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美国节日甚多,每逢节日,人们要举行各种形式的庆典活动。不同的节日庆典方式、规模也不同。这里收集了一些美国的节日,将其按日期顺序逐一列出,供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了PeterAtkins教授从事的大众科学教育工作,所著《Atkins'分子》被称为“迄今为止最美丽的化学”。他对化学教育的独特视角,认为应该教授化学学科核心的简单概念,使学生即使忘了所教内容也能记住这些概念;引导学生用化学的眼光看待世界,欣赏化学的成就,享受化学的乐趣。作为IUPAC教育委员会主席,他介绍了IUPAC在传播化学,即在提高全球化学教育质量以及在大众中普及化学所扮演的角色。  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify and explain the origins of physics and chemistry teacher candidates' beliefs about teaching about ethics through socioscientific issues (SSI). This study utilized a series of in‐depth interviews, while the participants (n = 12) were enrolled in a 9‐month teacher education program at an urban university in Canada. Our data analysis revealed that beliefs about teaching physics and chemistry using SSI derive from a complex web of fundamental beliefs exemplified by four archetypes representing the subject‐specific identities of our teacher candidates—Model Scientist/Engineer, Model Individual, Model Teacher, and Model Citizen. Furthermore, we found that the justification for belief change required by a particular teacher candidate depends on these subject‐discipline identities. Thus, the presence of each archetype in preservice classrooms has ramifications for the way a teacher educator should encourage his or her students to include SSI in their teaching. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 380–401, 2010  相似文献   

In this part of the series, dynamic organic chemistry and organic reaction mechanisms are illustrated using the comparatively simple alkaloid papaverine.  相似文献   

Chemical methods to determine the conformations and absolute configurations of menthol, a cyclohexane derivative with 3 chiral centres, are described.  相似文献   

Some interesting examples of the linkage between the structure and biological function of secondary metabolites in plants and animals are described.  相似文献   

A naturally occurring organic compound has been chosen to illustrate (a) structure determination by chemical and spectroscopic methods, and (b) synthesis and chemical transformations.  相似文献   

In this article details for the isolation of natural products are described.  相似文献   

We will discuss in this article an outline of the biosynthesis and a few laboratorydesigned syntheses of camphor.  相似文献   

In Portugal, the number of students in higher education increased from 80,000 in 1975 to 381,000 in 2000 (a change from 11% to 53% in the age group 18–22), meaning a major change in the diversity of student population with consequences well known and studied in other countries. The teaching of chemistry at the University of Aveiro, for the first‐year students of science and engineering, has been subjected to continuous attention to implement quality and student‐centred approaches. The work devoted to excellence and deep learning by several authors has been carefully followed and considered. This communication reports research work on chemistry teaching, associated with those developments for first‐year students. The work included the design of strategies and the adoption of teaching and learning activities exploring ways to stimulate active learning by improving the quality of classroom interactions. In addition to regular lectures, large classes' teaching based on student‐generated questions was explored. In order to improve students' motivation and stimulate their curiosity, conference‐lectures were adopted to deal with selected topics of wide scientific, technological and social interest. Quantitative analysis and discussion of selected case studies, together with the organization of laboratory classes based on selected enquiry‐based experiments, planned and executed by students, stimulated deep learning processes. A sample of 32 students was followed in the academic year of 2000/01 and the results obtained are here discussed in comparison with those of a sample of 100 students followed in 2001/02. Particular attention was paid to the quality of classroom interactions, the use of questions by students and their views about the course design.  相似文献   


The course is being developed for a small group of first-year students, interested in large-scale chemical processing, to learn some of the concepts of chemistry and promptly to apply them to realistic problems. Learning is aided by encouraging the students to take an active part wherever possible. Occasions on which students are expected to make major contributions include a weekly tutorial based on a broad problem, open-ended experiments and verbal reporting sessions; even the lectures are often turned into a form of discussion firmly led by the lecturer. By carefully analysing the technical requirements, the syllabus is being reduced and the time made available is devoted to achieving the educational objectives of the course.

It is realized that other students studying chemistry as a subsidiary subject and their teachers and tutors will disagree with a number of items in the course as outlined here, however the details were intended to illustrate the concept of different objectives, and hence courses for the non-chemists, rather than to be a definitive solution to the problem of service courses.  相似文献   

本文介绍中学化学实验绿色化改进的意义及现状。并对中学化学存在污染的实验进行了分类和从装置及微型化设计等方面的改进。  相似文献   

面向世界各国教育改革的发展趋势,论述了科学教育与人文教育融合的必然性.以化学史、化学科学美和环境教育三大方面为突破口,探索了化学教学中如何贯穿人文精神.  相似文献   

环境保护是我国的基本国策,利用多媒体计算机辅助化学教学,充分发挥多媒体生动直观、色彩鲜艳、画面动感、人机对话等功能的特有优势,把化学微观问题宏观化,抽象问题形象化,枯燥问题趣味化,增强学生的环保意识,造福人类社会.  相似文献   

通过把课堂反思的眼光引向一些"不足"之处,如教学设计要比课堂精彩、讲实验现象越来越严重、把"劲"使在了课堂上、伪参与学习现象增加、多媒体使文本教学、课堂板书已逐渐被遗忘,于细微之处分析和思考教学问题,提出通过优化教学细节来提高课堂教学效益和教学质量.  相似文献   

A spiral curriculum for chemical education is described in which fundamental knowledge of chemistry is shown at different levels of understanding. It begins with a phenomenological point of view in the first spiral, and leads to a better understanding of chemistry later on. The advantages of this curriculum are based on the flexibility of chemistry teaching in all kinds of schools.  相似文献   

隐喻是语言的重要组成部分,与文化联系密切,许多深层文化内容(如人生观,价值观等)在很大程度上通过隐喻来表达,而不同语言文化在隐喻运用上又往往有较大差别。因此,通过隐喻进行文化教学是英语教育的一条可行途径。  相似文献   

教育要以学生为本,教师的作用重在引导。该文意在研讨教师应如何利用现代化的教学媒体,导出学生的学习兴趣,导出学生思维的积极性,志出学生的创新意识,激发学生全方位参与教学全过程,从而,最大功效地发挥教师“导”的作用。  相似文献   

This paper describes experiences of teaching statistics without mathematical theory but using computer-intensive re-sampling methods. The method is relevant to statistics teaching at all levels.  相似文献   

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