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随着手机的普及,很多中学生都会带手机到学校中。中学生使用手机不仅可以在一定程度上拓展知识层面,还能够辅助学习并且减少家长对于学生安全的担心,但是如果中学生在使用手机过程中缺少自制力,过度使用手机,也会对正常的生活以及学习带来很大的影响。本文主要对中学生使用手机的利弊进行研究,首先,从三个好的方面以及两个不利的方面提出了中学生使用手机的利与弊;然后,从学校和家长要对学生使用手机的情况进行交流、不断完善学校对学生携带手机的管理制度以及加强对学生的疏导教育三个角度提出了对中学生使用手机的管理途径。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高和现代科学技术的发展,手机越来越普及,很多中学生甚至小学高年级学生也配有手机。手机的使用,使人与人之间的联系更加方便、快捷,但是,中小学生携带、使用手机也带来了一些新的问题,给我们的教育教学工作带来了新的挑战。事实证明,学生携带、使用手机弊大于利,具体说来,主要表现在以下五个方面。1、手机中的不健康内容影响学生的心理健康。手机  相似文献   

手机功能具有多元性。对于高中生而言,手机不可或缺。然而一些学校担心学生沉迷于手机影响学习,于是禁止携带手机进校园。学校采取"一刀切"之方法不可行,如何让学生合理使用手机才是新命题。  相似文献   

目前大学生使用手机的频率越来越高,该现象已经侵蚀到课堂,手机在给人们带来便利的同时,对学生学习和身心健康也带来了很大负面影响。通过学生个人努力,学校、家长、老师的合力引导和督促,帮助学生树立正确、健康的手机使用观念,让大学生不再成为手机的奴隶,让手机成为生活和学习的助手。  相似文献   

当今中学生不合理使用手机影响了学习、危害了身心健康,因此给校园手机立规矩,让学生合理限时使用手机迫在眉睫。教师应引导学生自我管理手机,并进行适当监管,让学生学会合理限时使用手机。  相似文献   

<正>最近几年里,有关于学生在校园内应该如何正确使用手机,以及是否应该严令禁止学生携带手机入校的问题成为了学生、家长、老师及校领导争论的话题。若仅从手机本身来看,时代的进步,经济的发展,网络的大众化,电子产品的普及等形势决定了手机的利用率越来越高。学生拥有手机已非难事,学生携带手机上学,似乎也已渐成风气。究其成因不外乎两点:一是孩子都有玩心和怕输的心理。看到别的孩子有手机会很羡慕  相似文献   

中学校园里,手机越来越普遍了。老师是不必说了,越来越多的中学生也拥有了手机。有中学为此制定了一些规范,其中包括:教学期间,教学楼、实验楼、视听楼以及会议场所等一切教学场所内不能使用移动通讯工具;不能携带移动通讯工具进入课堂;要求使用手机的学生要在家长签名同意后,向班主任提出申请,班主任根据学校和学生的具体情况,决定是否允许学生携带手机上学等。我们来看看中学生自己对手机一族的看法吧!  相似文献   

高职生普遍拥有手机,但很少学生意识到手机使用的弊端。过度使用手机会影响学生的生活水平,影响学生的学习。本文基于问卷调查,分析了高职生手机现状。为高职班主任提供了几条关于减少学生手机使用引导策略。  相似文献   

手机作为时代发展的产物,不但促进了人们之间的相互沟通与交流,而且还实现了网上冲浪的高科技功能,这也正是学生们喜爱手机和出现“校园手机热”的主要原因。据调查,城镇中学约有80%的中学生有手机,农村中学也有约50%的中学生拥有手机。虽然手机方便了家长与学生的联系,但也严重地干扰和影响了学校的管理与学生的学习。那么,作为教育者的我们如何才能有效地引导和规范学生使用手机,为“校园手机热”现象降降温呢?笔者认为,要让学生主动从手机热中解放出来,就要找准施教的基点。  相似文献   

