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卢雨 《当代教育论坛》2006,(24):109-110
法国是艺术之乡,几百年来出现了许多伟大的艺术家。法国的高等美术学院在世界上享有很高的声誉。这些院校曾为世界各国培养了大量优秀的艺术人才,其中就有许多我国著名的艺术家,如林风眠、徐悲鸿、吴作人、吴冠中、常书鸿等老前辈。他们后来都成为了中国现代形态的美术教育的开拓者和播种人。应该说,法国的高等艺术学院与中国的学院美术是紧密相连的。本文主要对当代法国高等美术学院的艺术教育之特点进行分析,以期为中国艺术教育提供参考。一、当代法国高等美术学院艺术教育20世纪的西方艺术在时代变迁的大背景下,均发生了“反传统”的剧烈…  相似文献   

A tool for self assessment in secondary art education was developed and tested. The tool includes rubrics for assessing production and reception activities in art education and consists of visual and text rubrics. The criteria in the rubrics are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy which was developed by The European Network of Visual Literacy (ENViL). The way teachers and students use the rubrics, whether they consider them helpful and to what extent students’ self‐assessments are in line with teacher assessments was studied. It was concluded that teachers work with the rubrics intensively and both students and teachers appreciate its visual form. However, it was found that the agreement between teachers and students about the students’ scores was moderate and needed to improve. The results show that it is untrue that students, or boys in particular, overestimate their own performance in art education. The current study contributes to the development of feasible and valid assessment criteria and instruments in secondary art education.  相似文献   

We live in an era in which standardized assessments play a necessary and important role in the mission of our public schools to provide equal and equitable educational opportunity to all students. However, our focus on summative accountability measures often has an eclipsing effect on the equally important role of formative assessment practices in the classroom. This article describes why and how formative assessment should be integral to classroom teaching, and it suggests the importance of focusing on teachers’ instructionally-based, formative assessment competencies through our teacher evaluation systems.  相似文献   

In this article, a basic controversy for art education in Spain is analysed, and its antecedents in thought and social and artistic practices are reviewed. The controversy refers to the question whether school art education should be oriented towards the fine arts or towards the manual arts. Consequently, which should be the cultural model of reference in contemporary art education? These two controversies are considered as two dimensions whose poles have, to a certain extent, the capacity to articulate various educational trends. The values associated with each pole of each dimension are discussed: for the first dimension, creativity, originality, self‐efficacy and the value of accomplished work; for the second, increase of cultural capital and intercultural solidarity. Finally, the possibility is considered of elaborating educational models that would integrate the various mentioned educative values. The question is raised of the compatibility of these educational values, and it is pointed out that art education has the capacity to generate educational spaces of interchange and dialogue in which to combine languages and perspectives that can contribute to human development and to the mutual coexistence of social groups.  相似文献   

In this paper Cognitive Abilities Test scores are compared directly with moderated GCSE scores awarded to the same group of pupils. For ease of interpretation the comparisons are presented in a graphical form. Whilst some provisional and tentative conclusions are drawn about the reliability of GCSE art, questions are raised about the general validity of criterion‐referenced assessment in this area.  相似文献   

This paper originally was prepared for presentation to an international audience - I make this point because readers familiar with formal assessment of art and design in the United Kingdom will feel that they are familiar with many of its key points. However the very familiarity of the various examination procedures sometimes may obscure the basic principles on which they have been developed and there may be value to be derived, from time to time, from reiterating some of these principles. So, when appropriate, I intend to illustrate points by referring to some recent art and design assessment developments and documentation in England and Wales. However I should stress that it is not my intention to argue that any of the British approaches necessarily should be seen as ideal models to be emulated by others: in practice, it is generally recognised that these approaches are far from perfect and all the assessment procedures to which I refer tend to be in an almost constant state of revision and development.  相似文献   

The case for a greater role for the history and philosophy of science in science education is reviewed. It is argued that such a role can only be realised if it is based on both a credible analytical approach to the history and philosophy of science and if the evolution of a sufficient number of major themes in science is known in suitable detail. Adopting Lakatos' Theory of Scientific Research Programmes as the analytical approach, it is proposed that the development, use, and replacement, of specific models forms the core of such programmes.Chemical kinetics was selected as an exemplar major topic in chemistry. Eight models which have played a central role in the evolution of the study of chemical kinetics were identified by an analysis of the literature. The implications that these models have for the teaching and learning of chemistry today are discussed.  相似文献   

Many educational developments in recent decades pose a serious challenge to the traditional scientific measurement model that has dominated assessment practices. The scientific measurement model has led to an over‐emphasis on statistical tests and the reification of single measure test scores. The educational developments that challenge the scientific measurement model include problem‐based learning, newer understandings of cognition, and the rise of performance assessment. These developments reflect widespread attempts by educators to reform assessment practices so as to encourage more effective learning. As a result, a new model of educational assessment, which we call the judgemental model, is emerging. The basic assumptions, features and appropriate uses of these two assessment models are compared and contrasted by referring them to a three‐level conceptual model of education, training and assessment for workplace performance.  相似文献   

How can we understand the relationship between art, education and democracy in the contemporary Western political condition? The recent presidential elections in the USA showed that the classical model of liberal representative democracy is shaking on its foundations. The question is how can artists and education respond to this political condition? In this article it is argued that art has a special quality to address political, and especially democratic, issues. It can strengthen education in its lessons in democracy and citizenship. Art has a special quality to walk on an alternative path of democracy, namely that of the civil domain. In the civil sphere artistic qualities and skills of designing and of imagination can play a crucial role.  相似文献   

