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Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Madeleine Arnot, Miriam David and Gaby Weiner, Closing the Gender Gap. Postwar Education and Social Change
Paul A. Singh Ghuman, Asian Adolescents in the West
Ian Grosvenor, Martin Lawn and Kate Rousmaniere, Silences and Images
Debbie Epstein and Richard Johnson, Schooling Sexualities
Peter Silcock, New Progressivism
Annette Hayton (ed), Tackling Disaffection and Social Exclusion: Education Perspectives and Policies
Ann Hodgson and Ken Spours, New Labour's Educational Agenda: Issues and Policies for Education and Training 14+
Mark Bray and Ramsey Koo (eds), Education and Society in Hong Kong and Macau: Comparative Perspectives on Continuity and Change  相似文献   

维果茨基与皮亚杰的争论代表了发展心理学两条截然不同的发展路线,开创了认知建构主义与社会建构主义两种模式.对两人关于儿童认知发展观的不同与相同之处进行比较探究,旨在为当代认知发展的理论建构与教育实践提供新的契机.  相似文献   

This paper argues that sociocultural accounts of learning fail to answer the key question about learning—how is it possible? Accordingly, we should adopt an individualist bootstrapping methodology in providing a theory of learning. Such a methodology takes seriously the idea that learning is staged and distinguishes between a non-comprehending engagement with things and a comprehending engagement. It suggests that, in the light of recent work in psychology (Carey) with insights from Wittgenstein, there is rich scope for a bootstrapping account of learning. The paper also argues that sociocultural approaches when pushed, either require some such bootstrapping account, or they collapse into an obscure Ficthean metaphysics in which individual abilities are ‘summoned into being’ by the attitudes of others.  相似文献   

Rowlands  S. 《Science & Education》2000,9(6):537-575
Vygotsky has become an authority, but the authority has more to do with justifying a sociocultural relativism than it has with his Marxist objectivist approach to psychology and pedagogy. This paper is an attempt to understand Vygotsky's perspective in relation to Marxist epistemology, and will critically examine the sociocultural interpretation of Vygotsky but within the light of his own perspective. It will be shown that the relativism of the sociocultural school not only takes Vygotsky's zone of proximal development out of its social and historical context, but as a consequence downplays the zone of proximal development as a dynamic research methodology. As an extension of the discussion of the zone of proximal development, this paper will also examine the sociocultural interpretation of Vygotsky's relation between scientific and everyday concepts, and the pedagogical consequences of such an interpretation.  相似文献   

Despite increasing studies and applications of Vygotsky’s theory of learning and development, little has been written connecting Vygotsky specifically to moral education. The most comprehensive attempt at formulating such an account is given by Mark Tappan. I critically evaluate Tappan’s account before raising several problems for his approach. I then offer suggestions for resolving these issues by turning to research in socialization theory and recommending additional sociocultural artifacts that can supplement moral education.  相似文献   

日本对维果茨基的研究初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
维果茨基是前苏联著名的心理学家 ,其社会文化历史理论受到了心理学界的广泛关注 ,也引起了日本心理学者的广泛兴趣。日本学者对他的研究可分为 :对维果茨基的介绍和初期评价、研究的深入和涉及领域的扩大、对维果茨基研究在认知领域的活跃及对维果茨基理论的再评价三个阶段。维果茨基的理论不仅促进了日本心理学的本土化和国际化 ,而且也加速了其心理学基础理论的发展。近来围绕维果茨基的理论是否是活动理论的争论异常激烈 ,成为日本心理学基础理论研究的一个热点  相似文献   

文章从历史的角度,追溯皮亚杰和维果茨基理论的发展轨迹,概要比较了二者在理论发展过程中的异同,反思社会历史背景对二者理论形成的影响,对二者理论究竟是该从互补的角度整合还是该尊重其分歧提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

The Cambridge Primary Review's (CPR) preference for a Vygotskian model of schools learners and learning rather than a Piagetian is queried. There are weaknesses and uncertainties with major Vygotskian ideas such as the ‘zone of proximal development’, ‘internalisation’, ‘joint construction’, ‘language mediation’ and educational acculturation, relative to the Piagetian, while human scientific research with babies suggesting inherited capability thrust humans forearmed into physical and social worlds gives some succour to Piaget's cause. The Vygotskian and CPR premise that teachers can push learners beyond developmentally set limits is not unadulterated good news, depending on how we judge education's acculturation purposes and depending on the kind of learners we want within our educational system.  相似文献   

被皮亚杰视作深层认知结构内自身中心化外在表征的自我中心言语,在其理论视域里尚处于目的语社团话语圈群的边缘境地,显现为一种主体间性的缺失,是个体言语社会化不足的表现。而维果茨基则认为,自我中心言语是适应客观环境背景下主客体语言协同功能作用过程中主体心智生发且根植于社会文化历史与人际交往中的动力性思维工具,是社会言语个体化不足的反映。维果茨基论评皮亚杰关于自我中心言语学说中别具一格的方法论理路,是其以一名方法论者的明睿目光观照心理语言研究领域的生动体现。  相似文献   

