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The effects of group dependent and group interdependent reinforcement contingencies on the level of socially appropriate behaviors emitted by emotionally handicapped elementary school students were examined. The investigation employed an ABAC design with a systematic replication (ACAB) across a second classroom. The findings suggested that: (a) Both group dependent and group interdependent reinforcement contingencies were effective in incieasing the level of socially appropriate behaviors. (b) For Classroom II, group interdependent reinforcement contingencies more often resulted in higher rates of responding for individual subjects than did group dependent reinforcement contingencies. (c) Group interdependent contingencies were shown to set the occasion for cooperative behavior among class members designed to help each other achieve individual but interdependent goals.  相似文献   

The effects of individual and group contingencies on the reading performance of 10 special education students were examined in a counterbalanced multiple-baseline design with experimental manipulations introduced at random. During the Baseline condition no consequences for accuracy in programmed reading were in effect. With the Group Contingency, pupils earned points based on accuracy and exchanged them for activity backup reinforcers based on the average performance of the group. During the Individual Contingency arrangement, the same point totals were awarded by yoking pupils to the group behavioral criteria. The results indicated superior accuracy (from 2 to 25%) with the Group Contingency by all 10 pupils. Student preferences as to the two contingency arrangements indicated a slight preference for the Group Contingency phase. A lack of negative peer comments was noted over the duration of the experiment. Results were also discussed in terms of ease of implementation of the group contingencies within an ongoing token economy in a classroom setting. Tentative reasons for the differing results of the present study and others were presented.  相似文献   

The effects of a token reinforcement program on the classroom behavior of 19 delinquent boys in a correctional institution were investigated. Appropriate classroom behavior was defined in terms of four component categories: on-time/in-seat, on-task, social interaction, and assignment completion. A measure of total appropriate classroom behavior was calculated by summing the frequency of target response occurrence for each component behavior. Withdrawal and reinstatement of token reinforcement procedures demonstrated experimental control of total appropriate classroom behavior; however, considerable variability of component behaviors was observed. Token reinforcement control was most clearly demonstrated with on-time/in-seat behavior; assignment behavior was similarly influenced but showed greater variability; on-task behavior was noticeably affected but exhibited an ascending trend during the reversal phase; and social interaction behavior showed fluctuations which appeared unrelated to reinforcement contingencies. These findings suggest that the use of global, composite measures may mask program effects on important component behaviors.  相似文献   

This study of the effects of course content and cognitive style on students' classroom social behavior utilized 29 boys experiencing academic difficulties. After completing the Embedded Figures Test, each subject was assigned to either field-dependent (FD) or field-independent (FI) groups. Systematic observations of the two groups' classroom behaviors in French and mathematics classes were compared using ANOVA techniques. Results showed that the social behavior profiles of the two groups were the same on 18 behavioral categories. However, consistent with previous findings, FI subjects were more disruptive than FD subjects. Variance in social behavior was due principally to course content. The interactive effects of cognitive and task characteristics on social behavior are discussed within a cognitive-behavioral perspective.  相似文献   

