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Computer science is a relatively young discipline combining science, engineering, and mathematics. The main flavors of computer science research involve the theoretical development of conceptual models for the different aspects of computing and the more applicative building of software artifacts and assessment of their properties. In the computer science publication culture, conferences are an important vehicle to quickly move ideas, and journals often publish deeper versions of papers already presented at conferences. These peculiarities of the discipline make computer science an original research field within the sciences, and, therefore, the assessment of classical bibliometric laws is particularly important for this field. In this paper, we study the skewness of the distribution of citations to papers published in computer science publication venues (journals and conferences). We find that the skewness in the distribution of mean citedness of different venues combines with the asymmetry in citedness of articles in each venue, resulting in a highly asymmetric citation distribution with a power law tail. Furthermore, the skewness of conference publications is more pronounced than the asymmetry of journal papers. Finally, the impact of journal papers, as measured with bibliometric indicators, largely dominates that of proceeding papers.  相似文献   

中国国际科技合著论文的学科分布差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 本文研究了十年间(1996-2005)SCIE论文中国国际科技合著论文的学科分布差异。通过对论文数量和引文影响的相对水平进行比较,发现在基础研究、工程技术和生物医学三个主要学科大类之间存在明显的差异:基础研究学科论文和引文数量都比较多;工程技术学科论文数多而引文数量相对较少;医学生物学则是论文数量较少而引文数量相对较多。同时,本文还将h指数的概念引入到学科比较中,以学科作为论文产出的主体进行比较分析。同样可以发现三大类学科的差异:基础研究学科h指数普遍较高,工程技术类普遍较低,而医学生物学处于二者之间的地位。  相似文献   

This paper explores the complex relationship between scientific novelty and technological impact. We measure novel science as publications which make new combinations of prior knowledge, as reflected in new combinations of journals in their references, and trace links between science and technology by scientific references in patent applications. We draw on all the Web of Science SCIE journal articles published in 2001 and all the patents in PATSTAT (October 2013 edition). We find that the small proportion of scientific publications which score on novelty, particularly the 1% highly novel scientific publications in their field, are significantly and sizably more likely to have direct technological impact than comparable non-novel publications. In addition to this superior likelihood of direct impact, novel science also has a higher probability for indirect technological impact, being more likely to be cited by other scientific publications which have technological impact. Among the set of scientific publications cited at least once by patents, there are no additional significant differences in the speed or the intensity of the technological impact between novel and non-novel scientific prior art, but the technological impact from novel science is significantly broader and reaching new technology fields previously not impacted by its scientific discipline. Novel science is also more likely to lead to patents which are themselves novel.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(5):104753
In the span of three years, Indonesia went from being the second worst to the top producer of scientific journal articles in Southeast Asia. We investigate whether a transparent system of ranking every single researcher in the country based on publications and citations (SINTA) contributed to this turnaround. Using panel data from over 200,000 Indonesian researchers (and comparing to researchers from Thailand and the Philippines), we show that the implementation of SINTA coincides with changes in the production of publications by Indonesian researchers consistent with the weights used in the ranking formula. Although we see modest improvements in publication rates in top-ranked journals, 62 % of the observed increase in total publications is from conference proceedings. Because SINTA was launched around the same time as other policies that focused on increasing publications, isolating the precise impact of SINTA remains challenging. Nevertheless, after accounting for such policies, our results imply that a ranking and evaluation system for researchers can contribute to overall improvements in scientific capacity in low- and middle-income countries.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104729
We document incentive effects of the evaluation deadlines in the UK’s performance-based research funding system. Studying 3,597,272 publications by UK researchers, we find that publications just before assessment deadlines obtain substantially fewer citations and are published in venues with lower impact factors. These trends reverse abruptly after the deadlines. We discuss different factors that contribute to this observation and provide evidence that evaluation deadlines are likely to set incentives against investment in research quality and long-term topics. We conclude that where such shifts in research incentives are not intended, they might require balancing by additional incentives for exploratory, long-term oriented research.  相似文献   

