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Teacher: Tony! What’s the shape(形状) of the earth?Tony: It is round.  相似文献   

地球的形状主要是由地球引力和自转产生的离心力决定的.地球在自转时,由于不同纬度处的速度不一样,在两极处速度最小,在赤道处速度最大,它们产生的惯性离心力也就不同,在这种自转作用下,必然使地球成为一个在靠近赤道处向外凸起的椭实验教学方法  相似文献   

Children's understandings of the shape and relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon have been extensively researched and in a variety of ways. Much is known about the confusions which arise as young people try to grasp ideas about the world and our neighbouring celestial bodies. Despite this, there remain uncertainties about the conceptual models which young people use and how they theorise in the process of acquiring more scientific conceptions. In this article, the relevant published research is reviewed critically and in-depth in order to frame a series of investigations using semi-structured interviews carried out with 248 participants aged 3–18 years from China and New Zealand. Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data concerning the reasoning of these subjects (involving cognitive categorisations and their rank ordering) confirmed that (a) concepts of Earth shape and size are embedded in a ‘super-concept’ or ‘Earth notion’ embracing ideas of physical shape, ‘ground’ and ‘sky’, habitation of and identity with Earth; (b) conceptual development is similar in cultures where teachers hold a scientific world view and (c) children's concepts of shape and size of the Earth, Sun and Moon can be usefully explored within an ethnological approach using multi-media interviews combined with observational astronomy. For these young people, concepts of the shape and size of the Moon and Sun were closely correlated with their Earth notion concepts and there were few differences between the cultures despite their contrasts. Analysis of the statistical data used Kolmogorov–Smirnov Two-Sample Tests with hypotheses confirmed at K–S alpha level 0.05; rs : p?<?0.01.  相似文献   

将地球简化为做定点运动的刚体时,其运动方程可积分的情况,有且只有一种,即Lagrange-Poisson情况,在其解算过程中,从数学方法上衍生出来的Euler-Poinsot情况,并非独立情况,而是由前一种情况派生出来的.  相似文献   

将地球简化为做定点运动的刚体时,其运动方程可积分的情况,有且只有一种,即Lagrange-Poisson情况,在其解算过程中,从数学方法上衍生出来的Euler-Poinsot情况,并非独立情况,而是由前一种情况派生出来的.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to study the question of whether a phenomenological view of the Earth could be empirically endorsed. The phenomenological way of thinking considers the Earth as a material entity, but not as an object as viewed in science. In the learning science tradition, tracking the process of the conceptual change of the shape of the Earth, science’s view of the Earth as an object—a celestial body—has been applied. I reanalysed data published in Vosniadou and Brewer’s (Cognit psychol 24:535–585, 1992) seminal paper. According to my reanalysis of their interview material, it is plausible to conclude that the Earth as an infinite surface is the way to experience the Earth. Further, the ‘dual Earth model’ is the first model of the Earth as an object. I conclude that experiences in the lifeworld need to be taken into consideration more seriously in science education research.  相似文献   

本文讨论了开发土质学与土力学课程测试与指导课件 (SMCAI)的意义和课件开发研制的指导思想 ,同时 ,介绍了SMCAI软件的特点及其在土质学与土力学教学领域中的应用  相似文献   

夏天敏的新作<土里的鱼>描述了高原贫困山区农民的生存现状,传达出了贫穷落后的弱者企求改变命运的强烈渴盼和由此产生的迷狂式幻想.作者采用了象征寓意的手法,通过艺术的夸张和写照,表达出了作者对山区贫困农民的悲悯、伤感和批判.  相似文献   

Have a look at the geographical areas on this map. Can you see the deserts, forests and mountains? We’ll show you some of the world’s amazing records.  相似文献   

在1963年,前议员Gaylord Nelson开始为地球而忧虑。Gaylord Nelson知道世界变得越来越脏,许多动物和植物都死棹了。他想了解为什么很多人不愿解决这个问题。  相似文献   

研究性学习课程作为一个独具特色的课程领域,自2000年首次成为我国基础教育课程体系的有机构成,被公认是我国当前课程改革的一大亮点。本文以感受地球的自转这一课题为载体,再现了研究性学习课程的研究方法、研究过程及研究成果,给予了评价并提出反思。  相似文献   

该文以六道沟水库大坝填筑为实例,研究了土方填筑时铺土厚度、碾压遍数、含水率、干密度的关系,得出施工技术参数,用以指导大坝的填筑工作。  相似文献   

地球参照系中的惯性力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科里奥利力的教学,历来是理论力学教学中的难点。本文通过旋转圆盘的实验,从两个方面对科里奥利力作了较为深入的阐述,以求突破这一难点,使学生对科里奥利力有进一步的认识,并全面了解引入科里奥利力的目的和作用。  相似文献   

In The Song of the Earth, Jonathan Bate promotes ‘ecopoesis’, contrasting it with ‘ecopolitical’ poetry (and by implication, other forms of writing and expression). Like others recently, including Simon James and Michael Bonnett, he appropriates the notion of ‘dwelling’ from Heidegger to add force to this distinction. Bate's argument is effectively that we have more chance of protecting the environment if we engage in ecopoetic activity, involving a sense of immediate response to nature, than if we do not. This has obvious educational implications. If Bate, James and Bonnett are correct, then the educational pursuit of (eco)poetic sensibility will, of itself, contribute to education for a sustainable future by grounding human experience in nature; if their assertions are insupportable, and (eco)poetic sensibility does not afford privileged access to a state of nature, then the assumption cannot be made that the development of such sensibility will contribute to education for sustainability. I shall critique Bate's argument from a pragmatic perspective.  相似文献   

今年恰逢查尔斯·达尔文发表《物种起源》150周年,科学家们在揭示生命如何起源于非生命物质方面实现了里程碑式的进步。一队英国化学家展示了温暖的有机化学物质液体中能自然地形成组成生命的基础物质。  相似文献   

Sujan Sengupta 《Resonance》2016,21(7):641-652
Is there life anywhere else in the vast cosmos? Are there planets similar to the Earth? For centuries, these questions baffled curious minds. Either a positive or negative answer, if found one day, would carry a deep philosophical significance for our very existence in the universe. Although the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence was initiated decades ago, a systematic scientific and global quest towards achieving a convincing answer began in 1995 with the discovery of the first confirmed planet orbiting around the solar-type star 51 Pegasi. Since then, astronomers have discovered many exoplanets using two main techniques, radial velocity and transit measurements. In the first part of this article, we shall describe the different astronomical methods through which the extrasolar planets of various kinds are discovered. In the second part of the article we shall discuss the various kinds of exoplanets, in particular about the habitable planets discovered till date and the present status of our search for a habitable planet similar to the Earth.  相似文献   

通过对武术专业女生的形态学测量与统计,为武术女运动员选材提供参考。  相似文献   

从文明与社会、文化、人的存在状态的整体角度看,从社会发展和演进的角度看,文明可以划分为自在、自觉、自为三维形态。从共时角度看,文明的这三维形态在相反相成的区别中存在;从历时性看,文明的三维形态在相辅相成的互动中统一。因此,文明形态的演进和创新是继承与发展相统一的过程;文明形态的发展和创新是相互比较与交流的过程。当前,需要正确处理文明三维形态之间的关系,推进文明的不断创新与发展。  相似文献   

地球母亲在哭泣。 我的衣物——树木、丛林被砍伐。  相似文献   

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