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What happens when philosophical and theoretical propositions meet the harsh realities of the nation's largest school district? How does consequential validity play out in the Big Apple?  相似文献   

The Consequences of Consequential Validity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In this case study, we examine the consequential validity of using edTPA in a social justice-oriented, urban teacher preparation program. According to the developers of edTPA, a primary purpose is to support teacher candidate learning, yet our analysis suggests that edTPA does not support learning when used during student teaching. Our 16 participants, who are primarily teacher candidates of color and many first-generation college students, and who all passed edTPA, unanimously indicated that edTPA increased their mental and financial stress, which they linked to design elements including high stakes, standardization, and external scoring. Participants also critiqued the construct of teaching represented in edTPA, arguing that dispositions and a social justice orientation are missing and that edTPA is more about following procedures than supporting candidate learning. Moreover, edTPA encouraged inequitable practices, including focusing on high-achieving classes and selecting curricula based on scoring procedures instead of student need. Overall, our analysis indicates that there is not strong consequential validity evidence to support the use of edTPA as an assessment during student teaching, particularly in social justice-oriented programs, yet suggests edTPA could be a useful tool if stakes and proceduralism are reduced and scoring is conducted locally.  相似文献   

What would a test developer have to do in order to address the consequential aspects of validity? Is it, in fact, possible to meet the requirements implied from a consequential perspective on test validity?  相似文献   

Acknowledging the necessity to establish the fairness and consequential validity of teacher candidate performance assessments when they are used to make high-stakes decisions impacting entry into the profession, we investigated whether there were any adverse results from the use of the Renaissance Teacher Work Sample (TWS) assessment at two universities as a consequence of the age, gender, or race/ethnicity of teacher candidates. We also investigated education program and program entrance requirements, such as Praxis I scores, and measures of grade point average, as general predictors of TWS success. The findings indicated no disparate impact or adverse consequences based on the gender, age, or race/ethnicity of the teacher candidates. Selected variables did predict a moderate amount of the variance of the TWS total scores of both preinterns and student-teaching interns. The process used to determine the value implications of the results was also discussed.  相似文献   

The evidence gathered in the present study supports the use of the simultaneous development of test items for different languages. The simultaneous approach used in the present study involved writing an item in one language (e.g., French) and, before moving to the development of a second item, translating the item into the second language (e.g., English) and checking to see that both language versions of the item mean the same. The evidence collected through the item development stage suggested that the simultaneous test development method allowed the influence and integration of information from item writers representing different language and cultural groups to affect test development directly. Certified English/French translators and interpreters and the French Immersion students confirmed that the test items in French and English had comparable meanings. The pairs of test forms had equal standard errors of measurement. The source of differential item functioning was not attributable to the adaptation process used to produce the two language forms, but to the lack of French language proficiency as well as other unknown sources. Lastly, the simultaneous approach used in the present study was somewhat more efficient than the forward translation procedure currently in use.  相似文献   

A two-year follow-up of 52 elementary school children indicated that in fourth grade, as in second grade, language ability, as measured by the WISC-R Vocabulary subtest, was more strongly related to Achievement Test scores among high-actives than among nonhigh-actives. High-active children of low-to-average language ability had significantly lower achievement test scores than nonhigh-actives, with significant decrement in scores in Reading subtest over the two-year period. On the other hand, high-actives of high language ability had scores only slightly lower than nonhigh-actives, with differences that did not reach significance. Discussion centers on implications for further research and for educational interventions for hyperactive children.  相似文献   

谈谈点的投影   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包震 《保山师专学报》2001,20(4):38-41,45
以点的投影为基础通过对空间、平面、平面立体的投影,以及看懂直线、平面、平面立体的投影和一些作图实例说明了点投影知识的重要性。  相似文献   

文章结合现代测试理论和相关评估标准,对一份大学一年级学生使用的教师自制期末英语阅读课成就试卷进行了调查分析。通过被试学生考试分数的详细描述和对比研究,得出结论:该试卷在框架设计,组成元素,难度系数,相关系数等方面还存有缺陷。为了更加准确的反映教学实际效果并发挥语言测试的积极反拨作用,笔者提出自己的一些看法,希望教师在今后研发试卷过程中能够保证试题较高的信度和效度。  相似文献   


The purposes of this study were: (a) to check the validity of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) and the Ammons (1) Quick Test (QT) against the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC); (b) to examine the interrelationship of scores on the Gray Oral Reading Test, Spache’s Diagnostic Reading Scales, and an informal reading inventory; and (c) to examine the consistency of discrepancy scores used to classify students as non-disabled, disabled, and seriously disabled readers. It was found that both the PPVT and the QT were significantly related to the WISC, but some group comparisons and many individual scores varied greatly. The tests of reading performance were also highly vulnerable. Therefore, the discrepancy scores between potential and performance, as measured by these instruments, were not consistent. The authors submit that the whole idea of assigning students to various types of reading programs on the basis of their discrepancy scores is open to serious question.  相似文献   

综艺节目的播放载体从电视到网络的变迁,不仅仅只是"变媒介不变内容"的简单替换。互联网作为新媒介的典型代表,其自身携带的形式特征制约着受众对文本的接收方式,指引着受众使用与其对应的、特定的"注意类型"或"阅读态度",与作者一同完成从表意到解释的传播过程。网络综艺节目与电视综艺节目的根本区别在媒介本身,因此,从媒介的角度讨论网络综艺节目的定义才能更好地把握网络综艺的本质。  相似文献   

科学发展观是对马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想关于发展的思想的继承和发展,集中体现了马克思主义关于发展的世界观和方法论,是适应时代发展要求提出的科学理论,是建设中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的重大战略思想,是马克思主义中国化的最新成果.  相似文献   

沪宁考察,使我深深地认识到我校(广西南丹高中)教改步子迈得不大,素质教育推进不快,课程改革力度不足,示范校建设不力,究其原因,只缘理念根底浅。下面谈谈办学理念与校长素质的关系,作为我考察学习的体会。一、办学理念是校长素质的试金石有人说,办学理念是校长素质的试金石。它能试出校长理论的厚度、知识的深度、人文的广度、目光的锐度、思维的敏度、战略的高度。在听了江苏的几位专家的报告和参观了南京师大附中、邗江高中、锡山高中、太仓高中、扬州中学等全国名校后,我才进一步明白了此话的深刻内涵。扬州中学这所百年老校…  相似文献   

视觉是人类获取外部信息的主要媒介,视觉传达的目标不仅是完成简单的视觉信息的传递,更是要给人以情感上的感染和满足,实现视觉沟通。视觉传达设计就是要通过设计将视觉元素所包含的各种信息准确清晰地传达给受众,同时给予受众更多的审美感受。传统的观点往往将视觉传达设计等同于平面设计,但是随着社会的不断发展以及新技术的应用,视觉传达设计已经不能被局限在平面设计的范围内,同视觉媒介相关联的设计领域包括空间立体设计、动态设计都属于视觉传达设计的范畴。  相似文献   

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