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The traditional holidays in my family when I was a child were spent timing elaborate(精心制作的) meals around football games. My father tried to make pleasant chitchat(闲聊) and eat as much as he could during halftime. At Christmas he found time to have a cup or two of holiday cheer and  相似文献   

Jack was a very rich man. He had got a bag of gold from business, but he did not know where to keep it. He was afraid that thieves might 1 his house and steal it away. One day when it was time to go to bed, he put the gold bag beside his pillow (枕头) and tied the bag to his arm. But he was awake all night because he was worrying about the gold. Finally, he 2 to hide the bag of gold in a hole near a tall tree in his back garden.“But the people m ay still know that there s gold in t…  相似文献   

A Dentist     
Mr Baker was a strong man. He was a good footballplayer and spent a lot of time on the game when hestudied in a medical callege (医学院). But he was hurtonce when he was playing football with his friends. Hisright leg was broken in the accident and he couldn't playany longer. He was sorry for it and liked to watch thegame. Now the young man worked in a hospital. He was agood dentist (牙医) and many patients asked him forhelp. He was always busy and had little time to watchthe matches. He had to watch them on TV at home in  相似文献   

Daniel Defoe (1660-1730) is a famous journalist(记者) and novelist in the 18th century in Britain. Defoe wrote his first novel "Robinson Crusoe" in 1719, at the age of 59. The novel was his most famous writing. Let's read some parts of the story. Ⅰ. Go to sea I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family. At a very early age I wanted to go to sea. My father was a wise man, and he begged me not to do so. For a time I decided not to think of it any more. But one day in…  相似文献   

Beethoven(贝多芬)was one of the greatest composers(作曲家)in the world. He was born in 1770 and died in 1827.Even as a child Beethoven did not have a happy life. His father was a singer. But he was lazy and always drank a lot. When the boy was only four,his father decided to make him a musician. So Beethoven had to play hour after hour on different musical instruments(乐器).He learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11. When he was 17,he won hi…  相似文献   

Zhang could write very quickly and he thought he wasclever.But becuse his handwriting was so untidy all hisfriends laughed at him.One day he wrote a letter and thepaper was full of lines.It looked as if a spider had walkedall over it. He then asked his son to copy out the letter.But the soncould not read what his father had written.He held up theletter and said,“I’m sorry,father,but I can’t read this.What dothese words say?”  相似文献   

Newton Was born on Christmas Day,1642,in a littlevillage in the east of England.His father,a farmer,diedbefore he was born;his mother was a woman of intelli-gence and character. Newton’S school days were not remarkable.At 18 hewent to Cambridge University to study math,then the u-niversity was closed because of the plague period.Newtonwent home for a period of 18 months: a most significantperiod, for during that time, when he was between theages of 22 and 24,he made his three great discoveries-differential calculus,the nature of white light,and the lawof gravity.The three discoveries changed the course of hu-man thought and have influenced the course  相似文献   

Albert Camus(1913-1960)was a noted French essayist,novelist and playwright,whose talent as a writer and an artist won him the Nobel Prize for literature in 1957.World War I bereaved him of his father and he was brought up by his mother in strai-tened circumstances.Through education,Camus was able to overstep the boundariesof his environment.Under the influence of the philosopher Jean Grenier,he deve-loped a lifelong interest in literature and philosophy.The fact that he was a victimof tuberculosis,a disease that dogged him all his life,forced him to give up half way  相似文献   

A John was the only son of a wealthy American businessman.Usually he was taken to school by the driver in his father's beautiful car before the driver took his father to the office.One evening father told him that he had to go to the airport early the next morning,so he would need the car in the time that John had to go to school.He said that John's mother,who had another car,would still be in bed at the time he had to leave the house."Well,how shall I get to school if you need your car and Mum's still in bed?" John asked.  相似文献   

Long,long ago,there lived a rich man who loved wine(酒)and good foodmore than anything else.And so did his servant. Each time the rich man went out,he had to 1 his wine and foodaway.But each time the servant could always find them and helped 2 tothem.Of course the rich man knew 3 did it and was 4.But he coulddo 5 about it because he had never caught 6 drinking his wine oreating his food.  相似文献   

A thirsty Stag went to a Pool to drink.As he saw hisown reflection(倒影)in the water,he was struck withadmiration(钦慕)for his fine antlers(角),but at the sametimc felt disgust for the weakness and slenderness of hislegs While he stood there,he was attacked by a Lion;buthe drew away from his pursuer,and kept his lead as theground over which he ran was open and free of trees But coming to a wood,he was caught by his antlersin the branches.and fell victim to his enemy “Woe is mel”he cried with his last breath,“I despisedmy legs which might have saved my life,but gloried inmy horns,which have proved my ruin.”  相似文献   

同步阅读Passage1I am Kate.I am an American girl.I havea brother.His name is Mike.He is twenty-five.He likes playing football.He has many pic-tures of famous football stars in his bedroom.The pictures are on the wall.He works in acomputer company.In his spare time,he likesplaying football with his friends.In theevening,he often watches football games onTV in our living room.There is a big color TVset there.My father is a professor of a university.He likes reading and sleeping in his bedroom.He can’t live without...  相似文献   

