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科学学习--深层和浅层学习通道的对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学学习的本质-有意义学习与机制学习,与学习者建构的“学习通道”有关。学习通道作为学习者学习的方式,会影响学习结果的性质。学习采用深层或浅层通道的学生在五个方面有明显的区别:(1)生成性思考,(2)解释的性质,(3)提出问题,(4)元认知,(5)学习方式。  相似文献   

学习科学重新揭示了学习的本质和规律,它与深度学习紧密相联。学习科学视阈的深度学习是学习者遵循学习原理,在学校场域中对以重要概念为核心的知识进行理解性和创新性学习的有效学习过程。深度学习的典型机制主要有生长机制、颉颃机制、建模机制、互动机制和表达机制等。深度学习需要全面引导,但关键是课程与教学的重建。深度学习在核心素养的培育、课程和教学的变革等方面给予我们诸多启示。  相似文献   

为超越认知心理学的局限,深度学习研究从狭义走向广义成为必然.复杂科学为广义深度学习研究提供了全新视角,学习科学为学习系统简化提供了合理依据,以此可重新审视深度学习的缘起、内涵、机制及过程.研究结合人工智能历史演变,指出深度学习缘起于认知心理学的重塑、课程与教学论的变革以及教育技术学的突破;基于对既有内涵的梳理,认为深度学习是学习科学视阈下对信息深度加工过程、教师深度引导过程、技术深度支持过程三者的最优整合;依托影响因素分析,点明深度学习的发生机制以知识内容为客观载体、以真实情境为客观条件、以心理机能为主观意识;从纵向优化和横向整合两个方面建立了深度学习的一般过程模型,其间三个"深度过程"和"三维机制"不断趋于最优整合,共同促进学习者深度学习.  相似文献   

为超越认知心理学的局限,深度学习研究从狭义走向广义成为必然.复杂科学为广义深度学习研究提供了全新视角,学习科学为学习系统简化提供了合理依据,以此可重新审视深度学习的缘起、内涵、机制及过程.研究结合人工智能历史演变,指出深度学习缘起于认知心理学的重塑、课程与教学论的变革以及教育技术学的突破;基于对既有内涵的梳理,认为深度学习是学习科学视阈下对信息深度加工过程、教师深度引导过程、技术深度支持过程三者的最优整合;依托影响因素分析,点明深度学习的发生机制以知识内容为客观载体、以真实情境为客观条件、以心理机能为主观意识;从纵向优化和横向整合两个方面建立了深度学习的一般过程模型,其间三个"深度过程"和"三维机制"不断趋于最优整合,共同促进学习者深度学习.  相似文献   

Given the growing popularity of digital games as a form of entertainment, educators are interested in exploring using digital games as a tool to facilitate learning. In this study, we examine game-based learning by describing a learning environment that combines game elements, play, and authenticity in the real world for the purpose of engaging students’ learning of science and enhancing student motivation. We discuss the design of the environment and present research conducted. Our findings demonstrate that the design of an engaging, interactive environment using a game-based approach can help students have fun while learning.  相似文献   


This paper supports Paul Ramsden's call to look beyond students' approaches to learning towards their perceptions of the educational context. However, we argue that Rams den's suggestions for an analysis of student perceptions are somewhat limited, and present an method which is more qualitatively and linguistically grounded. In the present study, this method was used to analyse students' perceptions of time in a second year chemical engineering course. Regardless of approach to learning, all students displayed two distinct ways of talking about time, one reflecting a perception of 'being in control' and the other a perception of 'being out of control' of time. Where students using a conceptual approach differed to the others was in the way they used perceptions of 'being in control', specifically in the way they chose to allocate time. For those not using a conceptual approach, the highly time-pressured environment seemed to militate against the adoption of a conceptual approach.  相似文献   

学习进程是近几年美国科学教育改革中出现的新理念,描述学生在恰当的教学条件下,对科学概念以及相关科学实践的理解和应用能力,以及随着时间的推移逐渐生长,趋于复杂、深入的过程。学习进程具有以下三个特点:由起点、中间过程和目标构成;基于学生对核心概念理解过程的实证研究;需经过实证验证。学习进程有望将课程、教学、评价三者联系起来,实现科学教育的转变。  相似文献   

