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This article focuses on the graphic novel produced by a 12-year-old student who participated in a multifaceted study that provided her with opportunities to engage with multimodal texts. An ecological perspective on teaching and learning framed the classroom-based research that explored how developing students' knowledge of literary and illustrative elements affects their understanding, interpretation and analysis of picturebooks and graphic novels, and the subsequent creation of their own print multimodal texts. During a 10-week period, 25 Grade 7 students participated in interdependent reading, writing and oral activities that offered them opportunities to learn about metafictive devices, some art elements and a few compositional principles of graphic novels. For the culminating activity of the study, the students created their own multimodal print texts. The in-depth analysis of one student's graphic novel reveals how her participation and engagement in a particular classroom community of practice affected her learning of the content and concepts under study.  相似文献   

A multifaceted, classroom‐based research project explored how developing Grade 7 students’ knowledge of literary and illustrative elements affects their understanding, interpretation and analysis of picturebooks and graphic novels, and their subsequent creation of their own print texts. Analysis of two sources of data, the students’ written responses to Amulet ( Kibuishi 2008 ), one of the graphic novels read and discussed during the study, and the students’ opinions about the knowledge that is required to read and understand a graphic novel, indicated how the instruction about various graphic novel conventions had impacted the students’ awareness of and knowledge about the structural design of these multimodal texts.  相似文献   

In recent years, reading scholars have increasingly attended to children’s responses to picturebook page breaks, reasoning that the inferences young readers make during the turning of the page are central to understanding how children construct continuous narratives in semiotically rich texts. In this paper I argue that comics (including comic books and graphic novels) offer similar gap-filling affordances as picturebooks, but for older children and adolescent readers. A major site of meaning-making in comics is the “gutter” between panels. This is where much of the magic occurs for readers while transacting with the medium. Since the comics medium is popular with many students and has received increased attention from teachers, researchers, and curriculum developers during the multimodal and multiliterate turns of the past decades, I argue that it is vital for educators not only to use comics in their classrooms, but to focus explicitly on gutters in order to exercise the medium’s full potential. Pulling from numerous sources, I provide several pedagogical activities that emphasize gutters as rich sites of constructing meaning.  相似文献   

This paper continues the argument for comics, especially graphic novels and manga (Japanese comics), to be taken seriously as a valid art form and as a source for work at all levels of art education. [1] Specific case studies demonstrate how these ambitions might be realised in practice in the form of classroom comic / graphic novel based projects in primary and secondary schools. Three have been singled out for consideration and each deals with issues affecting comics in education, such as the question of ‘derivative’ work, assessment and interpreting pre-existing texts. The capability of comic-based projects to successfully accommodate wider social issues like gender construction also come under scrutiny. The resulting works are analysed in the context of the prevailing education culture and highlight the difficulties of applying established assessment criteria to projects of this type.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study explored the relationship between comprehension strategies and graphic novels in one Grade 4 classroom, utilising children as informants. The primary research questions related to children's applications of metacognitive reading comprehension strategies as well as the potential for graphic novels to support the students’ development as readers. Findings demonstrated that the children were able to apply two types of strategies to their reading of graphic novels: ‘keys’ that supported form‐specific comprehension strategies and ‘master keys’ that supported more general comprehension strategies that could be applied to other types of texts. Student preferences for graphic novels aligned with their preferences for reading narrative novels and non‐fiction, and did not align with preferences regarding comics or cartoons. Student preferences for reading graphic novels increased throughout the study. Fluent student responses to graphic novels through process drama were identified. Implications of the study involve the employment of graphic novels to support metacognitive strategies for reading and writing as well as to facilitate process drama.  相似文献   