Research suggests that early classroom experiences influence the socialization of aggression. Tracking changes in the aggressive behavior of 4,179 children from kindergarten to second-grade (ages 5-8), this study examined the impact of 2 important features of the classroom context--aggregate peer aggression and climates characterized by supportive teacher-student interactions. The aggregate aggression scores of children assigned to first-grade classrooms predicted the level of classroom aggression (assessed by teacher ratings) and quality of classroom climate (assessed by observers) that emerged by the end of Grade 1. Hierarchical linear model analyses revealed that first-grade classroom aggression and quality of classroom climate made independent contributions to changes in student aggression, as students moved from kindergarten to second grade. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Teacher referrals for consultation resulted in two independent teams collecting evidence that allowed for a treatment component evaluation of color wheel (CW) procedures and/or interdependent group‐oriented reward (IGOR) procedures on inappropriate vocalizations in one third‐ and one first‐grade classroom. Both studies involved the application of B‐C‐D‐C designs, with the initial B phase involving the application of independent group‐oriented punishment (IGOP) procedures that were applied in all classrooms at the respective schools and maintained across all phases of the studies. In Study I, the C phase involved that application of IGOP, IGOR, and CW; CW was withdrawn in the D phase and reinstated in the subsequent C phase. In Study II, IGOP procedures were supplemented with CW procedures (first C phase), then IGOR procedures were added (D phase) and withdrawn (second C phase). Results from the two studies converge and provide evidence that CW procedures are effective when applied with IGOP procedures and that supplementing them with IGOR procedures may have little classwide impact on inappropriate vocalizations. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study describes fluctuations in problem solving and classroom behaviors during the school day for nonmedicated pupils who had attention deficits with hyperkinesis. The 43 participating pupils were observed with Stonybrook Observation Code, and tested with Stroop Color-Word Test, Matching Familiar Figures, Porteus Mazes, and Digit Span. Test data were collected in counterbalanced morning and afternoon sessions. Twenty-one pupils were administered the tests in the morning and in the afternoon; the remainder were tested in the afternoon and in the following morning. Equivalent test forms were used. Direct observations were completed for four minutes in the morning and for four minutes in the afternoon once each week over a four-week period. Repeated measures Multivariate ANOVAs were followed by univariate and correlational analyses. On problem-solving tasks except Digit Span, pupils performed beer in the morning. In classroom behavior, all pupils exhibited more interference, off-task, noncompliance, and minor motor movement in the afternoon. The results are discussed in terms of scheduling problem-solving tasks in the morning and less structured activities in the afternoon.  相似文献   

中小学课堂教学过程中存在着学生、教师和教育目的导向的价值观.这三种价值观相互区别且彼此联系,教师要合理处理三种价值关系,在建构主义和人本主义的指导下.提高教师的素质和课堂教学行为的价值自觉,收集和分析学生现有的价值观信息,尊重和接纳学生原有的价值观,承认价值取向多元化,功能干预与内容干预相结合,促进学生积极健康价值观的形成和发展,促进学生个性发展与完善.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between cognitive mode and classroom behavior. Seventy-six randomly selected elementary students were administered the Adapted Children's Form of Your Style of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT) to obtain their left, right, and integrated hemisphere cognitive mode scores, and were also rated by their classroom teachers on the Walker Problem Behavior Identification Checklist (WPBIC) and an informal learning/behavior problem checklist. Subjects determined to have a predominant right hemisphere cognitive mode (N = 38) scored significantly higher on the learning/behavior problem checklist and the WPBIC measures of acting-out, withdrawal, distractibility, and total scale score than did subjects with a predominant left hemisphere cognitive mode (N = 25) or a predominant integrated hemisphere cognitive mode (N = 13). Correlations between the cognitive mode scores and the behavior rating measures revealed that the right hemisphere cognitive mode scores correlated positively and significantly with the learning/behavior problem checklist and WPBIC measures of acting-out and distractibility, while integrated hemisphere cognitive mode scores correlated negatively and significantly with the learning/behavior problem checklist and the WPBIC measure of acting-out. Implications of the findings are discussed relative to the left-brained instructional practices of our educational system and the consequent learning/behavior problems experienced by students witha predominant right hemisphere cognitive mode.  相似文献   

Despite spending more money per student than almost all developed nations, the United States lags behind in educational indicators with persistent disparities between privileged and marginalized students. Most approaches have ignored the role of power dynamics in predicting student performance. Building on the existing literature in school climate and empowering settings, this study explored the construct of student empowerment to identify both environmental factors that predict increased empowerment and outcomes associated with empowerment. A survey was administered to 381 students from five urban high schools. Results suggest that intrapersonal student empowerment is predicted by equitable power use by teachers, positive teacher–student relationships and a sense of community in the classroom. Highly empowered students reported better grades, fewer behavioral incidents, increased extracurricular participation and higher educational aspirations than students who were less empowered. Limitations are discussed alongside implications for educational practice and future research.  相似文献   

The development of research in the use of children to control the behavior of other children in classroom settings is discussed. Several studies utilizing peers are shown to be effective and scientifically sound. In addition, ethical problems which may arise when using peers to change the behavior of other children, such as possible detrimental effects on the pupil contingency manager, are discussed. Suggestions are made for future research using peers as agents of behavior change in the classroom.  相似文献   

