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Rats were trained to forage for food on a four-arm radial maze. Each arm of the maze was defined as a patch and contained four feeding stations. Each patch contained a total of 20 45-mg food pellets, with the first feeding station in each patch baited with 1 pellet and the remaining stations baited with 1, 5, or 13 pellets. In Experiment 1, one group of rats was tested with feeders open and food readily accessible, and another group was tested with metal covers on the feeders, which necessitated extra time to gain access to food. With open feeders, the rats visited each feeder in a patch in the order in which they encountered the feeders, from the center of the maze to the end of the arm. The rats in the group with the covered feeders often visited the feeders containing 5 or 13 pellets first and the feeders containing 1 pellet last. In Experiment 2, it was found that the rats switched readily between these two foraging strategies when tested with covered and open feeders on alternate sessions. The extra time and effort required to uncover food appeared to produce selective foraging in rats.  相似文献   

Rats (n=4) searched for food on an eight-arm radial maze. Daily 56-min sessions were divided into eight 7-min time zones, during each of which a different location provided food; locations were randomized across subjects before training. The rats obtained multiple pellets within each time zone by leaving and returning to the correct location. Evidence that the rats had knowledge about the temporal and spatial features of the task includes the following. The rats anticipated locations before they became active and anticipated the end of the currently active locations. The rats discriminated currently active locations from earlier and forthcoming active locations in the absence of food transition cues. After the rats had left the previously active location, they visited the next correct location more often than would be expected by chance in the absence of food transition cues. The rats used handling or opening doors as a cue to visit the first location and timed successive 7-min intervals to get to subsequent locations.  相似文献   

Although an arbitrarily specified instrumental response may persist when free reinforcers are concurrently available, the interpretation that earned reinforcers are preferred is tenuous. The present advance-response procedure used both time allocation and advance response rates as indices of preference between free and earned water in rats. When multiple schedule components were two response-dependent schedules with different overall reinforcement rates, higher rates of reinforcement were preferred. However, when the multiple schedule consisted of response-dependent and response-independent components equated for overall rates of reinforcement, no consistent preference for free or earned reinforcers was evident. That a preference for free reinforcers was not obtained is difficult to reconcile with concepts of least effort.  相似文献   

Social memory was investigated in the context of a spatial working memory task. Pairs of rats were tested in an eight-arm radial maze. Under most conditions, there was a tendency to choose maze locations that had been visited earlier by the other rat. The possibility that this tendency is produced by common preferences for particular maze locations was ruled out. An opposite tendency to avoid visits to locations that had been visited earlier during the trial by another rat was found only when the maze location contained two pellets (rather than an undepletable supply), the rats’ ability to see each other in the maze was restricted to the central arena, and the maze location had been previously visited by the focal rat. The amount of food available in maze locations did not otherwise modulate social influences on spatial choice. The results indicate that memory for a rat’s own previous choices is combined with memory for the choices made by another rat.  相似文献   

Rats experienced a spatial pattern of baited and unbaited arms in an eight-arm radial maze. The spatial pattern remained constant over trials, but the spatial locations that were baited varied unpredictably. Although there was no evidence of control by the spatial pattern during free choice training trials, the rats’ ability to locate baited arms in forced choice test trials was superior to that of animals in a control condition for which maze arms were not baited in a consistent spatial pattern. This is consistent with the results of experiments showing that spatial choices by rats in a pole box maze are controlled by abstract spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Rats were trained over a number of sessions on an eight-arm radial maze with eight trials on each session. Each of four arms on the maze contained a different pattern formed by sequences of reward (two pellets) or nonreward (no pellets) over successive trials within sessions. The patterns were single alternation, double alternation, and two patterns in which four rewards or four nonrewards were preceded and followed by two nonrewards or two rewards, respectively. The other four arms on the maze served as control arms and always contained one pellet. It was found that rats tracked all of these patterns when they were required to climb over barriers to enter and leave arms. However, rats showed no ability to extrapolate patterns beyond the training trials. These findings, and a further analysis of arm-choice stereotypy, led to the conclusion that rats tracked by using a trial-number strategy.  相似文献   

The performance of individual honeybees pretrained to forage at a laboratory window was studied in three rudimentary analogues of the radial maze designed for the study of short-term spatial memory in rats. A linear arrangement of three targets was used in Experiment 1, a triangular arrangement of three targets in Experiment 2, and a rectangular arrangement of four targets in Experiment 3, with reward only for the first response to each of the targets presented on any given trial. Several systematic patterns of responding were observed, with no indication that the choices made by the animals were influenced by memory of targets recently visited.  相似文献   


The effects of the size of the central arena on the use of response strategies by rats on an eight-arm elevated maze were examined. The size of the central arena had no effect on accuracy, but the use of adjacent arms increased significantly with a larger central arena, regardless of the size of arena to which rats were first exposed. These results are interpreted in terms of foraging efficiency.