马来西亚:禁止中小学生携智能手机到校 据马来西亚《每日新闻》报道,马来西亚教育部即将全面禁止中小学生携带智能手机到校,以免影响教学质量。据悉,当局目前没有明确规定中小学生是否可以携带手机上学,但大多数学校都基于保障教学质量及减少相关窃案等原因,禁止学生带手机。不过,一些学校及家长一直希望能允许学生在校内使用具有上网等功能的智能手机。由于赞成与反对者各有立场,马来西亚教育部之前对是否允许学生在校内使用智能手机也一直没有明确规定。如今的手机都具备上网等功能,让学生带着这些手机到学校,将影响他们的专注力。马来西亚教育部经过审慎评估后,允许中小学生在校内电脑室使用校方提供的器材上网,但不准他们在校内使用智能手机,决定全面禁止中小学生携带智能手机到校。  相似文献   

远程教育中采用移动学习方式是顺势而为,基于智能手机的移动学习有助于学习者将一点一滴的碎片化时间利用起来,极大地提高学习者的学习效率,促进学习者对知识的主动建构,成为传统课堂教学的有效补充和优化,同时将手机作为直播机,亦可解决远程学习者无法亲临现场学习难题。本文以大学生为研究主体,运用编制的测量工具获取在校大学生利用智能手机进行移动学习数据,然后综合采用曼一惠特尼U检验、克鲁斯卡尔一沃利斯检验、单一样本t检验等方法,认知大学生对使用智能手机支持学习过程的观点、态度及其影响因素并提出有效解决策略,以期研究成果不仅能够有助于大学生有效开展移动学习而且还可为远程教育采用移动学习方式提供可行参考依据。  相似文献   

Mobile phone technology in Tanzania has grown rapidly but there is insufficient data on its application in schools. This paper aims to show how students in the first and third year (F1 and F3) teachers in two rural secondary schools perceived its use. F1 and F3 students completed a questionnaire. Teachers and students in F1 and F3 discussed the uses and misuses of mobile phones in separate focus groups. Although they served similar areas the two schools differed in students’ use – and awareness of misuse – of mobile phones. Most students had access to a mobile phone, but were not permitted to bring them to school. Few teachers could see a positive use for the technology in the curriculum. There is an urgent need for pedagogical resources to support the introduction of mobile technology into classrooms but equally it is crucial that any such introduction is through a process of engagement with the concerns of students, teachers and the wider community with frank discussion about both the dangers and the potential benefits of using mobile phones in learning.  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of 15 teachers and 103 middle school students at a progressive private school located in Mumbai, India to determine their support for the use of mobile phones in the classroom, their perceptions of the mobile phone features that are beneficial for school-related work, and the instructional benefits and barriers to mobile phone use prior to beginning a mobile phone pilot program. The results indicated that most teachers (86%) and students (92%) supported the use of mobile phones in the classroom while those remaining voiced uncertainties. The participants perceived many mobile phone features as being useful in the classroom, but the teachers and students significantly differed in their views. Participant responses revealed little concern about most of the barriers reported in the literature; both teachers and students were least concerned about the use of mobile phones causing a disruption to learning.  相似文献   

手机主要功能包括互联网浏览、语音短信留言、发送短信息服务等。手机所有这些功能可以在语言学习中进行实践活动,能够增加学习者的效率,让学生充分利用零散时间,使学习者以更主动的方式获得词汇。介绍了近年来国外手机用于语言词汇学习研究的主要成果,并在此基础上总结出手机词汇学习的优缺点,为今后研究提供充分的依据。  相似文献   

通过对江西某高校学生的手机消费状况进行抽样调查,揭示了当前大学生手机消费行为的一些特点。大学生手机"热"的背后是大学生在特定的社会环境下理性追求的结果,同时大学校园手机"热"对大学生的学习和生活造成了一定的负面影响,必须予以充分重视,采取相应措施,引导大学生合理使用手机。  相似文献   

