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分析学业不良儿童的班级同伴关系的类型、特点,探讨班级同伴关系对学业不良儿童品德发展的影响及心理机制,进而提出对策.  相似文献   

张利 《广西教育》2012,(27):27-28
分析学业不良儿童的班级同伴关系的类型、特点,探讨班级同伴关系对学业不良儿童品德发展的影响及心理机制,进而提出对策。  相似文献   

小学学业不良儿童教育是小学教育的重要内容。学业不良儿童在心理、思维等方面有自身的特征,而且成因是多方面的,涉及家庭、学校和社会。为此,要依据新课程的理念,从加强学校教育、转变家庭教育、改善社会教育等方面做好小学学业不良儿童的转化是刻不容缓的工作。  相似文献   

同伴关系与学业投入的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梳理有关学生同伴关系与学业投入之间关系的研究文献,概述同伴友谊、同伴接纳或拒绝、同伴欺负这三种类型的同伴关系对学业投入的影响研究情况,指出未来需要深入探讨的研究内容,并建议教育实践中应重视青少年的同伴关系及交往能力的培养。  相似文献   

城市流动幼儿同伴关系不良的原因与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
同伴关系在儿童社会化发展中有着重要作用,良好的同伴关系是判断儿童心理健康的重要指标.受生活环境的局限,城市流动幼儿大多存在同伴关系不良的严重问题.政府、流动家庭、幼儿园与社区都应积极主动地关爱流动幼儿,为其良好同伴关系的建立与身心的健康发展创设有利条件.  相似文献   

学业不良的儿童在班级中得不到老师的表扬和同学们的尊重、接纳,在家中也常常受到家长的责骂,儿童自己的受挫感也使得他们对自己灰心丧气。尤其是那些付出努力却得不到回报的儿童,他们的自信心、自尊心会受到很大程度的伤害,甚至他们的人格发展也会受阻。帮助儿童摆脱这种状况是家长、老师的重要工作。  相似文献   

同伴关系是仅次于亲子关系的重要关系,同伴关系不良会对儿童发展产生很大的不利影响。因此,对儿童进行社会技能训练是非常必要的。  相似文献   

杨君 《天津教育》2021,(1):58-59
儿童进入学龄期后,与父母或者主要照料者之间的相处时间逐渐减少,学校生活开始成为儿童社会生活的重要方面.随着年龄的增长,在学校的人际关系对儿童的影响逐渐加重,儿童会越来越在意同伴与自己的交往.同伴关系(Peer Relationship)是指年龄相同或相近的儿童之间的一种共同活动并相互协作的关系.儿童进入学校以后,对父母...  相似文献   

素质教育的根本宗旨是“提高国民素质”,它要求教育要“面向全体学生,为学生的全面发展创造相应的条件”。然而,在我们的教育实践中,教育往往是面向少数优等生的。教师校长的所有期望都是寄托在他们身上的,因为他们会给学校、班级带来升学率。相形之下,那些学业不良儿童,即所谓的“差生”就成了可有可无的受忽视对象,有些甚至成了教师校长的“眼中钉”,因为,他们的存在使学校、班级升学率的分母增大,升学率下降,他们是不受人欢迎的“拖后腿者”。  相似文献   

目的:探讨父母教养方式与学业不良儿童孤独感的关系,为学业不良儿童孤独感干预提供心理学依据.方法:运用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)和儿童孤独量表,在北京市四所普通小学四到六年级1276名小学生中筛查出144名学业不良儿童为被试进行团体测查,另外在一般儿童中简单随机抽取227名儿童作为对照组.采用方差分析、相关分析和逐步回归进行统计分析.结果:(1)学业不良儿童父母教养方式在父母"情感温暖"及"惩罚严厉"、"拒绝否认"三个维度得分和一般儿童比较,差别有统计学意义(P<0.01),而孤独感得分显著高于一般儿童(P<0.001);学业不良儿童的孤独感与父母的"情感温暖"呈显著负相关,与父母的"惩罚严厉"、"拒绝否认"呈显著正相关.(2)父母教养方式对学业不良儿童孤独感的影响模式与一般儿童孤独感的影响模式在回归方程中存在差异.对学业不良儿童,母亲的惩罚严厉和父亲的温暖理解是最主要的解释变量.而对一般儿童,母亲的拒绝否认和母亲的温暖理解是最主要的解释变量.结论:学业不良儿童的孤独感与父母教养方式有关,父母应改变其不良的教养方式.对待学业不良子女时,尤其要减少母亲采取严厉的教养方式.  相似文献   

