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This article argues that interior/architectural design education favours a dominance of final presentation over the design process in the studio environment, particularly in the evaluation of a project. It suggests that the appeal of design juries for pleasant drawings, which may shift the emphasis from the project itself to its representation, may be recognized as a discursive habit with limited contribution for educational concerns. The theoretical stance argues that the interest for graphical presentation has primarily remained within a formalist aesthetic agenda and has rarely been conceptualized beyond this convention. With this in mind a series of questions is developed in order to reform the relationship between graphical presentation and the design education process.  相似文献   

采用理论分析法进行分析,探寻建筑设计与室内装饰在功能上的融合及其实践路径。从标志功能、调节功能、强调功能、审美功能四方面探讨建筑设计与室内装饰在功能上的融合,从材料、空间与元素三方面探讨建筑设计与室内装饰在实践上的融合,以期进一步提升建筑设计与室内装饰设计水平。  相似文献   

以武汉职业技术学院建筑装饰专业为例,探讨实践教学改革的措施;即课程整合,联合教学;场景建构,制定方案;引做结合,实时跟踪;成果展示,互动交流。以此为高职院校建筑类专业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对目前家庭装修存在误区的分析,从建筑设计与室内设计的关系角度提出了建筑设计与室内设计融合的思想。  相似文献   

The link between academic performance in secondary education and the subsequent performance of students studying architecture at university level is commonly questioned by educators and admissions tutors. This paper investigates the potential for using measures of cognitive style and spatial ability as predictors of future potential in architectural design education. The research investigates the relationship between the academic performance of three cohorts of architectural students and their cognitive style (as measured by the Cognitive Style Analysis), spatial ability (measured by the redrawn Vandenberg mental rotation test), and performance in secondary education (measured by the make‐up of their portfolio of secondary qualifications). The results from the research provide little evidence to suggest that any of the measurements were good predictors of eventual performance. Neither were there any significant interactions between the test scores, performance, and gender. Nevertheless, there was evidence suggesting that students with certain cognitive styles were less likely to complete the course, particularly those with a verbaliser cognitive style. Furthermore, a significant proportion of female, wholist students also failed to complete the course.  相似文献   

从建筑室内空间应满足人们使用功能和精神功能的要求,符合审美及技术经济等原则的角度考察室内设计,分析设计的本质与目标,针对人居环境应符合“安全、健康、舒适、美观”的原则和“绿色建筑”的设计理念,符合建筑结构技术与建筑材料的发展趋势,提出建立室内空间设计评价体系的基本原则,对引导室内空间设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

高校室内设计教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生活居住环境的不断改善,人们对室内设计的要求逐渐从居住性向审美性转变。但是高校室内设计专业教育还不适应这一转变,在教学中还存在诸多问题。因此,高校室内设计教育必须进行深入变革,才能培养出优秀的室内设计师。文章主要就室内设计教育的改革措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

As digital modelling programmes become increasingly prevalent in interior design education, there is concern that graduates are entering the workforce relying too much on strong graphic presentation skills while lacking the basic ability to speak about design. This study explores the gap between practitioners’ perceptions of importance regarding oral presentation competency and students’ perceptions of their oral presentation performances. Additionally, the study explores correlations between in‐class activities and students’ perceptions of their oral presentation competency. Mixed‐methods of investigation include a Delphi study with a panel of interior design practitioners and a survey questionnaire of both practitioners (n = 102) and currently active interior design students (n = 91) in the USA. An Importance‐Performance framework is employed for comparison. Results identify performance criteria for evaluating oral presentation competency and indicate variances between students’ perceptions of their performance and industry perceptions of importance. Furthermore, students’ in‐class activities including studio critiques and written peer assessments show significant correlation with student oral presentation performance indicating activities already frequently incorporated into a design curriculum may have a greater impact on improving performance than specific oral presentation instruction alone.  相似文献   

文章综合当前建筑学专业启蒙教育阶段的特点,阐述建筑学基础教学的几个基本原则,强调了对于专业基础教育,培养学生的空间创造性思维能力的重要性。同时针对现今教育中存在的问题,提出改革的新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

Interior design, as a field of study, is a rapidly growing area of interest — particularly for teenagers in the United States. Part of this interest stems from the proliferation of design‐related reality shows available through television media. Some art educators and curriculum specialists in the nation perceive the study of interior spaces as a ‘practical application’ of the arts. This article discusses an experiential design problem, originally used in higher education interior design studio courses that was modified and shared with students in third grade to address national academic standards. Later, this same project was modified for use with high school students in the educator's community and with international design students in South Korea. Lastly, the project was presented in a workshop to art education students at a higher education institution. The project was modified to address (1) the age group level and (2) a topic relevant to the audience. Goals of the design project were: (1) to explore creative problem‐solving, (2) to explore the application of design elements and principles, and (3) to increase student understanding of spatial relationships within an interior environment. Findings indicate that the project supported several visual art standards, including perception and community. This project may be of interest to current and future art educators and others interested in the potential of interior design content supporting art education.  相似文献   

