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The little bird took nectar(花蜜)from a ftower.This sweet liquid was food the bird.She used her long bill to get at the nectar deep in the flower.The little bird was a hummingbird(蜂鸟). Hummingbirds are the samllest birds in the world.  相似文献   

Gardening is a popular hobby in the UK. In fact, the industry is worth over £4 billion and continues to grow despite the recession. One popular feature of many British gardens is the garden gnome--a small ceramic, bearded character. They' re often placed in gardens as decoration, but some people consider this to be cruel.  相似文献   

Is that flower? Or is it a bird?Actually, it is a bird. The Blue-Crowned Pigeon is strange in many ways. The largest of all pigeons, the crowned pigeon may grow to be nearly as big as a turkey. They have snowy blue and white plumes on their crowns. Both the mother and father birds make milk for the young. Usually there are 2 eggs per nest, but they raise two or more broods each year. They satisfy their appetites with seeds, berries, fallen fruit, and insects. I hope you like this freaky bird.  相似文献   

Xiaoge  DD 《海外英语》2009,(6):58-59
Last time we talked about baby animals such as pups of dogs, kittens of cats, chicks of chickens, and ducklings of ducks. As I sat down to write this column, I saw some of my old squlrrelsI friends sneaking into my backyard and climbing onto the bird feeder2 to steal bird food again. They are cute but can also be a big headache, because they scare the birds a way and they eat a lot. They can finish within an hour the monthly supply that I put out for the birds. These squirrels must also be taking some of the food back to their babies, and I am wondering--what are baby squirrels called? Ah, they are called--are you ready-- pups or kittens, just like baby dogs and cats.  相似文献   

The spring was com ing.The sun shone brightly.A lot of beautifulflowers cam e out.The birds sang allday.M any people went to play in thepark.W hen X iao H ua w as playing near a road,he saw a little bird.H ewanted to catch it.H e went to the bird quietly and caught it at last.“Thats great.I have caughta beautifulbird,he said to him self.Then he”played w ith the bird very happily.Justthen,he saw a little girl crying very sadly.A policem an cam eup and said,“Little girl,don t cry.W hats …  相似文献   

One day when the birds were all together, they found a very beau- tiful rose by itself on a small bush. Each bird wanted to have the rose for itself so they decided to give it as a prize to the most beautiful of them all . One by one the birds of the worl…  相似文献   

The little bird took nectar (花蜜) from a flower. This sweet liquid was food for the bird. She used her long bill to get at the nectar deep in the flower. The little bird was a hum-mingbird (蜂鸟). Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world.  相似文献   

More Bird Men     
We have read about men who tried to fly like birds, they made wings for them-selves, usually of feathers, and tried to fly by moving their wings, as bird does,None of them succeeded. A bird has a very light body but very strong wing muscles.A man has a heavy body and not very strong arm muscles. A man will never fly likea bird. His muscles are not strong enough. He can only fly properly in an aeroplanewith an engine.  相似文献   

I do know that birds continue to live and procreate as long as the weather is amenable and the food there's if it were a deal between them, the weather and the crops.No questions asked.And the birds are in earnest about it,as I am in earnest about finding a reason for their lives,for what reason I myself do not understand. So I too,in my  相似文献   

One day a little girl wanted to go for a walk with her __1__ So she made a(n)__2__, and took an apple and __3__ orange juice. She put them in her bag and __4__ her hat. Then she took her toy and went outside. Soon, a __5__ wind came and blew (吹) her hat into a tree. A(n) __6__ little bird saw the wind blow the hat into the tree, and he wanted to __ 7__ the girl. So, he took the hat in his mouth __8__ gave it to the girl. The girl was very 9. She gave the bird some bread 10 her hamburger. Now the bird was happy, too.  相似文献   

Joy in living comes from having fine emotions,trusting them,giving them the freedom of a bird in the open.Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose or put on from the outside as a mask.People who have this joy do not need to talk about it;they radiate it.They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight and glow into other lives as naturally as a bird sings.We can never get it by working for it directly.It comes,like happiness,to those who are aiming at something higher.It is a b…  相似文献   

The world's most widely used insecticides may delay the migrations of songbirds and hurt their chances of mating.In the first experiment to track the effects of a neonicotinoid on birds in the wild,scientists captured 24 white-crowned sparrows as they migrated north from Mexico and the southern United States to Canada and Alaska.The team fed half of those birds with a low dose of the commonly used agricultural insecticide imidacloprid and the other half with a slightly higher dose.An additional 12 birds were captured and dosed with sunflower oil,but no pesticide.  相似文献   

