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Gifted Students participate in interdisciplinary humanities courses that are student centered and project oriented.  相似文献   

隐喻的认知观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隐喻是人类一切语言的普遍现象。认知语言学认为隐喻不仅是文学创作中的修辞现象,更是一种思维认知方式,在人类思维的过程中起着重要作用。从认知语言学的角度来分菥和探讨语言中的隐喻现象,旨在探究隐喻研究由修辞到认知的历史发展走向,隐喻认知本质及其产生的认知心理基础,隐喻的认知功能以及隐喻是如何生成和理解的。  相似文献   

A cognitive approach to threshold concepts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper asks a fundamental question: what is happening inside the mind of the undergraduate during teaching and learning experiences, and how should curricula be designed to support it? A number of concepts lend themselves to providing an answer, principle among which is the relatively recent idea of Threshold Concepts. In this paper we attempt to critically evaluate both the ‘product’ and ‘process’ of Threshold Concepts and subject the idea to a stress test by comparing it to the longer established Schema Theory of Learning. This mapping enabled a novel empirical study involving undergraduate civil engineering students to be performed. The methods derived from Schema Theories of learning provide a set of findings that compliment and strengthen certain key areas of Threshold Concepts, as well as leading to the development of some interesting principles of curriculum design.  相似文献   


Outdoor education has typically presented itself as a specific approach to experiential learning. This article proposes that experiential learning can be understood as a process in which learners recognise and develop their action-theory and that the aim of outdoor development programs — whether in mainstream education, corporate training or therapy — is to facilitate this process. After introducing the notion of action-theory, I will present a particular approach to facilitation, which can be understood as a reflection-in-action approach. I conclude by situating this approach in the wider range of facilitation models in the literature on outdoor education and adventure therapy.  相似文献   

Outdoor education has typically presented itself as a specific approach to experiential learning. This article proposes that experiential learning can be understood as a process in which learners recognise and develop their action-theory and that the aim of outdoor development programs — whether in mainstream education, corporate training or therapy — is to facilitate this process. After introducing the notion of action-theory, I will present a particular approach to facilitation, which can be understood as a reflection-in-action approach. I conclude by situating this approach in the wider range of facilitation models in the literature on outdoor education and adventure therapy.  相似文献   

从传统范式到现阶段范式,不同礼貌研究路径在两大争论焦点上持有不同立场:其一,礼貌研究的视角;其二,礼貌现象的解释层面。作为前沿研究成果之一,Long(2016)面向关系工作提出的社会认知路径尝试解决上述争论。该路径侧重交际中人际关系的探讨,对于礼貌研究两大争议的解决具有借鉴意义,但受自身研究背景的局限,未能对人际交往与社会认知过程提出完整的解释。因此,更为完善的人际交往社会认知路径还有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

对间接言语行为的认知阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在认知语言学的框架内,利用理念化的认知模式(ICM)和事件域认知模式(ECM)对间接言语行为进行认知阐释,弥补了间接言语行为语用阐释的不足和缺憾。ICM和ECM运用知觉采集筛选的与角度、需要、目的等相一致的某一部分信息或要素信息代替整体事件域的工作原理,可以更好地突显信息的选择、处理和理解过程中的认知相关性,保障ICM和ECM对间接言语行为理论解释的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

社会需求是促进科学认识发展的首要因素,社会历史文化及宗教对科学认识具有促进和制约双重作用。人类认识能力是科学认识的基础,科学自身发展水平和科学认识手段限制着科学认识,学科分化对科学认识具有制约作用,非意识后果对科学认识提出了新的挑战。弄清楚这些问题能为人类解决科学发展中面临的困境寻求一条出路。  相似文献   

从认知学的角度谈英语词汇教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从认知心理学和语言本质及其规律角度出发,阐明学生对外语词汇认知过程和词汇信息加工过程,分析传统词汇教学的利弊,考虑教学共性问题和学习个体之间的差异,提出新的词汇教学模式。  相似文献   

幽默言语交际失败有着深刻的认知原因,从认知语用的角度,在交际者认知语境能否互显、听者能否辨别说话者信息意图和交际意图方面的差异、以及听者能否实现认知框架的动态转换方面寻找幽默交际失败的原因,为幽默言语交际失败做出一个初步的解释。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to describe a student exercise about ageing which is part of a university course about the lifespan for social workers. The year‐long course covers development from infancy to old age. In order to describe the context for the ageing exercise, the article also summarises exercises done by students prior to that about ageing. The ageing exercise could be generalised to shorter courses, to ones dealing solely with the elderly, and is suitable for both applied and theory‐based curricula, and to both undergraduate and continuing education. This exercise is compatible with an experiential and reflective approach to learning. Dealing with elderly people is often personally challenging for students as the elderly are at a different part of the life cycle from that of students’ usual friends and acquaintances. The exercise helps students to cope with the unfamiliarity of dealing with individuals unlike themselves, and often proves to be an enriching experience for them. At the same time it enhances their understanding and subsequent ability to relate to the elderly.  相似文献   

