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对视觉再现符号的理论与实践进行了开拓性的探索,在对再现理论的源流的梳理中,提出从符号学角度将再现观念与西方当代哲学和美学理论中的"凝视"相联系,从文本与语境角度分析其理论意义与价值。符号机制则是切入的特有角度,从电影符号与绘画角度来看,这一机制的形成具有意义阐释的特性。文章结合以伦勃朗绘画为题材的电影符号表达分析了符号机制的形态,展示了文本特性。  相似文献   

This study focuses on a secondary English classroom in an East London school, and the multimodal nature of the students’ construction of the literary heritage text Macbeth, specifically in their dramatic reinterpretation of Act 1, Scene 7, where Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to pursue his ambitions and kill the current king, Duncan. From this classroom event, this study goes on to explore how a social semiotic reading can reveal insights into school students’ learning and recreation of this text.  相似文献   

在信息化、全球经济一体化时代,设计符号语言得到越来越多的重视。本文运用设计符号学的一些原理来分析现代戒指设计,从消费者对戒指的体验传达出整体感官的符号信息,展开了全方位探索性的研究。希望设计师在对不同感受的调动中,能把它们放在一起考虑,挖掘出原本不很明显的设计源泉,设计出更为理想的作品。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of a digital video created by a student (age 13) in a classroom setting. Since sign functioning is a key focus in theories of meaning making as it occurs through language and through other modes, my analysis focuses on the relations between signifiers as they are inscribed in her video. This analysis explores new ways to use a theory of signification as a lens for considering, interpreting, and conceptualizing student video creations. My analysis focuses on how the focal student’s video is constituted by signifiers (gestural, actional, object, and spoken) that are arranged into chains of signifiers. These signifiers come into relation, combination, and association with one another across varying degrees of difference and similarity, both delimiting and opening up their possible meaning potentials. This analysis provides a heuristic that offers a signifier-based method of interpreting student-created digital videos, conceptualizing them as composed of signifiers drawn from across modes. This study also offers ways to recognize how creative or novel uses of the medium involve complex semiotic association and dissociation processes occurring in multiple modes.  相似文献   

A pedagogical perspective for rendering ways of knowing, being and being known, making and the larger maker movement are shaping contemporary educational places, practices and discourses. Despite these advances, its intersection with early literacy and childhood education are nascent. Thinking with theories of multiliteracies and speculative design, this article puts forth a making as worlding analytic frame for literacy research and practice. In doing so, we examine how two young children operate as speculative designers working towards possible, not solely plausible or preferable futures. Drawing on data from a multi‐sited study exploring making in early childhood settings, this article charts how early years and primary students used the contemporary affordances of analogue and immersive technologies to ‘make' a difference. Findings suggest that making provided opportunities not only for re‐storying realities but speculative worldbuilding encouraging young people to participate and problematise present realities.  相似文献   

Amidst global competition in higher education, colleges and universities adopt strategies that mimic and adapt business practices. Branding is now a widespread practice in higher education; multimodal advertisement is a manifestation of emerging branding strategies for universities. While the visibility of brands in higher education has grown substantially in recent years, its empirical study has lagged. This article reports on the findings from a study that employed social semiotic and multimodal analysis to explore text and visual rhetoric as brand construction strategies in publicly displayed university advertisements. After analyzing photographs representing advertising campaigns from 16 different universities displayed in an urban public transportation system, I suggest that universities construct their brand identity through messages that emphasize multiple choices and convenience, but construct success primarily according to corporate standards and values.  相似文献   

论商品包装设计中的文字设计及其功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了包装设计中的汉字和外文文字要素,以及文字设计的风格,指出商品包装设计中文字的功能除了是与其它设计元素一起宣传商品、美化商品外,更是直接传递商品的信息,实现商品价值的有效方式。  相似文献   

When A Genomic Portrait – Sir John Sulston by Mark Quinn appeared in the London National Portrait Gallery's exhibition in 2001/2, the ensuing public controversy over its portrayal raised a number of questions about the representation of a publicly known figure. Because the portrait was the Gallery's first contemporary commission using specialised, scientific procedures in its creation, a number of issues arose surrounding its authenticity. How questions of authenticity are answered depends upon how the viewer reads aspects of scientific coding as it functions within the artistic domain. This is a form of visual literacy that depends on the viewer's ability to lift the veil that operates between coding systems and the context of their use. Literacy in this case is built upon the relationship between visual interpretation and ascribed systems of meaning within the context of their recontextualisations. By playing with the intersections between artistic and scientific discourses, the authors investigate how the representation of identity functions as a polysemy across different semiotic domains. Using visual semiotics to examine the intersections between sign systems across these domains, some of the communication aspects of how new modes of art function in present‐day communities are provoked. By illustrating the complexity of this process as a part of transforming expert knowing into pedagogical practice, support is given for improving teacher education in the arts and cultural domain.  相似文献   


Product design and development (PDD) is a current topic of academic and industrial research. Emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as design thinking and creativity has been recently pulled together into the teaching and research on PDD. This paper looks into a multidisciplinary setting made up of three similar but independent PDD masters courses taught at three higher education institutions, having the same assessment, syllabus, assignments and outcomes. As expected, students’ projects foci are different. The outcomes of this experience were confronted with an ex-post literature review, which generated thorough guidelines that supported an innovative proposal for PDD education, to be implemented into an interdisciplinary Summer School. Significant generalisable contributions for educating modern engineers, designers and business entrepreneurs are expected, instead of just teaching methods of engineering, design and entrepreneurship at the case universities. The limitation of the used inductive reasoning concerns ‘truth’ being suggested but not assured.  相似文献   

... there are ways that the sexuality and corporeality of the subject leave their traces in the texts produced, just as ... the processes of textual production also leave their trace or residue on the body ...

