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There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-sync with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors, and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities, our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach—the systems design approach—by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

本文叙述了在国际公认的三大检索系统中1992年我国科技论文的发展情况及我国高校科技论文的数量及增长速度;详细介绍了清华大学在三大检索系统中当年科技论文的数量及在我国高样名的排名。  相似文献   

A developmental systems approach incorporates clinical perspectives and offers a background for thinking about some of the ways we do research. Recent advances reveal both research opportunities and needs related to fostering child development in a pluralistic, democratic society, 4 topics are addressed that deal with individuality, context, and the search for meaning. First, individuality is discussed wherein our abstract thinking and our quantitative individual differences methods have revealed an urgent need to study the developing person. Second, classification is considered wherein our systematizing efforts reveal a need to understand the interplay among classified features of the person, as well as the particular methods that underlie our classifications. Third, the experiencing of development is discussed, wherein recent advances have revealed new ways of thinking about an individual's nonconscious—procedural and practicing—activities in development, as well as those activities that are conscious. Fourth, the issue of values is considered. Values contribute to our doing research, and we also need to acknowledge their importance as the object of developmental study in 4 children. The appreciation of context, of multiple windows of observation, and of our emotional "centeredness" as human beings who communicate and cooperate with others are crosscutting themes of the essay.  相似文献   

人具有自保自爱的本能,人性本无善恶之分。在社会生活中,人性具有向善与向恶两种倾向性,但更具有向恶的倾向性。因此要通过各种社会设置来扬善抑恶,规约人性、升华人性,以维持社会生活秩序,推动社会发展。鉴于此,当前我国的道德建设要确立人道主义、以人为本的指导思想,建立健全各种社会制度,并辅之以持久的道德教育与个人积极的道德修养等综合进行。  相似文献   

The safety of America's schools is a major issue. Yet, the magnitude of the problem cannot be accurately assessed because some of the data concerning incidents and disciplinary actions come from reporting systems that are seriously flawed. In this article we examine how data from student self‐report surveys and other sources can be used to assess the weaknesses in current school incident‐reporting systems and improve the validity of surveillance data on school violence. Particular attention is paid to assessing the validity of data from Gun‐Free Schools Act (GFSA) reports on the number of guns in schools in light of nationally representative student survey data. We also discuss the difficulties of obtaining accurate surveillance data and suggest changes in surveillance systems that could produce more valid estimates of violence and injury in our nation's schools. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

邓桂兰  周云华 《培训与研究》2010,27(6):45-47,82
近年来,我国各级政府虽普遍重视并采取多种措施加强社会管理,取得了明显成效,但在思想观念、管理体制、机制、方式与手段等方面尚存在不少问题。问题的成因主要是:政府对经济社会发展的阶段性特点回应不够、公民社会发育不足、原有体制以及落后观念的深远影响。为此,应采取进一步创新社会管理理念、深化社会管理体制改革、建立健全社会管理的机制体系、创新社会管理方式、切实提高政府工作人员的管理能力等对策,完善社会管理,促进社会安定和谐。  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-syne with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors. and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape; our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities. our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach–the systems design approach–by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

在我国境内存在四个独立的法域,形成包括专利“优先权”在内的一系列法律冲突。四法域在是否享有优先权,享有优先权的性质以及享有优先权的专利类型和优先权期限等方面非不协调和冲突。结合我国国情,建议通过国际公约,单方面承认,对等互惠原则以及协调实体法等方式来解决上述冲突。  相似文献   

高校人事管理改革面临深层的结构性问题,需要理念的创新.战略性人才资源管理的基本理念是战略化、社会化、国际化、市场化、分散化、整体化.其基本任务是重点突破,整体推进,通过序列改革,逐步建立以岗位管理为核心的简洁、高效、内在统一的人事管理新体系.改革以制度保障为前提,次优改革是唯一可行的有效制度改革选择,渐进化动态均衡改革是提高制度创新效率的必由之路.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess the extent to which expert systems technology, and in particular the idea of knowledge-based modelling, has influenced the practice of schools in our geographical area. We find that although expert system shells have gained a foothold there are no signs of a major breakthrough. We relate this situation to the time which average learners expend to build models with the current generation of shells. We propose a set of expressiveness criteria for future knowledge modelling tools. Tools which meet our criteria should empower learners to build bigger and better models. We suggest how such tools might be designed.  相似文献   

构建终身教育体系 ,推进终身学习已成为世界各国教育和培训政策的原则和目标。澳大利亚和新西兰作为世界上推进终身学习的领先国家 ,在发展各类学习组织和机构 ,满足个人和社会发展对学习的多样化需求 ,建立学习成就和资格认证框架 ,构建各类教育特别是职业教育培训与高等教育相互衔接和沟通的机制 ,实施终身学习政策 ,消除学习障碍等方面 ,有许多经验值得我们深入了解和研究。  相似文献   

