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校长第二 那是我刚到学校不久,一天下午,一位老师气呼呼地来找我,说:"我已告诉教导主任,今年家里有事情,不做班主任了。凭什么又给我安排班主任?这不是欺负人吗?"  相似文献   

学校是社会文明的窗口,是和谐社会的缩影。如何擦亮这个窗口,显现这个缩影呢?关键是学校校长要致力于各种关系的协调。“以人为本,以诚立人”,作为一个新的基本理论和价值取向,不仅是学校管理的基本原则,而且应当成为协调各种关系的行为准则。一、情感与原则的关系情感是人性管理的核心之一,是人的品格与外界事物相碰撞而产生的一种意识,是人际和谐的润滑剂。“原则”是人性管理的生命线,是说话或行事所依据的法则或标准。协调关系,离不开刚性管理;追求和谐,则不能丧失原则。只有在坚持原则的基础上追求人性化、情感化,才能协调好人际关系,…  相似文献   

中学教导主任是基础教育单位中重要的学校领导成员之一,其所主管的教学工作对学校整体形象至关重要。从教师教学、班级管理、校园文化三个层面考察,本文对中学教导主任在学校品牌建设中的职能作了如下概括。一、指导教师专业成长,树立优秀教师队伍形象。抓好教学工作、提高教学质量是中学教导主任的主要职责。在学校品牌建设中,对于教学工作,教导主任不应只停留在对备课、上课、作业批改等教学常规的检查上,而应帮助他们依据自身特点进行各具特色的职业发展定位,并为此提供智力和管理上的支持。尽管我们许多中学教导主任在某种程度上已经在…  相似文献   

人们常说,一个好校长,就是一所好学校;一所好学校,就该有一群好教师。要追求学校的理想,实现理想的学校教育,校长就应该为教师的发展而投资。关心教师的成长,激发教师的成就感,使教师为发展学生而全身心地发展自己。  相似文献   

校本培训作为继续教育中一道极为亮丽的风景线,已愈来愈受到有关部门专家乃至老师们的重视。它是以学校为培训基地,在上级培训机构的指导下,由校长、教师、学生共同参与的,充分利用校内外培训资源,直接服务于学校,服务于教师,服务于教学的培训活动。其目的是应用,以教师素质提高为目标;培训内容适合于本校实际,并且以教师的实际工作状况来评价培训的效果。  相似文献   

教导主任工作是一种不可替代的专业性岗位,不是任何人都可以胜任的。 按照传统的观念,一所学校教导主任的职责,是向校长负责,做好教师的头羊,领导教师忠实地执行学校既定的办学方针,并督导教师按既定的办学方针备课、上课、批改作业等。新时期、新课改、时移世易,重新定位学校教导主任的角色是应该的,也是必然的。[第一段]  相似文献   

结合培训实践,笔者认为,我们在校长培训中至少要正确处理好如下五个关系。一、国际化与本土化的关系 国际化要求我们一方面广泛引进国外先进的教育教学管理思想与模式,  相似文献   

市里要举行小学语文教师现场作文竞赛.某校应派出三位老师参加。教导主任和校长协商后。有两位很快就定下来了.可还有一位,排来排去.都好像差不多。最后,校长一拍脑袋:学校一个也不指定,索性自己先赛一赛。几天后.结果出来了:曾经被很快定下来的那两个.都排不上号,而原先没想到的教师老刘.竟居第一。更让人觉得意外的。老刘在全市竞赛也获得了一等奖。事后,校长感慨地说:“要是没有这次竞赛.老刘这个人才我们还发现不了:要是参赛的三个都由我们指定.老刘也没有露一手的机会。看来。我们要多几把尺子。”  相似文献   

教师职业倦怠的表现及干预策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师职业倦怠作为一种职业性伤害.严重影响着教师的身心健康及其专业成长.并日益受到人们的关注.文章探讨和分析了教师职业倦怠的内涵、表现及产生的根源.提出缓解教师职业倦怠的对策十分必要.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships among demographics, parent and peer attachment, school satisfaction, and student engagement behavior in a 1‐year longitudinal study of secondary‐school students. Statistically significant cross‐sectional differences in school satisfaction were observed, based on grade, but not on race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Level of school satisfaction did not moderate the relationships between parent and peer satisfaction and negative student engagement behaviors at Time 2 (controlling for Time 1). School satisfaction did account for significant incremental variance across all levels of parent and peer attachment relationships, although predicting a larger proportion of variance for withdrawal behavior than for resistance/aggression behavior. Adolescents' appraisals of their school satisfaction appear to be an independent predictor of their school engagement behaviors, regardless of the quality of their parent or peer attachment relationships. Limitations of the study as well as implications for future research and educational practice are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

