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The 2011 Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector presented Ireland with an opportunity to rethink the issue of patronage in Irish primary schools, as well as to consider how ‘religious education’ might be approached in such schools in the future. This paper suggests that, for the first time since 1831, Ireland had an opportunity to provide ‘state schooling’ for all children, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof. The paper proposes educating all children in the state in non-denominational secular settings, leaving faith formation to the private domain of parents and communities. Although the concept of ‘secularism’ has negative connotations for those who belong to a religious community, this paper suggests that it provides a framework for inclusive and egalitarian education, offering children and young people the opportunity to learn alongside their peers, irrespective of religious backgrounds.  相似文献   

艺术院校的教学结构理念和思路随着时代化信息的不断进步而完善和变动着,中国大多数的艺术院校也在通识化教育的基础上不断的创新和实验着。本文针对艺术教育的现状,从学生的角度与老师的角度这两个方面来分析。  相似文献   

本文针对目前大学英语课堂提问的现状、类型、问题的设计以及应注意的问题,通过对大学英语精读课堂教学提问艺术的研究,探讨如何培养学生回答问题的参与意识和竞争意识,达到有效地提高大学英语课堂教学效果的目的.  相似文献   

幼儿教师美术教育技能是影响学前美术教育的重要因素。本文基于幼儿教师美术教育技能水平现状调查与实践研究,提出以下指导策略:调整学院美术教学内容与教学方法,做好幼儿教师美术教育技能的职前培养;举办专门的讲座与技能实训活动,引领在职幼儿教师美术教育技能的发展;通过现场活动观摩与研讨,切实解决幼儿教师美术教育技能的实际问题;以课题研究带动园本技能培训,服务日常教学,实现幼儿教师美术教育技能的整体提升。  相似文献   

研究语丈教师的提问艺术,是优化课堂教学的重要内容之一,教师要提高提问的艺术,不仅要深刻领会“六要”、“五忌”,同时又要灵活,恰当地把握各种提问的技巧,最大限度地调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生的创造思维。  相似文献   


Acquiring enough quality teachers has been an insurmountable problem for many developing countries, largely because of chronic resource shortages. Usually the tension between the need to staff classrooms and the desire to have fully qualified teachers is resolved in favor of quantity. Could quality also be achieved if sufficient resources were available? This case study reviews efforts at implementing a teacher supply policy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where oil revenues have provided adequate funds to support schools. The UAE's policy has had three goals: to supply enough teachers, employ more national teachers, and raise quality in the teaching force. Sufficient numbers of teachers have consistently been provided, and the number of national teachers has increased. Still, expatriate teachers dominate UAE's classrooms, and serious questions are raised about the quality of the teaching force. Several policy alternatives are suggested as part of a concerted effort to address the quality issue.  相似文献   

高职院校教师绩效考核的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绩效考核作为高职院校教师管理的重要内容,需要在教师对绩效考核取得认同的基础上,从教学、科研、专业建设以及学生实践技能的提升等方面,通过细化、量化考核目标,实施公正、客观的考核,实现教师与学院绩效的同步发展。  相似文献   

艺术教育是全面推行素质教育的重要组成部份。它对现代中小学音乐教师提出了更高的专业能力和教学艺术的要求。本文从充实的音乐基础理论知识,熟练的钢琴即兴伴奏能力,一定的舞蹈能力及文学语言艺术,形体语言艺术,独特的板书艺术,多媒体应用,合谐互动的课堂组织艺术几个方面,对现代音乐教师应具备的能力和教学艺术作了论述。  相似文献   

An emergent strand within mainstream educational leadership scholarship is an engagement with notions of diversity. This is part of a belated recognition that in an increasingly globalising world the largely masculinist, white norms from which most accounts of leadership derive, lack sufficient explanatory power for educational systems. Utilising critical, black and Indigenous feminist work on the recognition of difference, as well as recent feminist scholarship deconstructing diversity discourses in educational leadership, this article outlines the origins of the key diversity discourses from which the educational leadership field draws. It then analyses recent articles on diversity and educational administration, noting how the various diversity discourses have been taken up and the subsequent implications for educational leadership theorising and practices. It concludes by arguing that critical feminist research about the politics of difference, amongst others, provides an important body of scholarship from which to develop self‐reflexive and nuanced engagements with notions of diversity and leadership.  相似文献   

