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乌蒙杓兰及其近亲种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In addition to describing a new species, Cypripedium wumengense, as well as a new variety, C. bardolphianum var. zhongdianense,  nomenclatural and taxonomic notes are made on its allies and the division to which they belong.  They are ltrge]y found in the Hengduan Mountains in southwestern China, characterized by the absence of bract, havirg lip more or less covered with small wart-like outgrowths, and that as the capsule matures the scape becomes much elongated.  Six species of this group have hitherto been reported, of which, however, C. ebracteatum and C. nutans are regarded here as conspecific with C. fargesii and C. bardolphianum respectively. Thus, including the new taxa described here, it composes five species and one variety: C. bardolphianum W. W. Sm. et Farrer (var. bardolphianum and var. zhongdianense S. C. Chen), C. mic- ranthum Franch., C. fargesii Franch., C. margaritaceum Franch. and C. wumengense S. C. Chen.  They are all grouped here into the same section, Sect.  Trigonopedium (Franch.) Pfitz., the oldest legitimate name of this group in the rank of section.  相似文献   

Cypripedium subtropicum S.  C. Chen et K. Y. Lang is a phytogeography- cally significant new species with its habit, inflorescence and column very similar to those of Selenipedilum of tropical America.  It is found in Mêdog of southeastern Xi- zang, China.  Its slender leafy stem bears at the summit a many-flowered raceme, am- ounting to 1.5 m in height. Although its ovary is unilocular—this is the reason why we place it in Cypripedium, the column characters resemble those of Selenipedilum. For example, the staminode is rather small and its long stalk is very similar in texture and color to the filament of the fertile stamens. Obviously, it is a primitive new species re- lated to Selenipedilum based on the similarities mentioned above.       In the subfamily Cypripedioideae, as generally recognized, Selenipedilum is  the most primitive genus, from which or whose allies Cypripedium is derived.  Of phyto- geographical significance is the fact that Selenipedilum occurs in Central America and northern South America, while a cypripedium akin to it is discontinuously distributed in subtropical Asia.  This suggests that Selenipedilum or Selenipedilum-like  form be once continually distributed in North America and eastern Asia when the climate there was warmer, as it is in the subtropics today.  The floristic relationship between Central America and subtropical Asia appears to be closer than expected, as shown by the dis- tribution patterns of Tropidia, Erythrodes, etc.  Based on the occurrence of all six sec- tions and particularly the most primitive form in eastern Asia, Cypripedium seems to be of Asian, rather than Central American, origin.  Selenipedilum possesses some very primitive characters, such as trilocular ovary, vanilla-scented fruit, seed with sclerotic testa, simple column and more or less suffrutescent habit.  The latter is considered by Dahlgren & Clifford (1982) to be one of ancestral characters of monocotyledons, which is now very rare not only in Orchidaceae but also in all monocotyledons.  It is indeed necessary to make further investigations on Selenipedilum and also the new species pub-lished here, as well as a detailed comparison between them.  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum malipoense S. C. Chen et Tsi is a very interesting new species with its flower similar to that of Cypripedium, especially section Cypripedium.  It belongs to subgenus Brachypetalum, the most primitive group of Paphiopedilum, but differs from its allied species in hgniva elliptic-lanceolate sepal with cuspidately acuminate apex, rather narrow petals and horizontal lip, which are of common occurrence in many cypripediums, but very rare in paphiopedilums.  Apparently, this is an intermediate form, or a link, between Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium, but it does not seem to arise from hybridization between them, because no Cypripedium has been found wherever Paphiopedilum occurs.       The new species is distributed in southeastern Yunnan of China. In this area, as well as in river valleys of western Yunnan or the Hengduan Mountains, there have been four species of the same genus reported before. As we know, the Hengduan Mountains and their adjacent areas are rich in Cypripedium.  The differentiation of the genus there is remarka- ble.  All five sections it contains occur there and three of them are quite distinctive.  For example, the general appearance of the section Bracleosa is dissimilar to that of any other cypripediums, but closely resembles that of Listera.  It appears that the difference between sect.  Bracteosa of Cypripedium and sect.  Brachypetalum of Paphiopedilum is not neces- sarily wider than that between sect. Bracteosa and sect. Cypripedium of the same genus. Apparently, it is reasonable to consider Paphiopedilum to be an evolutional branch of Cy- pripedium extending into tropical area, with its primitive group (subgenus Brachypetalum) still remaining in its northern fringe area.  This primitive subgenus has eight species, dis- tributed from western Yunnan to the Malay Peninsula.  Five of them, including the inter- mediate and primitive form published here, are found in the hilly land of southeastern Yun- nan and the river valleys of western Yunnan.  All these facts suggest its area of origin: the river valleys of the Hengduan Mountains and the lower hilly land contiguous to the southof them.  相似文献   

