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One main challenge of Named Entities Recognition (NER) for tweets is the insufficient information in a single tweet, owing to the noisy and short nature of tweets. We propose a novel system to tackle this challenge, which leverages redundancy in tweets by conducting two-stage NER for multiple similar tweets. Particularly, it first pre-labels each tweet using a sequential labeler based on the linear Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) model. Then it clusters tweets to put tweets with similar content into the same group. Finally, for each cluster it refines the labels of each tweet using an enhanced CRF model that incorporates the cluster level information, i.e., the labels of the current word and its neighboring words across all tweets in the cluster. We evaluate our method on a manually annotated dataset, and show that our method boosts the F1 of the baseline without collectively labeling from 75.4% to 82.5%.  相似文献   

The emergence of social media and the huge amount of opinions that are posted everyday have influenced online reputation management. Reputation experts need to filter and control what is posted online and, more importantly, determine if an online post is going to have positive or negative implications towards the entity of interest. This task is challenging, considering that there are posts that have implications on an entity's reputation but do not express any sentiment. In this paper, we propose two approaches for propagating sentiment signals to estimate reputation polarity of tweets. The first approach is based on sentiment lexicons augmentation, whereas the second is based on direct propagation of sentiment signals to tweets that discuss the same topic. In addition, we present a polar fact filter that is able to differentiate between reputation-bearing and reputation-neutral tweets. Our experiments indicate that weakly supervised annotation of reputation polarity is feasible and that sentiment signals can be propagated to effectively estimate the reputation polarity of tweets. Finally, we show that learning PMI values from the training data is the most effective approach for reputation polarity analysis.  相似文献   

Opinion mining in a multilingual and multi-domain environment as YouTube requires models to be robust across domains as well as languages, and not to rely on linguistic resources (e.g. syntactic parsers, POS-taggers, pre-defined dictionaries) which are not always available in many languages. In this work, we i) proposed a convolutional N-gram BiLSTM (CoNBiLSTM) word embedding which represents a word with semantic and contextual information in short and long distance periods; ii) applied CoNBiLSTM word embedding for predicting the type of a comment, its polarity sentiment (positive, neutral or negative) and whether the sentiment is directed toward the product or video; iii) evaluated the efficiency of our model on the SenTube dataset, which contains comments from two domains (i.e. automobile, tablet) and two languages (i.e. English, Italian). According to the experimental results, CoNBiLSTM generally outperforms the approach using SVM with shallow syntactic structures (STRUCT) – the current state-of-the-art sentiment analysis on the SenTube dataset. In addition, our model achieves more robustness across domains than the STRUCT (e.g. 7.47% of the difference in performance between the two domains for our model vs. 18.8% for the STRUCT)  相似文献   

The possibilities that emerge from micro-blogging generated content for crisis-related situations make automatic crisis management using natural language processing techniques a hot research topic. Our aim here is to contribute to this line of research focusing for the first time on French tweets related to ecological crises in order to support the French Civil Security and Crisis Management Department to provide immediate feedback on the expectations of the populations involved in the crisis. We propose a new dataset manually annotated according to three dimensions: relatedness, urgency and intentions to act. We then experiment with binary classification (useful vs. non useful), three-class (non useful vs. urgent vs. non urgent) and multiclass classification (i.e., intention to act categories) relying on traditional feature-based machine learning using both state of the art and new features. We also explore several deep learning models trained with pre-trained word embeddings as well as contextual embeddings. We then investigate three transfer learning strategies to adapt these models to the crisis domain. We finally experiment with multi-input architectures by incorporating different metadata extra-features to the network. Our deep models, evaluated in random sampling, out-of-event and out-of-type configurations, show very good performances outperforming several competitive baselines. Our results define the first contribution to the field of crisis management in French social media.  相似文献   

Although deep learning breakthroughs in NLP are based on learning distributed word representations by neural language models, these methods suffer from a classic drawback of unsupervised learning techniques. Furthermore, the performance of general-word embedding has been shown to be heavily task-dependent. To tackle this issue, recent researches have been proposed to learn the sentiment-enhanced word vectors for sentiment analysis. However, the common limitation of these approaches is that they require external sentiment lexicon sources and the construction and maintenance of these resources involve a set of complexing, time-consuming, and error-prone tasks. In this regard, this paper proposes a method of sentiment lexicon embedding that better represents sentiment word's semantic relationships than existing word embedding techniques without manually-annotated sentiment corpus. The major distinguishing factor of the proposed framework was that joint encoding morphemes and their POS tags, and training only important lexical morphemes in the embedding space. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experiments comparing with two baseline models. As a result, the revised embedding approach mitigated the problem of conventional context-based word embedding method and, in turn, improved the performance of sentiment classification.  相似文献   

