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This article describes and evaluates an innovative way to teach a counseling theories and practices course to beginning counseling students. Cognitive and affective learning processes, continuous and systematic feedback, small group dynamics, and a cross-sectional approach to teaching theoretical concepts and techniques are described. This approach was implemented by using the following instructional format: didactic, demonstration, task simulation, and self-exploration. Evaluation included self—peer, student-staff, and staff-student evaluations and used measures obtained from six instrumented indices. Results suggest that this approach might be a useful alternative to teaching the traditional didactic course in theories and practices of counseling.  相似文献   

Ninety beginning freshmen at the University of Missouri-Rolla were utilized as subjects. The sample was sub-divided into three equal groups; the experimental group was composed of pre-registered students enrolled in an intensified instructional program in Study Skills and Developmental Reading and were provided specialized counseling services; one control group was composed of students that had taken part in the pre-registration program at UMR, but were not enrolled in the Study Skills and Developmental Reading instruction and were not provided specialized counseling services; and the other control group was accorded no variation in traditional method of enrollment or instruction. All three groups were matched on their obtained School and College Ability Test scores, English and Mathematics Placement Test scores, college majors and semester hours attempted. All students in these groups were above average in quantitative skills and below average in verbal skills.

The experimental group met for developmental reading and study skills instruction on a bi-weekly basis for no academic credit. The study skills instruction included material dealing specifically with both study habits and study attitudes. The developmental reading sequence consisted of both machine and workbook instruction. The counseling service was provided on a voluntary basis and was initiated at the time of pre-registration. A statistically significant difference in grade point average (GPA) was discerned after the first semester of the project. While no significant differences in GPA existed after the second and third semesters of the investigation, the attrition rate was considerably lower for the experimental group than for the control groups. Highly significant gains were evidenced in reading rates with no significant loss in reading comprehension.  相似文献   

图式理论与图式阅读教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代认知心理学的图式理论是阅续心理学领域研究阅读理解过程的主流理论,文章图式有助于提高阅读效率和阅读质量,使读者知识的结构化、系统化程度大为提高,和常规教学相比,图式教学更能有效地提高学生的阅读理解能力和推理能力。  相似文献   

In general, counselor educators have borrowed heavily from psychotherapeutic theories in conceptualizing service delivery models. These models have in common an assumption that the goal of counseling is the personal growth and development of the client that results from the relationship between the participants in the helping process. The adoption of psychotherapeutic and growth experience models by counselor educators leads to at least two problems for counselors who work in agency settings: (1) the high turnover, transitory nature of the caseload does not lend itself to the type of interactions where relationships can be central to the goals of counseling. And (2) the problems presented by the majority of agency clients are not amenable to solution through the self-exploration methods of the psychotherapeutic and growth experience models because of various constraints of agency practice.  相似文献   

I .IntroductionForeignexpertshavepaidmuchattentiontotheresearchesintoreadingtheoriesandreadinginstruction .Theirachievementsandfindingscanbesummedupasfollows :(1) .Readingcomprehensionisinteractive ,thatis ,comprehensionisneithertotallytext based(bottom up)no…  相似文献   

The authors describe an innovative practice in classroom pedagogy for teaching counseling theories. In an attempt to make the counseling process “transparent” for students, instructors demonstrated clinical thinking using monologue and dialogue during role plays conducted in class. Support for this approach is offered, and feedback from students in the course is presented.  相似文献   

Some of the characteristics of the major theories of counseling and differences in practice among counselors of these theoretical orientations are discussed.  相似文献   

教学认识论和教学理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学过程中学生的认识过程反映了人类认识活动不断发展的进程,近代以来科学认识方法被不断引进教学过程。考察和分析这一进程,反思我国现有教学理论,对创建现代教学论具有启发意义。  相似文献   

This study represents a systematic method of arriving at the cognitive and experiential training needs of the group counselor. Proposed behavioral objectives were rated and added to by experts in group counseling through a method of successive questionnaires—a modified Delphi technique. The ratings of the second questionnaire were used to analyze the value of the objectives and the agreement of the experts. The most highly rated cognitive and experiential objectives are presented in tabular form.  相似文献   

有关教师专业发展的研究从不同角度、不同层面提出了很多程式,但从实践推进的效果来看并不尽如人意。文章从基础教育阶段教师的教育教学实践出发,结合现有对教师知识结构的研究,提出可供教师参照的"教学知识"的概念及构成与传播方式,并探讨教学知识的优化路径,即通过体验积累、通过学习补给、通过点拨提升等。同时,基于内部体验与外部支持,来有效助推教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

《颜氏家训》涉及家庭教育的内容主要包括:胎教、早期教育、严慈教育、后天环境教育、道德教育、志向教育和语言教育等方面,科学地研究这些内容有助于我们更好地弘扬优秀传统文化和积极从事现代家庭教育活动。  相似文献   

多元智能理论是全球当前影响比较大的一种智能理论,它认为每个人都至少具备七种智能,而且这些智能是互相影响,互相作用的.这一理论对教学和班主任工作具有重要指导意义,它有利于教师在教学中形成积极乐观的学生观、科学的智力观和正确的教育观,有利于班主任全面地了解学生,科学地教育学生和客观地评价学生.  相似文献   

在口译教学中利用建构主义的支架理论,在课堂教学中和课后实践中帮助学生搭建"脚手架",制定"最临近发展区"。支持学生不断建造新的能力,有针对性地为不同的学生制定适合他们实际情况的学习目标。引导学生对训练项目做深入的理解,帮助他们培养对项目材料相关的语言和语言外障碍的处理能力和跨文化意识引导学生独立和协作学习,利用地方的既有资源优势,形成高校与企业用人单位间的交流合作,组织学生以团队合作形式进行口译实践,全面提高口译综合能力。  相似文献   

现代语言学理论的研究对语言的教学产生了深刻的影响,为语言教学提供了理论依据。概述当今语言教学理论及英语语言教学发展状况及其侧重点,力争为我国英语教学服务。  相似文献   

本文简述了两种国际先进的教育理论,即合作学习理论和建构主义理论,并简要介绍了这两种教学理论在英语教学中的应用及其在传统教学中所起到的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

建构主义教学理论及其启示   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
“建构”一词是瑞士心理学家皮亚杰的《发生认识论》著作中的一个概念。在当代,国外把建构主义大致分为三类,即“极端建构主义”、“个人建构主义”和“社会建构主义”。建构主义教学理论是以其学习论为基础的,主要包括:教学目标、教学原则、教学模式、教学设计等方面。这一教学论启示我们:构建适合时代需要的教学模式;确立合理的教学方法;按学生的认知规律进行设计教学。  相似文献   

远程实践教学是开放大学内涵建设的重要方面。远程实践教学是借助于网络服务平台、网络实验室、虚拟实习、网络虚拟设计等平台和技术开展的虚拟实践教学活动,是远程开放教育与现代信息技术深度融合的试金石,应该坚持协作性、自主性和发展性的基本理念。学习者、教师、学生任务、学习资源与环境、实践过程是远程实践教学的五个核心要素,它们通过相互之间的有机结合而形成一个动态联合体。远程实践教学的支撑环境建设需要从远程开放实验系统、实践教学资源和实践教学技术支撑等方面着手。远程实践教学将有力推动开放教育人才培养创新、课程体系创新、教学模式与方法创新、实践教学运行机制创新。  相似文献   

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