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[目的/意义] 图书情报领域正在出现新业态、迎来发展新契机,传统的业务组织模式依赖单一馆员、单个职能部门已无法有效地完成紧急性、临时性、复杂性任务,无法更好支撑高校图书馆的新发展,无法更好应对全民阅读、"双一流"建设、文化传承、读者需求多元化等不断出现的外部新挑战,为此需要变革图书馆的组织体制,更好地发挥馆员的主观能动性与创造力。[方法/过程] 借鉴项目制的原理,结合东北大学图书馆服务创新立项工作的实践,探索高校图书馆适应新挑战、新任务的方式方法。[结果/结论] 运用项目制更有利于组织开展高校图书馆服务创新活动,有利于调动馆员的积极性和创造性,促进高校图书馆服务能力的提升。  相似文献   

This is a case study at Mississippi State University where a business librarian taught a one-credit financial literacy course for undergraduate freshmen during the 2010 Fall term. In this case, the librarian acted as a faculty teacher and an instructional librarian to teach the students financial literacy as well as information literacy. The course curriculum was embedded with a library orientation to introduce the library services. Pre- and post-course assessments were conducted to analyze the students’ learning level in financial knowledge and the level of familiarity with various library services.  相似文献   

基于SECI模型构建一个KSIC模型,实现从知识管理概念到实体知识空间的转变,并将显性知识和隐形知识的转化过程与特定的服务手段对应起来,通过四个知识空间实现知识服务型信息共享空间中的知识交流和创新。  相似文献   

文丽 《图书情报工作》2019,63(1):133-139
[目的/意义]基于嵌入式服务理念,设计医学图书馆嵌入式服务框架,并尝试进行嵌入式服务实践,对医学图书馆开展嵌入式服务具有借鉴意义。[方法/过程]通过研究嵌入式服务模式的原理、发展历程以及服务模型,根据读者需求和初期的嵌入式服务实践设计医学图书馆嵌入式服务框架,在这一框架下,研究不同领域的嵌入式服务内容、角色及医学图书馆服务的可延伸拓展性,并论述在这个嵌入式服务框架指导下开展的嵌入式服务实践和取得的服务效果。[结果/结论]在嵌入式服务模式下, "图书馆是一个生长的有机体",图书馆生产力得以提升,馆员新生职业范围将不断扩大,个性化的嵌入式服务模式是未来医学图书馆服务的发展方向。  相似文献   

Library anxiety is a concept which has been recognised in academic library circles since the early 1990s. It can result in students actively avoiding the library for the duration of their studies. Madeleine Still is Trust Librarian at North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and while studying for an MSc, recognised that some student nurses were exhibiting signs of library anxiety. She decided to make it the focus of her MSc dissertation, and this article discusses her research project as well as highlighting the measures she has taken to address the issues she uncovered. Madeleine graduated in July 2013 with an MSc in Information & Library Studies from Robert Gordon University. AM  相似文献   

21世纪是网路的时代,利曼(Peter Lyman)指出:围绕网际网路主要的议题有三:资讯高速公路、虚拟社区和数位图书馆.图书馆和网示网路已不可分割,有人说网际网路就是图书馆.鉴于电脑及网路等资讯科技对资讯使用环境带来的巨大冲击,近年来各国莫不重新探讨公共图书馆的角色与定位.  相似文献   

Texas A&M University Libraries has been hard at work putting the power of course reserves in the hands of its users. Reserves services have traditionally been restrictive, granting only faculty the authority to place items on reserve or allowing students access to items only after they have been checked out. From faculty adding streaming content to their e-reserves to students having hands-on access to their course reserves, this article tells the story of how an academic library system is allowing its patrons to “do-it-themselves.”  相似文献   

