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文章使用美国Noraxon无线肌电遥测系统对国家射击队女子手枪项目班8名运动员射击过程持枪臂各肌肉的工作状态进行测试和分析,以期为运动员的专项身体训练提供理论依据和指导方案。  相似文献   

通过录像观察法、实验测试法,利用德国Isomed 2000等速力量测试系统对男子速射和男子慢射运动员右侧肩关节、肘关节、腕关节依次进行角速度为60°/s等速向心肌肉力量测试,选取屈肌肌群、伸肌肌群的相对峰力矩和相对峰值功率为指标,对手枪男子速射和慢射项目运动员的上肢肌肉力量进行了研究,比较分析了男子速射和男子慢射肩、肘、腕关节屈伸肌群的肌力特征。发现肘关节伸肌肌群、腕关节屈肌肌群分别为速射和慢射影响最大的关节肌群。  相似文献   

本文通过对8名福建省男子手枪慢射运动员进行不同难度核心力量训练的跟踪测试,结合客观数据和实战效果进行分析,总结提高男子手枪慢射核心力量的训练方法,为提高本项目竞技综合水平打下扎实的基础.  相似文献   

从动作的力学角度分析.手枪慢射动作技术因为单臂支撑、重心高、力臂长、身体的不对称性等特点.控制枪的难度较大.需要运动员具备一定的臂力作为持枪的基础。本文以首次参赛的而且具有连续训练和参加省年度比赛经历的34名运动员为研究对象,以每个训练周期前两年比赛成绩为比较的主要内容,采用文献资料法和数理统计法。对不同专项训练年龄的训练效益研究着手.试图能得到一个量化的结果,为今后手枪慢射运动员的选材、训练及制定青少年竞赛规程提供可借鉴的依据。  相似文献   

往往有这种情况,射手的水平已达到一级运动员,或后补运动健将,尚未得到教练应有的建议,也不知道如何进行自己下一步的训练。本文就是希望对这种等级的运动员在选择自己技术提高的道路方面能有所帮助。这里要讲的是关于比赛用手枪的射击(即手枪慢射)。对于一级运动员和后补运动健将主要有以下任务:1.增强耐力是进一步提高击发技术的基础。在准备动作时,手枪射手的躯体似乎僵硬而不柔软。持枪时,伸出的持枪的手的全部肌肉都起着作用。伸出的持枪的手在头30秒内不应有疲劳的感觉。如果还不能做到这点时,击发就很难合格。要锻炼肌肉力量,可采取以下任何一种方法:器械体操和哑铃操,扩胸器练  相似文献   

射击手枪慢射是一项静力性、单臂持枪、射击距离远、精度要求高的项目,所以对于运动员的肌肉和心理的稳定性要求较高。多年来“稳是基础,扣是关键”一直是射击界的共识。击发动作的好坏,是直接影响运动员技术的完成和成绩提高的主要因素。扣扳机击发动作的过程一般包括:前期准备,瞄区外的动作,食指预压,持续扣,击发瞬间保持(心情和力量)、  相似文献   

1手抢慢射运动员必须具备的主要竞技能力 1.1稳定能力。手枪慢射项目的高精度特点,必然要求运动员具备良好的稳定性.除此之外,据枪时枪支晃动幅度小.枪支上、下、左、右移位范围小、规律性强,据枪时枪支晃动缓慢.晃动线路呈平行或扁椭圆型晃动也要求运动员具备良好的稳定性。  相似文献   

本文结合男子手枪慢射的动作过程、结构、比赛规律以及运动解剖、训练学、心理学、生理学等诸多学科,综合分析研究手枪慢射的本质规律及训练方法。  相似文献   

浅析男子手枪慢射的稳与扣山东省射击队石振1选题依据正确、合理的射击姿势,是射击运动员能够获得好成绩的基础,而能否适时恰到好处地掌握好扣扳机一系列配合动作,是取得优异成绩的关键。射击中的稳定性是良好击发技术动作体现出来的一种“美”的状态,但必须要有正确...  相似文献   

我省的射击运动,自“文革”后期恢复开展以来,普及与提高两个方面都有很大成绩,涌现出以奥运会冠军吴小旋为代表的一批优秀运动员。男子汽步枪、男子手枪慢射、男子标准手枪,女子汽步枪、3×20、女子标准手枪等项目均取得过全国个人或团体冠、亚军的好成绩。但近年来,省射击队却出现了严重的青黄不接,“尖子”后继无人的现象。形成这种情况的主客观原因很多,从训练的角度看,不少教练员和业务干部对射击训练、特别是培养高水平运动员的规律从宏观上研究探讨不够。对射击训练过程中客观  相似文献   


