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丁九桃  宋爱苹 《教师》2010,(6):81-82
在高职教育中学生生源参差不齐、专业各不相同,不根据学生的自身基础以及专业需求.趋同的高职数学基础课教育不能激起学生对高职数学基础课学习的兴趣,又不能与本专业相联系,滋生了高职数学基础课“无用论”,同时教学效果相形见绌。如何促进高职数学基础课在教学中的效果,使得高职数学基础课真正地达到教学目的使得学生打下坚实基础知识的同时,又能够为高职学生提供有用、实用的专业工具,能力支撑呢?笔者做以下思考。  相似文献   

数学课程是高职院校学生必修的公共基础课之一,数学中很多知识对于学生专业知识的学习以及今后可持续发展具有很大的帮助。但由于高职学生的学习基础较为薄弱以及高职院校对公共基础课的重视不足,再加上高职数学具有较高的抽象性和逻辑性,很多学生都不喜欢数学学习,没有深入理解数学知识,导致高职院校数学课堂教学效果较差。因此,提高高职院校数学课堂教学有效性很有必要。本研究从当前教学现状分析出发,通过创设有效情境、创新教学方法、更新教学手段等策略来提高数学课堂教学的有效性,以此提高学生的综合素养。  相似文献   

高等数学不仅是高职院校很多专业的一门基础课程,也是学生学习数学基础知识与基本功的一种方法,更能为后续课程的学习打下坚实的基础,高等数学的学习可以培养学生良好的学习习惯和学习能力,但由于高职院校重视实践应用的人才培养模式,使得高职院校的高等数学教学在很大程度上区别与普通高校,因此,有很多问题存在于高职院校的高等数学教学中。针对这些问题,分析问题,井提出高职院校高等数学教学改革的对策。  相似文献   

数学是高职院校中大部分专业都有的基础课程,其主旨是为了提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,如何在现在的高职院校中,充分利用现代化的信息技术,提高课堂的教学水平和教学效率,是高职数学的重要课题。微课作为现代化信息技术的结晶,能发挥很多传统课堂上无法比拟的优势,对教学的辅助作用也日渐上升。本文对微课融入高职数学教学中的优势进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

高等数学是高职院校很多专业的一门基础课程,由于高职院校重应用和实践的人才培养模式,使得高职院校的数学教学与普通高校有很大区别,因此,高职院校的数学教学就存在很多的问题。分析高职院校的数学教学中存在的一些问题,并针对这些问题,提出高职院校数学教学改革的对策。  相似文献   

数学是高职院校各专业学生的一门重要基础课,是学生提高文化素质和学习有关专业知识的重要基础。但由于高职院校中大部分学生数学基础差,对数学感兴趣不高,成了一门"难啃"的课程。文章以科学发展观为指导,有针对性地提出一些高职数学教学手段及方法创新对策。  相似文献   

针对当前高职院校建筑专业学生数学基础参差不齐、学生学习数学目标不明确、教师知识结构单一、学生数学综合成绩偏低等实际情况,以走访调查的形式,全面了解当前高职院校“高等数学”教学的现状,并结合教学实践经验对调查结果进行了深入的分析。从而引发高等数学教学改革的思考,探讨如何有效进行高职院校建筑专业高等数学教学改革。  相似文献   

数学是高等职业教育中重要的基础课程,目前很多高职院校中学生厌烦数学,数学成绩不理想。本文分析了高职院校学生数学学习的现状,提出了提高高等职业教育中数学教学的质量方法策略。  相似文献   

如今,很多高职学校对高职数学教学工作不够重视,那么,高职数学作为一门重要的公共基础课程,将会对学生未来发展产生怎样的影响,应该如何对待高职数学课程的教学工作.首先,笔者觉得学习数学不是简单的学习数学知识,更重要的是对学生思维能力的提升,比如思维的严密性和抽象性,都可以通过学习数学进行强化.同时,高职学校的核心价值体现在致力于培养实践能力与专业素养突出的实用型人才,因此学生无法接受全面的数学教育,只能本着够用的原则,根据专业对数学的需求,有选择的进行高职数学教学工作改革,全面提升高职学校的数学教育工作.  相似文献   

数学是高职院校重要的基础课程,高职生源多样化是高职教育发展的趋势,分层教学针对性强,是保证不同基础学生的学习能与高职教学顺畅衔接的有效方法。以学生为本进行分层,按专业需求制定课程教学方案,采用案例设置教学情境,类比、归纳数学知识,专业应用练习的教学方法,提高高职数学教学的质量。  相似文献   

高职信号与系统课程教学改革的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"信号与系统"是高职电子信息工程专业一门重要的基础课程,是联系公共基础课与专业课的一个桥梁性课程。该课程应用广泛,理论性强,涉及到大量的数学公式。由于一般高职院校的学生基础较差,数学能力不高,学习该课程较为困难。为解决这一问题,通过构建新的课程体系和选择合适的教学内容,改革了教学方法,采用计算机虚拟实验,加深了学生对知识点的理解,提高了学生的学习兴趣,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