讨论了北美火烧兰 Epipactis gigantea、卵叶火烧兰 E.royleana和大叶火烧兰 E.mairei之间的异同。过去被许多作者认为是北美火烧兰 E.gigantea和卵叶火烧兰 E.royleana的中国植物实际上应是大叶火烧兰 E.mairei。卵叶火烧兰在中国仅局限于西藏东南部。  相似文献   

Apostasioideae, a small subfamily of Orchidaceae, is largely distributed in tropical Asia with its northern limit extending to the Ryukyu Islands and south China. The first Chinese species of this subfamily was reported by E. D. Merrill (1927) based on a specimen collected from Hainan (McClure 9519, AMES), which he regarded as Apostasia wallichii R. Br. As later labelled by E. F. de Vogel, it is in fact identical with A. odorata Bl., a widespread spe- cies also found in southern Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan of China.  It was not until re- cently that the true A. wallichii was collected from southwestern Yunnan bordering on Burma, which is initially reported here.  In addition, an interesting new species, A. ramifera S. C. Chen et K. Y. Lang, is described from Hainan.       The only Chinese species of Neuwiedia has long been known as N. veratrifolia Bl. (of. Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum 5: 602, t. 8034. 1976, and Flora Hainanica 4 180, t. 1078. 1977), which, however, was considered by de Vogel (1969) to be not found in China.  In de Vogel's revision, no Chinese taxon but a variety, N. zollingeri Rchb. f. var. singapureana (Baker) de Vogel, is cited with some doubt based on a specimen of Hainan (F. C. How 73122, in young fruit, AMES). N. zollingeri var. singapureana is in fact quite different from N. veratrifolia by having glandular hair, much shorter inflorescence and flattened filaments.  As recently pointed out by de Vogel and G. Barretto (in Journ. Taiwan Museum 37: 78. 1984), the plants found in Hongkong, as well as those in Guangdong and Yunnan, possess glandular hair and short inflorescence. They are identical with the Vietnamese species N. balansae Gagnep., which was reduced by de Vogel to a synonym of N. zollingeri var singapureana. E. F. de Vogel's suggestion seems to be acceptable except the varietal rank.  It is treated here as a se- parate species, N. singapureana (Baker) Rolfe, according to its fruit and hair characters.  Thus we have altogether one species of Neuwiedia and three species of Apostasia in China, including a new species and a newly recorded one.  相似文献   

 对Epipactis consimilis、火烧兰 E.helleborine和疏花火烧兰 E.veratrifolia之间的形态作了比较,并对Epipactis consimilis D.Don作了名称考证。结果承认 Epipactis veratrifolia Boiss.et Hohen.为合法名称,以取代早先为Rolfe(1903)所接受、近来在《中国植物志》第17卷(1999)中使用的Epipactis consimilis D.Don。  相似文献   

报道日本虎舌兰Epipogium japonicum Makino在中国四川西部的新记录,并讨论了该种与虎舌兰E. roseum (D. Don) Lindl.的形态差异。过去将日本虎舌兰处理为虎舌兰的异名是不恰当的。日本虎舌兰间断分布于日本和中国的四川西部高海拔地区及台湾。  相似文献   

