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心理治疗中当事人对治疗师依恋是成人依恋中的一种特殊方式,它会影响到当事人对于治疗师、治疗关系、治疗过程以及治疗结果的期望.本文从当事人对治疗师的依恋类型及其与移情、与父母抚养方式的关系等方面对国外相关研究进行了概述,希望能为我们更好地理解心理治疗提供一个有用的参考.  相似文献   

人类心理有一种基本的叙事结构,它是揭示、表现人的存在意义的重要方式。自然科学的心理学仅仅是我们了解世界的一个方式。在我们的心理自我以及对世界的理解中,故事或叙事是第一位的。生活叙事应该是心理学研究的一个重要课题。基于现象学的叙事治疗着重于人们从生活经验中构建故事的方式;治疗是治疗师和当事人合作创作故事的一个过程。  相似文献   

在体育课堂教学过程中教师通过"对话"来承接一个或多个的活动过程,这里的"对话",起到一个信息传递的作用,学生通过"对话"可以了解动作要领、活动任务和内容、活动要求和注意事项等。在练习中,教师通过与学生的对话,可以得到反馈信息,  相似文献   

良好的治疗关系在心理治疗中起着重要作用,只有建立良好的治疗关系才能使当事人信任、接受治疗师,促成当事人的参与、合作,认同治疗师的观点,这是使当事人产生变化的基本要素。同时,在良好的治疗关系中,治疗师的接纳理解有助于当事人提高自尊,增强治疗的信心,找到重新面对生活的力量;激励当事人认识自己、完善自己,从而增强当事人的独立自主性。  相似文献   

教育即对话既是一种教育理念,也是一种教育基本理论范式。教育活动在本质上是一种对话式教育,通过教育对话达到教育主体之间以及个体与人类文化之间生命精神能量的转换,促进个体生命质量的不断提升。教育对话是一种民主、平等、合作、共享的关系,是一种人与人之间相互理解和自我理解的过程,也是一种个体与人类文化之间生命精神能量的转换和创造性生成过程。"教育即对话"倡导把现行教育中束缚学生的传统教育范式转换为教育对话范式,并在实践中不断完善教育对话范式。  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》中指出:"教师应向学生提供充分从事数学活动的机会,帮助他们在自主探索和合作对话的过程中真正理解和掌握基本的数学知识与技能、数学思想和方法,获得广泛的数学活动经验。"著名教育家叶澜教授也曾说过,教学就其本质而言,是对话的活动,是师生通过对话在交往与沟通中共同创意的过程。数学教学就是双边活动的教学,师生之间与生生之间共同探究,合作交流过程。本次讨论就是从高中数学课堂的教学实际出发,如何在高中数学课堂中有效对话。  相似文献   

案例教学以案例为基本教学材料,学生直接参与教学过程,是一种"做中学"的形式,它从经验与活动中获取知识,提高能力,通过师生之间、生生之间的多向互动、平等对话和积  相似文献   

张博 《幼儿教育》2001,(2):10-11
三、互主体性是一种“对话”关系“对话”有不同层次的含义:①按照其原始意义,对话是一种语言活动,专指日常生活中人与人之间的谈话。在谈话过程中,言者和听者就所谈论的话题不断言说和倾听,从而达到理解或达成共识。②对话不限于用言语交谈。作为一种借喻的“对话”,它是消除了种种对立之后而形成的平等相互作用。在“对话”中双方都达到新的超越,共同创造出一个更美好的新世界。③“对话”是一种意识或境界,一种关系状态。这是作为借喻的“对话”最广泛的含义。这种意识,这种境界,这种关系状态,不仅可以支配人们的交谈,使人们的交谈成为对话,而且可以支配人的  相似文献   

在2011年版《语文课程标准》中,我看到了这样一个新的理念":阅读教学是教师、学生、教科书编者、文本之间对话的过程。"在以往的教学中,我深刻地体会到,阅读的过程本就"是学生与文本之间的对话"的过程。而这个对话过程是个体阅读活动中的一种情感体验,是一种个性化的行为。  相似文献   

当代社会是一个对话的社会,"对话"是人以及各种关系的存在方式。在教学研究中,"对话教学"是教学领域中积极提倡的一种教学方式。笔者认为,在教学中,对话不仅仅是一种教学方式,而是教学活动的存在方式,教学过程就是对话的展开,教学统一于对话,教学即对话。  相似文献   

Psychotherapy with bulimic students often focuses on abatement of the destructive symptomatology. However, a symptom-oriented approach may miss the point os this complext disorder. Treatment is needed which helps the client structure and limit problematic eating behavior but which also explores her reaction to the structuring process itself. A psychotherapy that keeps these goals in mind is recommended as a base for treatment from which psychopharmacological treatment, family therapy, or support groups can be considered as well.  相似文献   