学校与学生的法律关系是委托监护关系,这是学生被保护的需要,也是学校和教师职责所决定的。但是学校对学生的监护是在特定时间和空间负有部分监护职责,对学校事故民事责任的承担,学校与监护人的责任有根本不同。  相似文献   

本文主要围绕小学社会课历史知识内容阐述了实施创造性教学的具体方法.  相似文献   

旗语是海军信息交流的一种平台,而旗语操则是以海军旗语为母体,结合小学生特点对其进行体育加工改造而成的一种具有海军特色的体育运动项目。本文通过采用分组实验法对武汉市东方红小学1-6年级学生进行教学对照实验,分析旗语操对小学生成长阶段生理、心理的锻炼作用,从而为旗语操的进一步推广奠定科学基础。  相似文献   

20年来国内学习困难学生研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学习困难问题是近20年来国内外心理学者研究的一个热点问题,如何提高这一类学生的学习能力具有重要意义。该文叙述了我国近年来有关学习困难研究的主要特点和主要研究领域,包括学习困难的界定和类型、学习困难的心理特点以及教育干预等方面的成果,在此基础上提出了未来研究要解决的问题。  相似文献   

张光富 《教育学报》2001,(12):12-14
小学社会课按照不同的标准可以划分为不同的课型.从表述方法上划分,有讨论表演型、主辅型、例证型和图文型;课型种类的不同,其教学模式和方法也就不同.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of online assessment training, with synchronous group discussion as a key component, on subsequent web-based peer assessment results. Participants included 81 college students, mostly women, taking a business writing class. After initial submission of a draft counter-offer letter, they completed online assessment training by engaging in a consensus-seeking, synchronous group discussion of the rubric-based ratings they gave to sample counter-offer letters. They then engaged in web-based assessment of randomly assigned peer counter-offer letters and upon receiving peer feedback, submitted revision of their own counter-offer letter. The discussion groups were randomly assigned to either anonymous (using a pseudo name) or identified conditions (using real name). Findings indicate that the quality of student counter-offer letters improved after online assessment training, and improved even more after web-based peer assessment. There were no significant differences between anonymous discussion groups and identified groups.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, much research on peer learning practices has been conducted. Quantitative, experimental designs focusing on problems of cause and effect dominate. Consequently, effects on achievement are well documented, as is the influence of different conditions on the effect rate. In spite of the general acknowledgment of the importance of peer learning and a large amount of research on collective learning practices, questions regarding the quality of peer interaction, and how peer relations influence learning, are not well elaborated. This paper complements the discussion on effect focusing on the processes of interaction between peers, and relates these to theoretical perspectives on learning as fundamentally social. Inspired by meta-ethnography an integrative analysis across seven qualitative studies was accomplished. The approach enabled an investigation of peer interactions in different educational settings. The analysis elaborates on how instructional designs and students’ relational knowledge mediate interaction in peer learning. The paper further discusses the potential of approaches synthesising qualitative studies as a tool in qualitative research.  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic review of instruments that have the potential to measure the quality of project-based science and technology (S&T) learning environments in elementary school. To this end, a comprehensive literature search was undertaken for the large field of S&T learning environments. We conducted a horizontal bottom-up analysis of the aspects measured by the retrieved instruments and their operationalisation. We distinguish 11 components. The most frequently evaluated components are prior knowledge and backgrounds, connection with reality, science as inquiry and level of initiative and group work. Overall, the results suggest a considerable diversity in the operationalisation of the components found. Particularly, for connection with reality, science as inquiry and level of initiative and group work, this is related to (1) the object of measurement (e.g. variety in aspects evaluated) and (2) the extent to which the used concepts are clarified. Consequently, some scales, items and questions were found to be a closer fit with aspects of project-based learning environments than others. Additionally, most of the retrieved instruments cover science and not technology or project-based education. This review can be used when searching for a scale, item or question to measure particular aspects of S&T learning environments.  相似文献   

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