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Augmented, virtual, and mixed reality applications all aim to enhance a user’s current experience or reality. While variations of this technology are not new, within the last few years there has been a significant increase in the number of artificial reality devices or applications available to the general public. This column will explain the difference between augmented, virtual, and mixed reality and how each application might be useful in libraries. It will also provide an overview of the concerns surrounding these different reality applications and describe how and where they are currently being used.  相似文献   

Virtual and Augmented Realities are advancing technologies that are becoming more popular in gaming and programming communities. However, virtual reality has been in development for decades. As libraries are often at the forefront of offering new and advancing technologies to their communities, virtual and augmented reality programs have become new additions to library services. While gaming is the prominent use of these technologies, virtual and augmented reality affords many educational opportunities. Mississippi State University Libraries have recently added a virtual/augmented reality lab as part of its library program.  相似文献   

秦林 《图书情报工作》2019,63(20):139-148
[目的/意义]系统梳理国内外图书馆增强现实的研究和实践现状,为我国图书馆增强现实方面的研究和实践提供参考。[方法/过程]通过中外文献数据库、学术搜索引擎和引文追溯的途径搜集国内外图书馆增强现实方面的文献,并对文献内容进行分析梳理。[结果/结论]分析国内外增强现实研究和实践现状,提出国内图书馆应用增强现实应考虑的问题和注意事项,包括理性引入AR技术、善于运用已有的AR平台、重视对用户态度和使用效果的评估、重视人员的培养。  相似文献   


Academic health sciences libraries have an important role in facilitating the use of technology in health sciences curricula. Serving as a technology hub, the library supports, advocates, and provides access to new technologies. The library introduces many faculty and students to new technology tools, techniques, and equipment for new multimedia creation. As the technology hub grows and expands, library personnel can provide expertise, which demonstrates the library's value in leading the exploration of new technology, including Do-It-Yourself multimedia tools, virtual reality, virtual anatomy, and 3D printing.  相似文献   

大学图书馆:实体与虚拟结合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
秦曾复 《津图学刊》2001,(3):5-6,19
21世纪的大学图书馆应该是实体图书馆与虚拟图书馆相结合的新型图书馆。本文从实体图书馆、虚拟图书馆以及两者的结合上讨论了大学图书馆的建设。  相似文献   

在阐述虚拟现实技术含义及其特征的基础上,探讨了虚拟现实技术在图书馆场景建设、信息资源建设、读者服务工作中的应用。  相似文献   


The renovated Cerritos Public Library is a unique blending of traditional and hightech features. One of the key principles in its planning and design was to enable a range of convenient access services. This article summarizes the process of building this library and how it has been received by users.  相似文献   


This study provides an overview of the various products available for library patrons with blindness or visual impairments. To provide some insight into the status of library services for patrons with blindness, a sample of American universities that are recognized for their programs for students with visual impairments was surveyed to discern which assistive technology products are available in their libraries. The results of the study are analyzed and conclusions are offered.  相似文献   


Advances in building technologies are combining energy efficiency, networked sensors, and data recording in exciting ways. Modern facilities can adjust lighting, heating, and cooling outputs to maximize efficiency, provide better physical security, improve wayfinding for occupants, and provide detailed reports of building use. This column will briefly explore the idea of “smart buildings,” describe some of the technologies that are being developed for these buildings, and explore their implications for libraries. A brief listing of selected smart building technologies is also provided.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以现有研究成果为基础,将AR技术与图书馆服务要素有机结合起来,探讨AR技术对这些要素的作用以及相互间的关联。[方法/过程] 通过案例分析,对AR技术自身功能特点及其对图书馆服务中文献、空间、阅读、体验、展览等各要素的作用进行剖析。[结果/结论] 认为AR技术可以助力图书馆充分挖掘上述要素中的潜在效能,加快各要素间的"生态循环",并在循环流中衍生新的效益和价值,全面提升服务能力,提高用户满意度。  相似文献   

When Off-Campus Means Virtual Campus: The Academic Library in Second Life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article discusses how a library's consistent policy of accessibility and foresight positioned itself to serve its students, faculty and staff in the virtual world of Second Life. Always ahead of the technological curve, this library has been the front-runner in providing services to distance learners via text messaging, “chat,” e-mail, and telephone services and via its laptop librarian project across the campus. It now is poised and ready to provide service in Second Life. Collaboration between the library and teaching faculty culminated in the creation, development, and furnishing of a library in Second Life, an environment that gives new meaning to “off-campus” learning. Without marketing, but as a visible presence, the Second Life library was able to attract both off-campus guests and affiliated students and faculty and even participated in campus-wide projects. This experiment has enjoyed the support of both the university and library administration.  相似文献   

