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One purpose of the present study was to examine whether self-confidence or anxiety would be differentially affected byfeedback from more accurate rather than less accurate trials. The second purpose was to determine whether arousal variations (activation) would predict performance. On day 1, participants performed a golf putting task under one of two conditions: one group received feedback on the most accurate trials, whereas another group received feedback on the least accurate trials. On day 2, participants completed an anxiety questionnaire and performed a retention test. Shin conductance level, as a measure of arousal, was determined. The results indicated that feedback about more accurate trials resulted in more effective learning as well as increased self-confidence. Also, activation was a predictor of performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to analyze the influence of self-controlled task difficulty on motor learning. Participants had to intercept three targets falling at different velocities by displacing a stylus above a digitizer Task difficulty corresponded to racquet width. Half the participants (self-control condition) could choose the racquet width at the beginning of each trial. Each was paired with a participant from the yoked group. The self-control condition resulted in better performances and accuracy during immediate and delayed retention tests. These results confirm the advantage of a self-control condition on motor learning. They are discussed with reference to the challenge point hypothesis (Guadagnoli & Lee, 2004).  相似文献   

读者问答Q大概只有像我这样的"菜鸟"才会问这个问题,呵呵。请问,网球比赛的记分方式为什么这么古怪,0分叫做love,然后一下子跳到15分(fifteen)、再跳到30分(thirty),之后又成了40分(forty)——为什么不是45分(forty-five)没有规律可循啊!(北京读者春春)A 嘿嘿,网球记分法可是有典故的。用15分为记分法始于15世纪,它是参照天文学中的六分仪而来的。六分仪与1/6个圆一样,共有60度,每度分为60分。当时的网球比赛每局有4分,4个15分为1度,4个15度构成1/6个圆,这样就采用15为基数来计算每一球的得失。至于45分改成40分则是为了报分发音简便。0分、15分、30分和45分,以英文来报分,0分(10ve)、15分(fifteen)、30  相似文献   

读者问答Q在混双比赛中,种子排位是如何确定的,是综合男女球员的积分吗,还是有相关的计算公式?A 混双比赛不属于 WTA 或是ATP,只是一种表演性质的比赛,没有排名积分,也非奥运项目,一般在四大满贯赛才有。通  相似文献   

读者问答Q《网球天地》编辑同志:你好!法网男女单打冠军奖杯的名称分别是什么?谢谢。(知心读者小施)A 法网女子单打冠军奖杯为"苏珊·朗格伦杯"(SuzanneLenglen Cup),男子单打冠军奖杯为"火枪手杯"(Mousquetaires Cup)。  相似文献   

招聘启事《网球天地》杂志拟聘岗位编辑部副主编1.大学本科以上学历:2.拥有5年以上媒体从业经验,3年以上体育类、时尚类杂志或报纸媒体主编、副主编或编辑部主任等职位工作经验;3.熟悉杂志采编及出版流程,对杂志或报纸媒体市场有一定研究,能够准确把握杂志内容定位及选题方向。能够对杂志自身内容的构建与发展提出专业化与市场化并重的近期及远期规划;4.有较好的协调能力,善于沟通。良好的团队建设能力以及交际能力。能够适应较大的工作压力;5.文笔扎实,反应敏捷,思维活跃,有时尚感觉,热  相似文献   



陶玉晶 《冰雪运动》2002,(3):48-48,54
运用心理训练中的表象训练使初学滑冰的学生得到的技术改进和提高,使他们能在短暂的学习中快速并扎实地掌握速度滑冰的技术和要领,达到预期的目的,更好地完成教学任务.  相似文献   


This study was an investigation of the course of learning a specified arm movement pattern under conditions that varied as to the type and frequency of feedback information. After several days of practice, subjects performed a criterion test which was the same as the learning movement pattern, but explicit visual feedback was withdrawn.

Forty undergraduate students were divided into five groups. Each group was randomly assigned a method of learning the task. The methods of receiving information about performance were as follows: (a) concurrent visual feedback, (b) concurrent proprioceptive feedback and terminal knowledge of graphs, (c) a combination of (a) and (b), (d) concurrent visual feedback interspersed with passive watching, and (e) concurrent visual feedback at two different speeds.

The results indicated the following: (a) the most effective variable for learning the pattern was concurrent visual feedback, (b) performing the movement at a slower than normal rate was detrimental to performance on the criterion test, (c) sitting and watching was as effective a learning method as performing at two speeds, and (d) subjects in the slow-standard speed group were significantly poorer than subjects in other groups during performance of the criterion test. The other methods did not differ significantly from each other.  相似文献   

反馈与体育教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在体育教学中师生间的反馈是不可缺少的,只有在良好的信息反馈状态下才能使教师的教学质量,学生的学习效呆得到最科学全面的体现。  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the learning effects of participants self-controlling their receipt of knowledge of results (KR) on all or half of their acquisition trials (50%). For participants who were provided 50% self-control, the first half of their acquisition period consisted of receiving KR on all trials, or according to a faded-KR schedule. Participants practiced a sequential timing task. The results showed that independent of practice condition, participants who self-controlled their KR during the acquisition period demonstrated superior performance compared to the respective yoked conditions in the retention and transfer portion of the experiment. These results extend previous research by suggesting that decreasing the proportion of self-control trials does not compromise learning in a self-controlled context.  相似文献   

论体育教学中的反馈调节   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
传统的体育教学强调教师的主导作用,重视技术性的因素,排斥情感性的因素,教师与学生之间缺乏信息交流,因而不能充分调动学生的学习积极性、主动性,影响了教学质量。针对这一现状,探讨了在体育教学中如何利用反馈调节的功能,创设一个良好的教学氛围,使教学过程得到不断优化,从而使教学效果得到不断提高。  相似文献   

武术教学中的反馈信息,是通过输入和输出武术信息的途径,使师生获得在教学武术知识、技能和技术过程中的各种信息,并在师生间的信息交换中不断发现问题、解决问题,促使武术教学质量提高的行之有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

Performer autonomy has been shown to contribute to effective motor performance and learning. Autonomy support is therefore a key factor in the OPTIMAL theory of motor learning (Wulf, G., & Lewthwaite, 2016). The purpose of the present study was to examine whether supporting individuals’ need for autonomy by giving them choices would increase movement efficiency. Such a finding would be consistent with the OPTIMAL theory prediction that autonomy facilitates the coupling of goals and actions. Participants (N = 32) were asked to run at a submaximal intensity (65% of VO2 max) for 20 minutes. Before the run, participants in a choice group were able to choose 5 of 10 photos as well as the order in which they would be shown to them on a computer screen during the run. Control group participants were shown the same photos, in the same order, chosen by their counterparts in the choice group. Throughout the run, oxygen consumption and heart rate were significantly lower in the choice group than the control group. Thus, providing autonomy support resulted in enhanced running efficiency. The present findings are in line with the notion that autonomy facilitates goal-action coupling.  相似文献   

信息反馈与跨栏教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以反馈教学的作用效果为基础,并以跨栏为例,说明教学反馈的特点,对师生双边关系在反馈教学中的具体操作实施进行论述,并指出反馈教学手段的具体应用。  相似文献   

排球是一项由多种技、战术组成的极富有竞争性的运动项目之一。在排球教学中,要通过各类信息来反馈教学活动,使其达到预想效果。  相似文献   

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