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在篮球普修教学课上运用启发式教学方法,有助于发挥学生的学习积极性,发展学生的创造性和独立工作的能力。过去,我们在普修课教学中,全由教师讲,学生按部就班地去做,学生学习的积极性不仅发挥不出来,而且光靠教师用语言去指导学生,往往会使学生有不知如何去练之感,更谈不上有独立性和创造性。  相似文献   

一、设计理念 本课在“健康第一”的理念指导下,根据初一学生身心特点,采用多种方法,发挥学生的积极性,让他们自己去共同活动,改变传统教育中的教师的教和学生的学,建立起新型的师生关系。  相似文献   

目前,新课程改革在许多方面都得到了应用,如何强化自身教学内容,使之取得更好的效果,这是许多中小学教师关心的问题。体育课作为一门课程,活动性比较强,和其他课程相比,具有鲜明的特点和规律,然而,笔者认为,目前在小学体育课中还有一些问题存在,如教师过于注重技能的传授,导致学生的积极性不强等。事实上,在小学阶段,不能只注重技能的传授而忽视了对学生学习兴趣的培养。在教学过程中,教师要发挥创新思维,设置能调动起学生兴趣、符合他们成长特点的学习情境,这样他们才会乐于去学习和认知,从而积极地进行体育活动,而在这个过程中,游戏化学习情境的创设应是十分重要的。  相似文献   

<正> 调动学生学习积极性是提高教学质量的必要条件,而启发式教学艺术则是调动学生学习积极性的重要手段。学习是一种认识活动,马克恩主义认为,人的认识不是消极的被动的,而是具有能动性的。认识发展的各个阶段,都离不开积极的思维活动。所谓调动学生的学习积极性,就是要求教师依据认识规律、教学规律、专业特点、学生情况,创造各种有利条件,去激发学生的学习热情,去培养学生的学习自觉性,并稳定持久地使他们在兴致浓烈、积极思维之中创造性地  相似文献   

异步教学目标到位体育教学法渐析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
异步教学目标到位体育教学法即在班级授课制条件下针对不同对象采用不同体育教学内容、教学方法、教学要求,通过教师的科学帮助,精心引导使每个学生主动学习努力去达成既定体育教学目标的方法。能真正体现和保证教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,激励学生主动性、积极性、创造性的发挥。  相似文献   

倡导个性化教学与信息化结合主要体现在教师对学生进行学习策略指导和学生的自主学习上。在建构主义学习理论指导下的英语阅读课教学模式改革中,学生能够发挥主体性,发展个性。教师发挥主导作用,以多媒体和网络技术调动学生的学习积极性,帮助学生实现学习目标,有利于学生培养创新精神和问题解决能力。  相似文献   

兴趣是学生探求知识的原动力,也是发明创造的精神源泉,只有让学生喜欢学,才能充分调动他们的主动性、能动性,从而自发地去追求和学习这门课.激发学生的学习积极性,提高学生学习化学的兴趣,是我们化学教师所肩负的重要使命,也是提高化学教学质量的重要前提和关键.而培养学生学习化学的兴趣,学生是主体,老师是关键.需要采取多种教学方法和手段.  相似文献   

为了提高教学效率,调动学生的学习积极性,在我国高校运动人体科学专业的基础课教学中,发挥教师主动性的教学策略有:主动发挥教师的教育责任;主动帮助学生认识学习的意义,在尊重的基础上帮助学生;制定适宜于具体对象的教学方法,学生的学习计划要留有余地,在设计作业时要考虑难易适度。这样能够激发学生的学习积极性,使学生能参与学习活动中的积极创造。  相似文献   

改革体育史教学,不仅要发挥教师的主导作用,而且要提高学生的学习积极性。要采取多项式疏导等教学法,打破旧的单一传授法,使整个课堂气氛处于活跃状态,调动学生学习的积极性与主动性。  相似文献   

采用“锻炼小组”法,提高学生运动能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要采用学生具有互动、互助、互争的功能 ,去调动学生学习积极性 ,发挥体育骨干作用 ,来提高学生运动能力  相似文献   

This paper reports data from a larger study into the ways in which Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students engaged in professional learning during teaching practice (TP) in Ireland. The study comprised one umbrella case study of Greendale University, schools and PETE students that consisted of five individual cases: tetrads of PETE student teacher, cooperating teacher (CT), University tutor (UT) and School Principal (SP). Each tetrad was defined as a unique community of practice located within the wider structures of school, education and university policies on teacher education. Data were collected over one academic year using qualitative research methods and grounded theory as a systematic data analysis tool.

Findings indicate that in each of the five cases, support for PETE student learning was, to some degree, dysfunctional. In particular, it became evident that there were two conflicting teacher-learning curricula in operation. The official curriculum, expressed in policy and by SPs, UTs and CTs (also referred to as mentors), valued a PETE student who cared for pupils, had a rich pedagogical content knowledge, knew how to plan for and assess pupils’ learning, valued reflection, and was an active member of a community of practice. The unofficial but essentially more powerful enacted curriculum, encouraged PETE students to draw upon their own resources to learn pedagogical content knowledge in an isolated and unsupported manner.