基于云计算的图书馆海量数据存储研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
云计算是一种新型的基于互联网的商业计算模型,是多种技术混合演进的结果.具有安全可靠、海量信息存储、快速方便等特点.图书馆利用云计算的分布式数据存储技术和与之相关的虚拟技术实现对海量数据的存储,能降低存储和维护成本,具有所存数据安全可靠,轻松实现不同设备间的数据共享等特点.  相似文献   

The libraries at the University of Toledo manage electronic reserve via Innovative Interfaces product Media Management. This article explores the reasoning behind selecting this software and examines the challenges of installation, maintenance, responding to patron access problems, and providing faculty support. Providing quality service with a small staff is also addressed.  相似文献   

《Public Services Quarterly》2013,9(2-3):143-165

The incorporation of technology into library processes has tremendously impacted staff and users alike. The University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries is no exception. Sixteen years of reference statistics are analyzed to examine the relationships between the implementation of CD-ROMs and web-based resources and the number of reference questions. Gate counts and circulation statistics for recent years are also evaluated. Overall, reference statistics have been declining over the years under review. The introduction of CD-ROMs caused a rise in reference statistics for several years before the statistics decreased again. Moving the resources to a web-based format minimally affected the number of reference question numbers, although the rate of decline slowed. Gate counts are increasing in one of the libraries examined and circulation statistics are rising. Changes in gate and circulation numbers are due to factors such as increased student enrollment and increased library instruction rather than technology changes within the Libraries.  相似文献   

Implementing Augmented Reality in Academic Libraries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article suggests that substantial and often disturbing change is the only way that libraries can achieve a bright future in an increasingly digital world. Libraries must quickly adopt mobile technology, cloud computing, eScience, and the systematic organization and dissemination of quality information—and do so within the context of collaboration with other libraries in the region, nation, and world. Fiscal shortages can not be used as an excuse to postpone imperative changes; money has to be found.  相似文献   

University libraries are questioning the added value of open shelves with books. As scientific publications are increasingly available in electronic format, which role do bookshelves have in the future library space? The Utrecht University Library case study invites librarians to fundamentally rethink how they could strengthen the function of open shelves in their library. Based on acquisition and user data, and on interviews with publishers and users, this article suggests that in 2025 bookshelves could play an important role in providing access to those publications which are preferred by users in paper format. However, bookshelves should no longer focus solely on paper publications, but on digital publications too, as most library collections increasingly become hybrid. Moreover, libraries should also think of ways to enhance the inspiring role of bookshelves. Then, the open shelves could have added value within the library space of the future, providing access to a hybrid collection and an inspiring place to study.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(91-92):39-51

The evolution of electronic sources has had a significant impact on reference collections in libraries, and public library reference collections are no exception.

Evaluating, selecting, and organizing sources to meet the needs of public library users has always been a fundamental role of public librarians. However, now they have the added responsibility of evaluating electronic resources and deciding whether the electronic sources will supplement or replace traditional paper reference sources. Issues of authority, accessibility, cost, comfort, and user education must be carefully weighed during this evaluative process.  相似文献   

In the early 19th century, public libraries in America tended toward grand appearances befitting seriousness of purpose. Library design changed gradually throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, and more dramatically with automation and new technology. True to its roots, the public library continues to maintain areas for quiet, individual study. But, in addition, today’s library has become a cultural center in the community, offering art galleries, auditoriums, meeting rooms, spaces for collaborative work, digital information and instruction, and even cafés. Change is inevitable, as innovations in library design and patron use illustrate. Yet, from the earliest libraries to modern times, one overarching constant defines their purpose: libraries inspire.  相似文献   

未来数字图书馆的关键技术探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
未来数字图书馆的建设必须依靠高新技术的支撑,而研究策略对构造未来数字图书馆具有深远影响。文章叙述了未来数字图书馆的特性,给出了未来数字图书馆构想,并讨论了未来数字图书馆的一些关键问题。  相似文献   

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