There is wide agreement among career counselors that there should not be a dichotomy between personal and career themes in career counseling. This article offers a Developmental Career Counseling (DCC) model that incorporates Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP) principles, specifically, James Mann's (1973) model, into a career counseling process. Common principles of STDP and their relation to principles of DCC are discussed: developmental life-span approach, limited time, importance of working alliance, rapid and early assessment, central focus, active and directive counselor participation, therapeutic flexibility, dealing with termination and specific criteria for client suitability to work in STDP and DCC. The model is illustrated through a DCC case of 8 sessions that focused on issues of self-esteem. The implementation of insights, techniques, and processes, borrowed from STDP and incorporated into career counseling, are demonstrated and implications for the practice of DCC are discussed.  相似文献   

Coached client methodology can be an important resource in the education of student counselors by simulating a counseling experience with a standard client stimulus before actual counseling is begun. The authors carried out the following procedures for establishing and maintaining standard client consistency: (a) development of a general concept of the content of the client's role; (b) incorporation of specific information about the coached client in a cumulative folder to be used by the counselor; (c) development of specific client statements as essential aspects of the client's role; (d) training the coached client to incorporate all essential statements into his role; (e) assessment of client consistency across interviews with different counselors. Research applications of coached client methodology were discussed as well as its use by schools in the hiring of counselors. Editor Abstract  相似文献   

针对学校机房进行上机考试的文件同步上传问题,设计利用FTP服务器、上机考试服务端和上机考试客户端相结合的考试系统,客户端通过登录验证后,可以进行试题的下载,答题结果会实时地自动上传到服务器,在客户端机器出现故障时,也能保证文件不丢失,具有安装容易、设置简单以及操作方便等特点。  相似文献   

我国著作权法对委托人依委托合同取得的作品著作权是否包括人身权没有明示.委托人取得作品著作权应属于著作权的继受取得,应受制于著作权转让的限制即人身权不得转让.但如果委托人不获人身权就会对其委托目的的实现造成障碍;若允许委托人取得人身权又会使代写论文等有违社会公平和道德的情形合法化.鉴于此委托人取得的著作权应限定为除署名权以外的其他内容,如此既能顺利实现委托目的又能阻却不法委托的合法化.  相似文献   

目的:探讨音乐心理治疗路径对焦虑症患者康复的影响。方法:选择焦虑症患者200例,随机分干预组和对照组,在使用常规药物治疗的同时,干预组实施音乐心理治疗路径。结果:治疗的第4、第10周末,干预组SAS、STAI评分极显著优于对照组,(P<0.01)。结论:音乐心理治疗路径能促进焦虑症患者的人格发展,促使病情疗愈。  相似文献   

浅析如何加强客户端用电安全的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据客户端用电管理的调查分析,提出建立供、用、管"三位一体"的客户端电气安全管理机制,从根本上解决客户端电气安全管理中存在的间题,理顺电气安全管理秩序。  相似文献   

本文主要以网络广泛应用的客户/服务器作为应用模型,在考虑网络状态的基础上,通过引入客户端缓冲区状态,提出了一种针对视频点播系统的流量控制机制。该机制将网络拥塞控制和客户端缓冲区控制策略结合起来对视频服务器发送速率进行自适应调整,保证了发送码率的平滑,更好地满足了客户端的需求,提高了网络带宽利用率。  相似文献   

CLIENT 1 is an interactive program that was designed to simulate client behavior in an initial interview and to provide a standardized environment for training and research on counselor problem-solving strategies. Through interaction with the computerized client, counselors attempt to facilitate client movement toward the goal of verbalizing a specific problem statement. Client movement is a function of the appropriateness and accuracy of counselor statements, the threat value associated with both client and counselor statements, the strength of the relationship between the counselor and client, and an index of counselor expertise. The uses of the simulation in counselor education and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Resiliency Wheel provides interview guidance tocounselors in training. The interview format providesenough structure for beginning counselors to feelcomfortable with the questions, but offers flexibilityto more experienced counselors as they formulate newquestions as the client's story unfolds. TheResiliency Wheel provides a way for counselors to linkindividual client strengths while drawing from thefollowing factors: person, family, community, spirit,and culture. A diagram of the resiliency wheel can beused to record client information. The questionsallow the counselor in training to become familiarwith other cultures and worldviews. This awarenessincreases a counselor's cultural sensitivity andempathy around issues of oppression, discrimination,and racism due to one's ethnicity. The studentcounselor is given the opportunity to ask specificquestions about a culture and realize the differences,but also the similarities between the counselor andthe client. The Resiliency Wheel assists thecounselor to develop a holistic understanding of theclient and to be able to reflect this understanding tothe client visually as well as verbally. Theinterview process in itself can bring about a deepersharing of client identity and experience,contributing to the bond between client and counselor.  相似文献   

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