Rats were trained in a standard 12-arm radial maze task. Following training, each trial consisted of a sequence of 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 choices, followed by a 15-min delay, which then was followed by a choice between a single arm and a response manipulandum mounted in the center of the maze. An arm visit was reinforced if the arm had not been visited prior to the delay, whereas a manipulandum response was reinforced if the arm had been visited. It was found that rats are relatively more likely to reject arms by responding to the manipulandum following a delay occurring late in the choice sequence. This indicates that the choice criterion used by rats in the radial maze becomes more strict as the choice sequence progresses. Such a process provides an alternative explanation for some of the data recently reported by Cook, Brown, and Riley (1985).  相似文献   

Rats acquired a serial alternation task in an eight-arm radial maze that was partitioned into four pairs of arms. Each pair was associated with a different distal stimulus. Rats were initially forced to the left or right arm in each pair (the study segment) before being exposed to both arms in each pair (the free-choice or test segment). Only the previously blocked arm of each pair remained baited. Following initial training, proactive interference (PI) was induced by presenting rats with a forced-choice (prestudy) segment containing arm positions opposite those in the subsequent study segment. Such trials generated poorer free-choice accuracy than did trials without a prestudy segment. Forcing rats to both arms in the pair in a prestudy segment produced only transient PI. A slight improvement in rats’ free-choice performance was obtained by forcing them to the same arm position, but only when the test segment was delayed by 30 min. Increasing the interval between the prestudy and study segments from 2 to 30 min eliminated PI, but only when free-choice testing was delayed by 2 min rather than by 30 min. These results suggest that intratrial PI in this preparation was primarily due to confusion about which arm position in each pair had been visited during the last forced-choice segment.  相似文献   

A four-arm radial maze containing 10 feeders in each arm (patch) was used to study patch sampling in rats. In each of three experiments, rats foraged for 30 sessions. On each session, two randomly chosen patches were baited with food and the remaining two patches were empty. In Experiment 1, the number of baited feeders in baited patches (6) was varied from 1–10 over five groups of subjects. Mean visits to empty patches was an inverse function of 6, as predicted by an optimal foraging model. In Experiments 2 and 3, rats’ ability to discriminate between baited and empty patches was examined when food in baited patches was placed in fixed locations, either in clumps (Experiment 2) or distributed throughout the patch (Experiment 3). Rats in fixed-food-location conditions reliably visited fewer feeders in empty patches than did rats in randomly changing control groups. Examination of within-patch foraging patterns indicated that rats in fixed-food-location groups selectively sampled potentially baited locations and abandoned the patch if food was not found. It is suggested that processes of patch discrimination were responsible for these effects.  相似文献   

Hoffman, Timberlake, Leffel, and Gont (1999) concluded that the tactic of effective trail following (in the form of arm and wall travel), rather than distance minimizing, central-place search, or random search, best characterized the locomotion of rats on a radial arm maze placed flat on the floor of an arena (a floor RAM). The present experiments analyzed further the stimulus control and function of arm and wall travel. Experiment 1 showed that arm travel was controlled more by the edge of a maze arm than by its surface. Experiment 2 showed that rats with whiskers clipped on one side traveled along arms less and along walls more than did intact rats. Experiment 3 showed that maze arms increased search effectiveness and decreased suppression of locomotion by bright light and a novel environment. The results support the hypothesis that arm and wall travel are based on mechanisms of trail following, which, in natural settings, contribute to food finding and regulation of social relations and fear.  相似文献   

We performed six experiments in order to examine the ability of rats to use moving beacons and landmarks as cues to the location of reward on an eight-arm radial maze. In Experiments 1–4, the cues and goals were moved before each trial, and groups in which a single beacon was placed on the rewarded arm, a single landmark indicated that reward was on the arm immediately to the left of a landmark, or two landmarks were placed on each side of the reward arm were compared. The rats rapidly learned to track the reward in the beacon condition, failed to find the reward sooner than chance expectation with a single landmark, and did only slightly better than chance with two landmarks. In Experiments 5 and 6, the rats were trained in five trials per day, with the landmark and goal locations constant over daily rewarded trials, and in two extinction trials that were inserted among the rewarded trials. The rats found the goal arm at substantially better than chance expectancy with both one and two landmarks. Our results, in agreement with data from recent swimming pool experiments (A. D. L. Roberts & Pearce, 1998), show that rats will use the relationship between moving landmarks and a goal in order to find reward.  相似文献   

叙述了用数据结构中的栈来解决迷宫寻路的算法思想,用Turbo C和Visual C++的图形模式分别加以直观的实现。表明了栈作为一种基本的数据结构类型,也具有一定的人工智能特性。该方法激发了学生学习的兴趣,在实践中取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

In an enclosed four-arm radial maze, after sampling three experimenter-selected baited arms (thestudy segment) and following rotation of the maze, rats had to find the fourth baited arm among all four unblocked arms (test segment). The rats learned this task with two sets of arm cues, objects at arms’ entrances and full arm inserts, each maintained in a fixed configuration. When we changed the configuration of one set of arms to itsmirror image and that of the other set to a moremixed variation by switching opposite and adjacent cued arms, the rats’ accuracy was similarly disrupted (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, the same rats rapidly recovered their high search accuracy on four new configurations recombined from pairs of adjacent arms and pairs of opposite cued arms from the previous final two configurations. Their test segment search accuracy, however, was again disrupted when these configurations were varied either only over trials’ study segments or only over trials’ test segments. In Experiment 3, however, these rats attained accuracy as high on two sets of cued arms with constantly changing configurations as on two sets with constant configurations. Thus, the rats were able to separately represent four different spatially stable configurations, and then they could learn to represent two of these configurations as lists of spatially irrelevant items. We discuss these findings in terms of association theory and parallel map theory (Jacobs & Schenk, 2003).  相似文献   