Although the citation relationships among papers can help in tracking and understanding the development of knowledge, few studies have noted that the content and sentiments of citations of a paper differ. Here, we use sentiment-labeled citation data to construct a directed signed citation network, in which an author may agree with or criticize the cited paper and these represent different ways of inheriting knowledge. The dataset we use consists of 9,038 papers in the field of Computational Linguistics, including 25,275 citations, with 20.8% positive citations, 8.6% negative citations and 70.6% neutral citations. We systematically quantify the structural patterns of negative citations, impact assortativity of involved papers, occurrence time distribution and consequences of receiving negative attention. Remarkably, we find that papers with different impacts have a similar probability of receiving negative citations, and highly cited papers tend to give negative citations to low-impact papers around but avoid giving negative citations to high-impact papers. Our research also reveals the random occurrence rules and colocation patterns of negative citation distribution. In addition, we show that, in the short term, around 60% of multiple negative citations is positively related to the impact of the cited paper while more than 80% are negatively related to the impact in the long run. Our findings explain the pattern by which negative citations occur and deepen the understanding of negative citations.  相似文献   

This paper uses a unique data set of Mexican researchers to explore the determinants of research output and impact. Our findings confirm a quadratic relationship between age and the number of published papers. However, publishing peaks when researchers are approximately 53 years old, 5 or 10 years later than what prior studies have shown. Overall, the results suggest that age does not have a substantial influence on research output and impact. We also find that reputation matters for the number of citations but not publications. Results also show important heterogeneity across areas of knowledge. Interpretations of other aspects, such as gender, country of PhD, and cohort effect, among others, are also discussed.  相似文献   

We exploit a unique database on research and invention disclosure of faculty at 11 major US universities over a period of 17 years to explore the extent to which faculty involvement in license activity has affected their research profiles. We relate faculty disclosures to their industry and government-sponsored research, publications, and citations. Recent disclosure by faculty has a positive effect on industry and government funding, but, if they disclose multiple times, the effect on government funding can be negative. Recent and repeated disclosures increase the faculty member's publication count as well as the importance of these publications in terms of citations. We also examine life-cycle effects and find that the ability to attract funding and the rate of publication increase as the faculty member ages but at a decreasing rate. We also find that post-tenure, both types of funding decrease.  相似文献   

基于ESI的中国农业大学植物与动物科学学科竞争力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于ESI数据,以计量学理论为基础研究了进入ESI前1%(top1%)的中国农业大学植物与动物科学论文数、总引用量及其排名变化和高被引论文情况,并与国内外部分研究机构进行对比分析。从学科生产力、学科影响力、学科发展力、学科创新力四个方面对中国农业大学植物与动物科学的学科竞争力进行了定量分析与客观评价。结果表明,中国农业大学植物与动物科学的学科生产力、学科影响力水平较高,处于快速提升的阶段;学科发展力、学科创新力处于低水平,还需大幅提升。总体来看,中国农业大学植物与动物科学的学科竞争力已经初步形成并处于继续提升中,有望成为世界一流学科。  相似文献   

This paper applies network analysis to a citation database that combines the key references in the fields of Entrepreneurship (ENT), Innovation Studies (INN) and Science and Technology Studies (STS). We find that citations between the three fields are relatively scarce, as compared to citations within the fields. As a result of this tendency, a cluster analysis of the publications in the database yields a partition that is largely the same as the a priori division into the three fields. We take this as evidence that the three fields, although they share research topics and themes, have developed largely on their own and in relative isolation from one another. We also apply a so-called ‘main path’ analysis aimed at outlining the main research trajectories in the field. Here we find important differences between the fields. In STS, we find a cumulative trajectory that develops in a more or less linear fashion over time. In INN, we find a major shift of attention in the main trajectory, from macroeconomic issues to business-oriented research. ENT develops relatively late, and shows a trajectory that is still in its infancy.  相似文献   

