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电子时代,工作与娱乐问的界限日益缩小,个性化时间正支配着每个人的生活。人们可以个性化地选择在任何时间看电视,传统的电视黄金时间正失去昔日的影响力。因此,探讨电视黄金时间逐渐式微的背景、原因极有意义。  相似文献   

每天七点整是我们全家人看电视的黄金时间。当然,激烈的“电视争夺战”也开赛了!这项比赛只有四个选手,他们分别是:帅气的爸爸,苗条的妈妈,可爱的妹妹和超级漂亮的我。先讲一下比赛规则,只有一句话:谁抢到电视看谁就赢啦!不过,往往只有一种比赛结果:妹妹胜利。  相似文献   

我很少为了什么去读书,“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”,我只有在自学考试难以坚持时才苟同这种观点。也不是因为大部分人认为的所谓的用功去读书,我最尴尬的是,每当我捧着一本书读得入神的时候,时不时有人(包括我的朋友)都会来一句:“这么认真?休息休息。”很多时候,我就报之以苦笑:休息?我这就在休息,读书使我的心最为安稳宁静,读书是我最好的休息方式。我是因为喜欢书而去读书。就像有人喜欢打牌、有人喜欢看电视、有人喜欢上网、有人喜欢逛街、有人喜欢闲聊、有人喜欢旅游一样,每个人都有每个人的生活方式,读书就是我的生活方式。大部分时间我只读我喜欢的书。如果哪一天不读书,我就觉得这一天少了什么,在每个劳累了一天之后的夜晚,孩子已静静睡着,月亮温柔地定格在窗眼里,疲惫的身躯舒服地靠在床头,然后捧一本书,这是我一天最幸福、最放松、最适意的时光。  相似文献   

生:老师让我们写观察日记,说生活是写作的来源,但我觉得自己的生活确实有些单调,往往是“上学—放学—做功课—看电视—睡觉”一条线。  相似文献   

晚上七点的钟声响了,我们家三个电视迷又开始抢看自己喜欢的电视节目了。我躺在沙发上,津津有味地看起了动画片《天上掉下个猪八戒》。谁知,妈妈来了,她一把夺过遥控器,调  相似文献   

一天晚上7点钟.S先生正在家里看电视。突然.电话响起了.一个歹徒在电话里大声地吆喝道:“S,你的女儿在我这里.要想她活命.就先准备1000万美金.放到A大厦下面的那个垃圾箱里.  相似文献   

李丹 《青少年日记》2013,(10):57-57
9月17日 晴看电视里的生活调节类节目,一位婆婆总是与自己的儿媳相处不好,觉得自己为这个家已经付出了所有,却得不到儿媳的好感,生活的角角落落里潜伏着看不见的危机,儿子的婚姻也几次因儿媳的离家出走而险些搁浅,为此,儿子抱怨母亲的多事,抱怨母亲不为他以后的Et子着想,  相似文献   

OPPO相信已经有一大部分人认识它的名字,长期在中央电视台黄金时间15秒的广告,已经深深震撼了整个MP3界,如果现在还有人不知道OPPO,那说明此人最近很少看电视报纸或者上网,因为OPPO的声音已贯穿到我们的生活中,大手笔的广告轰炸加上各种公关活动,你想不看到她的身影都很难!  相似文献   

OPPO相信已经有一大部分人认识它的名字,长期在中央电视台黄金时间15秒的广告,已经深深震撼了整个MP3界,如果现在还有人不知道OPPO,那说明此人最近很少看电视报纸或者上网,因为OPPO的声音已贯穿到我们的生活中,大手笔的广告轰炸加上各种公关活动,你想不看到她的身影都很难!  相似文献   

佚名 《良师》2010,(3):22-23
“不插电”直译为“拔掉电源插头”。“不插电生活”是指断绝现有的通讯工具联系,不使用高科技电器,回归简单质朴、健康环保的生活方式。目前世界各地都有人组织“周末不插电”活动,找一个周末,不玩电脑,不看电视,不吹空调,不煲“电话粥”。周末怎样“不插电”呢?  相似文献   