Hypermedia as defined by Osgood (1987) is a tool for linking nonlinear information presented in the form of graphics, animation, video, and sound. One important question for instructional designers regarding hypermedia is how it can be used as an instructional or learning tool that enhances rather than inhibits learning. Creating hypermedia applications is a quick and easy alternative to creating courseware with older authoring systems and languages which took many hours to learn. This ease of application creation, combined with a tremendous increase in information available to our society, has resulted in a proliferation of hypermedia databases in school, university, and industry settings that is gradually moving into homes. Many of these databases are simply information media. This paper identifies important issues related to classifying a hypermedia-based information system appropriately. Based on a discussion of these issues, a call for systematic research which clarifies the role that hypermedia-based information systems can and should play in an instructional or learning environment is set forth.  相似文献   

Very little empirical large-scale research has been carried out on the use of IT in the management and administration of schools despite of the fact that schools all over the world have adopted such IT based systems. The move in many countries towards autonomous school management will further require the use of these systems. Sophisticated computerised school information systems (SISs) will have to provide school-based information relevant to the development of policies in areas where schools used merely to follow governmental guidelines. If such systems are to be designed and used to full effect, knowledge is urgently needed on the implementation, use and effects of established computerised SISs. The large-scale research project in England, reported here, goes some way towards filling this gap in our knowledge.  相似文献   

Hypermedia as defined by Osgood (1987) is a tool for linking nonlinear information presented in the form of graphics, animation, video, and sound. One important question for instructional designers regarding hypermedia is how it can be used as an instructional or learning tool that enhances rather than inhibits learning. Creating hypermedia applications is a quick and easy alternative to creating courseware with older authoring systems and languages which took many hours to learn. This ease of application creation, combined with a tremendous increase in information available to our society, has resulted in a proliferation of hypermedia databases in school, university, and industry settings that is gradually moving into homes. Many of these databases are simply information media. This paper identifies important issues related to classifying a hypermedia–based information system appropriately. Based on a discussion of these issues, a call for systematic research which clarifies the role that hypermedia–based information systems can and should play in an instructional or learning environment is set forth.  相似文献   

美、英、法三国的历史和文化传统不尽相同,不同的教师教育管理体制形成了不同的教师教育评估模式,但却有着共同的特点:评估机构的独立性、评估程序的科学性和民主性、评估结果运用的科学合理性。针对我国的具体情况,提出了值得我国借鉴的地方和有益的启示。  相似文献   

The role of higher education systems in the formation and reproduction of governing elites, and their countervailing potential for the creation of a more egalitarian, or meritocratic, society, has been an enduring subject of concern, debate and research. Many of these debates are made all the more difficult by our inability to directly compare elite formation systems within and between countries and over time. To resolve these problems, this paper employs elite formation quantitative indices to directly and transparently compare elite formation systems, namely the role of higher education systems in political elite formation over three quarters of a century in two countries. Specifically, the paper compares the influence, exclusiveness and eliteness of the Irish and British higher education systems in the production of their respective governing political elites in the 75 years between 1937 and 2012.  相似文献   

The mission of human performance technologists, to assure high levels of human performance in organizations, is well established, and usually accomplished through design and implementation of two major products: performance systems and instructional systems. The speed of change in the environments in which HPT is practiced, however, requires frequent analysis of what knowledge and skills are required of HP technologists in pursuit of this goal. This article works backward from results and the products that obtained them, to identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that form the critical human performance technology knowledgebase. The author uses an example from our “universal” neighborhood to illustrate seven basic categories of variables influencing organizational performance, and provides examples and non examples of five essential principles of psychology that can help guide HPT practitioners' efforts to design and implement effective systems.  相似文献   

This paper deseribes our experiences in trying to extend a language tutoring system, LINGER, to deal with Spanish. LINGER is based on Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) notation. It was first developed to teach French (Barchan, Woodmansee and Yazdani, 1986). Unlike traditional language-teaching systems, it incorporates human-like knowledge of the domain it is teaching. Experiences in modifying such systems are relevant both to language teaching and to attempts at turning tutoring systems designed for specific tasks into tools capable of greater generality and use.  相似文献   

"一国两制"、"和平统一"是邓小平科学地运用我们党"实事求是"的思想路线,结合祖国大陆和台湾、香港、澳门的历史和现实而提出的伟大构想和基本原则,运用这一原则,我们成功地实现了香港、澳门的回归,也必将解决祖国大陆与台湾的统一。  相似文献   

Dramatic changes in society from the Industrial Age to the Digital Age are making our educational systems obsolete. Piecemeal changes to the horse and buggy could not have brought our transportation system to where it needs to be today. Similarly, piecemeal reforms can never bring our educational systems to where they need to be to meet the digital‐age needs of our students and their communities. Reigeluth offers some ideas about what the new paradigm should be like.  相似文献   

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