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1.你能替我把这信息告诉她吗?误:Could you tell her the message for me?正:Could you take the message to her for me?  相似文献   

A woman phoned her daughter,who lived with a roommate.Instead of connecting with either of the young women,she got this recorded message: "Katy and I are not in at the moment.If you are a man,leave your name and number and we will promptly return your call.If you are a parent,everything is fine,and we will call you soon.If you are a bill collector, we have already paid the bill."译文:一个妇女给她的女儿打电话,她女儿有一位室友。然而,这位母亲没有和两个年青姑娘联系上,却听到了下面的留言:“我和凯蒂现在不在。如果是位  相似文献   

1.我不喜欢你对她说话的那种方式。误:I don't like the way of which you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way that you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way in which you speak to her.析:当the way(方式、方法)用作先行词时,引导定语从句的in which或 that常可省略。2.这事该受责备的是我。误:It is I who is to blame for it. 正:It is I who am to blame for it.  相似文献   

1.你能替我把这信息告诉她吗?误:Could you tell her the message for me?正:Could you take the message to her for me?析:"给……捎个口信,传个话"  相似文献   

今天是星期天,猫小姐要和她的朋友鼠先生出去玩。瞧,鼠先生的电话来了: Mouse: Miss Cat, are you ready? Cat: Oh, just one moment. Mouse: Where shall we go? Cat: What about going to the park? Mouse: That is OK. Then where shall we meet? Cat: let us meet at the gate of the park. Mouse: OK. When shall we meet? Cat: What about 9 o'clock in the morning? Mouse: OK. See you then! Cat: See you!  相似文献   

1.get someone’s back up惹某人生气,把某人惹翻了A:What did you do to get her back up?B:I only said she was easy to take offense.A:And what else did you say?B:Well,I also said she was not even a child.A:But these remarks were enough to get her back up.A:你怎么惹她生气了?B:我只是说她爱生气。A:你还说了什么?B:我还说她连一个孩子都不如。A:这些话语就足够让她生气了。2.get the drop on sb.先发制人,抢在某人的前面A:What’s the score of the first half?B:They got the drop on us and took the lead by2to1…  相似文献   

刘梅 《海外英语》2005,(1):46-48
1.sell someone down to the river出卖朋友A:How dare you do this to me?你怎么竟敢这么做?B:Why do you use such bad language?Did I do anything wrong?你说话怎么这么难听?我做错了什么吗?A:Don’t try to pretend,you sold me down the river to my wife.You told her that I am having all affair with someone else.别装了,你在我太太面前出卖了我,你告诉她我有外遇了。B:No,I didn't do that.She must have seen her with you  相似文献   

To move,to breathe,to fly,to float You walk around.You immerse yourself in the air surrounded.You bring yourself to distant places.You are here;you are there;you are somewhere;you are everywhere.You bring yourself out of your comfort zones.You free yourself from what you know.You admit your limits,and then push it.To gain all while you give You hand over the precious time you hold.Then you explore the worlds unknown.There you hear the words,sing the music,move with the rhythm,and you find the beautifuls.You welcome the discoveries,and they welcome you.Many things can be taken away,but-you smell the joy,  相似文献   

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with white beards sitting in her front yard.She did not recognize them.She said,"I don’t think I know you,but you must be hungry.Please come in and have something to eat."一个女人从家里出来,看到三位白胡子的老人坐在她的前院,她不认识他们。她说:“我想我不认识你们,不过你们一定饿了,请进来吃点东西吧。”"Is the man of the house home?"they asked.“男主人在家吗?”三个老人问道。  相似文献   

题目:How are you,Mom?你好吗,妈妈?或者:Miss you,mom. 想你,妈妈。Niuniu’s mother is a doctor.She is working in the hospital to helpthe SARS patients. 牛牛的妈妈是个医生。她正在医院帮助非典病人。  相似文献   

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