通过超学科概念的梳理,认为超学科是以模式3知识生产为基础的知识创新,涵盖了编码知识和默会知识,突破各单一学科固有知识边界和学科本身的藩篱。超学科没有范式,复杂性研究为其共同的学术硬核。在信息化网络社会,超学科注重学科与非学科知识的融合,注重不同层次间的整合,是多层次、多维度的知识集群。人居科学的超学科性质,在于人居本身的复杂性、多维性和多价值观。人居的概念几乎包含了人类社会生活的全部,不同学科的视线均可在“人居”这个研究对象上交叠。人类居住是人类从自然中分异出来,并独立于世的助推器,是人类思维形成、价值观形成的重要基础。人居科学是研究者、设计者、建设者、使用者等共同表述新愿望、共同达成从理论到方法的一致、共同产生新知识的过程。人居科学的超学科特征,是以复杂性研究为内核,以人居地域系统、社会信息网络系统为基础,以众多的知识集群和学科集群为主体,共同构成的开放的学术体系。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103834
This study empirically examines the association between the extent of emerging technological ideas in a scientific publication and its future scientific impact measured by number of citations. We analyze metadata of scientific publications in three scientific domains: Nano-Enabled Drug Delivery, Synthetic Biology, and Autonomous Vehicles. By employing a bibliometric indicator for identifying and quantifying emerging technological ideas – as derived terms from the titles and abstracts – we measure the extent to which the publication contains emerging technological ideas in each domain. Then, we statistically estimate the size and statistical significance of the relationship between the publication-level technological emergence score and the normalized number of citations accruing to the publication.Our analysis shows that the degree to which a paper contains technologically emerging ideas is positively and strongly associated with its future citation impact in each of the three domains. An additional analysis demonstrates that this relationship holds for citations from other publications, both in the same field as, and in different fields from, the scientific domain of the focal publication. A series of tests for validation further support our argument that the greater the extent to which scientific knowledge (a paper) contains emerging ideas, the bigger its scientific impact. Implications for academic researchers, research policymakers, and firms are discussed.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104660
There is increasing policy interest in the recruitment and integration of star scientists as a mechanism to catalyse research productivity. We use rich data for three Small Open Economies (Ireland, Denmark, and New Zealand) on publications, citations and co-authorships to examine how co-authorship with a co-located star scientist affects the co-author's productivity, both including and excluding the output directly co-authored with the star. The latter effect provides a measure of the extent to which star collaborations crowd out/in other output. Event-study analyses reveal that star co-authorships are associated with economically and statistically significant increases in co-authors' output (measured by field-normalized total citations). Output in the three years after the initial star co-authorship is increased by 89.6 % when star co-authored publications are included and by 16.2 % when they are excluded. The results are robust to using an alternative measure of quality-adjusted output based on journal publication quality. We find co-authoring with a star increases the quality but not quantity of output when star co-authored publications are excluded. We explore heterogeneity by period, field and whether the authors have multiple star co-authorships. We conclude that policymakers' and institutions' efforts to promote access to star scientists may have substantial direct and indirect effects on the productivity of incumbent scientists within departments.  相似文献   

睡美人文献研究对于图书馆界文献战略保藏、科技界早期识别变革性研究与缩短重大科学发现的认可时滞具有重要意义。通过数据分析和案例研究揭示了睡美人文献具有多出自跨学科研究和综合性期刊、多具有潜在技术与应用属性、多为高质量研究三大特征。初步凝练出预测睡美人文献的若干关键线索:一是识别变革性研究并追踪其技术转化应用状况,包括监测作者是否持续开展该主题的研究,是否从理论研究拓展到实践研究,实践中是否成功等;论文发表之后是否有专利授权,论文是否被专利引用等。二是笔者提出的一个用于识别非高被引论文中睡美人文献的无参数指标--Bcp指数,能够识别出那些正处于“沉睡-唤醒”萌芽期的论文,特别是长期沉睡后初现被引突增苗头,且总被引次数尚未成规模的论文。基于睡美人文献重要特征与预测线索的分析,从加强变革性研究、识别研究前沿和改善学术评价三个方面讨论了睡美人文献研究的政策启示。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》1986,15(2):77-87
This study depicts ihe management system of a research institute based on input-output principles. The elements of the system are the scientific departments. The main categories of the controlling system arc the planning and supervision or research activities, evaluation of scientific and economic results and rewarding of researchers. The evaluation of scientific results focuses on the analysis of publications. The quality of scientific papers is characterized by a scoring system based on impact factors of periodicals and by citations received. Possible reasons for the lack of citations are discussed. The results of mission-oriented research (MOR) are evaluated on the basis of revenues and earnings. The amount of bonus given to researchers is based on a scoring system taking publication and MOR activity into account. A marked difference in the number of publications and citations among individual departments was observed.  相似文献   