(Grosz, 1995, p. 21)

鉴于公益广告越来越受到媒体的关注,结合克瑞斯和勒文的视觉语法以及多模态话语分析理论,从再现意义、互动意义及构图意义解析中央电视台少儿频道的一则公益广告,证实该公益广告从图像位置、色彩搭配等模态转换方面存在一定的合理性和新颖度,并能对今后公益广告的设计模式和理念起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

从符号学角度出发,采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,探讨微博文本符号的特征是研究微博的一种新思路.微博文本符号在组合关系上的特征表现为,以“文字符号+图片符号”为主要组合方式;组合方式的改变对组合关系基本上没有影响.微博文本符号在聚合关系上的特征表现为,文字符号呈现出明显的对话性;图片符号多为高感官情态.  相似文献   

This paper explores how a multimodal argument might take shape. Looking specifically at how students might conceive of a multimodal argument through their own digital literacy practices in design, I combine the theories of Richard Lanham’s rules of attention economy with Kress and van Leeuwen’svisual grammar to investigate the rhetorical possibilities of persuasive multimodal composition. Using a case study of a multimodal argument in the form of a video featuring images accompanied by rapped lyrics, the findings suggest possibilities for orchestrating semiotic resources to infuse the argumentative with aesthetics.  相似文献   

"读图时代"使视觉文化在某种程度上成为一种强势文化,但也给视觉文化带来负面的影响.文章从视觉设计的主体、视觉设计教育、视觉设计所处的市场、行业环境几个方面进行分析,探讨"读图时代"语境下视觉设计的责任问题,强调视觉设计乃至整个社会都必须正视"读图时代"所带来的负面因素,不要一味沉湎于表面上的视觉繁荣及其所带来的高额经济价值,认为构建一个更加健全的视觉设计价值体系刻不容缓.  相似文献   

An ethics of youth media production is the interplay of identities, media literacy, and modality that shape the environment within which young people produce media, yet how ‘voice’ is fostered and/or constrained in these environments could still be explored more fully. This paper stems from a larger qualitative study of how youth created films about their lives and communities in four non-school spaces that strove to give voice to underrepresented youth across the USA. This detailed semiotic analysis illustrates the nuances in the discussion between young people and youth media arts educators in two of these organizations during the pitch, the key moment in the filmmaking process in which the youth presented their ideas for their videos for adult approval before they moved on to the next stages, for example, filming. This analysis illustrates how young people negotiated their voice, tracing the negotiation and the inherent power dynamics that occurred.  相似文献   

This article draws on an ethnographic research study of children's text making in the home, as well as interviews with visual artists in South Yorkshire, to explore the idea of affordance as cultural (Kress 1997; Kress and van Leeuwen 2001). The article draws on Kress and van Leeuwen's concept of the affordance of a mode, and argues that in the case of children's meaning making, affordance has to be seen as being shaped by culture. This means attending to children's cultural and physical spaces, their worlds, in order to trace back and understand meanings inside their texts. The article takes particular instances of practice and then traces back their meaning, in order to show how cultural meanings sediment into texts. The article argues that English teachers can use this lens of texts as traces of practice to make sense of the multimodal texts children produce in classrooms.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,科学的进步,多媒体与互联网技术相继在生活中的应用越来越多,更加强化了人们的视觉意识。通过视觉感知消息已经日益成为一种重要的手段,对图像的直接思考已经是一种能力。在信息技术与媒介的发展下,高院校数字媒体专业学生的视觉素养亟需提高,如何提升和培养学生的视觉素养是教育工作者的重要课题。  相似文献   

This article explores how 145 photographs collected from 20 PowerPoint lectures in undergraduate psychology at 16 UK universities were integrated with lecturers’ speech. Little is currently known about how lecturers refer to the distinct types of photographs included in their presentations. Findings show that only 48 photographs (33%) included in presentation slides were referred to explicitly by exploring their features to make a point related to the lecture content, with only 14 of these used to invite student questioning. Most photographs (97 or 67%) represent a case of ‘unprobed representations’, that is, either ‘embedded’ in the talk as ‘illustrations’ of the speech topic or not referred to at all. A taxonomy of uses that lecturers made of the photographs in their slideshows was created through adapting a Peircean semiotic analysis of the photograph–speech interaction. The implications in terms of lecturer and student engagement with the photographic material are discussed, arguing the case for more Critical Semiotic Exploration of photographs in HE practice.  相似文献   

通感是由于外界事物作用于人的感官,产生相应的心理反应,从而引发另外一种或多种感觉协同作用的心理现象。随着人本设计的发展,多感官体验和情感互动受到人们的高度重视。在视觉设计领域,通过视触、视听、视味等通感形式的应用,不但拓宽了视觉设计的表现手法,而且增添了作品的审美情趣,满足了人们的情感需求。  相似文献   

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