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传统的词语色彩观认为,词语的色彩主要包括感情色彩、语体色彩、形象色彩等方面的内容.本文专就三音节词的色彩问题,从显性色彩和隐性色彩角度作新的探索.  相似文献   

作者评述<流亡一一抗战期间东北流亡学生口述历史>一书,从一个过去人们关注不是很多的东北学生流亡史侧面,补充了日本帝国主义侵略给东北人民带来深重灾难的事实.与目前同类著作相比,有两个显著特点:一是对东北流亡学生口述历史的活生生地抢救.二是在口述历史的采撷和整理上.所表现的全民抗战这一强音,也让人对时代主流加深了认识.它的价值还表现在对迄今一些仍然不能正视日本对华战争侵华性质论调的回应.和所有口述历史一样,<流亡>的史料势必将成为史学家获取资料的来源之一.  相似文献   

Third and fifth grade children (average age 8.6and 10.6 years) and adult participants weretested with printed words of varying length ina new on-line identification task (theluminance increment paradigm, LIP) and aspeeded naming task. Effects of general length(length in letters, phonemes and syllables)were shown to decrease systematically with agein both tasks. Third grade children showedsubstantial effects of word length while theeffect practically disappeared in adults. Ingeneral, this developmental pattern was alsofound when separately examining effects ofphonological length (with length in lettersheld constant) and small unit length (withnumber of syllables held constant), althoughsome differences were observed in performancein the identification and the naming task. Thetwo tasks also showed different developmentalpatterns, with the greatest gain in performancearising between 3rd and 5th grade inthe naming task, and the largest improvementoccurring between 5th grade and adults inthe identification task. The results suggestthat the new luminance increment paradigm canbe usefully applied as an on-line measure ofprinted word perception in beginning readers.  相似文献   

英语词的组合搭配及其翻译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语词与词进行组合搭如同我们的汉语词的组合搭配一样,一个词可与其它词搭配构成新的意义,但英语词重新组合搭配之后,词义不再是原来单个词的词义,而是得出一个全新的意义,因此,翻译过程中要特别注意这种新组合搭配的词组,正确理解词的隐含意义,才能正确地译出原的风格。  相似文献   

In this article we attempt to demonstrate the theoretical and practical limitations of traditional subgroup classifications of acquired and developmental dyslexia. As an alternative, we suggest a process-analytical approach. A variant of a dual-route model for word processing is presented. The model guided the design of a computerized test battery for assessing strategies in word decoding and processes underlying each strategy. The usefulness of the approach was demonstrated on two cases, which according to traditional criteria, were classified as auditory dyslexics. Although both cases displayed marked deficiencies in the phonological route for word decoding, they differed in terms of underlying processes. In one case the primary problem could be located to phonological synthesis, whereas the other case had poor access of letters (phonological recoding). Such individual processing characteristics are not normally revealed by the traditional subgrouping approach.  相似文献   

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横向1.比蝓无法摆脱赚疑团3.著名日本动画《新世纪福音战士》女角色名字,与境波丽并列为该作品女主角4。日本人气动漫《犬夜叉》中的女二号,是非常厉害的除妖师,5.人们对足球运动中表现非常出色的守门员的尊称  相似文献   

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金朝晖 《音乐世界》2013,(5):148-148

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金朝晖 《音乐世界》2014,(6):148-148

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金朝晖  yuan 《音乐世界》2014,(18):140-140

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Students with learning disabilities frequently experience difficulty on reading tasks. This difficulty is heightened for adolescents with learning disabilities who are responsible for reading and understanding materials written at several grade levels above their reading ability. Word identification becomes an increasingly important skill for these students, especially when confronted with unfamiliar, polysyllabic words. The present study investigated the effects of training 12 adolescents with learning disabilities in a word identification strategy, DISSECT. The results indicated that the strategy was effective in reducing reading errors for all subjects. However, it was found that increases in word identification differentially affected reading comprehension and indicate the need for separate and/or simultaneous attention to comprehension processes.  相似文献   

Phonological awareness is one of the critical skills in the acquisition of reading in an alphabetic orthography. The development of phonological awareness was compared across Turkish and English-speaking kindergarten and first-grade children (n = 138). The Turkish-speakers were more proficient in both handling of the syllables and deleting final phonemes of words. These patterns were related to the characteristics of the respective spoken languages (such as the saliency of the syllable, familiarity of the nonword patterns, importance of onset or final phoneme deletion, importance of vowel harmony) and the development of phonological awareness was discussed as a function of the characteristics of spoken language, orthography and literacy instruction.  相似文献   

According to the researchers who report in this set of papers there are two causes for the phenomenon that primary- and secondary-school students ignore relevant and plausibly familiar aspects of reality in answering word problems. The first cause is the stereotyped character of common word problems. The second cause lies in the classroom climate. In this article, it is argued that the students act sensibly in their situation. Furthermore, it is noted that the use of stereotyped problems and the accompanying classroom climate relate to teacher beliefs about the goals of mathematics education. Therefore, improving the results on problematic word problems will ask for a change in teacher beliefs. Furthermore, a directed effort to change the classroom socio-math norms will be needed. In relation to this, Greer's suggestion for a change towards a modelling perspective is supported. However, what modelling is, is worked out differently. In line with the RME instructional theory, a plea is made for modelling as an activity of organizing, not of translation.  相似文献   

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