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蝮蛇抗栓酶为蝮蛇毒汁中提纯的一种蛋白分解酶,它可以激活纤维蛋白溶解系统,使纤维蛋白降解为极不稳定的纤维素,并很快得到溶解,形成消耗性低纤维蛋白血症,从而使血栓溶解。我们对58例心肌缺血病人采用蝮蛇抗栓酶静脉点滴治疗效果良好,现将护理体  相似文献   

本文对蝮蛇短尾亚种Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus Stejneger.的骨胳系统作了较为全面的解剖观察,包括头骨、脊柱及肋骨,并对其各骨块的形状、位置以及与邻近骨块的关系作了详细的描述。为研究蝮蛇提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

我国辽东半岛南端的渤海海域,有个世界闻名的“蛇岛”。在面积不到一平方公里的土地上,栖息着一万多条蝮蛇,并以每年5%的速度递增。蛇岛上的蝮蛇以捕食过往的鸟类为生,它们和一般的蛇不同,不吃老鼠,因此蛇岛上老鼠十分猖獗。蛇岛蝮蛇回归性特别强,如果把它抛入海里,仍会游回原处,甚至连栖息的那棵树都不会弄错。蛇岛上的蝮蛇,有专门机构管理,并定期采取蛇毒,为国家创造财富。我国广西梧州市郊,有一个蛇仓,是科学管理蛇  相似文献   

热感应器官蝮蛇对热非常敏感,它可以察觉由老鼠等温血动物释放出的红外线热辐射线。这些射线进入蝮蛇鼻孔两侧的小孔,到达里面的热感神经末梢。蝮蛇把头左右摇摆, 就可以知道它的措物的距离和方向,在完全黑暗的情况下,它也可以准确出击。  相似文献   

柳宗元《捕蛇者说》中的异蛇究竟指什么蛇?有五步蛇、蝮蛇、银环蛇、泛指永州地区的毒蛇之说,也有人认为是虚构的。根据柳宗元的作品与永州的实际分析,异蛇是以五步蛇(蝮蛇)为基础综合加工的,是蒋氏与赋敛发生关系的重要媒介。  相似文献   

就三七皂甙(PNS)及与肝素钠、蝮蛇毒纤溶酶组分的复方对纤维蛋白原的凝血酶时间、体内外复钙时间和纤溶激活作用进行了研究,结果表明,三七皂甙能增强肝素的抗凝活性,增加蝮蛇毒纤溶组分的溶纤作用,但无抗凝血酶作用。  相似文献   

作者在江西都昌作寄生虫调查期间,从腹蛇体内采获绦虫1种,经鉴定为蝮蛇蛇绦虫,本种为国内新记录种。  相似文献   

作者在江西都昌作寄生虫调查期间,从腹蛇体内采获绦虫1种,经鉴定为蝮蛇蛇带绦虫,本种为国内新记录种。  相似文献   

根据合众国际社中国台北报道.台湾的消防员们十分喜爱一条奇长无比的剧毒蝮蛇。一天,他们往蝮蛇的笼子里投掷了一只小小的老鼠,作为它的点心。但是,令人始料不及的是。那只小老鼠居然强有力地转过身来,杀死了那个庞然大物。  相似文献   

教学内容:北师大版五年级上册《交通与数学——相遇》[片段1]创设求救情境,引出相遇问题 1.利用课件出示“蓝猫探险”的情境。师:蓝猫可喜欢探险了,一天它与菲菲乘越野车前往探险岛。不料,菲菲在岛上被一条蝮蛇咬伤了。蝮蛇有剧毒,  相似文献   

以施蛰存、刘呐鸥、穆时英为中心的新感觉派在20世纪30年代的中国风靡一时,他们以身体话语作为解构"都市病"的有效手段,揭露上海的纸醉金迷、光怪陆离,通过视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉甚至由此而形成的通感,敏锐地体验世界,从社会态身体、生理态身体和心理态身体三个层面呈现都市人在自我与社会、自我与他人、自我与自我间的龃龉与对抗、分裂与冲突,并以空虚落寞为其美学特征。病态的社会造就了患病的身体——虚妄的眼睛、成了塑像的白金女体和作为面具的笑,作为一种文化符号的身体,从而具有了意味深长的社会历史内涵。而新感觉派对感觉的强调恰恰从反面印证了现代都市人丧失感觉的冷漠。  相似文献   

Attitudes and biases toward body size perceived as fat and body size perceived as thin are present in young children (Cramer and Steinwert in J Appl Dev Psychol 19(3):429–451, 1998; Worobey and Worobey in Body Image 11:171–174, 2014). However, the information children have regarding body size and ways to modify body size might not be accurate, which could lead to negative health outcomes. To collect information for developing strategies to prevent such health outcomes, this study explored children’s perceptions towards body size, factors they believed contribute to body size differences, and strategies they indicated as necessary to make changes in body size. Forty-eight children from 1st grade and 3rd grade were interviewed. The majority of children were aware that the quality and quantity of food influences body size. They expressed similar strategies to change body size; however, some of their strategies were extremely unhealthy. Children in this group prefer an average body size rather than the thinnest size body from the selections presented. Information obtained from the study demonstrated the importance of guiding children to establish appropriate eating and healthy habits that might ultimately prevent extreme behaviors and health problems. It is crucial to help all children realize the importance of maintaining a healthy body rather than an overly thin body.  相似文献   

