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高校网络社区建设,着重提升网络社区的质量,发挥好学生思想政治教育的作用,切实落实高校立德树人的根本任务。当前,高校网络社区与大学生思想政治教育结合管理模式还不完善。文章通过分析高校网络社区思想政治教育面临的现实困境,探寻高校网络社区思想政治教育实践进路,以利于拓宽新时期大学生思想政治教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

曹超  周清菡 《大学教育》2023,(23):1-4+23
高校“一站式”学生社区是落实“立德树人”根本任务、推进高校“三全育人”格局形成的重要平台和抓手。文章在梳理我国高校“一站式”学生社区理论研究和实践现状的基础上,综合运用词频统计和内容分析法,系统归纳影响高校“一站式”学生社区的重要因素,进而提出高校“一站式”学生社区建设路径的优化策略,促进“一站式”学生社区综合育人功能的有效发挥,推动“三全育人”格局落到实处。  相似文献   

蔡庆淞 《河南教育》2022,(11):19-21
后疫情时代,学生驻留学生社区的时间日益增加,学生社区成为高校落实立德树人根本任务和构建思想政治工作体系的重要阵地,也是推进“三全育人”的重要实践园地。高校只有自上而下全面深化“一站式”学生社区综合管理模式改革,才能加快“一站式”学生社区综合管理模式建设的步伐。本研究旨在探索高校二级学院如何在“一站式”学生社区综合管理模式改革中找准角色定位,发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

“三全育人”指出要实现全员、全方位、全过程育人,是新时代高校立德树人的重要途径。学生社区作为大学生学习生活聚集平台的教育功能受到更多的关注。移动互联技术的发展冲破了高校的传统樊篱,推动高等教育改革重新整合教育资源,给高校思想政治教育带来了新趋势,高校后勤社会化改革也为学生社区更好发挥教育功能奠定了基础。在此背景下,不少高校积极开展学生社区育人模式改革,社区书院、社区党建、智慧社区、学生自治和邻里规划等社区新型学生社区教育管理服务模式得到了实践,并取得显著成效。  相似文献   

立德树人作为中国特色社会主义高校的立身之本,为高校教书育人提供了根本指针。立德树人的实质是以学生为本,即关心、关爱学生。在立德树人中心环节要求下,获得感日益受到关注。高校思想政治教育获得感的高低直接影响立德树人根本任务的完成,在立德树人视域下高校思想政治教育促进大学生全面发展,必然要关注其获得感,提升获得感既是高校思想政治教育新的着力点,又是评价思想政治工作的机制要求。关注、提升学生的获得感,并以此来作为开展工作的标准,才能真正实现高校立德树人的价值目标。  相似文献   

百年大计,教育为本。高校立德树人,是为全社会立德,为全社会树人。立德,首先立师德;树人,首先树人师。教育大计,教师为本。教师是高校的镇校之宝,是高校的"关键少数",也是高校德之本、学生德之源。本文就高校教师如何在教学活动中践行职业道德修养做些简要的论述。  相似文献   

高校学生社区是落实“立德树人”根本任务,推进“三全育人”工作,开展大学生思想政治教育的重要阵地。本文通过创建专职学生社区育人队伍、开展专业化育人工作、引导育人队伍在学生社区领域向专家型方向发展,完成深入挖掘学生社区育人元素、充分利用其独特的育人环境、提升育人成效的实践,认为在高校学生社区建设一支高校学生社区专职做、专业化、专家型的“三专”育人队伍,是发挥学生社区育人重要阵地作用,推进三全育人工作深、实、细,实现立德树人根本任务的基础和保障。文章将从学生社区工作岗位设置、人员选用与培养、管理和考核等三方面,提出立德树人根本任务下的高校学生社区“三专”育人队伍建设意见。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告把立德树人作为教育的根本任务,这对高校的育人工作提出了新的要求。高校要针对立德树人工作存在的问题,构建系统、开放的立德树人工作格局,完善全面、多元的立德树人工作内容,努力培养学生的科学文化素质,大力提高学生的思想品德素质。  相似文献   

立德树人是高校的根本任务,而“以人为本”则是高校立德树人的核心价值理念.“以人为本”是教育本质的需要,包括以学生发展为根本和“以教师为本”.目前高校立德树人存在着对当代学生个性特点关注不足、忽视教师的主体意识等问题,因此,高校立德树人要通过关注学生的需要,尊重学生的个性,提供教师自由创造的空间,创建和谐的校园文化,加强网络道德教育等途径,实现“以人为本”.  相似文献   

论高校立德树人根本任务的实现机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立德树人作为高等教育的根本任务,是对教育本质的深刻阐释,也是对高校根本性问题的精确解答。准确把握立德树人思想内涵,深入分析立德树人目标实现的影响因素,探索建立立德树人根本任务的实现机制,有助于规范高校办学质量评价,以学生为中心优化配置教育资源,建立教师工作制度,构建学生教育管理服务体系,从而完善高校社会评价反馈机制,激励学生全面发展、个性成长。  相似文献   

欧盟“伊拉斯谟计划”及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊拉斯谟计划作为欧盟(欧共体)推动的欧洲国家间的大学生流动计划,为我们提供了了解欧洲高等教育跨国合作的一个独特视角。本文通过阐述伊拉斯谟计划的实施背景、目前情况以及相关评估,指出了欧盟在该计划之外致力于推动高等教育国际化的新举措。  相似文献   