作者研究了产于我国新疆的6种贝母以及引种的浙贝母的核型。其中5种为首次报道。  相似文献   

 There are more than 20 species of Calligonum in China, of which 17 are known from Xinjiang.  They are divided into four sections.  This paper aims to study the evolutionary relations of some species of Calligonum in Xinjiang.  The chromosome numbers of 13 species and the anatomic structures of young branch of 8 species have been examined.                 Among 13 species, the, basic chromosome number x=9.9 species are diploids.  4 species are tetraploids.       The evolutionary relations of these plants are arranged as follows:      Section Calligonum (Fisch. et Mey.) Borszcz.                 1.  C. junceum (Fisch. et Mey.) Litv.       Section Pterococcus (Pall.) Borszcz.            2.  C. leucocladum (Schrenk) Bge.            3.  C. aphyllum (Pall.) Gürke.            4.  C. rubicundum Bge.       Section Calligonum   ,.     5.  C. cordatum Eug. Kor.            6.  C. densum Borszcz.                7.  C. klementzii A. Los.       Section Medusa Sosk et Alexandra            8.  C. mongolicum Turcz.                 9.  C. pumilum A. Los.           10.  C. ebi-nuricum Ivanova           11.  C. arborescens Litv.           12.  C. caput-medusae Schrenk           13.C. roborovskii A. Los.  相似文献   