This study described the course of school failure by classifying the characteristics of 103 first-grade children who were at risk for such an outcome and examining their classroom environments over a 1- to 4-year period. We describe the association between empirically validated clusters of children and specific instructional arrangements that served to increase the risk of special education placement. We found that individual seatwork while other children were in a reading group significantly increased the risk of placement; on the other hand, small-group work was associated with nonplacement for one cluster of children (those with possible learning disabilities). Other results were inconclusive, but suggestive of patterns that may eventually assist in the definition of the elusive link between individual differences and classroom environments.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we have examined the uses to which direct observation has been put in the study of classroom processes, and taken note of several observation systems possessing a variety of distinct attributes. Problems encountered in the use of observation, chiefly those of obtaining accurate and stable measures, were explored.Future developments in direct observation procedures seem likely to center around several foci. Knowledge about classroom behavior, its correlates, and its effects requires replication and comparison among studies. Inventing new systems prohibits these comparisons. Therefore, users of direct observation are likely to become more interested in the basic dimensions underlying their observational data. This should facilitate the development of sound, behaviorally based instructional theories.Basic instructional dimensions can also be used to generate new observation systems, which are syntheses of the major components of existing systems and which therefore will allow comparisons to these systems. However, these dimensions will be delimited only if researchers take the trouble to investigate and report them.Finally, the use of observation in research and evaluation should increase particularly to measure process variables intervening between the application of a treatment or a new program and outcome variables. As more educators become aware of the potential information available from observation, and as our knowledge of observation system variables increases, observation seems likely to become a standard procedure in classroom evaluation studies and field research.
Die Direkte Beobachtung von Klassenverhalten

Observation directe du comportement en classe

A relationship between creativity and misbehavior in the classroom often has been presumed by educators, but actually has had little substantiation. The present study attempts to clarify the dynamics of that relationship by determining the extent to which creativity test scores predict identification of students by teachers and/or peers as misbehavers. Intercorrelations between creativity subtests and peer perception of creative behavior suggest that students high in elaboration and in originality are more likely to be described by peers as exhibiting creative behavior. Results generally failed to support that high creativity scores predict teacher identification of students as behavior problems. However, the sociometric variables of popularity and misbehavior were significantly correlated with high creativity scores. Implications for further study are discussed.  相似文献   

The current science education reform movement emphasizes the importance of professional development as a means of improving student science achievement. Reformers have developed a vision for professional development based upon intensive and sustained training around concrete tasks that is focused on subject‐matter knowledge, connected to specific standards for student performance, and embedded in a systemic context. Using data from a National Science Foundation Teacher Enhancement program called the Local Systemic Change initiative, this study employs hierarchical linear modeling to examine the relationship between professional development and the reformers' vision of teaching practice. The findings indicate that the quantity of professional development in which teachers participate is strongly linked with both inquiry‐based teaching practice and investigative classroom culture. At the individual level, teachers' content preparation also has a powerful influence on teaching practice and classroom culture. At the school level, school socioeconomic status was found to influence practice more substantially than either principal supportiveness or available resources. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 963–980, 2000  相似文献   

The form of rats’ Pavlovian conditioned responses to visual and auditory conditioned stimuli (CSs) paired with a variety of unconditioned stimuli (USs) was examined in three experiments using direct behavioral observation techniques. In Experiment 1, the form of conditioned behavior occurring most frequently during later portions of the CS-US interval depended only on which of several appetitive USs was used, but the form of behavior occurring most frequently during early portions of the CS-US interval depended only on the nature of the CS. US-dependent behaviors resembled the response to the US, and CS-dependent behaviors resembled the original orienting response (OR) to the CS. In Experiment 2, the use of larger magnitude appetitive USs resulted in higher frequencies of US-dependent behaviors, but lower frequencies of CS-dependent behaviors in the presence of auditory and visual CSs. In Experiment 3, US-dependent conditioned behavior to auditory and visual CSs paired with shock was more frequent when high-intensity shocks were used, but CS-dependent behavior was more frequent when low-intensity shocks were used. These results suggested that Pavlovian conditioned responding may involve two independent types of behavior—one appropriate to the US and another based on the original OR to the CS.  相似文献   

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