As art objects, picturebooks have the potential to contribute to readers’ aesthetic development. Many scholars and practitioners have recognized how using picturebooks with older students can augment their reading motivation and extend their understanding of visual elements of art and design, as well as develop their literacy, language, and thinking skills. The Red Tree (Tan, 2001) was one of the picturebooks used during two multifaceted, classroom-based research projects with Grade 7 students. The studies explored how the students responded to and interpreted picturebooks and graphic novels with metafictive devices, and examined how the students transferred their knowledge and understanding of various literary and art elements when creating their own multimodal print texts. Overall, the content analysis of the students’ written responses to The Red Tree revealed an adoption of an “aesthetic attitude” (Doonan, Looking at Pictures in Picture Books, 1993, p. 11) towards the picturebook. The students’ responses reflected how they positioned themselves as active readers who looked closely at Tan’s sophisticated and metaphorical paintings, and who embraced a co-authoring role as they interpreted the emotional landscapes and textual fragments in the picturebook. The article concludes with a discussion of several pedagogical issues associated with using picturebooks in middle years’ classrooms.  相似文献   

Rhonda Nixon 《Literacy》2012,46(2):81-93
The author explores how comics texts and writing practices are rich literacy resources for educators. Few studies report on how teachers explore such texts and practices in their classrooms. The author examines how drawing improves students' narrative writing and presents findings from a 7‐month case study of Delainey and Rasmussen's collaborative composing routines. Delainey and Rasmussen are the creators of the daily syndicated comic strip, Betty, an internationally published family comic strip that has been in newspapers for 20 years. The author explores Delainey and Rasmussen's collaborative routines and composing practices and provides parallel suggestions for classroom work.  相似文献   

A justification for the inclusion of graphic comic art in post-14 art education following the development of graphic novels in Europe, Japan and the USA. in recent years. The case is based on the visual dynamics of the medium and the potential for a critical realism which can be exploited in students’ studio practice and research. Particular attention is given to the Holocaust novel Maus and selected Japanese ‘Manga’ comics which have made an impact in the west, such as Barefoot Gen and Adolf. The article analyses the various innovative visual forms that these graphic novels utilise and considers their effectiveness as a vehicle for practice and research in the institutional art curriculum.  相似文献   

Jo Lampert 《Sex education》2013,13(2):177-185
Children's picturebooks dealing with the topic of child sexual abuse first appeared in the early 1980s with the aim of addressing the need for age-appropriate texts to teach sexual abuse prevention concepts and to provide support for young children who may be at risk of or have already experienced sexual abuse. Despite the apparent potential of children's picturebooks to convey child sexual abuse prevention concepts, very few studies have addressed the topic of child sexual abuse in children's literature. Based on a larger study of 60 picturebooks about sexual child abuse published over the past 25 years, this paper critically examines eight picturebook representations of the perpetrators of sexual child abuse as a way to understand how potentially dangerous adults are explained to the young readers of these texts.  相似文献   

A classroom-based study with eight- and nine-year-old students included the participants having many opportunities to engage with multimodal print and digital texts, and various technological tools. The data presented in this article focus on one of the specific purposes of the research: to investigate students’ opinions of the affordances of designing print and digital graphic narratives. The content analysis of the students’ reflections about working with a software programme to compose a multimodal ensemble in the medium of comics revealed evidence of critical thinking as they analysed and critiqued the possibilities and constraints for meaning-making. The conclusion features a consideration of the importance of students and teachers developing metalevel knowledge about and a critical stance toward the meaning-making affordances of all texts and compositional tools and devices.  相似文献   

This article examines narrative strategies present in picturebooks about slavery that feature quilts. Against the depicted dangers of slavery, images of quilts serve to offer a sense of hope and in that way they provide a means of discussing difficult subjects with very young readers. As a central image in these texts, the quilt is variously represented as an artifact of remembrance, an image of hope, a type of testimony, and a sign of safety. This article focuses on a selection of texts to explore how verbal and visual images work to present and mitigate issues of historical violence. Additionally, the ways the image of the quilt intra- and extra-textually functions as a metanarrative comment on the construction of picturebooks are examined.  相似文献   


Building on the established idea that to provide students with a full portrait of Israeli society and history, educators must introduce greater complexity into their Israel curriculum, the following paper explores three recently published graphic novels about Israel and considers how each offers opportunities for considering Israel in more nuanced ways. The paper is grounded in recent research about Israel education and empirical studies about graphic novels in education. Each of the three texts highlights aspects of Israeli society that are less frequently addressed in curriculum about Israel and therefore provide opportunities for presenting students with primary sources that directly grapple with the complexities of Israeli society.  相似文献   