本文研究云南产鳞毛蕨属植物的属下分类并列出所有的种类。该属植物在云南现知至少有88种,属下可划分为3个亚属和12个组。为了使这些类群之间的特征轮廓清晰,本文提供了分亚属及分组的检索表。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the taxonomy and geographic distribution of the ge- nus Chrysosplenium L. in China.      Based on the characters and evolution of the seed, capsule, disk, ovary and leaf, the species of this genus can be grouped into 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 16 series.  There are 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 11 series in China.  They are as follows:      I.  Subgen. Gamosplenium Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan      Leaves alternate.      Lectotype: Chrysosplenium carnosum Hook. f. et Thoms.      1.  Sect. Alternifolia Franch. emend. J. T. Pan      Seeds smooth and glabrous.      Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolium L.       (1)  Ser. Nudicaulia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan      Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior, sometimes mostly inferior; cap- sule generally subtruncate and emarginate at top and bilobed with equal and horizontal- ly divaricate or suberect lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous.      Type: Chrysosplenium nudicaule Maxim.       (2)  Ser. Alternifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan      Disk 8-lobed; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule generally subtruncate and emar- ginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally  divaricate lobes;  seeds smooth and glabrous.       Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolia L.      2.  Sect. Nephrophylloides Turcz.      Seeds minutely papillose or pilose.      Type: Chrysosplenium sedakowii Turcz.       (1)  Ser. Macrophylla Franch. emend. J. T. Pan      Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule nearly truncate and em- arginate at top, and bilobed with equal lobes; seeds minutely papillose.      Type: Chrysosplenium macrophyllum Oliv.       (2)  Ser. Ovalifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan      Disk generally 8-, rarely 4-, lobed, papillae absent around disk; ovary mostly infe- rior; capsule subtruncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose or pilose.      Type: Chrysosplenium ovalifolium M. Bieb. ex Bunge       (3)  Ser. Lanuginosa Hara, emend. J. T. Pan      Papillae numerous, brown around reduced disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule ne- arly truncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose.      Type: Chrysosplenium lanuginosum Hook. f. et Thoms.        II.  Subgen. Chrysosplenium      Leaves opposite.      Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L.      1.  Sect. Trichosperma J. T. Pan, sect. nov.      Capsule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal, suberect or divergent lobes.      Type: Chrysosplenium trichospermum Edgew. ex Hook. f. et Thoms.      This section is divided into 4 series in the world, with only 1 in China.      (1)  Ser. Nepalensia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan      Disk obscure or absent; ovary generally mostly inferior;  cassule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal and suberect or divergent lobes; seeds smooth and gla- brous.       Type: Chrysosplenium nepalense D. Don      2.  Sect. Grayana J. T. Pan, sect. nov.      Capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes.      Type: Chrysosplenium grayanum Maxim.      This section consists of 4 series in the world, with 3 series in China.       (1)  Ser. Sinica Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan      Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-superior; capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose.       Type: Chrysosplenium sinicum Maxim.       (2)  Ser. Esulcata Franch. emend. J. T. Pan      Disk (4)-8-lobed; ovary generally half-inferior; capsule bilobed with unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose or pilose.      Lectotype: Chrysosplenium dubium J. Gayex DC.       (3)  Ser. pilosa maxim. emend. J. T. Pan      Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally ll-18-costate and minu- tely papillose or tuberculate on the ridge.       Type: Chrysosplenium pilosum Maxim.       3.  Sect. Chrysosplenium       Capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizon- tally divaricate lobes.       Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L.       (1)  Ser. Romosa J. T. Pan, ser. nov.       Disk distinctly 8-lobed, papillae sparse, brown around disk; ovary mostly inferior; ca- psule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous.       Type: Chrysosplenium ramosum Maxim.       This series is monospecific one, also occurring in China, namely C. ramosum Maxim.       (2)  Ser. Delavayi Hara       Disk distinctly 8-lobed, Papillae sparse, brown around the disk; ovary mostly infe- rior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and hori- zontally divaricate lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally 10-16-costate and transverse- ly striate on the ridge.       Type: Chrysosplenium delavayi Franch.         This series can be considered as the most advanced one in the Chrysaspleninm L.       So far, the Chrysosplenium L. comprises 64 species in the world, among which 1 spe- cies is found in North Africa, 2 in South America, 4 in Europe, 5 in North America, 56 in Asia, of which 3 occur in Sikkim, 5 Bhutan, 5 Mongolia, 6 north Burma, 6 Korea, 7 north India, 8 Nepal, 12 Japan, 17 U.S.S.R. (of which 3 also in Europe), 34 China (in- cluding 22 endemic species and 3 new species).       In China, Fujian and Guangdong Provinces and Zhuang Autonomous Region of Gu- angxi each has only 1 species, Taiwan, Zhejiang, Shanxi and Hebei Provinces and Uy- gur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang each has 2, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces each has 3, Qinghai Province 4, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Guizhou Provinces each has 5, Jilin and Hubei Provinces each has 6, Gausu Province 8, Shaanxi Province and Xi- zang (Tibet) Autonomous Region each has 10, Yunnan Province has 11, Sichuan Provi- nce has 14.      Thus the distribution centre of this genus should be in the north temperate zone of Asia, and the region covering Shaanxi Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Xizang may be regarded as an important part of this centre.      The 7 species of Ser.  Nudicaula Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan can be considered as the most primitive ones in this genus. They are mostly distributed in Shaanxi (Qin Ling), south Gansu, southeast Qinghai, southwest Sichuan and nothwest Yunnan of China. This region may be considered as the centre of the origin (or at least differentiation) of this genus.      The new species and the new varieties described in this paper are as follows: C. hy- drocotylifolium Levl. et Vant. var. emeiense J. T. Pan, C. taibaishanense J. T. Pan, C. lixianense Jien ex J. T. Pan, C. qinlingense Jien ex J. T. Pan.  相似文献   

在对竹亚科散生竹全面研究基础上,本文对酸竹属进行了系统的整理和研究,讨论了本属与相近属之间亲缘和区别。本文确认有6种,其中有1新组合和5个新异名。  相似文献   

 本文是“分支分类的一种计算方法—最大同步法”一文的姐妹篇。两种方法运算过程基本相同, 不同之处乃是最小平行进化法利用平行进化的概念,首先确立两个分支单位相结合时产生平行进化 的步数,即平行进化系数的计算公式,对所有待结合分支单位间计算平行进化系数。然后根据俭约性 原理,要获得最俭约演化树谱图,应该尽可能减少平行进化,也就是说在选择结合的分支单位时, 选择平行进化系数最小者优先结合。于是建立起一种新的分支分类运算方法。两种方法的思路完全不 同,从原理上讲对某些数据,最小平行进化法优于最大同步法,但后者运算量较大。如果将两种思路 兼顾,可以得出由这两种方法相结合而产生平行同步综合法.桔梗科6个种的数据作为例子进行运算说明。  相似文献   

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