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“跑道课程”和“草坪课程”是相对的两个课程形态。在课程实施过程中是按“预定计划”进行,还是按学生的“市场需要”进行,是两种不同的课程理念。本文提出了综合实践活动课程教师在课程理念上要从“跑道课程”向“草坪课程”转变的观点及实施策略。  相似文献   

课程意识的提出并受重视既是基础教育改革和教育理论思考的结果,也必将推动基础教育的进一步改革和发展。认知取向的课程意识是必要的,它自然倾向于比较不同的课程观,并要求课程观的转变。更重要的是行动取向的课程意识,它要求自觉地确定教育目标,选择教育经验,组织教育经验,并评估教育目标是否实现。  相似文献   

1994年以前,南非执行的是种族隔离政策,教育各方面都受这一体系的支配,其明显特征是不平等的受教育机会,黑人儿童的高辍学率和淘汰率,脱离实际的课程设置,以考试为中心,强调死记硬背的僵化的教学方法等等。民选政府上台后,力图清除种族隔离时期教育的遗留,进行大刀阔斧的改革,颁布了一系列的教育政策或法案,《2005课程》将教育改革推向了高潮,1997年3月24日,南非的教育部长Sibusiso Bengu作了题为《2005课程:21世纪的终身教育》(C2005)的报告,  相似文献   

"事实存在"的课程理解认为课程是既定的客观科学知识的文本事实,教师须忠实于课程知识授受;这一课程理解观尽管已遭到批判但依然影响制约着当下的课程理论研究和教师的课程实践。"实践生成"的课程理解认为课程是包含教师和学生在内的课程主体在教学实践中不断形成的活动与经验,是在实践智慧主导下不断生成的实践活动。课程理解的"实践生成"转向,是超越"事实存在"课程理解观的偏狭桎梏,思考课程改革再出发的需要。  相似文献   

从“两极”到“共有”——论课程政策制定的思维转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课程政策的制定摆脱要么集权化、要么分析化的悖论,需要从思维上进行根本性的转换,这种思维转型表现在制定课程政策时,力求做到“变控制为参与”、“变寻求差异为寻求共识”、“变二元对立思维为共有思维”,从而使每一位与课程相关的人员都能积极参与课程政策制定的过程,表达各自的愿望,共同为我国课程的健康发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

"课程政策"是一个复合概念,它既有公共政策的一般性政治属性,又具有课程领域特定的专业属性。政治属性体现为课程政策的课程权力及利益分配的实质,专业属性反映在课程政策的课程知识决策的实质,这两者关联的中介就是知识的权力属性和知识所体现的政治关系。一个严密而科学的课程政策分析框架需要统整考虑这两个方面,构建一个"课程权力分配—课程知识决策"的二维概念框架,该框架整合了课程政策的政治属性和专业属性,对于实践中的课程政策活动具有更强的解释力。  相似文献   

春燕 《教育导刊》2004,(8):4-10
学前课程文本是学前课程实践活动的结晶,也是课程理念的载体。尽管它在形式上是静态的,但透过它却能深刻地反映出课程变革实践中课程目标、课程内容、课程实践活动等方面的特点,从另一侧面凸显课程变革中丰富的课程思想,有利于我们更为清晰地认识20世纪80年代以来的学前课程变革。  相似文献   

好的课程政策及其制定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课程政策是规定课程的性质、指导并控制课程行为走向的大政方针和策略。好的课程政策具有高绩效性、科学性、合理性、民主性、可操作性和可评价性等特点,能产生高的教育效益。因此,制定好的课程政策对课程改革极为重要;而要制定好的课程政策,必须确立适当的教育理念,并使课程决策过程科学化、民主化和程序化,有效控制课程政策活动的不确定性,努力减少课程政策代价。  相似文献   