马克思主义唯物论认为,人类的诞生之谜是自然与人双重化的结果,自然提供了发生学前提(本源性),人类的自为、能动性是自我提升的决定性因素(超越性).在实践的中介下,人类才获得自然与社会的双重属性,既是自然存在物又是社会存在物.在这个意义上说,实践是人的存在方式.  相似文献   

This research examines relations between measures of child-mother and child-teacher relationships and the extent to which these measures predict early school outcomes. Observations of shared affect and control problems in mother-child interaction in preschool were low-to-moderately correlated with concurrent pre-school teacher-reported aspects of child-teacher security, conflict, and dependency. Overall quality of child-mother interaction predicted teacher-reported social adjustment in kindergarten, and quality of both child-mother and child-teacher interaction predicted children's performance on a measure of concept development in preschool. Results suggest that qualities of child-mother interaction are more strongly related to preschool and kindergarten adjustment outcomes than are qualities of the child-teacher relationship. The results point to the strength of adult-child interactions in the context of the family when understanding the role of relationships with children and teachers in the school context.  相似文献   

This study examined associations among family type (same-sex vs. opposite-sex parents); family and relationship variables; and the psychosocial adjustment, school outcomes, and romantic attractions and behaviors of adolescents. Participants included 44 12- to 18-year-old adolescents parented by same-sex couples and 44 same-aged adolescents parented by opposite-sex couples, matched on demographic characteristics and drawn from a national sample. Normative analyses indicated that, on measures of psychosocial adjustment and school outcomes, adolescents were functioning well, and their adjustment was not generally associated with family type. Assessments of romantic relationships and sexual behavior were not associated with family type. Regardless of family type, adolescents whose parents described closer relationships with them reported better school adjustment.  相似文献   

The relationships between first name desirability and school readiness, IQ, and school achievement were explored using 1,727 elementary school children. Ratings of the desirability of first names were completed by 2,212 boys and girls in elementary and secondary schools. School readiness, IQ, and achievement variables showed small, but significant, correlations with first name desirability for girls; boys also showed a first name effect, but the magnitude was less. Most correlations remained significant even when the effects of parental education and ethnicity were partialled out. First name desirability was discussed as a specific case of stereotyping.  相似文献   

The research study presented in this article was conducted because of the surprising paucity of research findings on the effect of significant absence from primary school on peer relationships. Participants in the study were Year 6 pupils, 140 of whom had attendance records of 80% or less in both Years 2 and 6. Of the 140, 133 were matched with those with better attendance records in the same class, of the same gender and born in the same season of the year. As revealed by sociometry conducted in 89 classes, the poor attenders were found to make and to receive fewer friendship choices than those with better attendance records. The question as to whether poor attendance is a result or a cause of having fewer friends is discussed and consideration is given to intervention issues.  相似文献   

The social relationships between the persons in a school setting may be seen as a central element of school learning. Educational research has been intensively occupied with the teacher-pupil relationship, and has described the processes influencing these relationships (Hofer, 1979; Nickel, 1978) as well as their determinants (Betzen and Nipkow, 1973; Döring, 1975). On the other hand, the relationships between the pupils have been analysed less intensively and consequently, although an important function regarding socialization has been attributed to these relationships. Even though catalogs for social learning objectives exist, necessary information concerning social interaction, the determinants of such interaction and the characteristics of pupil groups can only be found in an inadequate form. Therefore, many teachers must depend on subjective theories when attempting to employ appropriate pedagogical measures concerning social contact within a group of pupils. Adequate means to diagnose aspects of the pupils' social field, to determine learning results and to give behavior-related feedback, are lacking.In the first part of our article, we intend to describe and systematize the most important components of social relationships between pupils, so that the diagnostic instruments at hand may be analyzed utilizing this grid.  相似文献   

Systemic splits between pre-compulsory and compulsory early years education impact on transitions to school through discontinuities in children’s experience. This paper presents data from a critical participatory action research project about transitions between pre-compulsory and compulsory early education schooling in Australia. The project aim was to investigate how transitions to school might be enhanced by developing deeper professional relationships and shared understandings between teachers from both sectors. Within the communicative space afforded by a professional learning community, the participants engaged in critical conversations about their understandings of transitions practices and conditions, including systemic differences. Data analysis provides a snapshot of changes in teachers’ thinking about professional relationships, continuity and factors influencing cross-sectoral professional relationships. Findings suggest that affording opportunities for teachers to re-frame cross-sectoral professional relationships has led to transformative changes to transitions practices, understandings and conditions.  相似文献   

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