Approaches to Interactive Video Anchors in Problem-based Science Learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper is an invited adaptation of the IEEE Education Society Distinguished Lecture Approaches to Interactive Video Anchors in Problem-Based Science Learning. Interactive video anchors have a cognitive theory base, and they help to enlarge the context of learning with information-rich real-world situations. Carefully selected movie clips and custom-developed regular videos and virtual simulations have been successfully used as anchors in problem-based science learning. Examples discussed include a range of situations such as Indiana Jones tackling a trap, a teenager misrepresenting lead for gold, an agriculture inspection at the US border, counterintuitive events, analyzing a river ecosystem for pollution, and finding the cause of illness in a nineteenth century river city. Suggestions for teachers are provided.  相似文献   

This study pioneers a Rasch scoring approach and compares it to a conventional summative approach for measuring longitudinal gains in student learning. In this methodological note, our proposed methodology is demonstrated using an example of rating scales in a student survey as part of a higher education outcome assessment. Such assessments have become increasingly important worldwide for purposes of institutional accreditation and accountability to stakeholders. Data were collected from a longitudinal study by tracking self-reported learning outcomes of individual students in the same cohort who completed the student learning experience questionnaire (SLEQ) in their first and final years. Rasch model was employed for item calibration and latent trait estimation, together with a scaling procedure of concurrent calibration incorporating a randomly equivalent group design and a single group design to measure the gains in self-reported learning outcomes as yielded by repeated measures. The extent to which Rasch scoring compared to the conventional summative scoring method in its sensitivity to change was quantified by a statistical index namely relative performance (RP). Findings indicated greater ability to capture learning outcomes gains from Rasch scoring over the conventional summative scoring method, with RP values ranging from 3 to 17% in the cognitive, social, and value domains of the SLEQ. The Rasch scoring approach and the scaling procedure presented in the study can be readily generalised to studies using rating scales to measure change in student learning in the higher education context. The methodological innovations and contributions of this study are discussed.  相似文献   


This study investigates whether differences in learning styles exist between students in online and face-to-face (FTF) sections of political science courses taught by three instructors. Some studies suggest that student preferences regarding online or FTF formats are influenced by their preferred modes of learning. Independent learners, for example, may prefer online courses since they provide individualistic opportunities to study outside of the traditional classroom. This study uses original survey data to assign students one of six learning styles in order to assess whether independent learners are more common in online courses. Our analysis finds no significant differences in independent learners when comparing the two formats. This finding runs counter to studies that argue that independent learners tend to prefer online courses. In fact, the only learning style where we observe a meaningful difference among online and FTF formats is among dependent learners. Contrary to expectation, students enrolled in online versions demonstrated a greater tendency toward dependent modes of learning. Further survey responses suggest that student lifestyle drove course format selection rather than learning style. These findings have important implications for universities that increasingly turn to online courses to address decreasing enrollments and attempt to remedy the high attrition rates associated with those courses.  相似文献   

基于视频的异常事件自动检测技术一直是学术界和企业界研究的热点,在人群监控、交通管理、老人儿童和特殊病人的护理等方面发挥了重要的作用。文章首先介绍传统的异常检测方法,然后从评价指标、基本网络模型、检测框架、基准数据集等方面详细介绍了深度学习在异常检测中的研究进展,最后对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The conception of Global Learning Communities (GLCs) was researched to discover potential benefits of the use of online technologies that facilitated communication and scientific data sharing outside of the normal classroom setting. 1,419 students in 635 student groups began the instructional unit. Students represented the classrooms of 33 teachers from the USA, 6 from Thailand, 7 from Australia, and 4 from Germany. Data from an international environmental education project were analyzed to describe grades 7–9 student scientific writing in domestic US versus international–US classroom online partnerships. The development of an argument analytic and a research model of exploratory data analysis followed by statistical testing were used to discover and highlight different ways students used evidence to support their scientific claims about temperature variation at school sites and deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Findings show modest gains in the use of some evidentiary discourse components by US students in international online class partnerships compared to their US counterparts in domestic US partnerships. The analytic, research model, and online collaborative learning tools may be used in other large-scale studies and learning communities. Results provide insights about the benefits of using online technologies and promote the establishment of GLCs.  相似文献   

