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As the American author, Mark Twain,once said.“Everybody talks ahout the weath-er,but nobody does anything about it.”It istrue that everybody talks about the weather;it’s the most common subject of conversa-tion there is.“Isn’t it a nice day?”“Do you  相似文献   

One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit one's mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes, to say a simple thing like “I was wrong about that”, and it is even harder to say, “I was wrong, and you are right about that. ”  相似文献   

曾秀 《英语辅导》2000,(10):4-5
One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admil one‘s mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like“I was wrong about that” ,and it is even harder to say, “I was wrong, and you were right about that. ”Perhaps the reason we admire this.  相似文献   

通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling with a large box. It was half in and half 1 of her car. He was a helpful kind of man, so he went up to the woman and said, “Let me give you a hand with that box. It looks very 2 .”“That蒺s very kind of you,”the woman said. “I蒺m having a lot of 3 with it. I think it蒺s stuck(不能动,受阻).”“Together we蒺ll soon move it,”the man said. He 4 into the b…  相似文献   

A man was looking for things of the old times. One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl. It looked veryold. The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer, the owner of the cat , was lying besidethe bowl. The man did not want the farmer to know that he was interested in bowl. So he said to him softly, “What anice cat you have? Will you sell it to me?”“How much will you give me for the cat?”the farmer opened his eyes and asked.“Twenty dollars. Would t…  相似文献   

“I think we should have gotten that point,”said Wendy.“It wasnot fair for the referee to penalize our team.”“Well,”said Helen,“we may not think it is fair,but the referee isthe only one who can call the shots.If he said you were out of bounds,then we have to accept that decision.”Word explanation:  相似文献   

Talk to Your Dog     
All of us often see dogs.As we know,a dog can’t1,but it can“talk”.It has feelings2as we do.Sometimes it may feel angry or afraid.If you watch a dog3,you can find outwhat it feels.You can see that it is4to tell you something.If a dog is5of you,it looks …  相似文献   

Do you know something about drinks in America? Please read the following and learn more. There are many kinds of beer in the USA. “Light”and “dark”are two kinds. It is normal to order beer by its brand name (牌子). It comes in bottles and cans. You can also get it “on top!”at bars, pubs, and discos. You will get it in a glass or a pitcher. You may take the pitcher and glasses to your table so you won’t need to go back to the bar often.Sometimes beer comes in bottles with tops that l…  相似文献   

Long ago,there was no money in the world.If you wanted something,you did not buy it,but you gave something for it in exchange.If a person needed a pair of shoes,he or she might exchange some eggs or a spear for the shoes.It was a clumsy(笨拙的)way of buying and selling and we call it the “barter”system or “bartering”.This barter system still exists  相似文献   

李春 《新高考》2010,(11):55-56
Pre-reading:It is well known that Thanksgiving Day is an important holiday in America. However, do you know how it came into being and what the story was behind it? The passage below will lead you to have a thorough understanding of it .  相似文献   

RINGING idioms     
To ring a bellWhen something rings a bell, it means that we find it familiar. It is especially used when reminding someone else of a shared experience.'Dont you remember the little bar on the comer with the red and white table cloths? Surely that rings a bell?' It can be applied to people too. 'His face rings a bell, but I can't remember the name.' No one seems to know the origin of this idiom.  相似文献   

Volcanoes There are thou-sands of volcanoes all over the world. What makes volcanoes? What happens? The inside of the earth is very hot. Be-cause it is very,very hot,the rock has melted like ice.It has become liquid,like water.It is always boiling, like water in a kettle. If you have seen a kettle boiling, you know that the steam and boiling water try to get out. The very hot melted rock inside the earth also tries to get out. Usually it cannot be-cause the outside of the earth is too thick…  相似文献   

1.我不喜欢你对她说话的那种方式。误:I don't like the way of which you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way that you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way in which you speak to her.析:当the way(方式、方法)用作先行词时,引导定语从句的in which或 that常可省略。2.这事该受责备的是我。误:It is I who is to blame for it. 正:It is I who am to blame for it.  相似文献   

Frogs in Danger!     
If you go out to the field at night in spring or summer, you can hearfrogs croaking and singing joyfully here and there. It seems as if theywere performing a field symphony( 交响曲). How pleasant and sweet it isto listen to it!We know frogs are a kind of good and useful creature that benefitsman. They have powerful long hind legs to leap and lightning-quicktongues to catch fast-moving insects. Each frog eats a large number of in-sects that are harmful to crops. They are renowned as the “natu…  相似文献   

A cycle is something that happens over and over again. The life cycle of any species(物种) repeats again and again. The stages of a life cycle can be drawn in a circle. It doesn蒺t matter which stage you see first. The others always follow in the same order.If you have heard crickets(蟋蟀)“singing”outdoors this year, will you find them there again next year? Where do crickets come from?Early in the fall, male(雄) crickets“sing”. This attracts the female(雌), making it easy for her to fin…  相似文献   

A little girl was standing in a swarm of elementary school kids trying desperately not to draw attention to herself and trying to fit in.Fitting in is a state of mind that every single person goes through,because fitting in means that you are normal and that you are accepted.However,as I grew older,I threw the goal of fitting in out the window.To me,it became no longer important to fit my Asian face into the sea of Caucasian faces I see everyday.It became a thrill to be different and unique,and I flaunted my Chinese culture rather than hid it.……  相似文献   

They swam slowly.Suddenly,the mother crocodile saw the monkey,“Oh,a monkey! How nice if l have it for my dinner!” Then she said to her son,“My son,do you love me? Yes,of course,” the baby crocodile answered.“Well,can you see that monkey? I want to eat his heart.Can you go and get it for me?” the mother crocodile asked.“All right.”  相似文献   

Valentine’s D ay1falls on February 14.It is sweethearts’day—when people in love expresstheir affection2for each other in fun and m erryw ays.People celebrate the day in m any w ays.Thecelebration of the day in the past was differentfrom that of today as som eone recalls3his“goodold days4”when everything w as sim pler:“A ll you had to do w as to take a sheet ofpaper and draw a heart with an arrow5through itcarrying the words‘I love you’,and sign6it‘G uess w ho’and put it under the f…  相似文献   

1. Don't blame yourself 不要责怪自己。 "It's common for bullies to make their victim think that it's their fault--that they've done something to deserve it," says Sue Minto, Head of Child Line. "But the first step is to realise that it's not. No one has the right to bully you."  相似文献   

My wife Shirley and I have gone on holidays to a quiet beach for most of our married life. If that beach could talk, it would tell of teenage newlyweds who sunned and wrote "I love you" on its sands. It would tell of a little girl with eyes the colour of the sea gathering seashells and of three wild boys leaping and diving into the surf. It would tell of  相似文献   

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