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根据教育生产函数,利用某省9所高中2011届学生的随机样本,研究择校上重点中学和考上重点中学对高考成绩的影响.结果发现,高考成绩与中考成绩显著正相关;择校上重点中学并没有显著提高高考成绩,然而重点中学对“考上”重点中学的边缘学生的成绩有促进作用.此外,学生的择校行为与家庭收入、父母职业和学历正相关.  相似文献   

几年前,在我们的中小学校园里出现了这样一类学生———他们不是按常规录取的,而是以低于正式录取分数线的某一标准录取的,作为录取的补充条件是自愿交纳较高的费用。这便是人们通称的“择校生”。择校,这个话题是人们普遍关心的热门话题。对这个话题,无论是择到好学校的家长,还是没有择到好学校的家长,大都充满着苦涩。学生对此也各有各的看法。这一期,我们特约著名心理咨询师马志国先生写了一篇专稿,马先生在心理咨询工作中接触了很多择校生和择校生的家长,他对这一热门话题既掌握着丰富的资料,亦有自己的见解与分析,他所叙述的真人真事和他的建议,对家长朋友一定会有启发的。而陆炳生先生就这一热门话题采访了众多家长、学生、教师以及教育专家,这一期我们将全文刊登他的采访手记,读后对您定会有所启示。  相似文献   

JIAZHANG2几年前,中小学出现了这样的学生——他们不是按常规录取的,而是以低于录取分数线的某一标准录取的。作为录取的补充条件,那就是自愿缴纳较高的择校费。这便是人们常说的择校生。自从有了择校生,很快地就形成了一股择校热,这股热潮一起,温度就居高不下,至今择校生依然大量存在。去年某地中考后,各校招收新生中的择校生比例均高于往年。某校新招8个班,正式生不足5个班,择校生超过3个班,差点占50%。直到招生结束,学校几位主要领导手上还有几十个“条子生”没能挤进来。我们究竟应当怎样看待目前这种居高不下的择校热呢?家长:在择…  相似文献   

美国:七次“高考”,择“高”录取 成绩好并不能保证你被所申报的大学录取?除了成绩之外,美国大学招生特别注重学生的全面素质,SAT是一个常年不断的标准化考试,每年进行7次,考生可以根据自己的情况,选择参加。由于美国高考成绩两年内有效,许多高中生上高三时就开始考试,SAT只选取最高的“高考”考分。  相似文献   

南京市中考从2002年起推行指标生政策,且陆续进行改进。总体看来,指标生和统招生,先录取的一类均分显然要高于另一类;中考成绩与三年后的高考成绩之间存在着极显著的关联。数据分析显示,中考生源成绩、录取批次都非常重要,而指标生控制线的划定策略宜进一步商榷。为有效推进教育公平与区域教育均衡发展,决策者需兼顾市内竞争公平、区内底线均衡,正视部分区的初中教育仍然处于弱势地位的现实,及时对指标生政策进行相应调整与改进。  相似文献   

要报好高考志愿,除了参考学生的理想兴趣爱好之外,最关键的是要估测好三个分数——学生考分、省录取控制分、高校录取分。  相似文献   

港澳高校提高英语门槛>>在教育国际化色彩浓厚的港澳地区,英语成绩成为众多大学录取内地生越来越重要的标准。内地生报考香港城市大学,高考总分须达当地一本线,其中英语成绩须达120分;今年内地生获得入门奖学金首次限定英语成绩的最低分,获奖学生的高考英语成绩不得低于125分。  相似文献   

正北京市教委18日宣布,今年起北京优质高中分配不再"推优",完全按成绩录取,同时全面取消中考择校生,并逐年减少各类特长生的招生比例,今年该市示范高中招生计划的30%将分配到区域内初中校。(中国教育报2月19日)总体看来,北京的中考改革,着眼于扩大公平,无疑有着积极意义,但由于这是在集中录取制度框架下进行的调整,有些做法限制了学校的自主招生,同时亦强调了分数在录取中的作用,因此需要进一步按照十八届  相似文献   

