-attention, allowing the TGGDN to pay greater attention to task-related snapshots while also providing interpretability to better understand the network evolutionary patterns. We compare the proposed TGGDN with state-of-the-art methods on five different sizes of real-world datasets ranging from 1k to 20k nodes. Experimental results show that TGGDN achieves an average improvement of 8.3% and 3.8% in terms of ACC and AUC on all datasets, respectively, demonstrating the superiority of TGGDN in the dynamic link prediction task.  相似文献   

Graph neural networks have been frequently applied in recommender systems due to their powerful representation abilities for irregular data. However, these methods still suffer from the difficulties such as the inflexible graph structure, sparse and highly imbalanced data, and relatively shallow networks, limiting rate prediction ability for recommendations. This paper presents a novel deep dynamic graph attention framework based on influence and preference relationship reconstruction (DGA-IPR) for recommender systems to learn optimal latent representations of users and items. The entire framework involves a user branch and an item branch. An influence-based dynamic graph attention (IDGA) module, a preference-based dynamic graph attention (PDGA) module, and an adaptive fine feature extraction (AFFE) module are respectively constructed for each branch. Concretely, the first two attention modules concentrate on reconstructing influence and preference relationship graphs, breaking imbalanced and fixed constraints of graph structures. Then a deep feature aggregation block and an adaptive feature fusion operation are built, improving the network depth and capturing potential high-order information expressions. Besides, AFFE is designed to acquire finer latent features for users and items. The DGA-IPR architecture is formed by integrating IDGA, PDGA, and AFFE for users and items, respectively. Experiments reveal the superiority of DGA-IPR over existing recommendation models.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of social media and big data technology, user’s sequence behavior information can be well recorded and preserved on different media platforms. It is crucial to model the user preference through mining their sequential behaviors. The goal of sequential recommendation is to predict what a user may interact with in the next moment based on the user’s historical record of interactive sequence. However, existing sequential recommendation methods generally adopt a negative sampling mechanism (e.g. random and uniform sampling) for the pairwise learning, which brings the defect of insufficient training to the model, and decrease the evaluation performance of the entire model. Therefore, we propose a Non-sampling Self-attentive Sequential Recommendation (NSSR) model that combines non-sampling mechanism and self-attention mechanism. Under the premise of ensuring the efficient training of the model, NSSR model takes all pairs in the training set as training samples, so as to achieve the goal of fully training the model. Specifically, we take the interactive sequence as the current user representation, and propose a new loss function to implement the non-sampling training mechanism. Finally, the state-of-the-art result is achieved on three public datasets, Movielens-1M, Amazon Beauty and Foursquare_TKY, and the recommendation performance increase by about 29.3%, 25.7% and 42.1% respectively.  相似文献   

冯蕾  张宇光  唐丽 《现代情报》2009,29(2):57-59
通过仿真实验得出,运用简约HJ神经网络原理可以从我们所收集查找到的信息中分离出和读者需求信息最接近的信息,这样可以大大降低我们个性化信息推荐的盲目性和低效性,从而更进一步提升我们图书馆的个性化信息服务质量。  相似文献   

创业板公司成立时间较短、企业规模较小,其研发投入的影响因素较多,使用营业净利率、每股收益、董监高年薪、可持续增长率、资产负债率、现金流量净额和GDP这些指标,运用径向基神经网络(RBF)和逆传播神经网络(BP)方法构建一个训练完成的神经网络模型,研究发现RBF神经网络模型比BP神经网络模型具有更好的拟合、预测效果。  相似文献   

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