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Once upon a time, a mother mouse and her children went for a walk in the garden. They were looking around for something to eat when they suddenly heard a loud noise. "Hiss, Hiss, Meow!" It was Elgato, the cat.  相似文献   

Whose memory is the best in your school?  相似文献   

Pandas look very nice.Manypeople like them.When children go to the zoo,they usually like seeingpandas.Pandas only live in China,and there aren’t many.The Chinesegovernment(政府)has give somepandas to Japan,Great Britain,the  相似文献   

1.Manyyearsago,therewasanoldmanwhowishedtodosomethinggoodforthepeopleofhistown.First,however,hewant-edtofindoutwhethertheydeservedhishelp.许多年以前,有位老人想为他镇上的人们做件好事。然而他想首先弄清楚他们是否应该得到他的帮助。2.Hethoughtoverandoveragain,andhehadagoodidea.Hecalledhissonandaskedhimtoplaceaverybigstoneinthemiddleoftheroadleadingtothetown.他想呀想呀,想出了一个好主意。他把儿子叫来,吩咐他把一块大石头放在通向城镇的路中间。3.Thenheputhismoneyunderthestoneandhidhimselfnearit.Hewaited…  相似文献   

No.14MiddleSchoolisinthecenterofthecity.Thecampus(校园)isveryenchanting(迷人的).Beautifulflowersandgreentreesstandonbothsides  相似文献   

Anoldwomanhadacat.Thecatwasveryold.Shecouldnotrquickly,andshecouldnotbite,becauseshewassoold.Onedaytheocatsawamouse.Shejumpedandcaughtthemouse.Butshecouldnbiteit,sothemousegotoutofhermouthandranaway.Thentheoldwomanbecameveryan鄄grybecausethecathadnotkilledthemouse.Shebegantohitthecat.Thecatsaid,“Donothityouroldservant.Ihaveworkedforyouformanyyears,andIwouldworkforyoustill,butIamtooold.Donotbeunkindtotheold,butremem鄄berwhatgoodworktheolddidwhentheywereyoung.”根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D中选…  相似文献   

My grandfather was a teacher. He was the headteacher of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentle man at heart, because when I was young(and he was old), he gave me presents, and sat me on his knee, and told me stories. But I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.  相似文献   

Most of the little girls in the school near Gates Street wore pretty newclothes that spring. But a little girl from GatesStreet wore the same dirty dress that she had worn all winter. It was probably the only dress she owned.  相似文献   

John was the only on of a rich American businessman(商人).Usually hewas taken to school by the chauffeur([汽车]司机)in his father’s beautiful car,before the chauffeur took John’s father to his office.One evening his father toldhim that he had to go to the airport(飞机场)early the next day,so he wouldneed the car at the time when John had to go to school.He said that John’s  相似文献   

Thestudentswerehavingaclassonacoldwintermorning.Theteacherstoodinfrontofafire.Hewantedtogivesomegoodadvice(建议)tothe  相似文献   

A little boy came to a new town.His name was Jack Smith.He lived withhis parents.His family was very rich.They had a beautiful house with a biggarden.They had a gardener and a cook,and also some other servants(佣人). Jack was going to a new school.On the first day his mother said to him,“Jack,be modest(谦逊的).Don’t show off that MY FAMILY  相似文献   

A very rich man bought a farm and paid more than it was worth(有……价值的)because a very old tree was growing there and it was said that it was 300years old.When he was back in the city,many of the people did not believethe tree was that old,so the new owner called his steward(管家)to check thetree’s age.  相似文献   

Teacher: How much is half of 8? Pupil: Up and down or across? Teacher: What do you mean? Pupil: Well, up and down makes a 3 or across the middle leaves a 0!  相似文献   

This article reports on the findings of a two year research project on the management of new teacher induction in five LEAs (Turner, 1992). Headteachers, mentors and newly qualified teachers in twelve schools were interviewed as were LEA officers, Inspectors and advisory teachers. The analysis showed the key roles of headteacher, mentor and advisory teacher to be different but complementary. The conclusions are drawn from a detailed analysis of some 180 interviews.  相似文献   

IfyouhaveachancetotravelinEurope,youdbetterchooseItalyasagoodplacetovisit,becauseItalyisaveryfamouscountrywithalonghistory,andtherearemanyinterestingcitiesinthiscountry.TherearemillionsofpeopleeachyearwhovisitthecityofPisa.ItisknownfortheLeaningTower(斜塔)ofPisa.Thetowerlooksasifitmightfallatanytime.Infact,somevisitorsstopatthetowerjustlongenoughtotakeapicture,thentheyhurryaway.Thetowerhas294steps(台阶).Visitorswhocanclimbtothetopandcomedownwillfeellikeheroes(英雄).The…  相似文献   

Defamiliarization is an important theory of the Russian formalism.Hemingway might not have been influenced by formalism,but defamiliarization assumes an integral part of his creation.His use of defamiliarization makes The Old Man and the Sea an epoch-making masterpiece.The paper is an attempt to explore the artistic charm of the novel by analyzing Hemingway's use of this artistic technique.  相似文献   

廖丹 《中学文科》2000,(11):33-33
1. Once upon a time a rich merchant 1 his wallet. He said that he 2 give two thousand dollars to anyone who found it。  相似文献   

这是一个美丽的夏天,天气很热,动物们都热得躲到树林或山洞里了,可是有一头小驴不怕骄阳.快活地在一座小山上跑上跑下。  相似文献   

Asyouknow,ifkids(小伙子)startontheroadtogoodmoneymanagement(管理)whentheyareyoung,theywillbeabletolearnanimportantlifeskill.Theymaymakesomemistakesalongthelivingway,buttheywilllearnthepracticalexperienceofsaving,investing(投资),budgeting(预算)andfitspending.Theywillbasethemonneed.Kidswholearnaboutmoneymanagementearlyareoftengoodatmakingmoneylater.Andthatsgoodnewsfortheirparents.Letthempayforsomeofthethingstheywant,likeamerrytraditionalsetoraspecialserving.根据短文内容,判…  相似文献   

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