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The importance of non-school educational stimuli which arise in “normal” everyday life (mainly through experience and “learning from life”) and the contribution of such stimuli to the educational development of young people are often underestimated. The educational value of the widely differing casual educational structures in family and peer relationships is often not fully appreciated in educational research until such structures are combined with formal school education. So far, researchers have only just begun to explore the value of informal education and to venture beyond the “traditional” limitation of empirical educational research in Germany to formal, institutionally organised education and competence acquisition processes for pupils. In recent years, attention has not only been directed towards the family as an independent place of education—studies have also focused on real life informal interaction situations in peer relationships and their importance as significant educational factors in the context of unsupervised child daytime activities. The researchers tend to regard the family as a “different type of educational sphere” and peer relationships as social interactions between equals with considerable educational potential, involving social and cultural exchange processes which constitute “everyday education” and which differ in their effects depending on the milieu. In view of the enormous differences in the way in which children and young people are integrated into family and peer-based everyday situations, it is important to point out the high educational significance of family and peer relationships for informal education, and this must always be analysed in relation to the social milieu of the family of origin and the type of school attended by the young people. The existing research initiatives and results are discussed here in relation to various research questions. The varied considerations in relation to the significance and impact of peer relationships and the existing approaches adopted in research serve as a starting point for further suggestions for future research, and these desirable new directions in research are then discussed from a theoretical and methodological perspective.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Verfasserin stellt Ansätze eines entwicklungsorientierten Konzeptes für Frauenbildung in Industrieländern vor. Elemente dieses Konzeptes sind: (1) Denken und Handeln in weltgesellschaftlichen Zusammenhängen, (2) die lokale/regionale Verankerung von Bildung, (3) die Förderung eines interkulturellen Blickwinkels und (4) der Abbau von Unterdrückung reproduzierenden Machtstrukturen. Ihren Ausführungen liegen u.a. folgende Thesen zugrunde: Die Entwicklung der Industrieländer hat katastrophale weltweite Auswirkungen, die es notwendig machen, daß auch Frauen ihre Rolle in diesem Zerstörungsprozeß überdenken. Denn sie sind Teil des Systems und tragen, ihrer geschlechtsspezifischen Sozialisation entsprechend, zur Reproduktion derzeitiger Verhältnisse bei. In dem Anliegen, die blinden Flecken im Selbstverständnis von Frauen zu erhellen, werden Bezüge zwischen Umwelt- und Innenweltzerstörung, Opfer und Täter sowie Rassimus und Sexismus hergestellt. Des weiteren wird die Rolle von europäischen Frauen im Kolonialismus, der derzeitige Umgang europäischer Frauen mit Frauen aus fremden Kulturen und schließlich die Ausübung von Macht und Gewalt in Familie und Gesellschaft thematisiert.
The author presents first steps towards a development-based concept of women's education in the industrialized countries. Some elements of this concept are: (1) planning and action in a global context, (2) the local or regional bias given to education, (3) promotion of an intercultural perspective, (4) reducing the power of structures that encourage oppression. The author's observations are based on the following propositions: the development process in the industrialized countries has had terrible effects all over the world and it is necessary that women also consider their roles in what the author considers to be a process of destruction. This is because women are part of the overall system and contribute to its perpetuation in the measure of their own socialization. Connections are established between the destruction of the environment and the individual, as also between the victims and assailants of racism and sexism with a view to clarifying unidentified parts of the female consciousness. Beyond this, the role of European women in the context of colonialism and the present contact between European women and their counterparts from other cultures are examined with particular attention being paid to the exercise of power and force in the family and society.