教师教育制度课程难以保证未来教师的参与水平,难以培养自觉的教师,也落后于发达国家的课程研究与实践。因此,我国教师教育课程需要从课程开发范式的制度文本转换到课程理解范式的传记文本。教师教育存在体验课程是以未来教师和教师教育者的生命体验为内容,以"回溯—前进—分析—综合"的方法揭示这些生命体验的意义从而培养自觉的教师的课程形态。  相似文献   

课程政策:问题与思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对课程政策展开研究需要明确三大类问题,把握三条基本思路。这三大类问题是:为什么中外程政策的发展变化会出现两极融合的趋势,如何建立有效的课程政策分析的框架以及什么是好的课程政制定思路;三条基本思路是:解决好课程权力的着眼点———集中与分散的基本问题,把握住课程权力分配着力点———合情与合理的根本要求,实现课程权力的着陆点———分享与共有的原则或目标。  相似文献   

From Policy to Practice: Curriculum reform in South African education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An important development in the post-apartheid South Africa was a departure from apartheid education through an outcomes-based curriculum reform. This resulted in several structural and policy tensions within the system. This paper highlights how these tensions have played themselves out and shows how government and stakeholders have addressed the challenges emanating from them. The paper argues that the tensions that dominated the post-apartheid curriculum reform have resulted in a significant paradigm shift focused on reclaiming knowledge and cognition in the classroom as expressed in the new revisionism in curriculum debate. From a policy point of view, it argues that the South African experience demonstrates how the pursuit of grand philosophies and ideals such as OBE and curriculum 2005 requires, at both macro and micro, systemic and institutional levels, generally and at the level of detail, a great deal of technical and political skills that cannot be achieved overnight. This calls for realism and pragmatism in school reform by focusing attention not only on what schools in society stand for but also on what they can realistically do and achieve, given their legacies and the particular circumstances in which they operate.  相似文献   

课程创生是基础教育新课程改革提出的新要求,但目前教师的课程创生仍处于自为状态,离自觉尚有距离。要使教师的课程创生从自为走向自觉,完成从应然到实然的转变,从教师的角度来说,一是需要在观念层面上准确理解课程本质,二是需要在操作层面上创造性地进行课程运作;从学校的角度来说,则需要学校积极创设并形成以探究、合作和平等对话为基本特征的课程文化。  相似文献   

"教师创生课程"这一命题意在阐释教师与课程的内在关系。它主张教师在整个课程运作过程中都应充分发挥主体性和创造性,并自觉主动地变革课程的各要素,以达到促进课程、教师和学生共同发展的目的。这一命题具有重要的课程论意义,它将带来课程领域的三大转向:课程观念由单一、封闭、静止转向多元、开放和动态建构;教师的课程角色由忠实执行者转向反思性建构者;课程运作的价值取向由追求技术理性转向追求实践理性和解放理性。  相似文献   

杭州市部分学校在校本课程开发中,创生出五种类型的开发方式:基于浓郁地域特色的校本课程开发、基于师生的草根式校本课程开发、基于学校优势项目的校本课程开发、基于学校学科拓展的校本课程开发和基于学校目标取向的校本课程开发。通过对案例的评析,为中小学校本课程开发如何从理念到现实提供思路。  相似文献   

在冲突中走向和谐,这是课程理念及实践发展的基本路径。从人类整体进步与社会生产力发展角度所构建的和谐课程具有社会功效性、人类整体发展性以及多维度发展性等特征。在社会新时代发展要求下,我国基础教育课程改革不仅要努力突破传统功名伦理的局限,更要通过建立和谐课程理念来积极倡导多元立体课程模式的建设。  相似文献   