Rats foraged on a four-arm radial maze with one, two, three, and four food items (0.65.g pieces of cheese) placed on different arms (patches) of the maze. In two experiments, the hypothesis was tested that rats should carry food to the center of the maze more often when a patch contains one food item than when it contains multiple food items. Support for this prediction was found when the tendency to carry initial items encountered in patches was compared among the different sized patches. However, a further observation failed to support the hypothesis: Food carrying declined from first to last item encountered in multiple-item patches with clustered food items. Experiment 1 revealed that food carrying was reduced when travel time was increased by barriers placed at arm entrances. Both Experiments 1 and 2 indicated that the tendency for rats to carry food to the center of the radial maze increased as the distance of food encountered on an arm increased from the center. In both experiments, some rats dealt with the problem of multiple items by resorting to multiple-item loading, and some rats carried food items from the end of an arm to a point on the arm nearer the center for consumption.  相似文献   

Rats are typically less accurate in their arm selections in the radial maze over successive trials in a session (Roberts & Dale, 1981). In the present study, rats’ choice accuracy declined when such trials were separated by 2-min (massed) but not by 2-h (spaced) intertriai intervals. Changing intramaze visual/tactile arm stimuli (Experiments 1 and 3) or extramaze landmark stimuli (Experiment 4) between trials weakened the massed-trials effect, but changing the number of food pellets per arm, either alone or in conjunction with changes in intramaze cues (Experiments 2 and 3), did not. The rats also tended to avoid the spatial locations of their last four choices on a previous trial during their first four choices on a current trial, and more so with massed than with spaced trials. These findings indicate that intertriai proactive interference (PI) occurred only with massed trials and was weakened by changing intra- and extramaze cues between such trials.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in 8- and 12-arm radial mazes. Each trial began with a study phase (forced choices of 4 arms). The trial ended after a 2-h delay in a test phase consisting of free choices among 8 arms; choices of the 4 arms not yet visited were correct (rewarded). Proactive interference (PI) was induced by an interference phase that occurred on some days 2 or 3 h prior to the study phase. In the PI-repetition condition, the interference phase consisted of forced choices of the 8 arms that were later presented in the study and test phases; in the PI-nonrepetition condition, the interference consisted of forced choices of the 4 arms that were correct during the test phase. Test-phase performance was most accurate in the No PI (single-trial) condition and least accurate in the PI-repetition condition. A second experiment showed that repetitions per se were not responsible for the PI; when the interference phase consisted only of choices of the same 4 arms later presented in the study phase, no PI was observed. These findings suggest two sources of PI. One source, measured by the difference between No PI and PI-nonrepetition conditions, appears to be a difficulty in discriminating the temporal order of visits to arms in the interference and study phases. The other source of PI, measured by the difference between the nonrepetition and repetition conditions, remains to be identified; some possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study has three purposes: (a) to determine who disseminates information on cochlear implants on the Web; (b) to describe a representative sample of Web sites that disseminate information on cochlear implants, with a focus on the content topics and their relevance to parents of deaf children; and (c) to discuss the practical issues of Web-based information and its implications for professionals working with parents of deaf children. Using the terms "cochlear implants" and "children," the first 10 sites generated by the four most popular search engines (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft's MSN, and America Online) at two points in time were selected for analysis, resulting in a sample of 31 Web sites. The majority of Web sites represented medically oriented academic departments and government organizations, although a wide variety of other sources containing information about cochlear implants were also located. Qualitative analysis revealed that the content tended to fall into eight categories; however, the important issues of educational concerns, habilitation following surgery, and communication methods were either addressed minimally or neglected completely. Using analytical tools that had been developed to evaluate "user friendliness" in other domains, each Web site was assessed for its stability, service/design features and ease of use. In general, wide variability was noted across the Web sites for each of these factors. The strong recommendation is made that professionals understand and enhance their knowledge of both the advantages and limitations of incorporating the new technology into their work with parents.  相似文献   

The conditions necessary for producing retroactive interference (RI) were examined in a 12-arm radial maze. Rats were first given either three or nine forced choices in a to-be-remembered maze. During a 2-h delay, they received one or two trials in a second 12-arm maze, located either in a different room or the same room as the to-be-remembered maze. During the postdelay memory test, RI from the interference trials was produced only when nine choices had been made in the to-be-remembered maze and two interference trials had been conducted during the delay interval. RI was not found when only three forced choices had to be retained or after a single interference trial. The similarity between the interpolated and to-be-remembered mazes had no effect on choice accuracy. It was concluded that two conditions are required for the production of RI in the radial maze. First, a “large amount” of information should be resident in working memory. Second, a substantial number of interpolated trials or choices must be made during the delay.  相似文献   

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