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In this article I describe three key design issues which underlie a CIRG project building an open learning hypertext package for teaching writing skills. These are issues in:
  • ? combining flexible materials with fixed structures;
  • ? giving students real flexibility in learning;
  • ? the nature of interaction in hypertext writing teaching.
  • I outline a design strategy to meet problems in all these areas.  相似文献   

    作为一种自媒介,大众传播语境中的博客是私人话语与公共话语的信息博弈。与传统媒介不同,博客是一种开放性的动态文本,交互性与超文本性是博客动态特征的体现。网络链接是实现博客超文本性的技术路径。在许多情形下,博客是以二级传播方式进行的,博主充当了所谓的舆论领袖,在叙述策略上表现出一种强烈的欲望化色彩。  相似文献   

    认知灵活性理论是基于对高级学习的研究而提出的学习理论,是教学的重要依据之一,它强调知识的学习是一个双向建构的过程。在教学实践中应用认知灵活性理论应结合学习领域特征、考虑学生的年龄、任务难度及情绪等影响因素,运用认知灵活性超文本随机进入教学,培养学生的多元认知表征,最终达到促进迁移的教学目的。  相似文献   

    提问是课堂教学的重要组成部分,是教师为达到教学目标,与学生之间进行沟通,有效调控课堂,互相进行反馈与交流的重要中介。学会有效提问是教师必需的教学技能之一,是教师开启学生心智、促进学生思维、增强学生的主动参与意识的基本控制手段。教师要学会有效地进行提问,在短暂的课堂45分钟内抓住有效的提问时机,充分进行有效教学。  相似文献   

    The counterpart to the open access to information facilitated by the Internet is the problem of the over-saturation of data and sources. A collaborative model of hypermedia is proposed as a pedagogical approach to the teaching of urban planning in which students organize and construct information from the possibilities provided by hypertext language. The methodology is structured in three phases: organization when searching for information; presentation of information using hypermedia; and assessment of the work. The results show that organization of information in the form of websites obtained the highest scores, although collaborative assessment should be restricted to subjective aspects of communication, while objective aspects should be assessed by the teacher and by groups of experts.  相似文献   

    The increasing demand for engineers in fast-changing specialities requires new ways of teaching technical subjects in higher engineering education; but introducing computers as ordinarly learning tools is far from being simple. For the past 10 years, we have been exploring original ways of using new technologies to help students learn new concepts. The solutions which were experimented with in Telecom Paris by engineering students include an hypertext encyclopaedia, a multimedia network system and an intelligent tutoring system which tries to sustain ‘natural’ conversations with students. All these systems were designed for the same specific purpose: to help the students learn new technical concepts by themselves.  相似文献   

    提问是课堂教学的重要组成部分,是教师为达到教学目标,与学生之间进行沟通,有效调控课堂,互相进行反馈与交流的重要中介。学会有效提问是教师必需的教学技能之一,是教师开启学生心智、促进学生思维、增强学生的主动参与意识的基本控制手段。教师要学会有效地进行提问,在短暂的课堂45分钟内抓住有效的提问时机,充分进行有效教学。  相似文献   

    学习不是单向传输的过程,而是双向的交流学习.良好的师生互动,可以促进学生全面发展,使学生发现数学的魅力,培养学生的数学思维.教师在数学课堂教学中应用互动式教学时,应调动学生互动积极性,注重日常生活的关联性,营造和谐的教学氛围,采用丰富多元的教学方法,在练习中突破创新,使学生积极主动地进行课堂学习.  相似文献   

    “寓教于乐”是以生为本,实施愉快教学的重要手段,也是教学双边互动流程达到和谐融洽的一种艺术境界。在实施此教学方案中,应营造和谐宽松的课堂氛围,让学生喜欢语;应建立平等对话式的师生关系,让学生乐于学习;应注重情感交流,潜移默化感染学生;应鼓励学生大胆质疑,让学生乐中求新,乐中求异。  相似文献   

    口语交际是每个社会人适应生存的最基本的能力之一,对学生语文素养的形成有着不可替代的作用。新版《语文课程标准》增加了对口语交际教学的建议和要求,加强了口语交际在语文教学中的地位。如何进一步贯彻新版课标的精神,需要从口语交际的教学情境、教学途径以及有效的教学评价等方面作进一步探究。  相似文献   

    数学双语教学是指在汉语的辅助下,用英语进行数学教学,并逐渐使学生能独立地运用英语学习、研究、思考和交流数学。为了更好地开展数学的双语教学,德州学院数学系组成课题组,在该院数学系开展复变函数论的双语教学实践,取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

