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王剑 《成才之路》2011,(6):26-26
数学教学离不开学生学习兴趣的培养,数学教学需要学生积极参与数学教学过程,并培养学生的数学学习兴趣。通过导入多样化、兴趣激活、灵活质疑,再加上教学现代化、数学生活化,不断强化学生学习兴趣,切实提高数学学习成效。  相似文献   

兴趣是最好的老师,在小学数学教学中开展兴趣培养活动,可以促使学生在轻松、快乐的氛围中主动学习数学知识,增强学习信心,进而提升学习效果。当前,小学数学教学实践过程中出现了教师忽视培养学生学习兴趣的问题,原因是教师没有认识到培养学生学习兴趣的重要性。所以,小学数学教师应当明确当前阶段学生身心发展的差异性、不平衡性,将兴趣培养融入教学,让学生能够产生数学学习兴趣,扩大教学成果。  相似文献   

培养小学生计算机学习兴趣的教学策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管从理论上讲培养学生的学习兴趣是小学生计算机教学的重要目标之一,但是在教学实践中由于学习兴趣作为教学目标所具有的综合性和抽象性。教师们很难把握兴趣培养的操作实施策略,致使兴趣培养的教学要求无法在课堂教学中得到落实。本在阐明培养小学生计算机学习兴趣的教学策略的制定依据的基础上,提出了旨在引起、提高、增强和英国学生的学习兴趣的一系列教学策略。  相似文献   

《中小学计算机课程指导纲要》指出,小学计算机课程教学的重要目标就是培养学生学习、使用计算机的兴趣和意识。当前,在教学实践中,虽然人们从认识上对兴趣培养的重要性已一致认同,但是由于兴趣培养作为一项综合性的教学目标,过于笼统、抽象,教师们在选择学习兴趣的培养途径时仍感茫然失措。在教学理论界,从技术操作层面系统探讨小学生计算机学习兴趣培养的研究尚不多见。本文拟探讨一系列具有较强的科学性、针对性与可操作性的兴趣培养策略,以期对小学计算机兴趣培养的教学实践提供指导与参考。一、充分利用学科特点,引起学习兴趣…  相似文献   

兴趣是做好工作、促进学习的最好催化剂。兴趣不是与生俱来的,而是在教学过程中不断培养的。高中化学的教学任务之一就是把学生的学习兴趣培养和激发起来,让学生在学习过程中享受到学习的乐趣。教学中,教师可从创设情境、联系生活、重视实验三个方面培养学生学习化学的兴趣。  相似文献   

尽管从理论上讲培养学生的学习兴趣是小学计算机教学的重要目标之一,但是在教学实践中由于学习兴趣作为教学目标所具有的综合性和抽象性,教师们很难把握兴趁培养的操作实施策略,致使兴趣培养的教学要求无法在课堂教学中得到落实。本文在阐明培养小学生计算机学习兴趣的教学策略的制定依据的基础上,提出了旨在引起、提高、增强和巩固学生的学习兴趣的一系列教学策略。  相似文献   

很多学生认为高中数学枯燥无味,学习兴趣不浓,所以培养学生的学习兴趣尤为重要.培养兴趣的途径很多,比如学会欣赏数学美、数学教学生活化、提高教师个人素质、改变传统的教学手段等方面来培养学生的学习兴趣.  相似文献   

随着教学改革的深入发展,在数学教学中有目的、有计划、有步骤地培养学生的学习兴趣、提高思维能力,是每个教师都关注的问题。在教学中通过观察能力的培养使学生产生学习兴趣;在课堂教学中加强直观教学可培养学习兴趣;重视实践操作能够发展学习兴趣。  相似文献   

《中小学计算机课程指导纲要》指出,小学计算机课程教学的重要目标就是培养学生学习、使用计算机的兴趣和意识。当前,在教学实践中,虽然人们从认识上对兴趣培养的重要性已一致认同,但是由于兴趣培养作为一项综合性的教学目标,过于笼统、抽象,教师们在选择学习兴趣的培养途径时仍感茫然失措。在教学理论界,从技术操作层面系统探讨小学生计算机学习兴趣培养的研究尚不多见。本拟探讨一系列具有较强的科学性、针对性与可操作性的兴趣培养策略,以期对小学计算机兴趣培养的教学实践提供指导与参考。  相似文献   

在思想品德课教学中培养学生学习兴趣就要:注意课堂教学方法的新颖性和启发性,激发学生的求知欲,培养学生的兴趣;创设富有情感因素的教学情景,培养学生的学习兴趣;利用表扬、鼓励等期望效应,培养学生的学习兴趣;充分利用作业批语的情感魅力,影响学生的学习情绪,激发学生的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

This article describes the characteristics and values of hypermedia for learning chemistry. It reports how a hypermedia environment was used to explore a group of 11th grade chemistry students' conceptions of table salt dissolving in water. It then presents how the hypermedia was used by students to negotiate meaning for two conceptualizations about the process of dissolving table salt in water: (a) the transformation of solid to liquid, and (b) the chemical combination of solute and solvent. This article traces the nature of students' conceptions for the solution process of table salt. The findings of this study indicate that a hypermedia environment can be used to explore, negotiate, and assess students' conceptions of the submicroscopic aspects of solution chemistry. Further, this article discusses the successes and difficulties pertaining to the learning of solution chemistry in a hypermedia environment, and presents an account of an improved version for future study.  相似文献   