There is a strong interest among academics and practitioners in studying branding issues in the big data era. In this article, we examine the sentiments toward a brand, via brand authenticity, to identify the reasons for positive or negative sentiments on social media. Moreover, in order to increase precision, we investigate sentiment polarity on a five-point scale. From a database containing 2,282,912 English tweets with the keyword ‘Starbucks’, we use a set of 2204 coded tweets both for analyzing brand authenticity and sentiment polarity. First, we examine the tweets qualitatively to gain insights about brand authenticity sentiments. Then we analyze the data quantitatively to establish a framework in which we predict both the brand authenticity dimensions and their sentiment polarity. Through three qualitative studies, we discuss several tweets from the dataset that can be classified under the quality commitment, heritage, uniqueness, and symbolism categories. Using latent semantic analysis (LSA), we extract the common words in each category. We verify the robustness of previous findings with an in-lab experiment. Results from the support vector machine (SVM), as the quantitative research method, illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure of brand authenticity sentiment analysis. It shows high accuracy for both the brand authenticity dimensions’ predictions and their sentiment polarity. We then discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of the studies.  相似文献   

Stance detection identifies a person’s evaluation of a subject, and is a crucial component for many downstream applications. In application, stance detection requires training a machine learning model on an annotated dataset and applying the model on another to predict stances of text snippets. This cross-dataset model generalization poses three central questions, which we investigate using stance classification models on 7 publicly available English Twitter datasets ranging from 297 to 48,284 instances. (1) Are stance classification models generalizable across datasets? We construct a single dataset model to train/test dataset-against-dataset, finding models do not generalize well (avg F1=0.33). (2) Can we improve the generalizability by aggregating datasets? We find a multi dataset model built on the aggregation of datasets has an improved performance (avg F1=0.69). (3) Given a model built on multiple datasets, how much additional data is required to fine-tune it? We find it challenging to ascertain a minimum number of data points due to the lack of pattern in performance. Investigating possible reasons for the choppy model performance we find that texts are not easily differentiable by stances, nor are annotations consistent within and across datasets. Our observations emphasize the need for an aggregated dataset as well as consistent labels for the generalizability of models.  相似文献   

Few-shot intent recognition aims to identify user’s intent from the utterance with limited training data. A considerable number of existing methods mainly rely on the generic knowledge acquired on the base classes to identify the novel classes. Such methods typically ignore the characteristics of each meta task itself, resulting in the inability to make full use of limited given samples when classifying unseen classes. To deal with such issues, we propose a Contrastive learning-based Task Adaptation model (CTA) for few-shot intent recognition. In detail, we leverage contrastive learning to help achieve task adaptation and make full use of the limited samples of novel classes. First, a self-attention layer is employed in the task adaptation module, which aims to establish interactions between samples of different categories so that new representations are task-specific rather than relying entirely on the base classes. Then, the contrastive-based loss functions and the semantics of the label name are respectively used for reducing the similarity between sample representations in different categories while increasing it in the same categories. Experimental results on a public dataset OOS verify the effectiveness of our proposal by beating the competitive baselines in terms of accuracy. Besides, we conduct the cross-domain experiments on three datasets, i.e., OOS, SNIPS as well as ATIS. We find that CTA gains obvious improvements in terms of accuracy in all cross-domain experiments, indicating that it has a better generalization ability than other competitive baselines in both cross-domain and single-domain settings.  相似文献   

Stock exchange forecasting is an important aspect of business investment plans. The customers prefer to invest in stocks rather than traditional investments due to high profitability. The high profit is often linked with high risk due to the nonlinear nature of data and complex economic rules. The stock markets are often volatile and change abruptly due to the economic conditions, political situation and major events for the country. Therefore, to investigate the effect of some major events more specifically global and local events for different top stock companies (country-wise) remains an open research area. In this study, we consider four countries- US, Hong Kong, Turkey, and Pakistan from developed, emerging and underdeveloped economies’ list. We have explored the effect of different major events occurred during 2012–2016 on stock markets. We use the Twitter dataset to calculate the sentiment analysis for each of these events. The dataset consists of 11.42 million tweets that were used to determine the event sentiment. We have used linear regression, support vector regression and deep learning for stock exchange forecasting. The performance of the system is evaluated using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The results show that performance improves by using the sentiment for these events.  相似文献   

The paper presents new annotated corpora for performing stance detection on Spanish Twitter data, most notably Health-related tweets. The objectives of this research are threefold: (1) to develop a manually annotated benchmark corpus for emotion recognition taking into account different variants of Spanish in social posts; (2) to evaluate the efficiency of semi-supervised models for extending such corpus with unlabelled posts; and (3) to describe such short text corpora via specialised topic modelling.A corpus of 2,801 tweets about COVID-19 vaccination was annotated by three native speakers to be in favour (904), against (674) or neither (1,223) with a 0.725 Fleiss’ kappa score. Results show that the self-training method with SVM base estimator can alleviate annotation work while ensuring high model performance. The self-training model outperformed the other approaches and produced a corpus of 11,204 tweets with a macro averaged f1 score of 0.94. The combination of sentence-level deep learning embeddings and density-based clustering was applied to explore the contents of both corpora. Topic quality was measured in terms of the trustworthiness and the validation index.  相似文献   