    师生面谈反馈指的是师生之间一对一的关于学生作文和写作过程所进行的写作会议。写作师生面谈被认为是一种高效并有效的写作反馈方式(Ferris,2003;Williams,2004)。以往对于写作教学中的师生面谈反馈更多是一语的语境下;即使是二语的语境下,研究的重点更多的是放在对于教师或学生某一方在互动中的表现。本研究基于交互假说(Long,1981,1985,1996)和注意假说(Schimdt,1990)搭建起的沟通和辅助相结合的理论框架,根据对某中国大学的两位英语写作老师和五位大学一年级学生为期两个学期的调查和数据采集,针对老师和学生双方在互动中的表现以及其效果进行分析,作者发现利用师生面谈反馈对低水平学生的英语写作进行辅导时效果明显,并整理出一套师生面谈反馈的谈话模式以供其他老师实际操作英语写作教学中的师生面谈。  相似文献   

    开放式Linux实验教学平台设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    针对Linux实验教学中存在的实验环境不够灵活、实验学习时间受限和无法实时沟通的问题,论文提出了"1个网络平台,2条技术路线,3种参与角色,1套实验教学网站"的开放式Linux实验教学理念。依据此教学理念设计的开放式Linux实验教学平台不仅为学生提供了一个开放的全天候实验环境,为师生们间的沟通和交流提供了一条高效的途径,而且有效解决了Linux实验教学中存在的上述问题,取得了较好的实验教学效果。  相似文献   

    In this paper, we present two studies designed to help students navigate effectively and learn from a hypertext system, CoMPASS. Our first study (N = 74) involved an analysis of students’ navigation patterns to group them into clusters, using a k-means clustering technique. Based on this analysis, navigation patterns were grouped into four clusters, enabling us to understand the kinds of support that students needed. This formed the basis of our next study, in which we designed and implemented metanavigation support to help students navigate and learn science content. Support in the form of prompts was provided to one group (N = 58) while a second group (N = 58) with no support served as the comparison group. Our results suggest that students in the support group performed better on a concept-mapping task. Based on the results we provide suggestions for providing metacognitive support in hypertext systems.  相似文献   

    分析了现代管理类知识的"非良构"特征及其对管理类课程本科传统教学模式的挑战;基于认知灵活理论,提出了创设管理类课程超文本知识系统,提高教师灵活性教学的责任意识、专业素养和授课技能,适当采用团队式教学、改革教学进度和教学大纲,建立以激励学生为导向的高校招生与考试制度等管理类本科课程灵活性教学模式及其系统优化策略。  相似文献   

    近年来,英语成为国际交往的重要工具.英语学习对于世界经济、文化、科学技术的发展起着促进作用.不同的民族有着不同的社会文化背景.学习一种外语必须了解这种语言所承载的文化.要学好英语就要了解讲英语国家的文化背景及风俗习惯,要将语言教学和社会文化背景知识的教学统一起来,帮助学生克服母语的干扰,养成用英语思维的习惯,从而达到中学英语教学的目的.  相似文献   

    The present research consisted of a comprehensive evaluation of a hypertext model for teaching process writing at the junior high and high school level. Interests were to determine how two teachers and three different age groups of students used and reacted to the model, specifically, its embedded design features of model stories, note cards, idea buttons, mini-lessons, branching buttons, and cut-and-paste-tools. Results showed applications of the embedded features to vary based on teacher attitudes, feature attributes (e.g., ease of use and appeal), and student characteristics. Older students made more usage of many of the features, but were less positive about the hypertext model given their greater involvement with completing writing assignments rather than with exploring new forms of writing. The implications of the results are discussed regarding the instructional design and classroom implementation of new technologies for teaching process writing strategies.This study was conducted as a doctoral dissertation completed by the first author at the University of Memphis under the supervision of the second and third authors.  相似文献   

    教师的人格魅力是有效开展教学交往的关键性因素之一。本文从"身正"为教学交往创造诚信的基础、语言魅力实现师生心灵的对话、平等真诚为学生参与教学交往积累了情感积淀、尊重和理解架起教学交往的平台几方面分析了健全的教师人格对于教学交往的影响。  相似文献   

    大数据、多元智能、学科结构、语用,以建构主义的追求建构教育教学意义,揭开了教育教学崭新的篇章:从知识源上建构教育教学意义,赋予知识以强大的生命力;建构超文本大数据教育教学情境,赋予课堂强大的凝聚力、丰富的共享性;创造教育教学的醉心、崇高的语用境界,赋予学生激动、灵活、质性的存在与发展。  相似文献   

    王兰 《天津教育》2021,(11):161-163
    语文课程标准明确指出,语文教学中培养学生的口语交际能力,是语文教学的主要任务之一。小学语文课堂教学中,教师要根据教学计划和教学内容安排,有计划有目的地对学生的口语交际能力进行培养,让学生掌握基本的口语技能技巧,提高自身的语文综合素质。在教学的过程中,需要教师采取各种有效的教学手段,帮助学生提高口语交际能力,激发学生学习口语交际能力的欲望,提高他们的语言思维逻辑能力,可以通过辩论比赛活动,增强他们的语言运用能力,逐步提高他们的综合能力。  相似文献   

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