A long time ago,there was a boy called Kong Rong.He was loved by all the members of the family because he was clever and polite to everyone.One day,his father bought some pears and put some on the table in a plate.He asked all his children to come around the table and said,"Here are some pears. Each of you can have one,any one you like."  相似文献   

I watched attentively as my little brother was caught in the act.He sat in the corner of the living room,a(an)1 in one hand and my father’s hymnbook in the other.As my father walked into the room,my brother cowered(畏缩)slightly.He 2 that he had done something 3.From a distance,I saw that he had opened my father’s brand-new book and scribbled(乱写)across the length and breadth of the entire first page with a pen.Now,staring at my father 4,he and I both waited for his punishment. My father …  相似文献   

During the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476B.C.).there was a man whose name was Yu Boya.Yu boya famous music master at that time,having a good command of the temperament and superb skills in playing the musical instrument.He was bright and eager to learn when he was young.He had formally acknowledged several experts as his teachers,and his skills in playing the musical instrument had already reached a fairly high level.But he still felt that he could not superbly express the various things …  相似文献   

A Cheap Radio     
趣味完形填空 Mr Turner found work last month. Heherds(放)sheep for a __. It's a piece of hardwork and he has to spend the whole days on thehills or by the river. But Mr Hunt __ himmuch. So he likes his new work. But the __was that he was sometimes caught in the __and his clothes were wet when he got home. Sohe wanted a radio __ he could listen to theweather forecast (天气预报). Once his wifewent to town, he told her to buy one for him.The woman tried to __ some money andbought a cheap radio. She said that a cheap onewould do the work as well.  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2003,(7):26-27
MY dad had done wellin his end of schoolexams and got agood job in the civil servicein Dubfin.This allowed himto leave the small farm hegrew up on and move tothe city for a better life.Hisbrother Joe stayed on theland but he hated having towork in the same place allthe time.So his uncles andmy dad chipped in(筹集资金)and helped him to buy a cattletruck.It was a big truck,capable of holding up to a dozen bigcattle.You could also slide boards into the middle of thecontainer,making it a two tier carrier for sheep.Uncle loedrove his own animals to markets and fairs in the western andmidland towns and as fir as Dubhn,the capital on the eastcoast.He also carried animals for others in return for a fee.Inother words he became a haulier(货运车夫)as well as a firmerin his own right.In this way he soon became the wealthiestman in his parish(教区),as well as the happiest,because heloved the roads.He loved meeting difierent people all thetime  相似文献   

Mario Capecchi: The man who changed our world The genetics research that won Mario Capecchi a share of this year's Nobel Prize for medicine may well help to define the science of the 21st century. But the man himself was marked, in extraordinary ways, by the turbulent(动荡的) history of the century before. Mr Capecchi's grandfather, a German archaeologist, was accidentally gunned down by his own men during the First World War. His father, an Italian aviator, was killed in the Second World War. He himself spent that war poor in northern Italy after his American mother was arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp-a survival tale all the more remarkable for the fact that he was just four years old when his mother was taken away. One might imagine, after a start like that, that he would develop into an artist-one thinks of Roman Polanski, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto-or a politician. Indeed, Mr Capecchi first intended to study political science when, at length, he got around to a university education. But with his quiet manner and clever mind, he rose to the top of his chosen field in the medical sciences.  相似文献   

The persona of this story was a boy in a gutter(贫民区)of San Francisco.Because of cacotrophia(营养不良),he got sick with his leg.H e couldn’t stand with his legstraight.A nd his calf(小腿)was even worse shrink(萎缩).But in his little soul,he got a dream only believed byhim self—he would becom e an all-powerful(全能的)playerof A m erican football.The boy was a fan of Jim Brown,a legendary foot-ball player.H e always went to the court to cheer his i-dol.But he was too poor to buy a ticket…  相似文献   

Liu Hua's father contracted a pond(承包了一个池塘). The pond was very big. There were many flowers around it. There were some trees behind the flowers. It was a very beautiful place to travel. There were many different fishes in the pond. Liu Hua's father fed them every day and they could swim freely in the water. The place was very quiet. The fishes came out at times. One day, some young men from the city found the place. And they began to have swimming in the pond. Liu Hua's father adviced them. But they didn't listen to him. He had to write two words on a big sign(牌子): No Swimming. The next Sunday some other young men came and had swimming in the pond, too. He could not stop them swimming in the pond. He was very angry. People swimming in the pond were not good for the fishes to grow. He worried about his fishes. One Sunday morning Liu Hua told his father he could stop the people swimming in the pond. He told his father not to go to the pond and he could stay there by himself. When Liu Hua was playing, three young men came to the pond. "What a nice place it is!"one of them shouted. Then he saw Liu Hua and he came over to him.  相似文献   

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