The article begins by drawing a distinction between the concepts of “curriculum” and “programme of study”, and goes on to show that curriculum reform involves much more than simply rewriting programmes of study. The reforms that are presently sweeping across education systems throughout the world qualify, in many cases, as true paradigm revolutions, given the magnitude of the transition from an objectives-based to a competency-based pedagogy. The authors discuss the complex nature of a situated approach to competence by exploring the theoretical foundations of a number of contemporary perspectives: situated action/cognition, distributed cognition/intelligence, collective intelligence and enaction. The value of a situated approach to competence is that it goes beyond an objectives-based pedagogy, while at the same time incorporating the best of what it has to offer. Original language: French Philippe Jonnaert (Belgium) Doctoral degree in educational studies from the Université de Mons; formerly, a professor at the Université de Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium and the University of Sherbrooke in Canada; a visiting professor at the Université René Descartes, Paris 5-Sorbonne; he is currently a full professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQàM); director of the Observatoire des réformes en education (ORé); and consultant to various international organizations on issues related to curriculum development. E-mail: philippejonnaert@yahoo.ca Domenico Masciotra (Canada) Doctorate in educational studies from UQáM and completed post-doctoral studies at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology; he is a researcher for ORé and consultant to the Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport (MELS) of Quebec. E-mail: masciotra.domenico@videotron.ca Johanne Barrette (Canada) A graduate student in a doctoral programme of educational studies at UQáM; her dissertation concerns informal and tacit learning acquired through practice in business settings. She has worked as an educational consultant for adult education in the workplace; as an adult education teacher; as a project manager in charge of a number of Quebec-based and international projects on the development of competencies in the workplace; and is currently a researcher at ORé. E-mail: barsav@sympatico.ca Denise Morel (Canada) Denise Morel holds two master’s degrees: in philosophy (McGill University, Montreal) and in Applied Linguistics (Concordia University, Montreal); has worked as a teacher, educational consultant and analyst for the English Montreal School Board, and as a part-time lecturer at Concordia University; has participated in several programme development projects for the MELS of Quebec, and collaborates with ORé. E-mail: dmorel@emsb.qc.ca Yaya Mane (Canada) Holds a doctorate in educational studies from the Université Montréal; has taught at the Institut supérieur des sciences de l’éducation de Guinée (ISSEG); he is presently a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the Université Montréal;, a research officer at the Centre interdisciplinaire de la formation de la profession enseignante (CRIFPE) at the Université Montréal;, and a researcher at ORé. E-mail: yaya.mane@umontreal.ca  相似文献   

教师的课程创生:意蕴与条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,教师的课程理解决定着教师的教学行为.教师创生课程是与"忠实执行"课程政策相对的一种课程实施模式,是一种实践的课程立场."教师即课程"是一种基于生命立场、价值关怀、主体视野、过程取向的课程观.教师创生课程有利于发挥教师的专业权力,促进教学过程的个性化.但同时,教师的课程创生也存在局限性,受一定条件的限制.  相似文献   

问题提出是数学和其他学科中必不可少的实践活动,它是通过给定的情境来生成和表述问题的过程。虽然国内外的课程标准一致认可问题提出的重要性,但是在教科书和课堂教学中,问题提出既不充分也不连贯。针对这些现状提出的三点建议,为教师和学生从事问题提出活动提供了一个较低的门槛,只需要对普通的数学活动和课程材料进行较小的改动。  相似文献   

This paper aims to make a contribution to recentering practice- and practitioner-oriented issues in Roma education studies. Gaps can be observed today between conditions of educational work in practice and the ways education is understood in mainstream academic discussions, compounded by the fact that educational workers in the field have limited access to academic environments. Also, as a subject dealing with minorities, education for Roma and Roma communities tends to occupy a marginal position in academic departments of Education. Inversely, in Roma studies, focus often lies on culture or history, and education is mainly considered through the lens of identity. This means that many important experiences in Roma educational work remain silent, and significant aspects of practices are not sufficiently shared across contexts. In this paper, experiences from education projects in Albania and Sweden are presented and considered against the background of Roma education policies in these countries generally. An analysis is made of the ways these projects directly or indirectly connect to local academic structures. Finally, suggestions are made of potential strategies for developing practice- and practitioner-driven research in this area, to make relevant experiences more accessible across linguistic and national borders.  相似文献   

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