大学生网络关系成瘾倾向与身体意识客观化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用身体意识客观化量表、大学生网络成瘾类型问卷,对310名大学生施测,旨在探讨大学生身体意识客观化和网络关系成瘾倾向的关系。结果表明身体意识客观化是大学生网络人际关系成瘾倾向较为有效的预测源。  相似文献   

在近现代中国出现的几次儿童读经运动中,儿童的身体被当做文化锻造和政治设计的对象,在被锻造和被规训的过程中,儿童的身体具体而微地体现了近现代中国政治与文化变迁的轨迹与脉络。在中国的现代化进程中,儿童身体的现代化是以其身体的工具化为代价的,而儿童读经在一定程度上可能会矮化和扭曲儿童的身体及其未来走向。  相似文献   

University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS) students attending a seminar on the history and ethics of anatomical dissection were fascinated by a report on the dissection room experience in Thailand that relates the body donor's status as a teacher. The students felt that they had naturally adopted the "body as teacher" approach in their dissection course, rather than the "body as first patient" approach that is encouraged by faculty. It was decided to explore the question whether other medical students shared these perceptions. A questionnaire was sent out to all UMMS students who had finished the anatomical dissection course. One hundred twenty-eight responses from a population of 500 students were received. Results indicate that students believe the "body as teacher" approach is more effective in engendering respect and empathy towards the body and towards future patients, and in facilitating students' emotional development. Students also reported wanting a more personal relationship with their donors. Eighty four percent of students preferred the "body as teacher" approach to the currently taught "body as first patient" approach. The results support the hypothesis that students' desired closer personal relationship with donors might be better facilitated by the "body as teacher" approach, and that this closer relationship engenders empathy and respect towards the donor and future patients. A new model for anatomy programs could introduce the donor first as a teacher and later transition into viewing the donor as a patient.  相似文献   

以高分子微球聚苯乙烯(PST)和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)作为组装体,采用自组装方法在PST和PMMA微球表面自组装制备纳米α-Fe2O3电池负极材料,组装温度为PST(T=70℃)和PMMA(T=60℃)聚合温度.结果显示,采用PST作为组装体获得的α-Fe2O3纳米粒子颗粒更细,约70nm,粒径更均匀,分散性更好;而PMMA组装体获得的纳米粒径约80nm,分散性相对较差,主要原因是PMMA微球质地较软,易发生变形,而使α-Fe2O3纳米粒子吸附在PMMA表面不均匀,在热处理过程中受热不均导致α-Fe2O3纳米粒子尺寸不均,且有团聚趋势.XRD显示,两种组装体获得的均为纯相α-Fe2O3结构.电化学性能显示,采用PST作为组装体制备的纳米α-Fe2O3作为电池负极电化学性能明显优于PMMA组装体.  相似文献   

文章通过分析骑自行车人体各环节的连接及运动,将人体简化为具有完整约束铰链的有根树形多刚体系统,利用罗伯逊-维登伯格算法推导了人体动力学方程。  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) may have long-term negative outcomes for victims’ body representations. In this study we examined a model in which the relation between CSA and an individual’s discomfort when in close proximity to others is mediated by disrupted body boundaries, and the relation between CSA and body shame is mediated by body self-objectification. Since most of these variables were conceptualized and assessed primarily among women, gender differences regarding the proposed model were examined. Study participants were 843 college/university students (536 women and 307 men). Results from structural equation modeling analyses indicated that in both genders, disrupted body boundaries mediated the relations between CSA and an individual’s discomfort when in close proximity to others, as well as between CSA and body shame. Body self-objectification was not associated with history of CSA. Finally, we discuss the role these findings may play in the detrimental long-term effects of CSA on both male and female survivors, and refer to their common underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

Like many Western knowledge‐practices, experiential learning is seen to require what is, in effect, an act of self‐dismemberment, a splitting of the head from the body that denies the connectedness of knowledge to the body and thus loses sight of knowledge as a product of corporeally and emotionally grounded human life. This article first traces the history through which modernist knowledge‐practices were predicated on the rejection of the experiencing body and examines the impact of the resultant epistemology on power relationships. It then suggests that, as a function of memory, experiential learning is more properly understood as an act of re‐membering. It argues that experience is itself located in the body as well as in the social and material locations that bodies invariably occupy — and asks what a theory of experiential learning might look like that re‐members body and mind.  相似文献   

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