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Let's say, if you were a movie fan, recently you came across a movie, you made a decision of watching the movie and hoped that yourself could get something useful or entertaining through this whole process. And soon you found out that it keeps you glued to your seat, you totally obsessed in it and didn't hit the pause-button or going for a cup of coffee during the 128 minutes. After finishing the movie, you felt so lucky because you believed that maybe this is the best movie of the year 2010.  相似文献   

A friend's grandfather came to America from Britain. He went into a cafeteria in Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order. Of course nobody did. At last, a woman with a plate full of food sat down in front of him and told him how a cafeteria worked. "Start out at the end," she said. "Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay."  相似文献   

I never wanted to be anything but a broadcaster, a talker. And for 40 years, I've been doing just that. To me, the ability to talk well is one of the great pleasures in life and can bring with it some of life's greatest rewards, I'm not saying it's always easy. The vast majority of people would rather jump out of an airplane without a parachute than sit next to someone they've never met at a dinner party. But the more you work at it, the easier it will be. To get you started, here are my five basic ingredients for learning how to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.  相似文献   

Everyone knows that you can study the English language for years and still not understand a native speaker of English when you meet one. Everyone knows that native speakers say a lot of things that you can 't find in any dictionary. Well, here's a secret for you: a lot of British people can't understand each other either.t  相似文献   

Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyone's eyes are different. So in the future you won't have to remember a secret code (密码 ) when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You'll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.  相似文献   

Jiangmen' s Maritime Silk Road and Commercial Trade Abstract: Jiangmen' s marine culture has a long history. Taishan was one of the important posts in the maritime silk route and the Jiangmen port was an important distribution center for maritime trade. Also, Jiangmen Wuyi people has a long history of venturing out to seas to conduct foreign trade. Mining Jiangmen' s ocean culture resources is helpful to the Jiangmen' s contemporary development of marine economy and to the richness and completeness of Guangdong' s marine culture research.  相似文献   

"I used to freeze the time and said 'I love you' for thousand times when you didn't know. I feel it the way that if l say it in the river of time, it will flow as time flows and eventually vanishes. So instead, I said it when time was frozen. I love you, Cheon Song-yi. I love you." Spend less than one second to figure out its origin? Know exactly in which episode the line is? You must be a straight-A fan of the drama!  相似文献   

If you "come into money", you win it or inherit it (you receive it after someone dies). "He came into a lot of money after his grandfather passed away."If something is "out of your price range", it's too expensive for you. "We wanted to buy the house but it was out of our price range."  相似文献   

cry wolf
To give a false alarm; warn of a danger that you know is not there. The general said lhe congressman was just crying wollwhen he said that the army was too weak to fight.for the country. (Tile general said that the congressman's warning of the army's weakness were false and made up to fi'ighten people so they would vote for him.)  相似文献   

This paper is about a research focusing on upbringing story problems of Hungarian. Sandor Karacsony's educational philosophy has already had several criticisms, primarily from the communist party's people, and from ideological and political viewpoints. But there were people blaming him for the deficiency of the concept and the lack of the pedagogic system. While studying and thinking his works, it might be declared that Karacsony's thoughts were embed in a peculiar system, revealing what must not be given up. Although, his language is slightly difficult, his direct style of writing brings learners through less understandable chapters and parts. The author grouped the overview of Karacsony's pedagogic system around 3 fundamental notions: the aim of the upbringing, the education and the theory of education. Sandor Karacsony was not only a high-school teacher and university professor, but also in his public functions, strived for restoring the relation between the educators and the pupils into a natural (for him) connection, he was out for developing tasks, expectations of the schools and the reformed institutions.  相似文献   

1. You've just entered a bar with some friends. What do you do? a) I ask everyone what they want, and go and order the drinks. b) I rush up to the bar and get myself a drink quickly, 2. A work colleague has just found out that he has a terrible illness. How do you react? a) I tell him how sorry I am, and ask if he' d like to talk about it. I also offer my assistance for anything he may need. b) I tell him how I've been feeling a bit ill recently too. 3. What' s your favourite topic of conversation? a) Whatever anyone else wants to talk about--the latest news, a bit of celebrity gossip, anything really. b) Me!  相似文献   

Do you know all the laws in your country? What about America? America has some incredible laws. Do you know that in the state of Alabama it' s illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs? Yes, that's it. You are prohibited from taking your pet donkey and placing him in the bath in order to wash him. This is the start of a new mini-series on some of America's dumbest laws. Here are some from Alabama, Alaska and Arizona (US English spelling)  相似文献   

1. There' s a new employee just arrived in the office. What do you say to him? a) Here, I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone. b) I' m the boss here and don't forget it, Now go and make some teat2. A junior colleague comes to you for help understanding a document. What do you say?  相似文献   

Recently bilingual teaching in China's universities has been widely carded out and become a popular subject for study. In this paper, the reasons for bilingual teaching of molecular biology are pointed out, the textbook of molecular biology and teaching method in bilingual teaching classes are determined after investigation and the practice of bilingually teaching molecular biology use both English and Chinese in a class. The effect has proved good. The bilingual teaching methods, the problem of bilingual teaching, the importance of understanding its significance and the possibilities of improving such teaching of the subject are also discussed.  相似文献   

The system of Chinese universities R&D as a branch of the system of the whole country R&D, has a great effect on the development and innovation of country's science and technique. Consequently, it's important to construct an effective management team with high diathesis for University R&D management. Based on the statistics of the case study, this thesis finds out some problems of management team function, and other problems, therefore gives some proposals on R&D management team construction.  相似文献   

With over a billion registered users and over 300 million active users, Twitter is one of the world' s most popular social networks. It's fast and easy to use, with a limit of just 140 characters per message. But you have to be careful what you write, or you could end up in trouble.  相似文献   

Learn the kind of English you need for social occasions. This month: renting a car. Listen and repeat these expressions.Part I What you say I'd like to rent a car, please. How much is it per hour? How much is it per day? How much is it per kilometre? How much is the insurance? Do you need to see my driver' s licence?  相似文献   

It's a sunny day,Giant and Clever Peter are meeting on the road…… Giant:you,boy,get out of my way! Peter:this is not your way!  相似文献   

Susan 《新高考》2014,(10):27-27
I mean, okay, so you ate McDonald's for a month and got sick and fat. What do I take from this other than the fact that it's unhealthy to eat nothing but McDonald's for thirty days?  相似文献   

A.  J.  Dalton 《英语沙龙》2010,(8):14-15
Have you heard of the term 'tweenager '? It's the new slang word being used in the UK to describe children at either eight-12 or ten-13 years old. They are between being a junior and a teenager, you see. Why are the press and media suddenly referring to kids in this way?  相似文献   

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