学生辅导员队伍是大学生思想政治教育工作的骨干力量,他们既是管理者也是教育者,在艺术院校,所学专业以及专业课教师是他们学校生活的重中之重,因此学生辅导员与专业教师的工作目标一致度和配合度对学生的专业学习和整体素质提高起到了决定性的关系。本文将通过分析艺术院校日常教学和管理中,辅导员和专业教师常出现的问题,寻求更好的方法对策,以提高彼此工作的满意度和认可度。  相似文献   

阐述了现代专业美术院校高考评分数字化的必要性,介绍了鲁迅美术学院高考评分数字化系统的研究思路和技术路线。该系统的开发沿用了传统的阅卷评分方式,重点对试卷进行了数字化采集和处理,阅卷教师可以通过高清晰图片阅卷和评分,提高了工作效率,减少差错,并很好地保护了美术试卷作品。系统采用双服务器Client/Server架构和双硬盘备份,保证了信息安全。  相似文献   

随着教育事业的发展,我国师范教育专业层次逐步提高,美术学科的专业性也不断加强.脱胎于普通师范的幼儿师范专科学校,其美术专业也具有相同的特点.应该针对不同的培养目标建立相应的美术学科教学体系.  相似文献   

This investigation describes the uses and concurrent relations of two behavioral rating scales for teachers: The Teacher's Self-Control Rating Scale (TSCRS) and The Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School Adjustment. Both instruments were completed by the regular classroom teachers of 92 students who were referred to multidisciplinary teams because of perceived academic problems. Pearson product-moment correlations between the two instruments were all statistically significant, indicating moderate to high levels of concurrent validity between the two instruments and significant overlap between the constructs they measure, particularly the constructs of behavioral self-control and school behavioral adjustment. Comparisons of the study population with instrument norm scores of typical students indicated that the referred group was rated as having significantly lower levels of social-behavioral competency than the norm groups.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to find out what kindergarten teachers, parents and kindergarten student teachers think about education and about themselves as educators. The basic question was: what kind of similarities and differences are there between these groups of educators? The sample consisted of 21 parents, 28 kindergarten teachers and 37 kindergarten student teachers voluntarily taking part in the study. The data were collected using thematic interviews and an open-ended questionnaire. The approach used to analyse the material was phenomenography. The results show that the groups of educators between themselves had quite similar conceptions of education and of being educators of small children. However, some differences were also found. The division of the conceptions of education was: education as a societal function or socialization, education as a way of supporting a child's development, education as care, and education as work and action. All groups, but especially parents, regarded education primarily as a societal function. All three groups paid rather little attention to education as a function of becoming a human being. Education as a function of care occurred in the conceptions of some educators. The conceptions of being an educator were linked to characteristic features of educators, to working with children, to commitment and self-confidence at work and to demands on and responsibility of an educator. In particular, parents paid attention to the demands and responsibility of being an educator. Kindergarten teachers and kindergarten student teachers emphasized working with children and commitment to education.  相似文献   

In this article I examine the ways in which teachers organize their workplace behaviors as they respond to computers in their schools. Particular attention is given to the strategies that develop among teachers enabling them to address their own occupational concerns and organizational expectations simultaneously. Data were collected through extensive observation and formal interviewing in nine elementary schools. Computers had been in each of the schools for at least five years at the time of the study. Findings reveal that teachers shape the meaning of computer technology in their schools through styles of computing including avoidance, integration, and technical specialization. This influence has critical implications for the ongoing process of computer implementation in elementary schools.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 86th meeting of the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 1991. The author gratefully acknowledges the comments and suggestions of Maurice Garnier, Randy Hodson, Cynthia Negrey, Brian Powell, Suzanne Staggenborg, and the editor and anonymous reviewers of ETR&D.  相似文献   

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