Introduction, Context, and Overview Why Focus on Immigrants? Immigrant as a Conceptual Term Definitions of Key Terms Limitations of the Monograph Organization of the Monograph A Context for Immigration in the United States Theoretical Foundation: Immigrant Student College Transition and Persistence Neo-Racism Social-Ecological Model Acculturation and Assimilation Theories Social Capital Theory Conclusion Access to Higher Education for Immigrant Students Generational Status Socioeconomic Status English Language Proficiency Parental Involvement and Expectations Financial Aid Conclusion Collegiate Experience of Immigrant Students College Adjustment and Persistence Psychological Development and Acculturation Social Identity Development Career Aspirations and Development Conclusion Undocumented Students and Higher Education Background on Undocumented Immigrants Federal Legislation and Undocumented Students State Approaches to Undocumented Students and Higher Education Opposition to In-state Tuition Rates for Undocumented Students Conclusion Immigrant Students and Community Colleges Relevant Research on Immigrants at Community Colleges Issues Related to Immigrant Students in Community Colleges Innovative Programs for Educating Immigrants Conclusion Concluding Thoughts Suggestions for Future Research Implications for Policy and Practice Conclusion Notes Appendix References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

邓凡 《全球教育展望》2012,(9):72-76,26
学生要持续学习,教师也一样需要不断自我提升。新加坡教育部推出全新的教师成长模式,让教师能在自身的专业发展上享有更大自主权。同时提出"伦理型的教育者"、"称职的专业者"、"协作型学习者"、"变革型领导者"以及"社区建造者"是教师在21世纪所应具备的五大特质。对我国的教师教育政策制定以及教师专业发展发展都具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

Overview A Profile of Community College Faculty Full-Time Faculty Part-Time Faculty Conclusion Faculty Work in the Context of the Community College The Community College's Missions and Students Role Expectations for Full-Time Faculty Members Role Expectations for Part-Time Faculty In-Service Training and Professional Development Job Satisfaction Conclusion Dimensions of the Community College Faculty Career Preparation to Become a Community College Faculty Member Entry Requirements The Search Process Career Stages Conclusion Institutional Factors Affecting Community College Faculty Work Life Background Collective Bargaining Faculty Involvement in Shared Governance Other Institutional Factors Extrainstitutional Factors Affecting Work Life: Legislative Actions Conclusion Looking to the Future: The Status of Community College Teaching as a Profession Characteristics of a Profession and Professionalization Is Community College Teaching a Profession? Possible Future Influences on Faculty Professionalization Conclusion A Fresh Look at Community College Faculty Challenges in Understanding Community College Faculty Conclusions Note References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

As the country experiences a recession and institutions of higher education increase tuition to compensate for diminishing state support, the transferability of credits among and between institutions is essential to students seeking to earn a baccalaureate degree. Students, parents, and taxpayers cannot afford to pay twice for the same courses or for additional courses. In this environment, articulation becomes a very important issue, particularly when research has shown that a significant number of students enroll in more than one institution on their path to a degree. The focus of this article is the swirling students between the Maricopa Community Colleges and Arizona State University. Swirling students, also a national phenomenon, encounter a number of challenges that institutions need to address. The history of articulation agreements in Arizona was explored to provide insight into the transfer model available to students enrolled at the Maricopa Community Colleges and Arizona State University. The data revealed that the extent of student swirl is greater than initially anticipated and transcends beyond lower division coursework into the senior year. After considering the findings and conclusions based on the data, this article concludes that transparent institutional intentionality is imperative to effective articulation agreements that accommodate student swirl.  相似文献   

What part can science education play in the dismantling of obstacles to social justice in rural places? In this Forum contribution, I use “Learning in and about Rural Places: Connections and Tensions Between Students’ Everyday Experiences and Environmental Quality Issues in their Community”(Zimmerman and Weible 2016) to explicitly position rural education as a project of social justice that seeks full participatory parity for rural citizens. Fraser’s (2009) conceptualization of social justice in rural education requires attention to the just distribution of resources, the recognition of the inherent capacities of rural people, and the right to equal participation in democratic processes that lead to opportunities to make decisions affecting local, regional, and global lives. This Forum piece considers the potential of place-based science education to contribute to this project.  相似文献   

浅析时尚体育运动在高校体育课中的开展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育教学的主体是学生,学生参加体育运动以个人的兴趣爱好为主导。传统的体育教学不符合学生个性发展的特点和兴趣爱好,学生为应付考试而被动学习体育技能。为此,对传统的体育教学进行改革,加入一些时尚的体育运动项目,可充分调动学生学习体育的兴趣和积极性。  相似文献   

社区成人教育是社区教育的主体部分,也是未来成人教育发展的主要趋势之一。专门的社区成人教育机构是开展社区成人教育的主要力量,公立学校、公共文化机构以及民间组织也是重要的实施主体。社区成人教育要以家政教育、社会文化生活教育、老年教育等非功利性教育为主,兼顾功利性教育。社区成人教育工作者队伍建设要从专职管理者队伍、师资队伍和志愿者队伍三个方面入手。  相似文献   

从大教育观念看,现代教育应该是社会、学校、家长共同实施的一项系统性教育工程。社区是孩子走出家门,踏入社会的第一步。社区家庭教育是对孩子实施全面素质教育的重要构成。只有充分利用社区家庭教育资源,实现家庭、社区和社会教育资源的有机综合,整合三者的教育资源,才能共同促进孩子的健康成长。  相似文献   


Early alert systems have promised to be an integral component of a student success solution. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between the use of the early alert system and persistence for students taking developmental education courses and students taking college-level courses in the Virginia Community College System. A quasi-experimental, nonrandomized research design with matched-control groups was used to evaluate impact on student persistence. Data analysis was conducted using multiple binary logistic regressions. The results indicated the early alert system had a substantial and positive impact on developmental mathematics students, with minimal to no impact on developmental English and college-level students. Students enrolled in developmental English courses, experienced a positive, but much more modest impact. Finally, students in college-level courses experienced a very mild impact, in some instances positive and others negative.  相似文献   

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