Currently, there is an increasing trend in the shift from the use of traditional technologies such as a desktop computer towards the use of mobile technologies such as a mobile phone. Nearly all students nowadays own a mobile device and about half of them own more than one. Therefore, students are nowadays well equipped for mobile learning. The aim of this review is to explore the use of mobile phones and/or smartphones and their apps for teaching foreign languages, specifically English, and highlight their benefits and limitations for their use in the teaching of English as a foreign language. This was done by conducting a literature search in the databases Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect, and consequently, by evaluating the findings of the relevant studies. The findings indicate that the use of mobile phones and/or smartphones and their apps generate positive effects on learning English as a foreign language, especially in the development of learners’ vocabulary and their increased motivation to study. Nevertheless, more longitudinal randomized controlled studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of the use of mobile phone and smartphone apps on specific language skills and knowledge.  相似文献   

推进手机移动学习:中小学教师态度与需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能否在中小学校普及手机移动学习,这是当前国际教育组织、教育行政部门和产业界共同关注的焦点问题。来自北京市4城区11所学校450名教师和管理者的调查数据表明,绝大多数教师都具有积极的技术产品教育应用意向,但反对中小学生持有手机和利用手机进行移动学习。不同学段的教师对推进手机移动学习的需求差异非常显著,小学教师最为积极,初中教师最不积极。在中小学校推进手机移动学习,应引导学校管理者、教师转变理念,客观认识学生手机,逐步认同手机移动学习;应加强宣传,推进本土实践,吸引学校管理者、教师乐于尝试手机移动学习;应增强手机移动学习产品、资源、服务与教育者、学习者、教学过程、学习过程的融合;在政策推广方面,可以先从小学进行试点推广,中学生手机移动学习可以走社会化推进、产业推动的道路。  相似文献   

通过对黎明职业大学768名学生进行问卷调查,结果发现高职院校学生使用手机新媒体呈现高普及率、高使用率的特点。同时,高职院校学生存在对手机新媒体具有较强的依赖性,对手机新媒体传递的不良信息抗干扰能力较弱,且学习研究能力降低等问题。提出建立适应新媒体环境的高职院校思想政治教育队伍,提高高职院校学生的手机媒体素养,拓展高职院校学生思想政治教育手机新媒体平台等对策。  相似文献   

This study explored the access, use and perceptions of teachers and students towards mobile phones as a tool for facilitating teaching and learning beyond the classroom walls. A total of 29 pre-service teachers and four college instructors from Dar es salaam University College of Education (DUCE) as well as 12 in-service teachers and 40 students from Kibasila secondary school in Tanzania, participated in the study. Data were collected by using pre-service teachers’ questionnaire, students’ questionnaire, and the instructors’, and in-service teachers’ interviews. Findings showed that all in-service teachers, college instructors and pre-service teachers had mobile phones. Also 60 % of school students owned mobile phones, or had access to mobile phones. Students, pre-service teachers and college instructors were in favour of the use of mobile phones for learning, but the majority of in-service teachers were against it. Since mobile phones are the most available technological tools in schools, this study, recommend a professional development programme for in-service teachers to help them develop a positive attitude towards mobile phones use in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This article reports a study into how mobile phones could be used to enhance teaching and learning in secondary school science. It describes four lessons devised by groups of Sri Lankan teachers all of which centred on the use of the mobile phone cameras rather than their communication functions. A qualitative methodological approach was used to analyse data collected from the teachers' planning, observations of the lessons and subsequent interviews with selected pupils. The results show that using images and video captured on mobile phones supported the teachers not only in bringing the outside world into the classroom but also in delivering instructions, in assessing students' learning and in correcting students' misconceptions. In these instances, the way the images from the mobile phone cameras supported students' learning is explained using a variety of approaches to understand how images support learning.  相似文献   

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