北京市教委2月18日宣布,今年起北京优质高中名额分配不再“推优”,完全按成绩录取,同时全面取消中考择校生,并逐年减少各类特长生的招生比例,今年该市示范高中招生计划的30%将分配到区域内的初中学校。(《中国教育报》2月19日)  相似文献   

中考是孩子们进入校园学习生活中面临的第一次重要的选择、第一次重要的考试。为缓解一次考试定终身的应试压力,在确保公平竞争的前提下,改变在一个分数线上单纯按考分高低来录取学生的做法,实行录取分数线弹性控制原则,把重点高中统招  相似文献   

Since the restoring of the college-university entrance examination in our country in 1977, the State Education Commission has done a great deal of work toward the reforming of the college-university entrance examination, and people who are engaged in the work of measuring education and in the theory of education have also conducted many studies of this in many areas. In general, the conclusion is that the traditional mode of the college-university entrance examination was not ideal. Its chief shortcoming was that the selection among candidates that resulted from the examination was not sufficiently accurate or scientific, resulting in the admission of some who scored high but in fact had poor abilities. It is also thought that the examination was unable to have a good guidance effect on education, teaching, and learning in the upper middle schools, and the assessment of teaching and learning was neither comprehensive nor objective enough. In reality, the college entrance examination has already become the chief or even the only means for assessing teaching and learning in the upper middle schools. Therefore, a phenomenon of the schools pursuing higher rates of promoting their students to colleges and universities one-sidedly has developed, leading to an imbalance in the knowledge structure of the students and the placing of an excessively heavy academic burden on their shoulders.  相似文献   

Mustering strength to run key schools successfully is one of the major tasks on the educational front. Many ordinary schools regard it as an unshirkable duty to supply key middle schools with junior high graduates who do well in their studies. Nevertheless, there are now some ordinary schools that, proceeding from selfish departmentalism, do not encourage their junior high graduates with better scholastic attainments to sign up for the entrance examination to senior grades of key middle schools. Instead, they caution the students, "If next semester you will continue to study at our school in senior grade one, we'll put you in the key class. If you apply for the entrance examination to a key school and return to our school when rejected, then it would be impossible for us to assign you to the key class." Some even warn, "You will not be accepted if you come back." In this way, a batch of students who do well in their studies are pressured not to sign up for the entrance examinations to key schools. They are afraid that they may have no opportunity to study at all if they fail in the entrance examinations. This practice is obviously wrong. If every school does things this way and every student with better scholastic aptitude does not apply for the key school, how can the key school recruit the better qualified? Where can the "better qualified" come from?  相似文献   

高中生考试焦虑的团体心理咨询实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验研究了团体心理辅导在治疗高中三年级学生考试焦虑方面的效果。实验中,我们通过安排系列团体心理辅导活动,综合使用认知疗法和行为疗法,对检出的12名有中度以上考试焦虑的高三学生进行辅导,实验结果表明,团体心理咨询可以有效地降低高中三年级学生的焦虑水平。  相似文献   

In enrolling new students, the key elementary schools in Guangzhou municipality have in recent years implemented the method of ignoring neighborhood boundaries and recruiting the better qualified. Theoretically speaking, the method is beyond reproach. But in practice, there are problems worth looking into. Some schools, not knowing what should be used as the criterion for the "better qualified," pose to children who have never been to school questions far beyond their knowledge in an effort to choose the "better qualified." Some schools only choose the "better qualified" from kindergartens and close the door on all those who are not in kindergarten. Some schools, under the pretext of recruiting the better qualified, give the green light to offspring of their special connections. Thus, by the time of the entrance examination, both parents and children are panic-stricken.  相似文献   