在当代少数民族小说中,有大量存在于文本中的仪式。学界或是对仪式作文化学解剖,或是将仪式书写理解为场景描述。前者混淆了文化和文学意义上仪式的区别,忽略了文学的虚构性质;后者则未注意民族文学的特殊性,对仪式书写可能具有的多层次意义未加深入思考。实际上,仪式承载信仰与情感,蕴含作者的民族认同,并对文本的叙事进程及结构有着较大影响,读者可通过对仪式的重视和分析,更好地理解人物,揭示文本深层意蕴。  相似文献   

Meanings in a picturebook are constructed in the space between words, images and reader. Contemporary picturebooks are ideal vehicles for a deep reading of, and philosophical engagement with, texts that move beyond literary and literacy knowledge. Philosophy with picturebooks also offers an alternative to personal responses to these texts that are individual, subjective and anecdotal. The use of these works of art for teaching demands an epistemological reorientation with ethical and political implications. First, it is argued how picturebooks’ ambiguity and complexity demand the ‘community of enquiry’ pedagogy that positions its participants (including young children) as able meaning-makers and problem-posers. Secondly, it is shown how philosophical knowledge changes the questions lecturers, teachers and primary children ask and how these can disrupt naturalised psychological discourses about child and childhood. The argument is supported by showing how the picturebook Angry Arthur by Oram and Kitamura can be used in teacher education to teach key theoretical distinctions in the philosophy of emotions and how these ideas challenge the still current discourse of developmentality through deep readings that are also literal and not symbolic or figurative as often assumed. Angry Arthur is therefore suggested as a useful text in teacher education especially in combination with the community of enquiry pedagogy.  相似文献   

本着对一个有潜力的文学新人负责的态度,细读其文本,将其置于文学史座标系中来考察,会发现张悦然的小说属于主观型创作,诗化小说;其小说存在明显的唯美主义追求,且充满魔幻与灵异色彩;从女性文学角度来看,其作品是典型的女性文本,具有女性的阴柔极致之美。  相似文献   

张资平的恋爱小说受到了日本自然主义文学的影响,他不仅接受了日本自然主义文学观念,还将日本自然主义代表人物的文学文本作为直接的模仿对象。日本自然主义的影响既使他在创作上逐渐成熟,奠定了在文坛上的地位,也让他的小说蒙上过浓的肉欲色彩,为人所诟病。  相似文献   

小学《语文》中革命题材的课文涉及的时代与现代社会存在较大差距,与小学生的实际生活严重脱节,被一些教师看成是“假”“媚”“俗”即“伪圣化”的东西,是教学中的“鸡肋”。其实,教材不过是个“例子”。只要我们着眼于语文教学的本位,关注语言文字的运用,引导学生在语言文字中接受思想的启迪、情感的熏陶,将社会主义的核心价值观渗透到语言文字的运用中,就能达到“润物细无声”的效果。  相似文献   

第三代诗具有的后现代倾向,可从诗歌现象和诗歌文本两方面加以分析。就诗歌文本而言,第三代诗对传统诗学言意观的刻意否定,消解意象神话;更新诗歌审美观念,确立审丑美学原则;消解了诗的深度模式,关注日常经验;运用戏仿和反讽,对严肃的事物特别是古典名著或现代经典进行再次书写;运用互文和拼贴,以及使一些外来的词语甚至生造出来的词汇涌入高雅的诗歌语言圣地,形成一种不同层次的“无声喧哗”;等等种种表现构成第三代诗歌后现代倾向。  相似文献   

以侯易的词汇重复理论为框架,按照等距抽样原则,从选取的英汉语料中抽取一定数量的样本,对比分析英汉叙事语篇中词汇衔接的使用异同,结果发现两种语言在四种词汇重复手段的使用上均有不同,究其原因在于语言中形合与意合的区别。研究结果对英语词汇教学有如下启示:将词汇纳入语篇层次,关注语篇中的词形及语义网络中的单词。  相似文献   

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