Medical schools are increasingly looking to case-based formats such as problem-based learning (PBL) for their medical students. However, the effects of PBL have not been adequately assessed for an informed decision. An approach to assessment should consider not just the knowledge outcomes expected of all students, but should be tailored to the theoretical goals of PBL: clinical reasoning, integration of scientific and clinical knowledge, and lifelong learning skills. This means that problem-solving processes as well as products need to be measured. In addition, cognitive measures associated with expert performance can be used to assess the extent to which PBL affects the development of expertise. In this study, students taking an elective in PBL were compared with students taking other electives on a realistic pathophysiological explanation task. The problem-solving protocols were examined for coherence, use of science concepts, strategy use, and self-directed learning. The results indicate that cognitive measures can be used to distinguish students who have participated in PBL from their counterparts in terms of knowledge, reasoning, and learning strategies. This suggests that such measures may play a meaningful role in assessment of student learning.  相似文献   

This article begins this special issue of ETR&D-Development by discussing what the cognitive approach to instructional design (ID) is and how ID practitioners can design training differently using the approach. Following some introductory comments about purpose, scope and perspective, the article is in two parts. The first part describes why the cognitive approach to ID is important and how the current approach to instructional design and training development is different from the cognitive approach. It then explains how learning occurs according to the cognitive point of view, and the different categories of learning according to one type of cognitive psychology. The second part describes a model that synthesizes and summarizes the components of a well-designed lesson, and describes what is different about this model from the current approach to ID. This model relates what learners have to do to learn to what instructional designers have to do to help them do so. It presents and briefly explains and exemplifies a general framework for instructional design based on cognitive psychology. Finally, it presents a table that can be used as a job aid to design training.  相似文献   

选用认知法,强调语篇的连贯是语篇本身与人脑相互作用的结果.语篇表层的连接手段可能对一些重形合的语言连贯起到一定的作用,但对于重意合的语言的语篇连贯分析还在于读者的经验、世界知识、借助相关事件的理想认知模型.语篇连贯的认知过程是一个动态的心智活动过程,它是人脑不断调整修正的结果.语篇的接受和产生的认知过程应用到语篇教学活动中对提高语篇教学效果具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The study challenged the current practices in cognitive load measurement involving complex problem solving by manipulating the presence of pictures in multiple rule‐based problem‐solving situations and examining the cognitive load resulting from both off‐line and online measures associated with complex problem solving. Forty‐eight participants were recruited from a subject pool in the Educational Psychology department in a large research university in western USA. Results showed that the presence of pictures had no effect on learners' complex problem solving as measured by the response time and accuracy. However, the online measure (eg, pupillometric measures) revealed a change in cognitive load associated with the presence of pictures in complex problem solving. The authors concluded that different measures of cognitive load may actually be measuring separate aspects of cognitive load. Discussions were made on how research on multimedia learning and cognitive load could be advanced by carefully considering multiple aspects of cognitive load and by including the use of convergent measurement techniques to capture the variations of cognitive load involved in learning.  相似文献   

The author presents results of research on informatics education with emphasis on informatics system comprehension for twenty-first century local, national and global needs. Learners have to create a sustainable cognitive model of a computer to demystify such an informatics system. This can be achieved by fostering system comprehension. The underlying hypothesis of this article is that knowing networked fundamental ideas of informatics and their combination in a system helps learners to develop a cognitive approach to informatics systems. In particular it focuses on the development of networked thinking as a cognitive precondition for mental models of systems. The work contributes to the discussion on what kind of comprehension is required and how far system comprehension can be supported. Assuming there are two pillars of the subject of informatics, i.e., informatics modelling and comprehension of informatics systems, object-oriented design patterns join both together. Knowing about multifaceted interdependencies between the components of a system and the cognitive analysis of such a system is of great value in overcoming the tendency to search for a single cause of an effect. With this in mind, the author offers a theoretical basis as to why design patterns are an essential component of informatics as a subject at secondary level. New media require a new cognitive approach. With regard to the didactic system developed by Brinda and Schubert, exploration modules are an appropriate way to support teaching and learning of design patterns in practice. This article describes a current project developing an exploration module to introduce design patterns with an emphasis on system comprehension to learners at upper secondary level.  相似文献   

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