In an era of great technological and socioeconomic changes, the Washington University School of Medicine conceptualized and built its first Library and Biomedical Communications Center in seventy-eight years. The planning process, evolution of the electronic library, and translation of functions into operating spaces are discussed. Since 1983, when the project was approved, a whole range of information technologies and services have emerged. The authors consider the kind of library that would operate in a setting where people can do their own searches, order data and materials through an electronic network, analyze and manage information, and use software to create their own publications.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]准确把握2014年的图书馆发展态势,有效了解英美等发达国家2014年的图书馆发展政策方向、指导思想、战略规划以及实践策略,梳理分析图书馆事业未来的发展趋势,以为我国的图书馆发展提供借鉴参考.[方法/过程]对2014年前后英美等英语世界发达国家及相关国际组织所发布的关于图书馆发展战略与环境的政策文件、研究报告、战略规划及重要报道等动态信息进行持续跟踪与整理,在这些文本基础上进行文献综述.[结果/结论]发现"平衡"一词更加频繁地出现在有关图书馆发展的表述中,认为在变化的知识环境中,图书馆趋向从环境、资源、空间、内容和角色等多个维度寻求一种新的平衡.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以高等专科学校向本科院校转型升级期图书馆精准服务方法研究为目的,通过研究成果的应用与实践,为专升本类转型期高校的图书馆实施快速转型提供一种可借鉴的精准服务方法。[方法/过程]通过分析转型对图书馆教研服务与精准服务的需求,研究并提出转型高校在过渡时期的精准服务方法,通过琼台师范学院图书馆构建"你推我送"服务平台的应用实践,总结出转型时期高校图书馆服务的应对策略。[结果/结论]"你推我送"服务平台推出的精准服务模式,体现出转型期"以学校自身发展阶段为立足点,以图书馆教研服务需求为出发点,以追求学校快速向更高层次发展为核心理念",面向不同服务对象进行精准服务的适时性与有效性。  相似文献   

行动研究:图书情报工作研究的新范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前图书情报工作研究中理论与实践脱节、理论研究者与实际工作者相分离的状况,有必要引入行动研究这种新的研究方法。图书情报工作行动研究,可以激发图书情报从业人员的主体性与创新精神,促进理论研究与实际工作的结合,改进图书情报工作的实际效果,优化服务职能,是现代图书情报从业人员职业发展的重要方式。  相似文献   

自主学习中心是指在现代计算机网络支持下大学生进行自主学习,其特点在于自我管理学习,学习不受时空限制。大学生能够对学习活动事先计划和安排;对实际学习活动过程进行监察、评价、反馈;对学习活动进行调节、修正和控制。通过在网络学习系统中应用个性化知识推送服务,可以最大限度提高大学生网上学习的兴趣和积极性,对普及和推广网络自主学习中心功能模式意义非常重大。  相似文献   

常唯 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(3):16-19
机构知识库是一个机构中员工的所有智力产品的汇聚,它是对传统的以正式出版物为主的学术交流体系的补充。本文概述了机构知识库的含义和特点,重点分析了数字科研环境下机构知识库对学术交流和知识共享的作用,探讨了数字科研环境下机构知识库的构建并介绍了目前一些典型的构建工具。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]面向工程教育专业认证,构建高校图书馆支持服务体系,发挥图书馆资源与服务优势,促进学科建设和国际化工程人才培养.[方法/过程]通过分析专业认证通用标准7项指标中高校图书馆可深度嵌入支持服务的内容,对12项毕业能力要求进行逻辑划分.基于三维度双层次模型(3D2L模型),从3个维度、两个层次、6个方面以大连理...  相似文献   

When Baptist Hospital of Miami, then South Miami Hospital, became Magnet award-winning hospitals, their libraries' challenges increased. Could their librarians ease the transition of research and evidence-based practice into the "real world" of nursing? Did library services have a role in the ongoing Magnet re-credentialing process? This case study defines hospital library magnet force strategies that worked in the quest for this prestigious award for nursing excellence at two hospitals at Baptist Health South Florida.  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]以北京大学信息管理系为例,探讨图书情报与档案管理学科"思政育人"建设的思路和实践.[方法/过程]坚持"四个统一",按照传统课程、基础课程、通识类课程、实践类课程四个类别进行顶层设计,以点带面开展思政案例建设.[结果/结论]图书情报与档案管理的跨学科属性和应用性强等特点给课程思政实践带来了独特的契机和要求...  相似文献   

Using the example of microarrays, one of the constitutive technologies of post-genomic biomedicine, this paper introduces a method for analyzing publications, patents and research grants as proxies for “triple-helix interfaces” between university, industry and government activities. Our method creates bridges that allow one to move seamlessly between publication, patent and research project databases that use different fields and formats, and contain different information. These links do not require pre-defined categories in order to search for correspondences between sub-topics or research areas in the three databases. Finally, our results are not restricted to quantitative information but, rather, allow one to carry out qualitative investigations of the content of research activities. Our approach draws on a combination of text-mining and network analysis/mapping software packages.  相似文献   

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