A Clever Bird     
一、故事内容 It is getting hotter and hotter day by day. So the birds don't often fly in the sky in daytime. They usually fly in the evening to look for food. But a bird named Polly is very naughty. He just knows how to fly, so he wants to fly every day. One day, when he is flying in the forest, he feels very thirsty. He is very lucky. He sees a bottle near a big rock. There is some water in it. So he comes to the bottle and stands next to the bottle. But he can't drink the water, because the bottle's neck is very long. He thinks it over and then flies away.  相似文献   

Researchers from Mid Sweden University and Kalmar University organised surveys on reading skills in Swedish municipalities. This paper will focus on the surveys made in four municipalities between 2002 and 2007. All students in grade 8 in these four municipalities participated in the surveys--in total 16,287 students. These surveys included a reading test for the students and information about the students collected from the teachers, including participation in instruction in Swedish as a second language and in their mother tongues. Students of immigrant origin in Sweden are offered the possibility to participate in instruction in Swedish as a second language and in instruction in the student's mother tongue. No obvious trends over time in the participation in Swedish as a second language and mother tongue instruction were found in the four municipalities on the tests we gave, in spite of national trends. There was no difference in results on the reading tests in Swedish between those students who participated in mother tongue instruction and those who did not, but there was a difference in test results between those who participated in Swedish as a second language and those who did not. Those who did not participate (in Swedish as a second language instruction) did, on average, score higher on the test. When different language groups are compared, it can be noted that a majority in all groups of immigrant students neither participate in Swedish as a second language nor in mother tongue instruction. However, there are important differences between boys and girls and between language groups. Girls seemed to be more willing than boys to participate in voluntary mother tongue instruction, while boys more often than girls had to participate in compulsory lessons in Swedish as a second language.  相似文献   

There was once a little boy who wasraised in an orphanage.The little boy had always wished thathe could fly like a bird. It was verydifficult for him to understand why he couldnot fly. There were birds at the zoo thatwere much bigger than he, and they could fly.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The particle swarm optimization (PSO) method is a member of the broad category of swarm intelli- gence techniques for finding optimized solutions. The PSO algorithm is based on the social behavior of animals such as flocking of birds and schooling of fish, etc. PSO has its origin in simulation for visual- izing the synchronized choreography of bird flock by incorporating concepts such as nearest-neighbor ve- locity matching and acceleration by distance (Par- sopoulos and V…  相似文献   

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Bahia Honda State Park Continue west to Bahia Honda State Park on Big Pine Key.At Mile Marker 37,you’ll find Calusa Beach,the most popular natural beach in the Florida Keys.Enjoy the calm,clear waters in a sit-on-top ocean boat.Here,you can stop in the Sand and Sea Nature Center to learn more about sea animals and Key deer,as well as various birds.  相似文献   

张铭  孙心坚 《学周刊C版》2010,(7):190-190
To a student of English, reading is one of the four basic skills. And his ultimate goal in reading English is to be able grasp idea as quickly and eaily as he would if he were reading his native language. Yet in early stages of language acquisition, the first inclination in reading of most English students is to translate. Translation is a slow, laborious process. The writer's train of thoughts may become lost, as well as the enjoyment of reading. Moreover, translation is an art in itself and not a practical procedure for everyday reading. The student should attempt to develop a feeling for the target language so that he is really reading, not deciphering word for word.  相似文献   

贾黎 《新高考》2014,(11):27-29
Birds can learn to choose the best building materials for their nests,according to scientists.It was previously thought that birds’choice of nest materials was determined by their genes,that is,each type of bird has their own methods of building nests born with them.But an experiment has now shown this to be a more complex activity.The study,published in the Royal Society Journal Proceedings B,  相似文献   

陈艳 《海外英语》2011,(15):233-234
Friends is a very popular sitcom in America and even in China for its great humor, especially for its verbal humor. In order to understand the American humor better, the author tries to find out and appreciate the verbal humor in the framework of Grice’s Cooperative Principle and John Austin’s Speech Act Theory. By this, the paper helps to grasp the wise humor in Friends and convince people of the strength and operability of Cooperative Principle as well as Speech Act Theory.  相似文献   

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