Résumé L'auteur présente tout d'abord les étapes menant vers un concept d'éducation des femmes basé sur le développement dans les pays industrialisés. Quelquesuns des éléments de ce concept sont: (1) la planification et l'action dans un contexte global, (2) la direction locale ou régionale donnée à l'éducation, (3) la promotion d'une perspective interculturelle, (4) la réducation ou pouvoir des structures qui encouragent l'oppression. Les observations de l'auteur se basent sur les propositions suivantes: le processus de développement des pays industrialisés a eu des effets négatifs dans le monde entier et il est nécessaire que les femmes également analysent leurs rôles dans ce que l'auteur appelle un processus de destruction, car les femmes font partie du système global et contribuent à sa perpétuation dans la mesure de leur propre socialisation. Des rapports sont établis entre la destruction de l'environnement et l'individu, comme entre les victimes et les assaillants du racisme et du sexisme en vue de faire la lumière sur les domaines non-identifiés de la conscience de la femme. L'auteur examine ensuite le rôle des femmes européennes dans le contexte du colonialisme et le contact qui existe actuellement entre elles et leurs homologues des autres cultures, une attention particulière est accordée ici à l'exercice du pouvoir et de la force au sein de la famille et de la société.

Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag thematisiert das nicht unproblematische Spannungsverh?ltnis von Grundbildung, Allgemeinbildung und Fachunterricht. Anspruchsvolle Fachinhalte, die über die in der internationalen PISA-Studie untersuchten Basiskompetenzen hinausgehen, lassen sich nicht mit einem normativen Verweis auf allgemeine Kompetenzen (wie Lernf?higkeit, Sozial-oder Probleml?sekompetenz) für alle Heranwachsenden rechtfertigen. Die Allgemeinheit der Bildung ist vielmehr im Faktum der Kontingenz und Differenz jeglicher Fachinhalte zu suchen. Bildung wird dabei als die F?higkeit zum Umgang mit Ungewissheit definiert. Anhand einer Fallstudie mit einer Hamburger Lehrerin wird gezeigt, dass diese Bestimmung für Lehrende pragmatisch auf die Realisation „guten“ Fachunterrichts hinauslaufen kann. Unter Bildungsaspekten zeigt sich das Handeln der Lehrerin dabei implizit an einer Als-ob-Didaktik orientiert, deren Grundzüge im Beitrag verallgemeinernd herausgearbeitet werden. Eine geeignete Rahmenkonzeption dafür steht mit der Bildungsgangdidaktik zur Verfügung, die die tats?chlichen Lern-und Bildungsprozesse der Schülerinnen und Schüler in das Zentrum ihrer Theoriebildung stellt.
Summary Basic education, general education and subject-focused lessons This contribution focuses on the not unproblematic tensions between basic education, general education and subject-focused lessons. Demanding subject matter, which offers more than those basic competencies studied in the international PISA study, cannot be justified for all learners with a normative reference to the attainment of general competencies (i.e. learning, social and problem-solving skills). Generality is indeed to be found in the contingency and difference of subject matter. Bildung is defined as the ability to deal with uncertainty. On the basis of a case study of a teacher from Hamburg, it will be demonstrated that this concept can — in pragmatic terms — simply mean the realization of „good“ subject-focused teaching. According to the theory of Bildung, it can be shown that the teache’s work is implicitly based on a didactic with as-if-character, which will be further generalized in this paper. An appropriate framework for such concepts is offered by the Bildungsgangdidaktik, which places the realized learning and educational processes at the center of its theory.

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Processes of internationalisation are not a novel phenomenon: they have been present since the beginning of human history and have been the subject of theories and analyses since the early days of social-science research. This article highlights (1.) the social pre-conditions of historical and current processes of trans-regional communication and exchange, and argues that (2.) these conditions were not superseded but reinforced by the rise of nation states and their international relations. They are based on processes of cultural standardisation, differentiation and competition, which also fuel and transform elite formation and elite competition. (3.) With the emergence of international organisations in the wake of World War II, historical processes of international standardisation and competition were extended to national education systems. (4.) National education systems are currently witnessing a transformation which originates partly from the competition between national and international elites, and partly from new dynamics in international migration.  相似文献   

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