中古时代欧亚大陆自东向西并存着几个大文化圈,即:汉、伊斯兰、印度与基督教文化圈。伊斯兰文化圈东部主要学术语言是波斯语。成吉思汗西征后,大批西域人随蒙古军入华,使波斯语在汉地落脚生根,并借助中国在汉文化圈和东亚的重要地位,将其影响力扩及东亚和东南亚。波斯语在13—15世纪的中国扮演着四种角色:元代最重要的官方行用文字之一;入华回回人的族内共同语;元代和明初主要的外交语言之一及当时中国汲取域外科学知识的最重要的学术语言。波斯语在东亚的黄金时代,随着其掌握者——入华回回人的逐渐本土化,在明中期结束。  相似文献   

Let R be a ring, a ,b ∈ R, ( D , α ) and (G , β ) be two generalized derivations of R . It is proved that if aD ( x ) = G ( x )b for all x ∈ R, then one of the following possibilities holds: (i) If either a or b is contained in C , then α = β= 0 and there exist p , q ∈ Qr ( RC) such that D ( x )= px and G ( x )= qx for all x ∈ R;(ii) If both a and b are contained in C , then either a = b= 0 or D and G are C-linearly dependent;(iii) If neither a nor b is contained in C , then there exist p , q ∈ Qr ( RC) and w ∈ Qr ( R) such that α ( x ) = [ q ,x] and β ( x ) = [ x ,p] for all x ∈ R, whence D ( x )= wx-xq and G ( x )= xp + avx with v ∈ C and aw-pb= 0.  相似文献   

This article explores the history of Head Start, the federal early education program for economically disadvantaged preschool children in the United States, as a way of understanding what it means to talk about change in the late twentieth century. The history of Head Start has been a story of administrative changes and improvement and accountability initiatives in the realm of public policy, a ominant narrative of progress and rational planning that is consonant with a large, centralized governance structure. In an effort to create another way of conceiving of the organization, we first examine shifting definitions and conflicting interpretations of parental involvement and staff development within the program to reveal some of the tensions inherent in all human endeavors. We then draw on interviews with women who work in and are served by Head Start to show how needs and resources vary and how policy mandates can have differential—and unintended—effects. In the conclusion, we suggest, following Toulmin (1990), that the certainty and stability that has characterized public policy since the Enlightment must now be tempered with a postmodern recognition of change, complexity, and variability. Rather than one history, we see many histories. Instead of one approach, we see value in tailoring improvement initiatives to the needs of families and staff in specific circumstances.  相似文献   

This article explores the history of Head Start, the federal early education program for economically disadvantaged preschool children in the United States, as a way of understanding what it means to talk about change in the late twentieth century. The history of Head Start has been a story of administrative changes and improvement and accountability initiatives in the realm of public policy, a ominant narrative of progress and rational planning that is consonant with a large, centralized governance structure. In an effort to create another way of conceiving of the organization, we first examine shifting definitions and conflicting interpretations of parental involvement and staff development within the program to reveal some of the tensions inherent in all human endeavors. We then draw on interviews with women who work in and are served by Head Start to show how needs and resources vary and how policy mandates can have differential—and unintended—effects. In the conclusion, we suggest, following Toulmin (1990), that the certainty and stability that has characterized public policy since the Enlightment must now be tempered with a postmodern recognition of change, complexity, and variability. Rather than one history, we see many histories. Instead of one approach, we see value in tailoring improvement initiatives to the needs of families and staff in specific circumstances. .  相似文献   

任命宰相统管一切日常政务,是中国封建君主的一大发明。中国的宰相为数众多,可分如下几类:开国宰相;太平宰相;出将入相的宰相;权相;贤相;奸相;贪相;无所作为相;傀儡相等等。举凡良相,都善于抓大事。劣相们也有一些共同特点。中国君主制下的宰相制,既有成功的经验,也有深刻的教训,都值得我们借鉴、总结。  相似文献   

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