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孔瑞 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(2):95-96,102
在互文性理论关照下,英美文学教学应关注作品互文的三个方面:探讨英美文学作品的溯源互文以理解西方文化源头,英美异国文学互文以消除学习国别文学的割裂感,中外异质文学互文以消除中国学生学习英美文学的陌生感。英美文学课堂教学应构建以读者为主体的教学模式,学生主动参与文本意义的寻找、发现、创造过程,亲身体验经典文学作品的教育功能及审美影响。  相似文献   

依照英美新批评文学流派的观点:文本是一个独立自足的存在,其意义需要读者的"细读"方能体现。而所谓"细读",即是对作品进行细致入微的研读和评论,认真审慎地分析研究作品的词法、章法、修辞和意象等。文学文本的"细读"可从声音层面、意义单元、意象和隐喻、象征和象征系统等几个层面进行,文本只有经过读者细致的分析解读.  相似文献   

面对高校英语专业英美文学课落后的教学模式,笔者借鉴西方文论中的读者反应批评理论和巴赫金的复调理论探讨了英美文学课的教学指导思想和具体模式,认为应该在教师与学生之间和学生与文本之间进行对话,以推进英美丈学教学新模式的形成与普及。  相似文献   

张威 《教育探索》2011,(6):52-53
读者反应理论是篇章语言学与文学批评理论紧密结合的典范.该理论强调文学的本质是人际间的交流性,它重点研究读者在阅读过程中对作品意义建构的重要作用.以此理论为依据,在高校英语专业英美文学教学中应倡导以学生为中心的教学模式,引导学生深入文本,深化学生对作品的理解,培养学生的文学鉴赏能力和跨文化交际能力,以达到优化课堂教学、提...  相似文献   

英美文学课教学方法新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李世存 《文教资料》2008,(29):179-181
本文对英美文学课和教学方法进行了简要的回顾,并在此基础上提出了一些英美文学教学的新思路,对教师在英美文学教学活动中的地位进行了重新思考.教师不是文本解读的权威的发言者,而是学生阅读文本的引路人.文章还论述了英美文学教学中的一些具体做法.  相似文献   

英美文学课程对提高大学生英语文化素养和文学作品鉴赏能力、拓宽学生专业知识视野、积淀英语文化内涵具有重要意义。当前国内英美文学课程教学中仍然存在教学体制、教学模式方面的缺点,阻碍英美文学教学的创新改革。因此,应在教师与学生、文学史与文选、电影与文本之间构建有效的互动关系,全面推行课堂互动教学模式,以提高英美文学课程的教学质量和互动学习效果。  相似文献   

魔幻文学是英美文学的一个重要构成部分,罗琳夫人所著的《哈利·波特》作为英美魔幻文学的代表作,在全世界范围内都具有非凡的影响力,名列全球最畅销小说的行列,尤其是赢得了广大青少年读者的青睐,能够在未来让更多的人去接受与认可英美魔幻文学。本文研究了《哈利·波特》对于英美魔幻文学人物形象的塑造、文学想象力与创造力、文学情节描述以及读者群体等多方面的突破意义,认为《哈利·波特》极大地丰富并发展了当代英美魔幻文学。  相似文献   

英美文学教学中个性化阅读与自主学习能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代教育提倡以人为本的素质教育,而培养学生的创造力、批判思维和自主学习的能力是其不可或缺的重要组成部分。就英美文学而言,一改过去教师满堂灌的旧式教学模式,提高学生的个性化阅读与自主学习能力,对实现良好的教学效果具有重要的指导意义。读者批评理论所涉及的对读者性质的全新认定、文本未定性、期待视野、"发现空白"等理论特质的阐述,对英美文学教学具有重要的启发价值。  相似文献   

黄玲玲 《语文新圃》2008,(12):47-48
文本细读是英美新批评的术语,它来自于20世纪英美新批评文论.文本细读(close reading),通常是指"对文本的语言、结构、象征、修辞、音韵、文体等因素进行仔细解读,从而挖掘出在文本内部所产生的意义"的一种文学阅读与批评方法.……  相似文献   

文学用语具有很强的模糊性,模糊这一特性也是英美文学属性中的一个重要元素。我们要在美学与英美文学翻译相结合的基础上,对英美文学中所存在的模糊性特征进行深入的分析,同时结合实际案例对英美文学翻译的模糊性特性作以浅析,进而使大众读者都能深入了解并且学会享受英美文学翻译的模糊之美。  相似文献   

在人力资源管理中引入灰色关联评估方法作为一种人才测评技术,并按灰色加权关联度对被择对象排序择优,同时应用M atlab编程实现优选,实践证明该方法具有较好的有效性和可行性,可以实现对专业技术人员的评价。  相似文献   

高校师资队伍的状况对学校的发展起着决定性的作用。如何选拔和聘用教师,是建设一支高素质师资队伍的重要环节。为了保证教师选聘的质量,宜采用定性和定量分析相结合的方法,在主观评价的基础上引入了客观评价法。在使用主观评价指标时,运用差异性分析法,以增强主观评价指标的准确性。  相似文献   