The first section of this article examines the current models of "virtual universities" that provide various forms of distance education. Distance teaching at university level is offered, nowadays, through at least five major organizational models: single-mode distance teaching universities, dual- and mixed-mode universities, extension services, consortia-type ventures, and new technology-based universities. The article analyzes the merits of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the context of each of these five models, as well as the problems associated with their implementation. The second section discusses future trends in the development of distance education in higher education systems and touches upon five domains: potential student constituencies, new roles for the academic faculty, new forms of knowledge generation and delivery, the restructuring of the organizational infrastructures of universities, and the impact of globalization on higher education markets. The conclusion highlights some of the major difficulties in the processes of implementing the new ICTs into various higher education systems and offers a few suggestions as to how to proceed in tackling major problems.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development and validation of a rubric for assessing students’ written responses to artworks. Since the implementation of the Hong Kong New Senior Secondary Curriculum in 2009, art educators have seen responding to artworks as increasingly important. In this context, the Art Criticism Assessment Rubric (ACAR) was developed. On the basis of Feldman's and Geahigan's theories of art criticism, eight evaluation criteria were identified. The inter‐rater reliability (IRR) of the ACAR was examined. A preliminary IRR test was conducted and an excellent intra‐class correlation coefficient (ICC) value of .91 was obtained. For the main study, six independent raters, who were divided into three groups of two, were trained and invited to rate 87 art criticism essays written by students from eight secondary schools. Most dimensions of the ACAR achieved good ICC values. The results show that the ACAR is an acceptable rubric for providing a reliable assessment of students’ written responses to artworks. However, two dimensions, Originality and Balanced Views and Application of Aesthetic and Contextual Knowledge, obtained poor ICC values. This may be owing to the lack of consensus on the definition of originality and the raters' unfamiliarity with the concept of aesthetic knowledge. The researchers suggest that dimension‐specific samples rated from high to low scores should be provided in raters’ training.  相似文献   

This multidisciplinary article presents a methodology, a research project and selected outcomes from an environmental art education course for teacher students. The course is part of an art education minor at the University of Helsinki, Department of Teacher Education. The students were asked to construct their place through an intertextual art method that provided them the means to study their place open‐endedly as a space of plural cultural meanings. Applying the results from their intertextual process, they reconstructed their place artistically. The end product was a personal work of art that included traces of their chosen places, and created a new meaning for it. The outcome is a visual space of compacted meanings from different places. Places contain history and memories important to identity construction. The results show that the intertextual reading extends the students’ concept of place as a space for relational and plural cultural meanings. Foucault's concept of heterotopia, as it applies to otherness of places and spaces, was used alongside the intertextual art method.  相似文献   

身体哲学强调了身体的主体性地位,肯定了身体在获取知识过程中的作用。身体与文化存在着互动关系,身体塑造了我们的身份和意义,在整个认识过程中具有逻辑上的优先性。艺术与身体之间存在着紧密而复杂的关系,这种紧密关联性为当前的艺术教育提供了很多有益的启示。在艺术教育的过程中,既要充分发挥身体的主体性作用,又要引导学生意识到身体对艺术作品的影响。基于身体与文化之间的互动关系,提供多样化的艺术表达方式,在艺术教育中提升身体意识和自我认同。基于身体哲学关于身体和心灵之间的相互关联性,发挥艺术教育的心理治疗作用,促进受教育者的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

The assessment of differential item functioning (DIF) is routinely conducted to ensure test fairness and validity. Although many DIF assessment methods have been developed in the context of classical test theory and item response theory, they are not applicable for cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs), as the underlying latent attributes of CDMs are multidimensional and binary. This study proposes a very general DIF assessment method in the CDM framework which is applicable for various CDMs, more than two groups of examinees, and multiple grouping variables that are categorical, continuous, observed, or latent. The parameters can be estimated with Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms implemented in the freeware WinBUGS. Simulation results demonstrated a good parameter recovery and advantages in DIF assessment for the new method over the Wald method.  相似文献   

通过对许昌地区农业资源环境分析,本着可持续发展的观点,以生态农业理论为依据,提出了适用的生态农业建设模式及实施该模式的组织形式和政策建议.  相似文献   

教育问责背景下学生学业评测的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,教育问责背景下学生学业评测作为教育改革与发展的重要内容备受人们关注。学业评测主要在三个领域得到了广泛的发展:在监测教育质量的宏观层面,为了扩大考查范围或测试覆盖面,同时缩短被试的测试时间,包含矩阵取样设计、测验等值技术的大尺度学业测评的新技术广泛应用在教育质量监测的实践当中;在对学校效能进行评价的中观层面,使用发展性评价方法如增值性评价,用学生多次考试成绩的追踪数据来评价学校的教育情况,不仅能够更合理地评价学校和教师的工作,也使学生的成长和发展更加受到关注;在促进学生学业发展的微观层面,为了学习的评价理念和认知诊断技术的发展使得测验对教学反馈作用得以显现和发展。当前学业评测的新理念、新技术和新实践,要求教育部门和教育工作者只有重视测量与评价技术、改变考试观念,才能更好的使学业评测工作服务于教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

情感领域的教学设计理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该介绍了马丁和瑞戈鲁斯对进行情感领域教学必要性的论述,及他们关于情感领域教学设计的基本理论,包括情感领域的概念模型、各个维度的划分依据等。另外还介绍了与此模型相对应的情感发展课程的应用模式。  相似文献   

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