Ethnicity-targeted hate speech has been widely shown to influence on-the-ground inter-ethnic conflict and violence, especially in such multi-ethnic societies as Russia. Therefore, ethnicity-targeted hate speech detection in user texts is becoming an important task. However, it faces a number of unresolved problems: difficulties of reliable mark-up, informal and indirect ways of expressing negativity in user texts (such as irony, false generalization and attribution of unfavored actions to targeted groups), users’ inclination to express opposite attitudes to different ethnic groups in the same text and, finally, lack of research on languages other than English. In this work we address several of these problems in the task of ethnicity-targeted hate speech detection in Russian-language social media texts. This approach allows us to differentiate between attitudes towards different ethnic groups mentioned in the same text – a task that has never been addressed before. We use a dataset of over 2,6M user messages mentioning ethnic groups to construct a representative sample of 12K instances (ethnic group, text) that are further thoroughly annotated via a special procedure. In contrast to many previous collections that usually comprise extreme cases of toxic speech, representativity of our sample secures a realistic and, therefore, much higher proportion of subtle negativity which additionally complicates its automatic detection. We then experiment with four types of machine learning models, from traditional classifiers such as SVM to deep learning approaches, notably the recently introduced BERT architecture, and interpret their predictions in terms of various linguistic phenomena. In addition to hate speech detection with a text-level two-class approach (hate, no hate), we also justify and implement a unique instance-based three-class approach (positive, neutral, negative attitude, the latter implying hate speech). Our best results are achieved by using fine-tuned and pre-trained RuBERT combined with linguistic features, with F1-hate=0.760, F1-macro=0.833 on the text-level two-class problem comparable to previous studies, and F1-hate=0.813, F1-macro=0.824 on our unique instance-based three-class hate speech detection task. Finally, we perform error analysis, and it reveals that further improvement could be achieved by accounting for complex and creative language issues more accurately, i.e., by detecting irony and unconventional forms of obscene lexicon.  相似文献   

Climate change has become one of the most significant crises of our time. Public opinion on climate change is influenced by social media platforms such as Twitter, often divided into believers and deniers. In this paper, we propose a framework to classify a tweet’s stance on climate change (denier/believer). Existing approaches to stance detection and classification of climate change tweets either have paid little attention to the characteristics of deniers’ tweets or often lack an appropriate architecture. However, the relevant literature reveals that the sentimental aspects and time perspective of climate change conversations on Twitter have a major impact on public attitudes and environmental orientation. Therefore, in our study, we focus on exploring the role of temporal orientation and sentiment analysis (auxiliary tasks) in detecting the attitude of tweets on climate change (main task). Our proposed framework STASY integrates word- and sentence-based feature encoders with the intra-task and shared-private attention frameworks to better encode the interactions between task-specific and shared features. We conducted our experiments on our novel curated climate change CLiCS dataset (2465 denier and 7235 believer tweets), two publicly available climate change datasets (ClimateICWSM-2022 and ClimateStance-2022), and two benchmark stance detection datasets (SemEval-2016 and COVID-19-Stance). Experiments show that our proposed approach improves stance detection performance (with an average improvement of 12.14% on our climate change dataset, 15.18% on ClimateICWSM-2022, 12.94% on ClimateStance-2022, 19.38% on SemEval-2016, and 35.01% on COVID-19-Stance in terms of average F1 scores) by benefiting from the auxiliary tasks compared to the baseline methods.  相似文献   

Social media has become the most popular platform for free speech. This freedom of speech has given opportunities to the oppressed to raise their voice against injustices, but on the other hand, this has led to a disturbing trend of spreading hateful content of various kinds. Pakistan has been dealing with the issue of sectarian and ethnic violence for the last three decades and now due to freedom of speech, there is a growing trend of disturbing content about religion, sect, and ethnicity on social media. This necessitates the need for an automated system for the detection of controversial content on social media in Urdu which is the national language of Pakistan. The biggest hurdle that has thwarted the Urdu language processing is the scarcity of language resources, annotated datasets, and pretrained language models. In this study, we have addressed the problem of detecting Interfaith, Sectarian, and Ethnic hatred on social media in Urdu language using machine learning and deep learning techniques. In particular, we have: (1) developed and presented guidelines for annotating Urdu text with appropriate labels for two levels of classification, (2) developed a large dataset of 21,759 tweets using the developed guidelines and made it publicly available, and (3) conducted experiments to compare the performance of eight supervised machine learning and deep learning techniques, for the automated identification of hateful content. In the first step, experiments are performed for the hateful content detection as a binary classification task, and in the second step, the classification of Interfaith, Sectarian and Ethnic hatred detection is performed as a multiclass classification task. Overall, Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT) proved to be the most effective technique for hateful content identification in Urdu tweets.  相似文献   