语言与思维关系理论述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章对有关语言与思维关系的理论进行了述评 ,认为语言和思维是两种不同的心理现象 ,具有不同的发生发展规律 ,思维先于语言。但是它们又是相互作用的 ,而且在不同的年龄发展阶段、不同的作业情境中 ,它们的关系是有所变化的  相似文献   

现代著名哲学家皮亚杰用心理学的方法研究、分析和总结出儿童认知发生发展的过程和规律,并创立了发生认识论。这一发生认识论所包含的儿童认知发展理论、平衡理论、外化内化结构理论、逻辑——数学的建构理论、以及"相对客体"和"绝对客体"理论中,无不蕴涵着丰富的辩证法思想。  相似文献   

皮亚杰和维果茨基心理发展观比较及其对教学的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮亚杰与维果茨基是20世纪两位最有影响的发展心理学家,他们开辟了研究儿童个体性发展和社会性发展的两条线路。在分析理论基础上,试图在差异中探讨两者的互补性。并通过两种取向互动互补,揭示其对教学的意义。  相似文献   

Vygotsky measured his ‘zone of proximal development’ in years. To do this, he needed a scheme of age periods, and a set of tasks that could diagnose the next age period without defining it. In this paper, we compare the age periods in his late lectures with Halliday’s categories of logico-semantic expansion as used by three adolescent writer/speakers. We find that the tendency to elaborate and embed clauses grows with expertise, while the tendency to tell stories wanes. We take this as evidence of the development of synoptic-dynamic complementarity in adolescents – and also in the theories of Halliday and Vygotsky.  相似文献   

“维果茨基热”及其对中国教育改革的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来出现了世界的维果茨基研究热潮。“维果茨基热”对中国教育改革的启示有3个方面;创造同伴交往的环境,促进儿童间合作学习,走主体性教育的道路,发挥教师的重要作用,改变传统的教育评价方式,加强过程评价和动态性评价。  相似文献   


This article is concerned with the influences that are brought to bear on the design of school buildings and the effects that the design of these buildings have on those who teach and learn in them. The article also focuses on the ways in which design is altered in and through the practices of these occupants. We argue that there is a mutual shaping of design and practice in these schools. We deploy the theory of socio-genesis developed by Lev S. Vygotsky and the sociology of pedagogy developed by Basil Bernstein in order to study the consequences for students of different trajectories of transfer between different designs and pedagogic cultures of primary and secondary schools in England. Our intention is to contribute to current debates about the effects of new school designs and the enduring concerns raised by difficulties that some students encounter in transitions between schools.  相似文献   

皮亚杰的晚期理论值得我们认真地研讨,但是首先应该了解晚期理论与早期理论的联系。也即,虽然晚期理论有着整合和形式化的趋势,但却是在早期理论的基础之上发展而来的,发生认识论是一脉相承的理论。  相似文献   

关于几个重要心理学术语的翻译问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理学术语的中文翻译应该力求译语和原语的等值,否则,就不利于理解和传播。"人格"的概念以及皮亚杰的"图式"、"运算"等概念就存在翻译上的些微失当之处,在一定程度上限制了人们对问题的理解与进一步探讨。  相似文献   


This article explores two central notions of ‘dialectics’ and ‘dialogics’ based on the work of Vygotsky (drawing on philosophers such as Hegel, Spinoza, Engels and Marx) and Bakhtin (drawing on members of the Bakhtin Circle and writers such as Dostoevsky and Rabelais) respectively, as well their varying interanimations within Stalin-Marxist Russian societyIt is proposed that these two positions are incommensurably located alongside one another in contemporary education. I argue that Bakhtin offers diametrically oppositional educational provocations to those of Vygotsky.The implications of these interpretations will be explored with consideration of their underlying philosophical incompatibilities and contradictions, as well as the opportunities such a consideration pose for educational practice today.  相似文献   

维果茨基是苏联著名的心理学家,对心理发展活动理论具有深入的研究。心理学与认识论是有机统一的,维果茨基反对传统认识论中的身心二元论,在批判吸收斯宾诺莎和黑格尔哲学的基础上,运用马克思主义的历史理论和方法论,开创了辩证唯物主义心理学。维果茨基借鉴《资本论》及其手稿中的方法论原则,运用"单位分析法""概念分析法"等来研究人的心理机制和认识发生过程,从语言和意识出发思考人与世界的关系,以工具-符号理论解决意识和活动的统一性问题,创造了一元论的历史方法论。维果茨基理论从认识发生学的角度解释了马克思的社会实践本体论,进一步深化、扩展了历史唯物主义思想。  相似文献   

In this paper, the researcher will examine various points of view of the different epistemological schools of thoughts in the first section of the paper. This will be followed by the analysis of the knowledge base and pedagogical reasoning in the second section. The third section of the paper will be devoted to examine the modem pedagogical practices which will be followed by the interpretation of the integration process of the content and pedagogy in the fourth section of the paper. The fifth section will reflect the implication of the finding of the study for preparing the successful teacher by making the balance of the knowledge base of teacher and the pedagogical knowledge. The whole paper has a great relevance with regard to preparing teachers for a changing context, because it has dealt with core components of knowledge and pedagogy.  相似文献   

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