等同论文数(EPN):学术论文质量评估的新指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
徐芳  刘文斌  李晓轩 《科研管理》2011,32(7):150-156
现有的学术论文质量评估指标主要基于论文的引文数,关注论文产出的影响。本文从经济学价值理论出发,聚焦于学术论文创作过程,提出通过测量学术论文中包含的等同工作量,实现对学术论文质量的评估,从而提出一系列基于等同论文数的指标,例如X指标等。实例研究表明,基于等同论文数的系列指标具有较大的优越性。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]提出一个新的作者影响力评价指标——个人影响因子(PIF).[方法/过程]给出(PIF)的计算公式,以图书情报领域2014—2018年5年内发文量和被引量均为前40名的作者为例,计算其(PIF)值,并与已有指标如h指数、h5指数、作者署名、期刊影响因子等进行对比.[结果/结论]PIF与已有指标存在一定的相关...  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the impact of receiving an NIH postdoctoral training grant on subsequent publications and citations. Our sample consists of all applications for NIH postdoctoral training grants (unsuccessful as well as successful) from 1980 to 2000. Both ordinary least squares and regression discontinuity estimates show that receipt of an NIH postdoctoral fellowship leads to about one additional publication over the next five years, which reflects a 20% increase in research productivity.  相似文献   

Co-authorship networks and research impact: A social capital perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of research work is related to a scholar's reputation and future promotions. Greater research impact not only inspires scholars to continue their research, but also increases the possibility of a larger research budget from sponsors. Given the importance of research impact, this study proposes that utilizing social capital embedded in a social structure is an effective way to achieve more research impact. The contribution of this study is to define six indicators of social capital (degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, prolific co-author count, team exploration, and publishing tenure) and investigate how these indicators interact and affect citations for publications. A total of 137 Information Systems scholars from the Social Science Citation Index database were selected to test the hypothesized relationships. The results show that betweenness centrality plays the most important role in taking advantage of non-redundant resources in a co-authorship network, thereby significantly affecting citations for publications. In addition, we found that prolific co-author count, team exploration, and publishing tenure all have indirect effects on citation count. Specifically, co-authoring with prolific scholars helps researchers develop centralities and, in turn, generate higher numbers of citations. Researchers with longer publishing tenure tend to have higher degree centrality. When they collaborate more with different scholars, they achieve more closeness and betweenness centralities, but risk being distrusted by prolific scholars and losing chances to co-author with them. Finally, implications of findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

As university involvement in technology transfer and entrepreneurship has increased, concerns over the patenting and licensing of scientific discoveries have grown. This paper examines the effect that the licensing of academic patents has on journal citations to academic publications covering the same scientific research. We analyze data on invention disclosures, patents, and licenses from the University of California, a leading U.S. academic patenter and licensor, between 1997 and 2007. We also develop a novel “inventor-based” maximum-likelihood matching technique to automate and generalize Murray's (2002) “patent-paper pairs” methodology. We use this methodology to identify the scientific publications associated with University of California patents and licenses.Based on a “difference-in-differences” analysis, we find that within our sample of patented academic discoveries, citations to licensed patent-linked publications are higher in the three years after the license, although this difference is not statistically significant. We then disaggregate our sample into (a) patented discoveries that are likely to be used as “research tools” by other researchers (based on the presence of material transfer agreements (MTAs) that cover them) and (b) patented discoveries not covered by MTAs. Citations to publications linked to licensed patents in the latter subset (not covered by MTAs) are higher for publications linked to licensed patents, and this difference is statistically significant. In contrast, licensing of patented discoveries that are also research tools is associated with a reduction in citations to papers linked to these research advances, raising the possibility that licensing may restrict the flow of inputs to “follow-on” scientific research.  相似文献   

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