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本文就高师现代教育技术的改革、发展进行了探索与研究 ,对如何更新和改革现代教育技术的内容及教学方法提出建议  相似文献   

This article argues that the recent national reports on educational reform must be understood as manifestations of the influence of capital and the state. The considerable pressure exerted on the schools by representatives of state capitalism does not guarantee that the proposed reforms will be enacted, however. The contradictory nature of the school's location in the democratic capitalist state, coupled with various forms of teacher and student resistance to the reports' recommendations, afford the opportunity for progressive educators to strip away the mystique of the school as a neutral site and to challenge the dominant ideology.A somewhat different version of this paper will appear in Shea, C., Sola, P., & Kahane, E., (eds.),The New Servants of Power: A Critique of the 1980's School Reform Movement. Greenwood Press (forthcoming).  相似文献   

知识经济代表着世界经济的发展方向,人才开发培养是知识经济时代赋予教育的神圣使命,教育必须加大改革力度,加快发展步伐,才能为我国21世纪经济起飞和民族复兴、为迎接知识经济的挑战提供人才支持和知识贡献。  相似文献   

Even though the sciences may deserve an important and enhanced place in the curriculum, it is crucial that educators situate reforms in science education in the larger social context in which educational reforms are taking place. How and by whom reform is defined and carried out will have a significant impact on who benefits from the process. I argue that education in general has increasingly become dominated by economic interests that can lead not to enhancing equality but to its opposite. There are important ideological shifts that are occurring not only in what education is for, but in the content and control of curriculum and teaching. This has also been accompanied by an attempt to not only increase the influence of economic needs on schools, but to make education itself an economic product like all others. This will have a major impact on science education in particular, because both science and technology are seen as high-status in the transformation of education into solely an economic tool.  相似文献   

教育史学科应受到重视,教育史工作应努力为现代教育改革提供借鉴,并应积极直接参与到教育改革之中去,而不要封闭长城民为历史陈迹后才去研究它。  相似文献   

研究我国教育改革30年来的教育权的结构与分配,可将其概括为纵向上的中央集权制与横向上的有限分权制交织而成的综合体.我国教育立法权由中央与地方的权力机关和行政机关共同行使,中央层次的教育立法进展较快,地方立法尚待发展.教育行政权的结构为中央集权型,但中央与地方、地方与地方、政府与学校之间又存在不同类型或程度的分权,集权与分权的特质并存于教育改革当中.教育司法权主要由地方人民法院行使,功能虽发挥较晚,但对教育法治具有重要意义,目前有待进一步拓宽介入范围并处理好与学术权的关系.  相似文献   

对传统教育评价的变革--基于多元智能理论的教育评价   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
多元智能理论是一种全新的有关人类智能结构的理论,它的蕴义与素质教育思想不谋而合。基于多元智能理论的评价是一种多元化和情境化的评价,它关注的是智能类型和学习类型的差异而非智商的高低和学习成绩的好坏,主张让学生参与对自己和他人的评价。基于多元智能理论的评价为我国素质教育评价的实施提供了新的视角,对研究性学习评价的开展也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

要办好一所学校 ,重点在管理 ,关键在教师。教育要发展 ,必须进行改革。教育改革 ,首先应当是人事制度、分配制度、管理体制等方面的改革。人事制度的改革 ,首先打破了铁饭碗 ,实行能上能下、教师全员聘任 ,公平竞争 ,择优上岗 ;在分配制度上 ,取消了平均主义 ,实行多劳多得 ,奖优罚劣 ,评优晋级也不再是比资格老了。这样一来 ,教师们感到了压力大 ,危机感增加了 ,学历不达标 ,不求上进的教师想学习了 ,都在努力为自己“充电” ,丰富自己 ,提高自己 ,以适应教育发展的需要 ,人人都想干工作 ,争着多干工作 ,都在努力争取把工作做好 ,不希望自…  相似文献   

Educational reforms are often translated in and implemented through artifacts. Although research has frequently treated artifacts as merely functional, more recent work acknowledges the complex relationship between material artifacts and human/organizational behavior. This article aims at disentangling this relationship in order to deepen our understanding of the role of artifacts within processes of educational change. In particular, we study the implementation of a data-transfer instrument developed to stimulate care continuity between primary and secondary schools. In order to understand an artifact’s authority and to unravel its role in processes of innovation, we turned to organizational routines and neo-institutional theory. Drawing on data from an artifact analysis and semi-structured interviews, this article reports how this artifact not only transfers data, but also changed the discursive interactions (routines) in the school team around care. From an institutional perspective, implementing the artifact can be viewed as an answer to institutional forces that are pressurizing organizations to conform to particular ideas of what care and care continuity should ideally look like. The use of the artifact contributed to the schools’ organizational legitimacy by serving their symbolic needs and it enabled them to position themselves towards stakeholders, parents and other schools as a truly legitimate school.  相似文献   

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