高考新政在全国范围内逐步推广,新政前后高中生的科学教育发生哪些变化?这些变化导致高中生科学素养的培养被强化还是被弱化?这些问题亟须探讨。研究建构科学素养理论框架,编制高信度效度的高中生科学素养测试卷,结合访谈,采用纵向调查设计,分别从科学知识、科学思维、科学探究三个维度调查北京市和山东省一流、较好、一般三层次高中参加老高考的2016级和参加新高考的2017级学生。研究发现:与新政前相比,高考新政后两省市高中生科学素养整体水平下降,科学知识与科学思维下降最为明显,此系两省市新老高考方案对科学科目要求差别较大造成;不同层次高中科学素养变化程度不同,一流层次学校高中生变化较小,一般层次学校下降幅度较大,此系不同层次学校教学管理水平及学生学习主动性差异造成;新政带来的积极变化是男女生选考文理科的界限被打破,科学素养差距显著缩小,但所付出的代价是男生比女生科学素养降低幅度更大,其原因并非女生科学素养的提高所致;随着两省市首批考生新高考的结束,“选科博弈”或将加剧,上海市和浙江省遇到的困境或许会重现,高中生科学素养的培养有可能被进一步弱化。据此,研究提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

考试焦虑是目前大学生所面临的现实而重大的问题,日益引起家长、学校和社会的强烈关注。本研究期望用干预的方法达到缓解医学生考前焦虑的目的。本研究选取南医大附属医院临床医学七年制2005、2006年级本硕连读的医学生65名,采用了Sarason考试焦虑量表对干预前后学生考前焦虑进行评估。结果显示对医学生考前焦虑进行干预可以取得较为满意的效果。  相似文献   

浙江省高中生心理健康状况及其影响因素的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用中学生心理健康诊断测验(MHT)作为测量工具,对浙江省10所中学2497名高中生进行心理素质调查,并进行对照研究.结果表明,高中生的心理问题主要表现在学习焦虑、对人焦虑等方面.男生心理健康水平高于女生,一年级心理问题最为突出.影响高中生心理健康的因素主要来源于家庭和学校.  相似文献   

The level of test anxiety in mathematics subjects among early undergraduate students at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus is studied in this article. The sample consists of 206 students taking several mathematics modules who completed the questionnaires on test anxiety just before they entered the venue for midterm examinations. The sample data include the differences in the context of academic levels, gender groups and nationality backgrounds. The level of test anxiety in mathematics is measured using seven Likert questionnaire statements adapted from the Test Anxiety Inventory describing one's emotional feeling before the start of an examination. In general, the result shows that the students who had a lower score expectation were more anxious than those who had a higher score expectation, but that they obtained a better score than the expected score. In the context of academic levels, gender groups and nationality backgrounds, there were no significant correlations between the level of test anxiety and the students’ academic performance. The effect size of the correlation values ranged from extremely small to moderate.  相似文献   

基本处于中东部地区的鄂豫苏冀四省市高考人数逐年下降,原因主要是中东部地区中小学辍学率增高,未成年人打工经商者增多、高中升学率减少,受大学生就业难冲击,中考放弃报考普通高中而选择中职的人数增加,随迁子女就地报名高考,东部地区在高中和中小学阶段出国留学的人数增多,受都市影响中东部农村地区出生率下降等诸多原因。稳定高考人数、提高农业人口的综合素质的最好办法是:国家应该采取一切措施控制中部地区的辍学率,改革高校课程设置和培养人才的理念,提高大学生的就业率,减少大学生就业难对中小学的冲击,做好中职与高考的接轨工作。  相似文献   

高考竞争的本质与现象   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高考中出现的许多问题,在现象和本质之间存在着很大的区别。倾斜的高考分数线、高考竞争日趋激烈、高考科目多与考生负担重、追求高考升学率等问题,本质和根源并不在高考,高考只是使一些问题突显出来而已。高考并非万恶之源,而是各种教育及社会矛盾的集合点。没有高考,这些矛盾和问题多数还照样存在,只是表现形式不同。透过现象看本质,高考制度虽有不少局限,也对中小学教育产生了一些消极影响,但它能公正客观地选拔人才,对中国教育和中国社会而言还是利大于弊。  相似文献   

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