在新课程改革教学中,越来越重视学生综合素质的发展和培养,以往的教学中教育者往往过分重视学生的认知教育,而忽视学生的情感教育,导致学生的学业和未来人生不能和谐地发展。作为一名化学教师,要不断地思考怎样的教学是最有效的教学,如何把学生的智力因素和非智力因素统一结合起来,引导学生积极主动地学习,形成积极的情感态度和正确的价值观,提高科学素养。在化学教学中渗透情感教学有利于培养学生学习化学的兴趣,能唤起学生学习的积极情感,使学生变消极学习为积极学习,提高学生对化学学科的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,增加学生的学习动力,有效地提高化学教学的效果。  相似文献   

This article describes a study conducted in Israel which focused on how learning industrial chemistry case studies affects students' perceptions of their classroom learning environment and their interest in chemistry studies. The goal of the study was to determine the effects of industrial case studies on students' perceptions of chemistry in general, and industrial chemistry in particular. Information on students' perceptions was gathered from a learning environment inventory specifically developed for this study. It was observed that industrial chemistry case studies helped in providing students with a relevant picture of chemistry in general and their chemistry studies in particular. It was also found that teachers who had attended an intensive training workshop were the most successful in presenting the relevance of chemistry in the case studies. These teachers also were more successful in raising students' awareness of the social implications of chemistry studies. Furthermore, their students had a better awareness of the contribution made by chemistry studies to their preparation as future citizens and for a possible career in chemistry. These findings have important implications for any decisions about whether to make industrial chemistry case studies obligatory for students who major in chemistry. There are further implications regarding the content and learning strategies to be used for the professional development of science teachers in general and chemistry teachers in particular. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

高中化学教学需要用新课程改革的理念来统领.在化学教学中,要利用实验,激发学生的学习兴趣;开展研究性学习,培养学生综合运用知识的能力;联系社会生活,增强学生的人文素养.  相似文献   

The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the interaction effect between grade level and gender with respect to students' attitudes toward chemistry lessons taught in secondary schools. The sample consisted of 954 chemistry students in grades Secondary 4–7 (approximately 16–19 years of age) in Hong Kong. Students' attitudes were surveyed using an attitude toward chemistry lessons scale (ATCLS), and subscale scores were produced on four dimensions: liking for chemistry theory lessons; liking for chemistry laboratory work; evaluative beliefs about school chemistry; and behavioral tendencies to learn chemistry. When the ATCLS data were subjected to two-way MANOVA, the interaction effect between grade level and gender on students' attitudes toward chemistry lessons was statistically significant. The interaction effect was attributable to scores on the theory lessons subscale and laboratory work subscale. Male students in Secondary 4 and 5 liked chemistry theory lessons more than their female counterparts. However, male students' liking for chemistry laboratory work declined when they progressed from Secondary 4 to Secondary 7; no such a significant decline in attitude toward chemistry laboratory work was found in females. Overall, both males and females were just marginally positive about chemistry lessons during the years of secondary schooling. Implications of these findings for curriculum design are discussed.  相似文献   

探究性学习,为学生积极主动多样化的学习创造了有利条件,培养了学生独立思考、积极探究的能力。本文着重阐述了数学课堂教学中开展探究性学习的途径和方法,包括四个方面的内容:(1)激活教材,创设情景;(2)一题多解,开展探究性学习;(3)利用多媒体软件,探究学习;(4)课外探究,拓展探究课题。  相似文献   

信息技术与学科课程的整合研究和应用可促进学生的探究性学习。信息技术与高中化学教学的整合可提高学生学习的兴趣,提高学习效率。整合研究的成果则可应用于化学教学的各个方面,有着广泛的前景。  相似文献   

从培养学生严谨的思维能力,培养学生发散思维能力,培养学生创造思维能力,培养学生的逆向思维能力四方面探讨如何培养学生的思维能力.  相似文献   

Based on current theories of chemistry learning, this study intends to test a hypothesis that computer modeling enhanced hands-on chemistry laboratories are more effective than hands-on laboratories or computer modeling laboratories alone in facilitating high school students' understanding of chemistry concepts. Thirty-three high school chemistry students from a private all-girl high school in northeastern United States were divided into two groups to participate in a quasi-experimental study. Each group completed a particular sequence of computer modeling and hands-on laboratories plus pre-test and post-tests of conceptual understanding of gas laws. Each group also completed a survey of conceptions of scientific models. Non-parametric tests, i.e. Friedman's one-way analysis of ranks and Wilcoxon's signed ranks test, showed that the combined computer modeling and hands-on laboratories were more effective than either computer simulations or hands-on laboratory alone in promoting students' conceptual understanding of the gas law on the relationship between temperature and pressure. It was also found that student conception of scientific models as replicas is statistically significantly correlated with students' conceptual understanding of the particulate model of gases. The findings mentioned earlier support the recent call for model-based science teaching and learning in chemistry.  相似文献   

从培养学生化学自学能力的意义出发,探讨了培养学生化学自学能力的方法.  相似文献   

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