A postural tremor appears whenever someone attempts to maintain a steady position against gravity. We examined the postural tremor that occurred while air pistol shooters were taking aim so as to compare the coordinative control of the shooters and to identify the features critical to successful shooting. Ten elite and ten pre-elite athletes participated in pistol shooting at 10 m, and the postural tremors in the pistol and upper limb were recorded with lightweight accelerometers. Exploratory analysis showed that the elite shooters had smaller tremor amplitudes than the pre-elite shooters in the pistol and distal arm segments. Compared with the pre-elite shooters, the elite shooters had a smaller tremor amplitude in the lateral direction relative to that in the vertical direction, together with weaker tremor coupling in the lateral direction and stronger vertical coupling of the pistol–hand complex. The resulting shot performance was inversely related to the amplitude of the tremor and to the 8–12 Hz spectral peak of the lateral tremor in the pistol–hand complex. We conclude that the postural tremors of air pistol shooters are associated with the skill of the shooters, and that the elite shooters could optimize the control of the pistol–hand complex, which strongly determined success in shooting.  相似文献   

Postural tremor and control of the upper limb in air pistol shooters   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A postural tremor appears whenever someone attempts to maintain a steady position against gravity. We examined the postural tremor that occurred while air pistol shooters were taking aim so as to compare the coordinative control of the shooters and to identify the features critical to successful shooting. Ten elite and ten pre-elite athletes participated in pistol shooting at 10 m, and the postural tremors in the pistol and upper limb were recorded with lightweight accelerometers. Exploratory analysis showed that the elite shooters had smaller tremor amplitudes than the pre-elite shooters in the pistol and distal arm segments. Compared with the pre-elite shooters, the elite shooters had a smaller tremor amplitude in the lateral direction relative to that in the vertical direction, together with weaker tremor coupling in the lateral direction and stronger vertical coupling of the pistol-hand complex. The resulting shot performance was inversely related to the amplitude of the tremor and to the 8-12 Hz spectral peak of the lateral tremor in the pistol-hand complex. We conclude that the postural tremors of air pistol shooters are associated with the skill of the shooters, and that the elite shooters could optimize the control of the pistol-hand complex, which strongly determined success in shooting.  相似文献   

The study investigated the coordination and variability of posture and pistol motion for skilled pistol shooters and novices in a pistol-aiming task. The participants stood on a force platform and held a pistol with the preferred arm to aim for accuracy to a target on 30 s trials. The results revealed that the amount of the centre of pressure (COP) and pistol motion was lower for the expert than novice group. The time–varying structure of COP as indexed by multiscale entropy (MSE) and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) was also lower for the expert than the novice group. The relative phase between the COP in the anterior–posterior (AP) and pistol in the AP and between the COP in the medial–lateral (ML) and pistol in AP was close to inphase for the both groups. However, for the novice group the coordination patterns of posture and pistol motion were more variable with the pistol motion leading the posture motion while it was lagging in the skilled group. The findings show different qualitative and quantitative dynamics in pistol-aiming as a function of skill level with postural control foundational to supporting the reduced dispersion and complexity of the skilled arm-pistol motion.  相似文献   

对50名运动年龄在4年以上的男子标准手枪速射优秀射手(运动健将)的第一发技术动作进行分析,结果表明:以手枪速射为主项兼打标准手枪速射的射手可采用“停扣”技术动作;以标准手枪为主项兼打标准手枪速射的射手可采用“边走边扣”技术动作。  相似文献   

“主动恢复”训练可以增强手枪训练中的稳定性,在手枪训练中进行主动恢复具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

新奥运周期世界男子自由体操发展趋势的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以两届世界体操锦标赛和雅典奥运会体操比赛的团体、全能和单项决赛运动员为对象,从D组以上技巧动作和主要技巧串动作的难度、类型和连接,以及完成动作的质量等方面,对北京奥运周期男子自由体操发展趋势作了比较系统的研究,另对我国男队与世界各国的差距作了简要分析。  相似文献   

体育运动是人的自由的表征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文提出:自由存在于人类的一切活动之中,人类活动的每一环节与层面都是自由的不同体现形式;一切源于人的生命本身的对需要的追求与满足都是人的自由活动的应有内容。体育运动正是在这种意义上,成为人的自由的表征。  相似文献   

我国优秀男子排球运动员运动损伤的调查与分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王燕 《体育科学》2004,24(5):22-23,26
对我国9支优秀男子排球运动队共计117名运动员进行了运动损伤的调查及病因分析。发病率列前4位的运动损伤依次为髌骨劳损、腰肌劳损、肩袖损伤、踝关节扭伤。损伤的主要原因为:训练缺乏科学性、身体机能不佳、训练水平不足、心理状况不良等。指出运动损伤重在防治,应从运动训练学方面、组织管理学方面、教育心理学等方面综合抓起,最大限度的减少运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

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