An excellent airfoil with a high lift-to-drag ratio may decrease oil consumption and enhance the voyage. Based on NACA 0012, an improved airfoil is explored in this paper. The class/shape function transformation has been proved to be a good method for airfoil parameterization, and in this paper it is modified to improve imitation accuracy. The computational fluid dynamics method is applied to obtain numerically the aerodynamic parameters of the parameterized airfoil, and the result is proved credible by comparison with available experimental data in the open literature. A polynomial-based response surface model and the uniform Latin hypercube sampling method are employed to decrease computational cost. Finally, the nonlinear programming by quadratic Lagrangian method is utilized to modify the multi-island genetic algorithm, which has an improved optimization effect than the method used on its own. The obtained result shows that the modified class/shape function transformation method produces a better imitation of an airfoil in the nose and tail regions than the original method, and that it will satisfy the tolerance zone of the model in a wind tunnel. The response surface model based on the uniform Latin hypercube sampling method gives an accurate prediction of the lift-to-drag ratio with changes in the design variables. The numerical result of the flow around the airfoil shows reasonable agreement with the experimental data graphically and quantitatively. Ultimately, an airfoil with better capacity than the original one is acquired using the multi-island genetic algorithm based nonlinear programming by quadratic Lagrangian optimization method. The pressure contours and lift-to-drag ratio along with the attack angle have been compared with those of the original airfoil, and the results demonstrate the strength of the optimized airfoil. The process for exploring an improved airfoil through parameterization to optimization is worth referencing in future work.  相似文献   

Many heuristic search methods exhibit a remarkable variability in the time required to solve some particular problem instances. Their cost distributions are often heavy-tailed. It has been demonstrated that, in most cases, rapid restart (RR) method can prominently suppress the heavy-tailed nature of the instances and improve computation efficiency. However, it is usually time-consuming to check whether an algorithm on a specific instance is heavy-tailed or not. Moreover, if the heavy-tailed distribution is confirmed and the RR method is relevant, an optimal RR threshold should be chosen to facilitate the RR mechanism. In this paper, an approximate approach is proposed to quickly check whether an algorithm on a specific instance is heavy-tailed or not. The method is realized by means of calculating the maximal Lyapunov exponent of its generic running trace. Then a statistical formula to estimate the optimal RR threshold is educed. The method is based on common nonparametric estimation, e.g. , Kernel estimation. Two heuristic methods are selected to verify our method. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical consideration perfectly.  相似文献   

教学方法改革是当今教育改革中的一项重要内容,也是现代教学研究中一个十分引人注目的研究领域.近些年来,随着合作学习法的出现与流行,现代教学方法体系又呈现出了新的态势.探讨这些新的动向与发展特点,对于把握现代教学方法的发展趋势,有效进行教学方法的改革,推动教学方法科学化进程,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

教学方法改革是当今教育改革中的一项重要内容,也是现代教学研究中一个十分引人注目的研究领域。近些年来,随着合作学习法的出现与流行,现代教学方法体系又呈现出了新的态势。探讨这些新的动向与发展特点,对于把握现代教学方法的发展趋势,有效进行教学方法的改革,推动教学方法科学化进程,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An unscented particle filter for ground maneuvering target tracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, an unscented particle filtering method based on an interacting multiple model (IMM) frame for a Markovian switching system is presented. The method integrates the multiple model (MM) filter with an unscented particle filter (UPF) by an interaction step at the beginning. The framework (interaction/mixing, filtering, and combination) is similar to that in a standard IMM filter, but an UPF is adopted in each model. Therefore, the filtering performance and degeneracy phenomenon of particles are improved. The filtering method addresses nonlinear and/or non-Gaussian tracking problems. Simulation results show that the method has better tracking performance compared with the standard IMM-type filter and IMM particle filter.  相似文献   

先用正则摄动法求得摄动展开中的各阶函数 ,然后以此函数作为试函数 ,采用加权残值法计算待定系数 ,从而得出其近似解 文中给出了均布荷载作用下周边固支圆板的算例 ,结果表明 ,其结果与摄动解相比具有更高的精度  相似文献   

Restricted factor analysis (RFA) can be used to detect item bias (also called differential item functioning). In the RFA method of item bias detection, the common factor model serves as an item response model, but group membership is also included in the model. Two simulation studies are reported, both showing that the RFA method detects bias in 7‐point scale items very well, especially when the sample size is large, the mean trait difference between groups is small, the group sizes are equal, and the amount of bias is large. The first study further shows that the RFA method detects bias in dichotomous items at least as well as an established method based on the one‐parameter logistic item response model. The second study concerns various procedures to evaluate the significance of two‐item bias indices provided by the RFA method. The results indicate that the RFA method performs best when it is used in an iterative procedure.  相似文献   

赵引 《东南大学学报》2004,20(4):508-512
大坝与坝基的稳定一直是工程师密切关注的一个安全问题. 论文提出2种分析重力坝和坝基稳定的方法: 一种是基于刚体极限平衡原理的直接分析方法, 它将坝体和岩基作为不变形的刚体, 利用该方法可直接计算出可能滑动面的安全因数; 另一种是基于弹塑性理论的间接分析方法, 它采用非线性有限元方法分析大坝和坝基的应力和变形. 根据收敛和突变准则来确定稳定安全度.结果表明:工程建筑物的破坏不仅仅是由于施加荷载的原因,同时也与组成材料的性质有关.  相似文献   

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