Stock movement forecasting is usually formalized as a sequence prediction task based on time series data. Recently, more and more deep learning models are used to fit the dynamic stock time series with good nonlinear mapping ability, but not much of them attempt to unveil a market system’s internal dynamics. For instance, the driving force (state) behind the stock rise may be the company’s good profitability or concept marketing, and it is helpful to judge the future trend of the stock. To address this issue, we regard the explored pattern as an organic component of the hidden mechanism. Considering the effective hidden state discovery ability of the Hidden Markov Model (HMM), we aim to integrate it into the training process of the deep learning model. Specifically, we propose a deep learning framework called Hidden Markov Model-Attentive LSTM (HMM-ALSTM) to model stock time series data, which guides the hidden state learning of deep learning methods via the market’s pattern (learned by HMM) that generates time series data. What is more, a large number of experiments on 6 real-world data sets and 13 stock prediction baselines for predicting stock movement and return rate are implemented. Our proposed HMM-ALSTM achieves an average 10% improvement on all data sets compared to the best baseline.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new deep learning approach to better understand how optimistic and pessimistic feelings are conveyed in Twitter conversations about COVID-19. A pre-trained transformer embedding is used to extract the semantic features and several network architectures are compared. Model performance is evaluated on two new, publicly available Twitter corpora of crisis-related posts. The best performing pessimism and optimism detection models are based on bidirectional long- and short-term memory networks.Experimental results on four periods of the COVID-19 pandemic show how the proposed approach can model optimism and pessimism in the context of a health crisis. There is a total of 150,503 tweets and 51,319 unique users. Conversations are characterised in terms of emotional signals and shifts to unravel empathy and support mechanisms. Conversations with stronger pessimistic signals denoted little emotional shift (i.e. 62.21% of these conversations experienced almost no change in emotion). In turn, only 10.42% of the conversations laying more on the optimistic side maintained the mood. User emotional volatility is further linked with social influence.  相似文献   

Research on automated social media rumour verification, the task of identifying the veracity of questionable information circulating on social media, has yielded neural models achieving high performance, with accuracy scores that often exceed 90%. However, none of these studies focus on the real-world generalisability of the proposed approaches, that is whether the models perform well on datasets other than those on which they were initially trained and tested. In this work we aim to fill this gap by assessing the generalisability of top performing neural rumour verification models covering a range of different architectures from the perspectives of both topic and temporal robustness. For a more complete evaluation of generalisability, we collect and release COVID-RV, a novel dataset of Twitter conversations revolving around COVID-19 rumours. Unlike other existing COVID-19 datasets, our COVID-RV contains conversations around rumours that follow the format of prominent rumour verification benchmarks, while being different from them in terms of topic and time scale, thus allowing better assessment of the temporal robustness of the models. We evaluate model performance on COVID-RV and three popular rumour verification datasets to understand limitations and advantages of different model architectures, training datasets and evaluation scenarios. We find a dramatic drop in performance when testing models on a different dataset from that used for training. Further, we evaluate the ability of models to generalise in a few-shot learning setup, as well as when word embeddings are updated with the vocabulary of a new, unseen rumour. Drawing upon our experiments we discuss challenges and make recommendations for future research directions in addressing this important problem.  相似文献   

The spread of fake news has become a significant social problem, drawing great concern for fake news detection (FND). Pretrained language models (PLMs), such as BERT and RoBERTa can benefit this task much, leading to state-of-the-art performance. The common paradigm of utilizing these PLMs is fine-tuning, in which a linear classification layer is built upon the well-initialized PLM network, resulting in an FND mode, and then the full model is tuned on a training corpus. Although great successes have been achieved, this paradigm still involves a significant gap between the language model pretraining and target task fine-tuning processes. Fortunately, prompt learning, a new alternative to PLM exploration, can handle the issue naturally, showing the potential for further performance improvements. To this end, we propose knowledgeable prompt learning (KPL) for this task. First, we apply prompt learning to FND, through designing one sophisticated prompt template and the corresponding verbal words carefully for the task. Second, we incorporate external knowledge into the prompt representation, making the representation more expressive to predict the verbal words. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that prompt learning is better than the baseline fine-tuning PLM utilization for FND and can outperform all previous representative methods. Our final knowledgeable model (i.e, KPL) can provide further improvements. In particular, it achieves an average increase of 3.28% in F1 score under low-resource conditions compared with fine-tuning.  相似文献   

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