The data highlight the force of the unofficial curriculum and the ways in which PETE students were guided to the core of the dysfunctional community of practice by untrained CTs (mentors) and untrained UTs. PETE students in this study learned to survive in a largely unsupportive professional learning environment and, just as theories of social reproduction intimate, indicated that they would reproduce this practice with PETE students in their care in the future.

The findings suggest that in cases similar to those studied, there is a need for teacher educators in Ireland, (in both universities and schools) to critically interrogate their personal practices and implicit theories of teacher education and to engage in training for their role. There is also evidence to suggest that PETE students in Ireland could benefit from the development of school–university partnerships that act as fundamental units of high quality professional learning. In the cases studied, this may have led to a stronger focus on the intended or official curriculum of TP, led by the revised maxim: ‘Do as we say and as we do’.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,基于社会建构主义学习理论、维果茨基空间模型,从体育教师知识学习意义构建的内化、转化、外化、习俗化4个维度和社会建构主义学习理论对体育教师角色定位的启示,全面深入的了解体育教师在社会建构主义学习理念中与学生双向“学习共同体”中的相互作用。并提出体育教师角色定位:成为学生知识意义构建的“抛锚者”、成为学生知识意义建构的“提携者”、成为学生知识意义构建的“关注者”和“组织者”、成为学生知识意义建构的“对话者”、开发教师的“动态评价体系”等建议,为我国体育教师社会建构体系的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The bulk of interest in the role that interaction plays in learning in sport and physical education (PE) has focused on peer interaction at the expense of teacher–student interaction. This article redresses this imbalance in the literature by reporting on a study that inquired into the nature of teacher–student interaction and its effect on learning in PE swimming lessons in a French secondary school. Informed by an enactivist conceptualisation of learning, it emphasises the subjective dynamics of interaction to suggest that patterns of coordination should not be seen as being predetermined and determining student learning but, instead, as forms of engagement that influence, and are influenced by, the dynamics of interaction. In doing so it suggests the pivotal importance of teacher empathy for student learning through interaction in PE.  相似文献   

采用文献资料,观察,访问,问卷等方法,对上海市中学体育教学进行了调查研究,结果表明,上海市中学体育教学中真正的民主,平等,俣作的师生关系尚未完全建立,体育教学带有强制性。教师对学生学法重视不够,以学和来本的思想在课中真正体现不多,中学体育教学组织形式出现多样化的趋势,但体现学生个性化,自由自主性的教学教学组织形式还没有占主体。  相似文献   

通过文献研究、逻辑论证等方法,论述了构建学习共同体的意义与策略,旨在为体育教师的职后教育提供参考依据。主要结论:体育教师专业共同体可以促进体育教师的专业发展,提高体育教师的教学反思能力,培养体育教师的课程意识和进行体育科研的能力,并且为体育教师提供了心理支持和精神鼓舞,防止体育教师出现职业倦怠,更重要的是可以促进学生的学习和发展,营造良好的学习氛围;构建体育教师共同体的策略为:营造合作团结的教师文化;确立体育教师专业学习的共同愿景;尊重个体差异,充分发挥每个人的潜能;充分利用各种资源,促进教师共同体发展等。  相似文献   

体育大学生学习障碍及学习策略的教学实践研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为建立提高体育大学生学习质量的教学模式,制定学生学习策略及评价方法,运用教育测量、教学实践和数理统计法对沈阳体育学院运动训练系、体育教育系4个年级共258名学生进行了调查。主要研究结果与结论体育大学生学习障碍主要表现在学习方法不当,学习动力不足,抱负水平不高,责任感不强;各系、各年级男女各项指标均无显著性差异;在学习方法、师生关系、抱负水平、责任感等方面低年级与高年级有不同的表现,且高年级占一定的优势。建立的“定向课堂环境”学习策略,“6环节系统”学习策略、“师生互动”教学模式,经过6个月的教学实践,收到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

体育教学"合作学习"模式的构建与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合作学习教学模式是以社会心理学、教育社会学、认知心理学等理论为基础,是一种发展的教育思想、教学形式及教学方法。通过教学实验表明。在体育教学中采用合作学习模式,能有效地促进学生的主体性发展,能够培养学生的责任感和合作精神,有利于增进学生之间、师生之间的情感交流,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

双语教学己成为高校体育教育改革的必然趋势,但多方面的因素制约了双语教学的发展。本文以运动人体科学双语教学为例,探讨了双语教师主要存在的问题及其对策。指出双语教师主要的问题是自身英语能力的不平衡导致课堂教学质量不高,而没有好的英语学习方法又限制了双语教师英语水平的提高。提出双语教师在双语教学中要针对学科和学生特点进行创新教学,扬长避短,同时加强英语学习,并充分利用互联网优势帮助学习和提高教学质量。  相似文献   

Reform efforts to improve physical education often rely on facilitators to promote positive change. Although it is becoming more common, little is currently understood about the facilitation role. Our purpose was to examine facilitators' collective knowledge and experience with ongoing physical education professional development (PD), specifically regarding conceptions of their role in the process. Participants included 12 experienced PD facilitators. Data sources included formal semistructured and informal conversational interviews and participants' curriculum vitae. Results indicated that facilitators held common beliefs about teacher learning and self-identified actions aligned with those beliefs. Adhering to constructivist views of learning, facilitators underscored the role of prior knowledge and the active and social nature of learning. Their remarkably similar views emphasized multiple aspects of teacher capacity building.  相似文献   

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