基于大众数学理念,提出了高职数学教学改革策略:教学中以与学生年龄特征相适应的大众化的方式呈现数学内容;加强与学生所学专业联系;借助现代教学手段着重培养学生数学应用能力;重点训练学生应用数学思想方法;培养学生用计算机解决实际问题的意识和能力;改革考核方式;提高学生学习数学的自我效能感和信心。  相似文献   

Among the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), much attention has been paid to the influences of math- and science-related learning contexts on students’ STEM major selection. However, the technology and engineering learning contexts that are linked to STEM major selection have been overlooked. In response, a nationally representative sample of young adults in the US was used to investigate the relationship between technology-based activities and students’ STEM major choices in 4-year postsecondary institutions. Multilevel structural equation modelling (ML-SEM) revealed that the frequent use of video or computer games was related strongly to students’ STEM major selections in 4-year postsecondary institutions, after taking into account demographic characteristics and math achievement scores. The results provide evidence that promoting technology-rich learning environments is a significant factor in motivating students to pursue STEM careers.  相似文献   

吴维煊 《太原大学学报》2010,11(1):124-128,138
实用主义的特点是功利化,实用主义者只关心行动是否能给个人或集团带来某种实际利益,在实用主义者眼中,有用即是真理,无用就是谬误。若用这种态度审视数学教学,其教学宗旨被严重偏离,数学就成了考试捞分数的科目,能考出高分,数学就很有用,考不出高分,数学就成为学习者的负担。旨在培养思维能力的数学应在摒弃"实用主义"的离心影响下,发挥其应有的教育功能。  相似文献   

高师数学专业学生专业基础课学习情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查显示高师数学专业学生对专业基础课学习缺乏兴趣和主动性;对教学及教材适应状况较差;不少的被调查学生认为自己对专业基础课程掌握情况不好;学生对成绩的不好主要归因为学习内容太难、太抽象以及自己在学习中缺乏主动和兴趣.高师数学专业应加强学生学习目的教育,重视对学生学习兴趣的培养,专业基础课程的教学应实施分层次教学  相似文献   

Expectancy-value theory (Eccles, 2009) posits that students’ relative expectancies and values across domains inform their academic choices. Students should therefore be more likely to choose a STEM major if they have higher expectancies and values in STEM domains compared with other domains. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore how upper secondary school students’ profiles in expectancy-value beliefs in math and English are related to concurrent achievement and university major choice. Data on expectancies and values in math and English were collected from 2153 German students in their last school year, along with their concurrent math and English achievement and their university major 2 years later. Latent profile analyses revealed four distinct expectancy-value profiles characterized as Low Math/High English, Moderate Math/Moderate English, High Math/Low English, and High Math/High English. Students’ gender, socioeconomic status, and type of school were meaningfully associated with profile membership. For instance, female students were overrepresented in the Low Math/High English profile compared with other profiles. Students in the four profiles also differed in their math and English achievement. These differences were mostly in line with students’ expectancies and values in the respective domain, but some differences suggested that intraindividual cross-domain comparison processes were also at play. Finally, profile membership predicted students’ choice of a STEM major over and above demographic characteristics and achievement. Students in the High Math/Low English profile were most likely to choose a STEM major. These findings support the importance of considering intraindividual comparisons of expectancies and values for students’ achievement-related behavior and choices.  相似文献   

The underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields is problematic given the economic and social inequities it fosters and the rising global importance of STEM occupations. This paper examines the role of the demographic composition of high school faculty—specifically the proportion of female high school math and science teachers—on college students’ decisions to declare and/or major in STEM fields. We analyze longitudinal data from students who spent their academic careers in North Carolina public secondary schools and attended North Carolina public universities. Our results suggest that although the proportion of female math and science teachers at a school has no impact on male students, it has a powerful effect on female students’ likelihood of declaring and graduating with a STEM degree, and effects are largest for female students with the highest math skills. The estimates are robust to the inclusion of controls for students’ initial ability.  相似文献   

Almost all German universities complain that the math skills of students entering the higher education system do not meet the level demanded by universities. This is a major problem, particularly in math-related study programs such as economics, engineering or science. To bridge the gap, almost all universities offer some remedial math courses. However, there is only weak empirical evidence for the effectiveness of these courses in Germany. This paper aims to fill this gap by evaluating a remedial math course given within the Economics Department of a German university. A key finding: taking a math remedial course on a regular basis will enhance students' math skills and increase the probability of passing the final math exam by 35 percent.  相似文献   

我国传统教育从来都是有形无形地将学生分成好、中、差三类,以施教于不同等级的教育。尤其是数学这门学科,差生比例较大,制约着教学质量的全面提高。笔者结合数学课教学实践,主要从三个方面浅谈了关于转化数学差生的看法,提高数学差生学习数学的自觉性,使之数学思维和创新能力都得到不同程度的提高,从而使数学差生就不再是数学差生。  相似文献   

数学学习困难学生的学习策略是当前教育学、心理学研究的一个热点问题。通过对学困生策略提示前后应用题学习成绩的差异研究发现:学困生不能像学优生那样自觉主动地使用相应的策略,应用策略的意识较差;策略提示对学困生有积极的促进作用;策略提示前学困生与学优生的成绩有非常显著的差异,而在策略提示后,这种差异明显减小,但学困生在策略的迁移及运用策略的有效性方面仍不如学优生。  相似文献   

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