文章从技术、推广、评价、整合和拓展五个方面,说明深度学习研究有赖于基本规律研究。作为学习科学的重要研究内容,深度学习基本规律研究应借鉴多模态的研究方法,全面揭示深度学习发生的内在机制。同时,文章归纳了不同学科和不同行为的多模态,着重分析了学习科学与深度学习领域的多模态。在完善深度学习框架的基础上,文章针对框架的各个组成部分提出了基础型、专业型多模态指标,构建了基于深度学习框架的多模态指标体系,可为不同目的、条件和层次的深度学习基本规律的多模态研究提供指标依据和机制参考。  相似文献   

深度学习是学习科学的主旨,也是现阶段所要破解的e-Learning难题,因此,对学习科学视域下的e-Learning深度学习进行研究,追溯起源,把握热点对推进e-Learning学习意义深远。在梳理e-Learning的现状及主要问题的基础之上,剖析了学习科学领域深度学习的重要性,以深度学习的内涵与特征、有意义学习是深度学习的主旨、高水平思维是深度学习的核心等理念为依据构建了e-Learning环境下深度学习分析模型,继而又以此为据,对e-Learning深度学习的研究现状进行述评。研究发现,为了进一步推动学习科学的发展,深度学习的研究必须在学习过程的评估与分析、情感体验等方面进一步加强,在研究方法与研究视角方面进行多角度创新,研究应该更精细深入,多进行相关的量化研究,以充分利用学习评估技术对深度学习的现状进行把脉。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This study investigated the relationships of teacher-directed approaches with science achievement in Australian schools. The data for this study were drawn from the...  相似文献   

This study employed an adapted alternating treatments single-case design to explore students’ learning of biology content when using a general note-taking (GNT) strategy and a content-specific graphic organizer (CGO) to support reading high school biology texts. The 4 focal participants were 15–18-year-olds committed to a moderate risk juvenile justice facility. Lessons were delivered once a week for 7 weeks with CGO delivered first in odd weeks and GNT first in even weeks. When students were unfamiliar with the strategies or experiencing emotional or health problems, their weekly quiz scores tended to be higher on whichever lesson was delivered first. After stabilizing, an average ability reader did better on CGO lessons, and a student with below-average reading ability did better on GNT lessons. CGO took more time to prepare but an average of 11 minutes less than each GNT lesson to implement. CGO also was associated with more student-initiated responses and more self-reported student preferences.  相似文献   

“Deep learning” represents student engagement in approaches to learning that emphasize integration, synthesis, and reflection. Because learning is a shared responsibility between students and faculty, it is important to determine whether faculty members emphasize deep approaches to learning and to assess how much students employ these approaches. This study examines the effect of discipline on student use of and faculty members’ emphasis on deep approaches to learning as well as on the relationships between deep approaches to learning and selected educational outcomes. Using data from over 80,000 seniors and 10,000 faculty members we found that deep approaches to learning were more prevalent in Biglan’s soft, pure, and life fields compared to their counterparts. The differences were largest between soft and hard fields. We also found that seniors who engage more frequently in deep learning behaviors report greater educational gains, higher grades, and greater satisfaction with college, and that the strength of these relationships is relatively consistent across disciplinary categories.  相似文献   


The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Second International Science Study (SISS) was conducted in 1984, resulting in a vast amount of educational data collected from 23 countries and educational systems. This research study reports on the analyses of 12 of those countries using multilevel modeling, investigating the relationships between the students’ reported perceptions of the science learning environment and their science achievement when controlling for student background variables. The three science learning environment scales which were collected in the SISS and analysed here were Student Participation, Teacher Directed Learning and Practical Work. Additionally, this research reports on the effect of these science learning environment scales on gender and socioeconomic differences in science achievement.  相似文献   

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