高职室内装潢专业课程设置探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在将来的室内装饰中装饰构件生产将更加专业化、企业化、标准化,将来的室内设计师工作领域会逐步细分,要求高职课程设置上要更加注重培养学生灵活多变的适应能力,以智力技能、概念技能为主,同时兼备必要的动作技能、专业技能,以适应室内装潢业不断变化的社会需求。  相似文献   

根据建筑设计的阶段性,在建筑设计课程教学的不同阶段,分别进行中西文化比较,渗透中国传统文化,渗透以人为本与和谐共存的观念,渗透体验生活的教育,渗透审美素质教育等,寓素质教育于专业教学中,达到润物无声、潜移默化的育人效果。  相似文献   

The design studio is the heart of architectural education. It is where future architects are moulded and the main forum for creative exploration, interaction and assimilation. This article argues for a ‘studio‐based learning’ approach in terms of the impact of design tools, especially sketching and concrete modelling, on the creativity or problem‐solving capabilities of a student. The implementation of a ‘vertical design studio’ model at Gazi University Department of Architecture is reported with examples of students’ works.  相似文献   

It is inevitable that as a result of progress in technology and the changes in the ways with which design is conceived, interior architecture schools should be updated according to these requirements and that new educational processes should be tried out. It is for this reason that the scope and aim of this study have been determined as being the formulation of a hybrid educational model for the integration of digital approaches to design within the interior architecture education system. Within the chosen scope and aim of this study, and as a methodology, various algorithmic and parametric approaches have been applied in various practical applications as digital design instruments, and conclusions have been reached concerning the advantages they offer within the design process. The advantages and disadvantages, concerning interior architecture education, of digital approaches to design over the traditional design method, have been presented on the basis of results found during practical applications of digital design, the information found in publications about this subject. A hybrid educational model for the restructuring with digital design instruments of interior architecture education and design studios as experimental areas has been presented. Thanks to this proposed model, the establishment of a computer formatted analytic design system in the guise of dynamic systems will get easier and, the opportunity of restructuring the process and conception of design will also present itself. As the effects of this method are reflected on the products, new geometric approaches and typologies will appear, with the result that designs and digital instruments will constantly be developed and will evolve. In conclusion, educating the designers of the future according to the essence of these approaches will make it possible to train professionals who correctly use and understand the technologies being developed, who have a critical stance, and who can produce renewable designs.  相似文献   

建筑设计离不开建筑法规,建筑师学好建筑法规是非常重要的。本文以实际工程为例,详细阐述了建筑设计与建筑法规密不可分的关系。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,人们的生活水平不断的提高.人们对生活上品味也在逐渐提高.住宅是人们居住、休息的空间,设计师需要根据不同的室内环境、使用性质及一定的设计标准,借助现代科技发展的一些手段,创造出一种舒适、优美的生活环境,满足人们不断增长的物质和精神要求.  相似文献   

室内设计是一门综合性学科,应从空间、色彩、材料的角度认识室内设计及审美的综合性应用;追求空间的可读性、趣味性以体现它的文化涵义;认识色彩的特性,在设计中发挥色彩的个性应用;认识材料的特性,材料的色彩、材料的肌理及它们的应用;并从室内设计整体的角度考虑和认识室内陈设的选择及应用;室内设计的空间、色彩、材料、及陈设是室内设计的重点。  相似文献   

论加强高校内部审计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等学校改革发展进程中,加强内部审计既是提高管理水平和经费使用效益的需要,也是反腐倡廉的需要。科学定位高校内部审计的职能,建立一支高素质的高校审计队伍,围绕学校大局,突出工作重点,拓宽审计项目,改进审计方法,加强内部审计的规范化管理,有利于充分发挥内部审计在高校改革和发展中的独特作用。  相似文献   

低碳经济是实现中国经济可持续发展的必由之路,是不可逆转的时代潮流,是一场涉及生产方式、生活方式和价值观念的革命,环境艺术设计应当不失时机地参加到这场革命中来。  相似文献   

浅析室内设计中的室内空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内装饰活动是一种人为的环境创造,它以空间的营造最为根本。建筑装饰活动的主要目的和它的基本内容就是创造一个适合人类生存的室内空间。作为一个变化的动态体系,设计目的存在于创造物以引导需求的过程。人的需求存在着差异性,这种需求的差异,也带来了室内空间的差异。  相似文献   

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