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Portfolios, Accountability, and an Interpretive Approach to Validity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How can the results of classroom-based portfolio assessment be communicated outside the classroom? How might a portfolio-based assessment system be designed and implemented? How can we evaluate the merits of portfolio-based assessments?  相似文献   

How should we teach prospective teachers about performance assessment? What are the issues and concerns that new teachers will encounter as they begin their teaching careers? How can assessment and instruction be better integrated in classrooms?  相似文献   

How can you align instruction, learning, and assessment in an educationally sound way? How can you define and measure competence in mathematics? What areas of competence do you need to specify and how? How can one evaluate the validity and consequences of using a particular assessment instrument or technique?  相似文献   

What are the areas of mismatch between the assessment problems teachers face and the type of assessment training they receive? How can the gaps be addressed in testing courses?  相似文献   

The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium funded the development of a licensure assessment based on its Standards for School Leaders. But moving from a set of professional standards to a licensure assessment poses many challenges and raises difficult questions: Which standards should be assessed? How authentic should an authentic assessment be? How can licensure assessment help lead the field to a new pedagogical paradigm, when licensure has typically been reserved for protecting the public? This article explains these challenges and documents the methods used to meet them in the development of the School Leaders Licensure Assessment.  相似文献   

Owing to the break-out of the COVID-19 pandemic, students have to take more online learning than offline, and large-scale education assessment programs have to be suspended or postponed. How could education assessment adapt to large-scale online learning? How could the effect and safety of online assessment be improved? What role should formative assessment play in student admissions? How could different assessment results be linked? Reflections on and trends of the Chinese experiences are presented in this article. Based on cross-cultural comparison research, measures to be recommended are as follows: reviewing previous theories, improving existing methods continuously, and developing assessment techniques innovatively according to new application scenarios.  相似文献   

How can performance assessments be used as part of regular instruction? Will this raise student performance on external achievement measures? What aspects of examinee performance improve on the assessment exercises?  相似文献   

How can we best extend DIF research to performance assessment? What are the issues and problems surrounding studies of DIF on complex tasks? What appear to be the best approaches at this time?  相似文献   

Validating Measures of Performance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How can the validity of performance assessments be established? What type of logical argumentation is necessary to generalize from a particular assessment to the ability or abilities of interest?  相似文献   

How can focus groups be used to examine issues of consequential validity in large-scale assessment? In relation to a new large-scale assessment, what are teacher concerns, and how do these concerns differ by type of school district? What are the strengths and weaknesses in this approach to looking at consequential validity?  相似文献   

How can knowledge of the development of expertise in a subject area inform the development of assessments in that area? How can one examine the relationship between what is anticipated from a performance assessment and what is actually seen?  相似文献   

Teaching About Communicating Assessment Results and Grading   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How should a course on classroom assessment differ from an introductory psychometrics course? How should such a course be taught? How large a role should instruction concerning grading and communicating play in such a course?  相似文献   

Evaluating Classroom Assessment Training in Teacher Education Programs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What should training for teachers look like? Do our assessment practices align well with what we would like our students to do? How can you self-assess assessment training at your institution?  相似文献   

How do teachers obtain assessment information? Should our courses emphasize less formal assessment methods rather than formal methods? What nontraditional assessment topics should be added to our courses?  相似文献   

Is construct validity relevant to performance assessment? Can these assessments allow meaningful comparisons? How can we minimize validity-reducing errors?  相似文献   

How can we combine a multiple‐choice assessment with a performance assessment to yield a single score? What alternatives are there for weighting components of a test? What effect does reliability and validity have in component weighting?  相似文献   

国际技术教育课程评价:困境、经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着技术教育成为各国基础教育关注的热点领域,其课程评价日益成为一个共同的焦点问题。技术教育课程应该由谁来评价?评价什么?怎样评价?有哪些合适的评价方式?通过对别国及地区的实践考察,技术教育课程评价应积极建立基于"专业"与标准的国家质量监测体系,努力寻求适合"技术"自身特性的多元评价方式。  相似文献   

Why should we take a broader view of assessment theory and research when constructing measures of school achievement? How might we incorporate a learner's awareness of his or her own learning strategies into the assessment process? How could an assessment developer combine the use of psychological constructs and varying contexts for learning in the assessment of competence in mathematics?  相似文献   

Why and under which conditions do international student assessment programmes like PISA have success? How can the results of these assessments be useful for advocates of different, even contradictory, policies? What might explain different patterns of using assessment as a tool for school governance? Drawing on historical and comparative research, and using PISA as an example, this paper provides a frame for discussing these and other questions around the international rise of accountability as a key tool of social change. The basic argument is that even though accountability is a global phenomenon, the ways and means of enacting and encountering accountability are not. How accountability is experienced depends on deeply engrained ‘constitutional mind‐sets’, i.e. diverse cultures of conceptualizing the relation between the public and its institutions.  相似文献   

These are changing times in Australia for teachers and their students, with the introduction of a national curriculum and standards driven reform. While countries in Europe such as England, and in Asia such as Singapore, are changing policy to use assessment in the support of and improvement of learning it appears that we in Australia are moving towards creating policy that will raise the assessment stakes for the putative purposes of transparency, accountability and fairness. What can be learnt from countries that have had years of high stakes testing? How can Australia avoid the mistakes of past curriculum and assessment reform efforts? And how can Australian teachers build their capacity to maximise their use of the learning power of assessment? These are the questions that are addressed in this article, with reference to innovative research from global networks that have maintained the assessment focus on learning rather than accountability practices.  相似文献   

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